Chapter Eleven

Algar drove toward the manor with thoughts of what he would do to Kamryn once he got home. All night, he hadn't been able to think of anything but returning to her. He wanted to strip her naked, piece-by-piece, and lick every inch of her soft skin.

Once he had her begging for him, he'd bury his cock so deep inside her pussy he wouldn't be able to tell where he ended and she began. His wayward thoughts had left his cock rock-hard and aching.

He'd managed to take down a couple werewolves, but even those fights hadn't cooled his libido. After each kill, his thoughts returned only to Kamryn. She'd become the center of his life.

He drove onto the street that led to the manor. His blood pumped faster and his cock throbbed. Algar had originally planned to talk to Tiw first then make love to her after the Sky Father had truly mated them, but he didn't think he could wait to have her under him.

When he was about to turn onto the manor's long drive, he hit the brakes at the sight his headlights illuminated. Algar slammed the car into park, his eyes never leaving the two people who stood just in front of it. Getting out, he barely managed to control his fury and growled at Nathan who happened to be holding Kamryn to his front with his arm around her throat.

"That's far enough, Algar," Nathan said. "You don't want to upset me, especially since I have your pretty little mate." The werewolf kept his gaze on Algar while he dragged his tongue across Kamryn's cheek. She shuddered but made no sound.

"It's me you want, Nathan. Let my mate go and we'll settle this man to man. Or werewolf to werewolf. Whichever you choose."

"I don't know. I kind of like the way your mate feels pressed against me like this.

I may want to keep her."

Algar ground his teeth and clenched his fists to stop himself from shifting into his werewolf form and going for Nathan's throat. He couldn't risk the chance of Kamryn getting hurt. He would have to try to draw Nathan out, get him to release Kamryn and fight him. Nathan may think he was the big man since he was pack leader of the werewolves, but he was still a coward.

"You know, Nathan, you put on one hell of an act, but you're nothing but a coward who likes to hide behind women. If I recall correctly, the last time I saw you, you were hiding behind Lexi, like you're now hiding behind Kamryn now. You like to talk a lot of shit. Make yourself look like the big bad pack leader of the werewolves sired by Fenris, but I think when it comes down to the bottom line, you're not man enough to pull it off."

Nathan growled. "Let me assure you I'm man enough. Maybe I should show your mate how much of a man I really am. I'm sure I can get her to spread her legs for me."

The thought of the werewolf trying to force himself on Kamryn made Algar see red. He said through clenched teeth, "Like I said, you're nothing but talk. Shall we see who the stronger werewolf is? Wouldn't you like to see if you could take down one of Tiw's warriors? Or are you too scared to face me without my mate standing between us?"

Kamryn whimpered when Nathan tightened his hold on her throat. Claws shot out the tips of his fingers, pressing into her skin.

"I'm hardly scared of the likes of you," Nathan growled.

"Then prove it. Show me what you got. Show me what makes you think you're better. I can't see how you ever became pack leader. Right now, you're acting more like a newly turned. And a weak one, at that."

That remark seemed to do the trick. Nathan shoved Kamryn away from him hard enough to send her sprawling at Algar's feet. The sound of her head hitting the pavement had him shifting to his werewolf form. He growled, leaping over Kamryn to meet Nathan who had also shifted to his werewolf form.

They came together with loud snarls, clawing at each other. Algar took a vicious swipe at his chest but didn't feel it. Keeping the bastard away from Kamryn was his main concern. While he fought, he managed a quick glance at her to see she'd pushed into a sitting position. Blood dripped down her temple where it had hit the pavement.

The sight of her hurt made his need to destroy this werewolf even greater.

Wanting to make Nathan pay, Algar drew blood with his sharp claws and teeth.

Bloody, his sides heaving, Nathan fell back. Algar stalked him. He was about to strike again, hoping to sink his teeth into Nathan's neck, when the werewolf did the unexpected. He put on a burst of speed and rammed his head into Algar's stomach. All the air left his lungs and he barely managed to stay upright. Instead of using this to his advantage, Nathan swerved around Algar and leapt to where Kamryn sat still partially stunned from her fall.

As Algar watched, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Nathan raked his claws across Kamryn's throat in a deadly arc, not stopping his forward run. Lost in battle lust, Algar made to give chase, but Kamryn weakly calling his name had him turning back.

At the sight of her blood slowly pumping out of the deep gashes in her throat, Algar quickly gathered her in his arms, not even taking the time to shift to his human form. He put his furred hand over Kamryn's wounds and applied some pressure.

"Hang on, Kamryn," he said in his gruff werewolf voice. "I'm not going to lose you." She opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no sound came out.

"Call to Tiw," said Raed, who had come up behind him. "Now, Algar. Only Tiw can save her."

Algar barely registered the fact that the other warriors had arrived and came to stand around him and Kamryn. "Tiw, I have need of you. My mate needs your gift of immortality. Please don't let her die."

Tiw's deep voice filled his head. You're mate shall live, Algar. I'll do as you asked. I know it's what the both of you want.

By the shocked look in Kamryn's eyes, Algar could tell she heard Tiw's voice the same as he and the other warriors did.

Kamryn suddenly stiffened in his arms. Her eyes widened for a few seconds then she smiled. Algar pulled his hand away from her throat and breathed a sigh of relief when the wounds began to close and heal. Even the cut on her temple disappeared as if it had never been. Algar yanked her close, needing to feel her heart beating against his.

Tiw chuckled. You may want to hold your mate a little gentler. She may not appreciate you trying to smother her while you're in your werewolf form.

Algar quickly relaxed his hold and held her away from him. "Sorry, Kamryn. I'll shift. You've had enough scares for one night."

She reached up and gently stroked his muzzle. "After tonight, you'll never scare me when you're like this." She shivered and burrowed closer to him. "You're fur is keeping me warm."

Take care of your mate, Algar.

Tiw's presence started to fade, but Kamryn quickly said, "Wait, Tiw. Before you go, I have one question."

I know what it is you will ask, Kamryn, Tiw said with a chuckle. No, you aren't pregnant. You'll have the time you want alone with Algar. When you're ready, it'll happen.

Then Tiw was gone. Algar stroked Kamryn's back. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing," she said against his furred chest. "Take me inside, Algar. It's cold out here."

Standing with her cradled in his arms, one-by-one, he met the gazes of each of the men around him. "That was enough excitement for one night. Can one of you park my car in the garage?"

"I'll take care of it," Raed said with a smile. "Go take care of your mate."

With a nod of his lupine head, Algar rushed to the manor's front door and went inside. He took the stairs two at a time. When he and Kamryn were safely enclosed in their room, he shifted to human form. He set her down on her feet and stripped off her bloody nightgown. Picking her up in his arms once again, he carried her to the bathroom.

As soon as he had them under the warm spray of the shower, he heatedly claimed her mouth. Kamryn clung to him, kissing him back with equal adoration.

Pushing her against the tiled wall, he reached between her legs and found her pussy already wet for him.

Holding her with her legs around his waist, he sank his cock inside her.

Desperate for her in the aftermath of almost losing her, he took her hard and fast.

Kamryn's soft mews of pleasure let him know she wanted him just as badly.

When her pussy started to clench around his shaft, milking him to his orgasm, he threw back his head and howled.

Kamryn laughed. "I think everyone heard that."

He kissed her forehead. "I don't care. They're going to hear a lot more of that before dawn comes."

She reached up and framed his face in her hands. "I guess we're technically on our honeymoon."

"I guess we are. You're mine now."

Kamryn nipped his chin. "Forever claimed by a werewolf. I’m ready to have my forever with you."

Algar kissed her with all the love he had for her. He then proceeded to show her how many times she could make her werewolf howl with pleasure.

~The End~
