
Abbo of Fleury, 280n11

Abduction, 480, 483, 485, 487

Abelard, Peter, 12, 81, 126, 127, 136n19, 198–200, 205, 231, 232, 233, 361–364, 366n7, 371; authentication and, 231, 233; on denotation, 361–364; on Porphyry, 12–13; Stoic influence and, 197–200; terminology of, 549–550

Abelson, Robert P., 57

Abulafia, Abraham, 301–302, 303–306, 307, 308, 399

Academicians, 175, 176, 179, 182

Accidents, 6, 6n3, 7, 12, 18

Acerba’L (Ascoli), 30

Achilleid (Statius), 230

Achilles and the tortoise, paradox of, 526

Adelard of Bath, 246

Adler, Mortimer, 311

Adso of Montier-en-Der, 283

Advancement of Learning (Francis Bacon), 37, 172n2

Adversus Jovinianum (Saint Jerome), 186

Aelian, Claudius, 24, 180–181, 181n9, 182

Aeneid (Virgil), 138, 571

Aeschylus, 103

Aesop, 138, 139

Aesthetic (Croce), 339, 531–547

Aesthetics, 309–313, 322, 323, 338; aesthetic relativism and, 376; creative intuition and, 326; of Croce, 533; historiography and, 339; intellectual intuition and, 345–352; linguistics and, 532, 540; Romantic, 335–336; Thomistic, 341, 510. See also Art

Affordance, 581

Agent intellect, 327–331, 333

Agriculture, 31, 32

Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, 75, 409n15, 417–419

Aistheta symbola (perceptible symbols), 152

Alan of Lille, 111, 130, 159–160, 244, 245n14

Albertus Magnus, 97, 111–112, 166, 199n25, 238; aesthetics of, 342, 348; Platonism and, 316, 511

Alciati, Andrea 193

Alcuin, 120, 209n37

Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 27, 28

Alemanno, Yohanan, 302, 303n12, 408

Alexander of Hales, 138, 168, 348

Alexander Romance (attrib. Callisthenes), 24, 30, 135

Alexandria, library of, 24

Al-Farabi, 107, 111, 112, 114

Algazel, 401

Alighieri, Dante, 50, 106, 122, 125, 132, 135, 137, 144–150, 190, 221n49, 230n7, 251, 252, 286–308, 342, 424, 537, 540, 541, 544, 547n4

Allegories, 27, 118, 344; Apocalypse of Saint John as, 250–251; Dante on, 145–149; metaphors and symbolism in relation to, 129–140; metaphors distinguished from, 155; Thomas Aquinas on metaphor and allegory, 140–144; visualization of Scripture and, 272

Allégret, 122

Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 34–36, 72

Ambiguity, 19

Ammonius, 96, 204n29, 209, 210n38, 212, 213

Anagrams, 386–396, 398, 410, 419

Analogia entis (analogy of being), 95, 159–169

Analogy, 126, 159, 163, 167, 168; of proportion, 162; sign-image and, 322

Analytic philosophy, 18

Analytics (Aristotle), 185

Anatomy, 27, 58

Anceschi, Luciano, 544

Angelini, Cesare, 252, 265

Animals, 24, 27, 39, 57, 164; Aristotle on, 6, 16, 23, 65–66, 549; barking dog as intentional agent, 199–200; communication with other animals, 220; divine names and, 153, 156; in fables, 137, 139, 173; grammarians and animal voices, 213–214; inarticulate sounds of, 216; legendary, 47; man as rational animal, 202; in medieval bestiaries, 30, 31; medieval views of ancient sources on, 185–194; names of, 289; Pliny on, 25, 183–185; Porphyrian tree and, 7, 10–11; soul, rights, and language of, 173–185; sounds made by, 204, 209; Wilkins on species, 44–46

Annales Ecclesiastici (Baronio), 281n11

Annales Hirsaugiensis (Trithemius), 281n11

Anonymous Spaniard (Pedro Bermudo), 434, 435

Anselm of Canterbury, Saint, 89, 358, 361, 378m15

Anthropomorphization, 154, 168, 173

Antichrist, 276, 281–284

Anticlaudianus (Alan of Lille), 111

Antigonus of Carystus, 24

“Anti-porfirio, L’ ” [“The Anti-Porphyry”] (Eco), 564–565

Antonomasia, 82n50, 504, 532

Antonymy, 19

Apel, Karl-Otto, 486n14

Apocalipsin libri duodecim (Beatus), 252

Apocalypse (Revelation of Saint John the Divine), 250–252, 256–257; millennium prophecy in, 275–285; theological image of Jerusalem in, 273–274, 276; visualization of Scripture and, 264–265

Apocryphal writings, 225, 238, 239

Apologia (Pico della Mirandola), 409, 410, 415

Apologie pour tous les grands hommes qui ont été accusés de magie (Naudé), 385

“Apology for Raymond Sebond” (Montaigne), 189n17

Appellatio, theory of, 361, 368

Apperception, 471

Apresjan, Jurij D., 553

Arabic language, 22, 96–98, 107, 108, 234, 454

Arbor Porphyriana (Porphyrian tree), 4–18, 26, 45, 169, 170, 193n20; Croce’s critique of, 532; Great Chain of Being and, 87; Llull’s scientific trees and, 33, 406; matrix compared with, 211; ontologies and, 60; open-ended conception of knowledge and, 55; purpose of, 35; schematism and, 481; semantics and, 550

Arbor scientiae [Tree of Science] (Llull), 33, 404–408

Archaeology, 85

Architecture, 25, 46, 58

Archytas, 109–110

Ariadne, thread of, 52

Ariosto, Ludovico, 539

Aristophanes, 209

Aristotelianism, 18, 296, 344

Aristotle, 1, 21n14, 88, 110, 154, 461; on accidents, 13; analogia entis and, 160; on animal language, 181; Arbor Porphyriana and, 4–5; concept of tragedy, 106; definition of animals, 549; on difference, 12; on genera, 10–11; on imitation of action, 490; on infinity, 526; on language, 174; Latin Aristotle, 96–97; Llull’s Ars and, 387–388; on metaphor, 62–67, 95, 115, 116–117, 169; on mnemotechnics, 78; on poet-theologians, 320; on semiotic triangle, 357–358; Tesauro and, 41, 42; works as encyclopedia, 23

Aristoteles Latinus (Latin Aristotle), 96, 202

Arithmetic, 31, 34

Arithmeticus nomenclator (Anonymous Spaniard), 434

Arithmologia (Kircher), 386

Ars excerpendi, 83–87

Ars Magna (Llull), 41, 386–397, 399, 413–414, 422

Ars magna sciendi (Kircher), 393–394

Ars Meliduna, 367

Ars oblivionalis, 78

Ars Poetica (Horace), 315

Ars signorum (Dalgarno), 42, 427

Ars versificatoria (Matthew of Vendôme), 106

Art, 146, 315, 543; authentication and, 229, 237; iconography of Christian art, 253; as instrument of philosophy, 319; as intellectual creation, 324; intuition-expression and, 534, 535; as language, 316; modern art, 309; Mozarabic, 255; Oriental, 324; of performance, 105; poetry’s status as, 140; Scholastic theory of, 318; work of art as unicum, 227n5, 236. See also Aesthetics

Art as Experience (Dewey), 545

Art et scolastique [Art and Scholasticism] (Maritain), 309, 311–313, 315, 317–319

Articulation, 207–214

Artificial intelligence, 4, 60

Asclepius, Hermetic, 230–231

Ascoli, Cecco d,’ 30

Assunto, Rosario, 334n23, 341

Astrology, 22, 25, 308, 386

Astronomy, 22, 23, 25, 31, 33; Llull’s trees and, 404; mnemotechnics and, 81

Attribution, 164, 166

Auctoritates (authoritative opinions), 243

Auerbach, Erich, 129n12, 132

Augustine, 1, 28–29, 111, 118, 135, 165, 342; on abstinence from meat, 186; on allegory, 134, 146, 155; authentication and, 231; authorized reading of Scripture and, 256; Bacon (Roger) and, 369; Bacon’s classification of signs and, 216, 217; Beatus and, 254; Manzoni and, 490; on millennium, 277, 280; on natural signs, 195, 217; on obscure and ambiguous signs, 133; on signs, 359–360, 364; Stoic influence and, 195–197

Augustine of Dacia, 132

Authentication: difficulties of authentication procedures, 229–235; at level of content, 232–234; at level of material support of text, 229–230; at level of textual manifestation, 230–232; with reference to known fact, 234–235

Authenticity, 237, 249

Auto-da-fé (Die Blendung, Canetti), 82n49

Autonomous invention, thesis of, 452, 453–454, 455

Averroes, 97–105, 114, 115, 395

Averroes in Rhetoricam (Hermann the German), 107–108

“Averroës’ Search” (Borges), 99

Avianus, 138

Avicenna, 107, 111, 114n21, 215n43, 305

Aznar, Camón, 255, 279

Bacon, Francis, 28, 36, 37, 38, 41, 47, 171–172, 425

Bacon, Roger, 112–115, 125, 215, 216–222, 247–248, 296n5, 359; on denotation, 369–374; epistemology and semantics of, 383; semiotic triangle and, 376

Balme, David M., 16

Baronio, Cesare, 281n11

Baroque period, 27, 35n23, 36, 192, 404

Barsalou, Lawrence, 60

Barthes, Roland, 354

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 32, 135

Bartholomew of Bruges, 104

Basil of Caesarea, Saint, 182, 186

Baudelaire, Charles, 317, 323, 335

Bäumker, Clemens, 394

Beati, illustrated miniatures in, 252, 253, 265–268; 265–266, 266–268

Beatus of Liébana, 252–260; millennium and, 278–285; theological image of Jerusalem, 273–275; visualization of Scripture and, 260, 261, 264, 265, 269

“Beauté, propriété transcendentale chez les Néoscolastiques (1220–1270), La” (Pouillon), 340

Becher, Joachim, 430

Beck, Cave, 1, 42

Bede, Venerable, 120, 133, 232, 253, 255–258

Belot, Jean, 385

Beonio-Brocchieri Fumagalli, Maria, 21n13, 246, 353, 362

Bergson, Henri-Louis, 310, 312, 315

Berkeley, George, 458

Bermudo, Pedro (Anonymous Spaniard), 39, 434, 435

Bernard of Chartres, 123, 138, 244

Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, 132, 244

Bernardus Sylvestris, 138

Bernart de Venzac, 122

Bertini, Ferruccio, 125

Bestiaries, medieval, 2, 29–30, 136, 143, 222; Chrysippus’s dog in, 186; symbols in, 322

Bible. See Scripture (Bible)

Bierwisch, Manfred, 553

Binkley, Peter, 21n13, 31

Biolez, Jean, 310n2

Biondo, Michelangelo, 222n51

Bioy-Casares, Adolfo, 91

Black, Max, 64

Boas, George, 175

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 147

Boehner, Philothetus, 374, 375, 377

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus 5, 6, 12, 96, 104, 126, 160, 207, 296, 401; on accidents, 12; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 338, 342, 343; on denotation, 358, 359–361, 378; Llull and, 401; on music, 169; on predications, 159; reading of Aristotle’s De interpretatione, 200–206, 208, 217n45, 247, 373; translation of Porphyry, 162

Boethius of Dacia, 296

Bogges, W. E. F., 107, 115n23

Boke Named The Governor, The (Elyot), 22

Bonaventure, Saint, 168, 251, 342

Bonfantini, Massimo, 485n12, 486

Book of Kells, 343n

Bord, Janet, 52

Borges, Jorge Luis, 75, 83–84, 91, 92, 99–100, 437–439, 536

Bori, Pier Cesare, 132n15

Borrowing: evident and multiple, 453, 454; obscure, 452, 453

Bosanquet, Bernard, 339

Botany, 24, 25, 46, 58, 434

Boullier, David Renaud, 182

Boundaries, demarcation of, 516–521

Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert), 255

Brahe, Tycho, 487

Bréal, Michel, 548–549, 550, 558

Breviario d’estetica (Croce), 542

Brugnoli, Giorgio, 145n29, 146

Bruno, Giordano, 55, 84–85, 403, 419–420

Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de, 27, 183

Burgonovus, 385

Buridan, Jean, 113, 115, 343

Busi, Giulio, 308

Buti, Francesco da, 147

Butterworth, Charles E., 97n6, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104

Buyssens, Eric, 553

Cabbalism. See Kabbalism

Calboli Montefusco, Lucia, 62n34

Calboli, Gualtiero, 62n34

Cabrol, Fernand, 343n

Cajetanus, 160, 162

Calcidius, 286

Calimani, Riccardo, 307

Callahan, Leonard, 311

Callimachus, 24

Callisthenes, 24

Camillo, Giulio, 35, 75

Campanile, Achille, 556

Canaletto (Giovanni Canal), 537

Canetti, Elias, 82n49

Cannocchiale aristotelico [“Aristotelian Telescope”] (Tesauro), 37–42, 127, 164

Carnap, Rudolf, 354, 550

Caro, Annibal, 571

Carolingian Palatine school, 32

Carrefours (crossroads), 69

Carreras y Artau, Joaquím, 406, 418

Carreras y Artau, Tomás, 406, 418

Cartesianism, 312

Casaubon, Isaac, 230, 235, 248

Cases, Cesare, 565

Cassirer, Ernst, 468n8, 474

Catedral de Urgell, Beatus of, 252

Categories (Aristotle), 4, 5, 96, 126, 161, 169

Cato of Utica, 148

Causality, 165, 459, 464, 465

Cecco d’Ascoli, 30

Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Recognitions, 438

Celestial Hierarchy, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152–153, 156

Ceñal, Ramon, 40

Cevolini, Alberto, 83, 87, 87n53

Characteristica universalis, 46

Character pro notitia linguarum universalis (Becher), 430

Charity, principle of, 73, 272, 552, 555, 557

Charlemagne, 278

Chartres, school of, 342, 403

Chenu, M.-D., 244

Cherchi, Paolo, 21n13

Childers, Peter G., 57

Chinese ideograms and language, 425, 440

Chomsky, Noam, 297, 424

Christianity, 112, 230, 396, 425

Christie, Agatha, 91

Chrysippus, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 583

Churchill, Winston, 234–235

Cicero, 22, 74, 81, 83, 116, 119, 445

Clavius, Christopher, 420, 422

Clement of Alexandria, 129n12, 131

Cocteau, Jacques, 311

Cognitions, 513–514, 515, 522, 523, 524

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 336–337

Collison, R., 21n13

Columella, 185n12

Comenius, 422

Commedia (Dante), 105, 299, 307

Commentarius (Beatus), 261

Commentarius in Canticum canticorum (William of Saint-Thierry), 105

Common Writing, A (Lodwick), 42, 427

Communia Matematica (Roger Bacon), 112

“Communication and Convention” (Davidson), 555

Compagnon, Antoine, 243

Comparetti, Domenico, 138

Compendium artis demonstrativae (Llull), 400

Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon), 369

Complementarity, 19, 69

Componential theory, 553

Computer science, 3, 473

Conclusiones cabalisticae (Pico della Mirandola) 411–412

Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 183

Confessions (Augustine), 258

Connotation, 353, 379, 380–381, 382

Conrad of Hirsau, 137

Consilium de Encyclopedia (Leibniz), 46

Constitutum Constantini (Donation of Constantine), 228

Contra Gentiles (Thomas Aquinas), 17, 115

Contrariety, 19

Convivio (Dante), 145, 146, 148–149, 190

Copernican revolution, 55, 486

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 62

Coq et l’arlequin, Le (Cocteau), 312

Cordovero, Moses, 398

Corpus Dionysiacum, 230, 235, 239, 240

Corpus Hermeticum, 230, 240, 248

Corpus Hippocraticum, 194

Corti, Maria, 295, 296, 306

Corvino, Francesco, 378n16

Coseriu, Eugenio, 553

Cosmography, 34

Coumet, Ernest, 421

Counter-Reformation, 160, 321, 332

“Coup d’oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique” (Jakobson), 1

Courtés, Joseph, 551

Coussemaker, Edmond de, 242n31

Cratylus (Plato), 1, 212–213, 289, 440

Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (Maritain), 319, 323–328, 336, 337

Critique of Judgment [third Critique] (Kant), 457, 461, 479, 481, 483, 485

Critique of Pure Reason [first Critique] (Kant), 457, 460, 462, 463, 466; on perceptual judgment, 469; schematism and, 471, 478; on time and memory, 474

Croce, Benedetto, 318, 339, 531–547

Cryptometrices et Cryptographiae (Selenus), 417

Curtius, Ernst Robert, 148, 320, 339n25

Cyrano de Bergerac, Hercule-Savinien de, 427

Dahan, Gilbert, 104, 111

D’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond, 28, 47, 49, 52, 437

Dalgarno, George, 42, 425, 427, 432, 435, 463

Dante Alighieri, 42, 105, 122, 132, 135, 164, 537; Croce’s aesthetics and, 540, 541, 547n4; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 343; Hebrew as protolanguage and, 298–308; Maximal Encyclopedia and, 50–51; on metaphors, 125, 144–150; poetic allegorism in, 137; relation of language to experience and, 425; on souls of animals, 190–191; on speech acts in Genesis, 286–298; vernacular language and, 291–293, 294

Da Verona, Guido, 546

Davidson, Donald, 552, 555–557

De abstinentia [On Abstinence from Killing Animals] (Porphyry), 176, 178, 181, 186, 189

De anima (Aristotle), 96, 173, 174, 182

De anima (Avicenna), 125n43

De animalibus [On Animals] (Philo of Alexandria), 177–178

De Antechristo (Hippolytus), 282

De artibus liberalibus (Grosseteste), 111

De auditu kabbalistico (Llull), 414, 415

De Bestiis (attrib. Hugh of Fouilloy), 186, 192

Debenedetti Stow, Sandra 308

De Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, Vicomte de, 441

De brutorum loqui (Fabrici d’Acquapendente), 221n50

De Bruyne, Edgar, 139, 238, 311, 315; historiographical lesson of, 338–345; intellectual intuition and, 345–352

Decadent movement, 312, 339

De causis (attrib. Aristotle), 240

De Chirico, Giorgio, 236

De civitate Dei (Augustine), 231, 277, 280

De claustro animae (Hugh of Fouilloy), 272

De coelo (Aristotle), 21n14, 96

De consolatione (Boethius), 104

Deconstructionists, 516, 570, 571

De corpore [Computatio sive logica] (Hobbes), 380–382

De dialectica (Augustine), 195

De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum (Bacon), 171–172

De disciplinis (Vives), 23

De divinis nominibus (Pseudo-Dionysius), 238

De divisione (Boethius), 12

De divisione naturae (Eriugena), 403

De divisione scientiae (John of Dacia), 111

De doctrina christiana (Augustine), 28–29, 195–197, 218n46, 233, 490

Dee, John, 385

Deely, John, 172n, 321n12, 348n34

De ente et essentia (Thomas Aquinas), 16–17

De fide catholica (Alan de Lille), 244

De generatione et corruptione (Aristotle), 96

De Gérando, Joseph-Marie, 436

De Ghellinck, J., 243n12

Degrés du savoir, Les [The Degrees of Knowledge] (Maritain), 317

De imagine mundi (Honorius of Autun), 135

De interpretatione (Aristotle), 96, 173, 200–206, 208, 357, 373; on symbola and semeia, 217; Thomist reading of, 125, 207, 364

“De la connaissance poétique” (Maritain), 319

De la grammatologie [Of Grammatology] (Derrida), 554–555

De lampade combinatoria Lulliana (Bruno), 420

De Leo, Pietro, 228

De l’esprit des choses (Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de), 441

Deleuze, Gilles, 475

Della Volpe, Galvano 545

Del Rio, Martino, 385

De Lubac, Henri, 341

De magistro (Augustine), 195

Demaria, Cristina, 86n51, 89n54

De Mauro, Tullio, 457–458

De memoria (Aristotle), 182

Demetrius Phalereus, 119n4, 129n12

De mirabilibus auscultationibus, 24, 26–27

De modis significandi (Boethius of Dacia), 296

De motu animalum (Aristotle), 97

De Munnynk, Maurice, 313n5

De natura animalium [On the Nature of Animals] (Aelian), 24, 180–181

De naturis rerum (Neckham), 135

Denis the Carthusian, 343

Dennett, Daniel, 512

Denotation, 353–355, 383–384; Abelard and, 361–364; Anselm of Canterbury and, 361; Aristotle and medieval thinkers on, 357–361; Bacon (Roger) and, 369–373; Duns Scotus and the Modistae on, 373–374; Ockham and, 374–383; Peirce and, 355–357; suppositio and, 366–369; Thomas Aquinas and, 364–366

De occulta philosophia (Agrippa), 419

De oratore (Cicero), 74

De ornamentis verborum (Marbode of Rennes), 124

De ortu et tempore Antichristi (Adso of Montier-en-Der), 283

De proprietatibus rerum (Bartholomaeus Anglicus), 135

De pulchro et bono (Albertus Magnus, attrib. Thomas Aquinas), 238n10, 316, 511

De regimine principium (Giles of Rome), 307

De rerum natura (Lucretius), 23

De rerum naturis (Rabanus Maurus), 31–32, 135

De Rijk, Lambert, 366–368

Derisi, Octavio Nicolàs, 311n2

Derrida, Jacques, 554–555, 570

Descartes, René, 182, 245, 345, 435, 436

De schematibus et tropis (Bede), 120, 133

De scientiis (al-Farabi), 111, 112

De signis (Roger Bacon), 216, 219, 369, 370–372

De situ orbis (Mela), 24

De sollertia animalium [On the Intelligence of Animals] (Plutarch), 178

Des signes (De Gérando, Joseph-Marie), 436–437

De Trinitate (Augustine), 400–401

Deuterocanonical writings, 225

De vanitate scientarum (Agrippa), 75

De vetula (attrib. Ovid), 239

De vulgari eloquentia [DVE] (Dante), 286–298, 307, 424

Dewey, John, 487, 545

De Wulf, Maurice, 352

Dialectica (Abelard), 198, 362, 363

Dialecticae institutiones (Ramée), 34

Dialectica Monacensis, 127

Dialectics, 31

Dialectique (Ramée), 34

Dialogus super auctores (Conrad of Hirsau), 137

Dictionaries, 3–4, 42, 555; Arbor Porphyriana as first idea of dictionary, 4–18; in modern semantics, 18–21

Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 175

Dictionnaire de l’Archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie (Leclerc), 343n

Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences du langage (Greimas and Courtés), 551, 553

Didascalia in Rhetoricam Aristotelis ex glosa Alpharabi, 107

Didascalicon (Hugh of Saint Victor), 137

Diderot, Denis, 28

Difference, 6, 7–9, 9, 13, 19

Diogenes Laertius, 24

Dionysius the Areopagite, 233

Discours de la connoissance des bestes (Pardies), 182

“Discours sur la nature des animaux” (Buffon), 183

Dissertatio de arte combinatoria (Leibniz), 40n26, 46, 400, 422

Divination manuals, 1–2

Divine Comedy (Dante), 147

Divine names, theory of, 150–151

Divine Names, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152, 157–158, 400, 404

“Dr. Brodie’s Report” (Borges), 438

Documentum de arte dictandi et versificandi (Geoffrey of Vinsauf), 124–125

Donatist heresy, 277

Donatus, 116, 117–120, 138

Dorando, Guglielmo, 1–2

Dorfles, Gillo, 544

Doubles, 225–226

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 313n5

Dragonetti, Roger, 292

Dreams, 27, 177, 261, 566, 579, 580

Dronke, Peter, 125, 136n19

Duby, Georges, 568

Ducrot, Oswald, 557

Dumas, Alexandre, 546

Dummett, Michael, 354

Duns Scotus, John, 240, 331, 338, 342, 352; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 343; on denotation, 373–374

Durando, Guglielmo, 2

“Du rôle de l’intellect dans l’activité esthétique” (De Bruyne), 346

Dynamic Object, 565, 567

Dyroff, Adolf, 311

Eckhart, Johannes (Meister), 335

Eclogue (Virgil), 171

Editio super Porphyrium (Abelard), 12–13

Egidius Romanus (Giles of Rome), 104, 204n29

Ekphrasis, 263, 268

Eleazar of Worms, 399

Elementatio theologica (Proclus), 234

Elipandus, archbishop of Toledo, 278

Elyot, Sir Thomas, 22

Empedocles, 181

Empiricism, British, 459, 460, 464, 468

Encyclopaedia septem tomis distincta (Alsted), 34

Encyclopediae seu orbis disciplinarum (Scalichius de Lika), 23

Encyclopedias, 3–4, 9, 18, 21–23, 28, 70–94; allegorism and, 136, 143; for children, 32n21; Chinese, 438; formats of, 70–94; Individual Encyclopedia, 72; Kabbalism and, 417; medieval, 28–33, 87; new encyclopedic models, 55–60; open-ended, 47, 55; Pliny and model of ancient encyclopedia, 23–28, 87, 183; polydimensional, 47, 437; Renaissance and Baroque, 33–37; semantics and, 550, 551–554, 565, 566; Specialized Encyclopedia, 58, 72, 85, 88, 89. See also Maximal Encyclopedia; Median Encyclopedia

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics (Sebeok, ed.), 552

Encyclopédie (Diderot and D’Alembert), 28, 47–49, 437

English language, 232

Enigma, 118, 119n2

Enthymemes, 63–64, 128n11

Epicurean hypothesis, 424, 440, 441

Epicurus, 175

Epigraphs, 229

Epistemology, 320, 580; correspondentist, 560; Thomistic, 314, 330, 347, 352

Epistolae (Virgil of Toulouse), 342n32

Epistola XIII (Dante), 144–146, 149, 307

Epitomae (Virgil of Bigorre), 122

Epitomae (Virgil of Toulouse), 342n32

Equivalence, relationship of, 195

Equivocity, 161, 162

Eriugena, John Scotus, 136, 230, 344, 403–404

Escorial monastery, Beatus of, 252

Esposito, Elena, 71n38, 88

Esquisse d’une philosophie de l’art (De Bruyne), 346

Essai de sémantique (Bréal), 548

Essai sur l’indifférence en matière de religion (Lamennais), 441

Essay towards a Real Character (Wilkins), 42–46, 427

Estats et les empires de la lune, Les (Cyrano de Bergerac), 427

Estats et les empires du soleil, Les (Cyrano de Bergerac), 427

Esthétique du Moyen Age, L’ (De Bruyne), 344

Ethics, 34, 47, 111

Études d’esthétique médiévale (De Bruyne), 338, 340, 341, 342–345, 348

Etymologies, 27, 232, 426, 447–448, 454

Etymologies (Isidore of Seville), 30, 111, 119, 135, 300–301

Euclid, 401

European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (Curtius), 339n25

Eustathius, 445

Evans, R. J. W., 309n1, 385

Explanatio Apocalypsis (Bede), 256

Expositio super Poetriam (Bartholomew of Bruges), 104

Ezekiel (biblical prophet), 262, 263–265, 270–272

Fables, 27, 137, 138, 139

Fabbrichesi Leo, Rossella, 511

Fabrici d’Acquapendente, Girolamo, 221n50

Facsimiles, 227

Facundo, Beatus of, 252

False identification, 227, 228, 229, 235–240

Faral, Edmond, 106, 123, 123n9, 124, 125, 125n10, 342n31

Al-Farabi, Muhammad, 107, 111, 112, 114

Fathers of the Church, 93, 132, 243, 258–259, 272

Feature semantics, 18

Felix, bishop of Urgel, 278

Ferdinand and Sancha of Madrid, Beatus of, 265–266, 266

Fichant, Michel, 420

Ficino, Marsilio, 186, 235

Fillmore, Charles J., 56

Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 67, 70, 439, 569

First Cause, knowledge of, 159

Flaubert, Gustave, 255

Flavius Mithridates, 408, 414

Flores Rhetorici (Master of Tours), 127

Florilegia, 243

Flowcharts, 53, 473, 474, 475, 528

Focillon, Henri, 280n11, 338

Fodor, Jerrold, 18n12

Foigny, Gabriel de, 427, 430, 432, 433–435, 437

Forest (sylva), metaphor of, 36

Forgeries, in Middle Ages, 223–225, 248–249; appropriation from unjust possessors, 246–248; categories of false identification, 235–240; difficulties of authentication procedures, 228–235; historical truth and, 241–244; influence of tradition and, 244–246; meaning of knowledge and, 240–241; semiotics of, 225–228

Forgetfulness, 82, 83–84, 85, 89–93

Formaggio, Dino, 545

Foucault, Michel, 27–28

Fowler, Robert, 21n13

Francesca da Rimini, 164

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 189

Fredborg, K. M., 214n42, 216n44, 369

Frege, Gottlob, 354

French language, 424

French, Peter J., 385

From the Logical Point of View (Quine), 558

Frontières de la poésie, Les (Maritain), 317–319

Frugoni, Arsenio, 146

Fumagalli, Armando, 511, 513

Futurists, 582

Galen, 303n12

Galileo Galilei, 38, 62, 259, 489, 552

Galla, Giorgio, 97n4

Gargani, Aldo G., 379, 566

Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais), 22–23

Garin, Eugenio, 409, 414, 545

Garland the Compotist, 206

Garroni, Emilio, 457

Garzoni, Tommaso 415

Gelasius I, Pope, 86

Gellius, Aulus, 24

Gematria, 398

Genette, Gérard, 440

Genot-Bismuth, Jacqueline, 306–307

Gensini, Stefano, 47

Gentile, Giovanni, 545

Genus/genera, 6, 42, 81, 103; difference and, 8, 11–12; existence of, 5; genus generalissimum, 7; language and, 446; limits of nature and, 582; metaphor and, 116–117; Porphyrian tree and, 406; as predicate of own species, 7; schematism and, 480

Geodetics, 46

Geoffrey of Vinsauf, 123–126, 169

Geography, 25, 34

Geomancy, 308

Geometry, 31, 34, 386, 404, 472, 473

Gérando, Joseph-Marie de, 436–437

Gerard of Cremona, 96n3

Gerbert d’Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II), 230

Geschiedenis van de aesthetica (De Bruyne), 343

Gesualdo, Filippo, 75–77, 92, 93

Geyer, Bernhard, 127, 199n24, 362, 364

Gibson, James J., 581

Gil, Ferdinando, 16

Gilbert of Poitiers, 159

Gilbert, Katherine, 341

Giles of Rome (Egidius Romanus), 104, 109, 115, 307

Gilson, Etienne, 230, 232n8

Glaber, Rodulfus, 284–285

Glunz, Hans H., 340, 343

Gnoseology, 524, 560

Gnosticism, 88, 131

Godwin, Francis, 427

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 155

Gombrich, Ernst, 520–521

Goodman, Nelson, 227n5

Gorni, Guglielmo, 308

Gouguenheim, Sylvain, 280n11

Gould, Stephen Jay, 481–482

Grabmann, Martin, 243

Grammar and grammarians, 31, 46, 213, 214n42, 291; denotation and, 359; Modistae grammarians, 232, 296; of original Hebrew, 444; paronymity and, 361; transcendental grammar, 424

Grammatica Speculativa (Thomas of Erfurt), 240

Grande Antologia Filosofica, 340

Grazia, Roberto, 486

Great Chain of Being, 6, 33, 37, 87, 136, 170; constraints imposed by metaphysics of, 420; Llull’s trees and, 400–408

Greek language, ancient, 22, 23, 96, 97, 231, 235, 454; formation of compound words in, 446; grammar of, 296

Gregory, Tullio, 245n

Gregory of Nyssa, 187n15

Gregory of Rimini, 186

Greimas, Algirdas Julien, 551, 552, 553, 554

Grosseteste, Robert, 96n3, 97, 111, 342

Gruber, Tom R., 60

Grünbaum, Adolf, 527

Guattari, François, 54

Guichard, Estienne, 426

Guiraut de Borneill, 122–123

Guldin, Pierre, 420–421, 422

Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 426

Gundisalvi, Dominicus, 111, 112

Habermas, Jürgen, 583–584

Hackett, Jerremiah, 113n18

Haiman, John, 55n33

Halm, Carolus, 120, 122n7

Havet, Julien, 230

Haywood, Ian, 225n2

Hebdomad, 442

Hebrew language, 22, 23, 231, 232, 235, 408; adulterated translations of original text in, 490; grammar of, 444; letters used in Kabbalism, 386, 397, 398, 399, 411; as matrix language, 440; as perfect original language of Adam, 293, 294–295, 297, 298, 299, 300–301, 424; philology and, 286; as protolanguage, 304; representation of divine name and, 302, 303, 304; Thomassin’s dictionary of, 453

Hegel, G. W. F., 245

Heidegger, Martin, 240, 374, 441, 460, 471, 582; “death of God” and, 564, 565; on intuition, 458

Heraclitus, 84

Herbals, 30

Hermann the German (Hermannus Alemmanus), 97, 98–99, 100, 102–104, 107–108, 111, 113

Hermeneutics, 132, 242, 258, 259, 580, 582

Hermes Trismegistus (mythical), 235, 240

Hermeticism, 122, 235, 419

Herodotus, 24, 182, 306

Herren, Michael W., 122, 342n32

Hesiod, 445

Heuristics, 414

Hexaemeron (Saint Basil), 182, 186

Hieroglyphica (Horapollon), 192

Hieroglyphica (Valeriano), 192

Hieroglyphics, 27, 40, 81, 229, 444

Hildegard of Bingen, 284

Hilduin, 238

Hillel of Verona, 306, 307

Hillgarth, Jocelyn N., 411n16

Hippolytus of Rome, 129n12, 256, 282

Hisperica Famina, 122, 342n32

Histoire des Sévarambes, L’ (Vairasse), 427

Histoire naturelle (Buffon), 183

Histoire véritable du bienheureux Raymond Lulle (Vernon), 409

Historia animalium [History of Animals] (Aristotle), 174, 182, 185

Historia Naturalis (Pliny), 25

Historiarum libri (Glaber), 284

Historicism, 337

Historiography, 93, 230, 242, 337, 510

History of Aesthetic (Bosanquet), 339

History of Aesthetics (Gilbert and Kuhn), 341

History of Aesthetics (Tatarkiewicz), 341

History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe (Saintsbury), 339–340

Hjelmslev, Louis, 18–19, 80, 353–354, 514, 582–583

Hobbes, Thomas, 380–383

Holt, Elizabeth G. 341

Höltgen, Carl Josef, 192

Holy Grail, 227

Holtz, Louis, 209n37

Homer, 131, 138, 147, 445, 571

Homonyms and homonymy, 81, 161, 257, 259, 558, 574

Honorius of Autun, 87, 105, 111, 135

Horace, 147, 285, 315, 546

Horapollon, 192

Hugh of Fouilloy, 186, 192, 272

Hugh of Saint Victor, 105, 111, 137, 186

Huizinga, Johan, 339n25, 343

Humanism, Renaissance, 235, 308, 343

Human sciences, 38, 556, 557

Humboldt, 424

Hume, David, 459, 528, 529

Hungerland, Isabel C., 382

Husserl, Edmund, 354, 461, 477

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 254, 342n32

Hylomorphism, 344

Hyperonymia and hyperonyms, 7, 19

Hypertext, 45

Iamblichus, 129n12

Iconicity, 213

Iconism, primary, 508, 509, 520, 522, 529

Idea del theatro (Giulio Camillo), 35

Idel, Moshe, 408

Iliad (Homer), 571

Illuminated manuscripts, 227n6, 260

Imagination, 471–472, 482, 528

Immanuel of Rome, 307

Imola, Benvenuto da, 147

“Inanis impetus” [“Antagonism that achieves nothing”] (Alciati), 193

In artem brevis R. Llulli (Agrippa), 417

Inconsistency, 19

In de divinis nominibus (Thomas Aquinas), 348

Indexes (indices), 36, 41, 200, 203, 205

Indo-European hypothesis, 440

Inference, relationship of, 195, 513, 516

Inferno (Dante Alighieri), 132, 147

Ingredientibus (Abelard), 198, 362

In Sphaerum Ioannis de Sacro Bosco (Clavius), 420

Instauratio Magna, 36–37

Institutiones grammaticae (Priscian), 244–245n14

Institutio oratoria (Quintillian), 22n

Intentionality, 199, 206, 218

Interchangeability, presumption of, 237–238

International Association for Semiotic Studies, 1

Interpretability, 20–21

Interpretance, 21

Interpretants, 50, 51, 52

Interpretation, 51, 90–91, 149, 250, 352, 536; adulterated, 491; Beatus and, 254; knowledge and, 524; moral, 30; multiple interpretations of Scripture, 257, 258; Peircean, 565; perceptual judgment and, 469; reliability of, 571; rhetorical, 433; schematism and, 486; truth-conditional semantics and, 561; use of text and, 581; visualization of Scripture and, 270–271; World-Mind experiment and, 576–577

Intuition, 313, 314, 458, 463, 465, 515, 578; creative, 324–325, 326; Croce’s theory of, 532, 538; immediacy of, 511, 513; as inner expression, 318; intellectual, 345–352; intuition-expression, 534, 535; language and, 491; perceptual judgment and, 468; schema and, 471, 477–478, 484; sign and, 543; in Thomistic epistemology, 330

In visionem Ezechielis (Richard of Saint Victor), 272–273

Irenaeus of Lyon, 256, 282n13

Irrweg labyrinth, 52–53, 53

Isagoge (Porphyry), 4, 5, 12, 96, 162

Isidore of Seville, 30–31, 111, 119, 441; etymology of, 232, 447–448; on intelligence of dogs, 185–186; on names of God, 300–301

Jackendoff, Ray, 517

Jakobson, Roman, 1, 78

James, William, 529

James of Venice, 96, 96nn2–3

Jeauneau, Edouard, 244n13

Jerome, Saint, 186, 231, 251, 254, 256

Jesus Christ, 29, 30, 40, 235; Antichrist and, 282n12, 284; Apocalypse and, 275, 279; Hoy Grail and, 227; language spoken by, 295

Jews, 191, 231–232, 283, 307, 425

Joco-seriorum naturae et artis (Schott), 39

John of Dacia, 111, 213n40

John of Garland (Johannes de Garlandia), 105, 124

John of Jandun, 115

John of Saint Thomas (John Poinsot), 321, 333, 347

John of Salisbury, 121, 123, 138, 139, 238, 356, 401

John of the Cross, 317

Johnson, Mark, 64n35

Johnston, Mark D., 389n8, 395, 397, 408n14

John the Apostle, 256, 280

John the Baptist, 260

John the Saracen, 238

Joyce, James, 67, 68, 92, 334, 343n, 439, 569

Julian the Apostate, 442

Kabbalah, 301–303, 304, 306, 308, 400; Llullism after Pico and, 422; names of, 386; Sephirot of, 400, 412

Kabbalism, 23, 283, 426; Christian, 385; Llullism compared with, 397–399; Pico della Mirandola and, 408–414

Kandinsky, Wassily, 528

Kant, Immanuel, 1, 168, 333, 347, 457–458, 484–487; empirical concepts in, 458–466; on intuition, 525; judgments of perception, 466–471; schema of the dog and, 474–478; schema of unknown object and, 478–484; on schematism, 471–474; thing-in-itself, 584

Kant and the Platypus [K & P] (Eco), 72, 508, 509, 511, 515; on immediacy of intuition, 513; interpretation and, 567; on perspectives in Peirce, 524–525; semantics and, 550, 562, 563; World-Mind experiment in, 571–585

Katz, Jerrold J., 18n12, 19

Kepler, Johannes, 62, 487, 537

Kern, Hermann, 52

Kilwardby, Robert, 127, 214n42

Kircher, Athanasius, 40, 222n50, 229n7, 386, 393–394, 394n10, 405n12, 426, 444

Knowledge, 22, 27, 38, 86, 119, 151, 456; analogy and, 159, 163, 167, 168; animal symbolism and, 193; ars excerpendi and, 83; branches of, 48; chain of, 33; conceptual, 536; continuity of, 245; encyclopedias of, 436–437; global, 50; historical, 235, 241; inferential, 513, 524; innate knowledge of animals, 175; intellectual intuition and, 350–351; interpretation and, 28–29; latency of, 87–88; linguistic, 21, 305, 463; metaphor as instrument of, 95, 117; mnemonic tradition and, 261; mystical, 334; open-ended conception of, 55; organization of, 26, 34; perfectibility of, 421; poetic, 141, 318, 320, 324, 326; representation of, 3; reunification of, 35; sense perception and, 466, 467, 468; specialized, 72, 87; Thomistic theory of, 333; transcendentalization of, 487; transmission of, 24

Koch, Josef, 311n2

Komensky, Jan Amos, 35n23

Kovach, Francis, 341

Kunstliteratur, Die (Magnino), 340

Kripke, Saul, 550

Kuhn, Helmut, 341

Labyrinths, 36–37, 48, 68; as semantic networks, 57; types of, 52–55, 53, 54; vertigo of, 74–78, 88, 93, 94

Lactantius, 256

Lakoff, George, 64n35

Lalande, André, 347

Lamb, Sidney M., 553

Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 459n2

Lambert of Auxerre, 206, 208n33

Lambertini, Roberto, 171–172n, 343n 373–374

Lamennais, Hughes-Felicité-Robert de, 441

Landes, Richard, 280n11

Language, 31, 32, 69, 70, 158, 466; of animals, 181, 220–221; artificial and computerized, 1, 422–423, 433; borrowing and, 452–453; continuum of content and, 582–583; experience in relation to, 424–425; hieroglyphic vs. symbolic, 538; Kabbalah and, 303; man as rational animal and, 202; matrix languages, 440; penury of names and, 421; perfect language, 290, 297–298, 426, 449; philosophic, 426, 427–439, 446, 449; philosophy of language, 2, 3, 483, 531; primigenial, 440, 441; semiosis and, 489, 493–495; speech acts in Genesis, 286–298; “superlinguistic” force in, 450; Tower of Babel and, 290, 294, 295, 299, 305; translated documents, 229–230; universal, 1, 44, 425; vernacular language, 291–293, 294, 297–298; visual signs and, 505; voces of animals and, 125n43, 216. See also Natural language

Langue, Saussurean, 290, 293, 549, 556

Lapidaries, 30, 136, 143

“Latency” of information, 73

Latin language, 22, 23, 102, 107, 230, 359, 454; corruptions of medieval Latin, 253; formation of compound words in, 446–447; grammar of, 291, 296, 432; as international language, 436; Latin Aristotle, 96–97; mathematical combinations from alphabetic letters, 420–421; medieval philology and, 232; mnemonic tradition, 261; popular semiosis and, 494–495; Vulgate text in, 286

Latratus canis [“On Animal Language”] (Eco, Lambertini, Marmo, Tabarroni), 171–172n, 212, 221n49

Lavinheta, Bernardus de, 388n7

Law, 31, 404

Leclerc, Henri, 343n32

Lector in fabula [The Role of the Reader] (Eco), 570

Leech, Geoffrey, 354

Legitimism, French, 441

Le Goff, Jacques, 242, 246n15, 307

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 37, 40n26, 46–47, 49, 55, 62, 88, 226, 400; on classification of knowledge, 437; latency of knowledge and, 88; perfectibility of knowledge and, 422; relation of language to experience and, 425

Lemay, Richard, 115

Lemoine, Michel, 339n25, 343n32

Leonardo da Vinci, 241, 517, 518, 537

Letter Nine (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152, 154, 156

Lewis, David K., 555

Lewis, W. J., 111n16, 186n13

Lexicography, 238, 549, 550, 553, 558–559

Libation Bearers (Aeschylus), 103

Libellum apologeticum (Vincent of Beauvais), 86

Libellus alter de consecratione ecclesiae Sancti Dionisii (Suger), 274n9

Libellus artificiosae memoriae (Spangerbergius), 75

Liber apologeticus (Abbo of Fleury), 280n11

Liber Chaos (Llull), 403

Liber de praedicabilibus (Albertus Magnus), 111

Liber de rebus in administratione sua gestis (Suger), 274n9

Liber de spiritu et anima, 234

Liber Primis Posteriorum Analyticorum (Albertus Magnus), 111

Libraries, 24, 74, 338, 421, 437, 492–493

Libri, Guglielmo, 236–237

Libri Morales, 96–97

Libro della natura degli animali (anonymous), 192

Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Philostratus), 181

Limits of Interpretation, The (Eco), 508, 567, 569, 570

Linguarum methodus novissima (Comenius), 422

Lingueglia, Paolo, 311n2

Linguistics, 3, 18, 440, 457, 531

Linnaeus, Carolus, 61, 462

Lionello di Ser Daniele, 307

Literarästhetik des europäischen Mittelalters (Glunz), 340

Literary genres, 105, 268, 426, 539, 540

Lives of the Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius), 24

Llinares, Armand, 405, 406

Llull, Raimon, 33, 34, 41, 385–386, 425; Great Chain of Being and, 400–408; Kabbalism and Llullism compared, 397–399; Leibniz and, 46; Llullism after Pico, 414–423; mathematical combinations system, 386–397; Pico della Mirandola and, 413; semantic universals and, 431

Locke, John, 378, 425, 458, 459, 459n2, 460, 461, 465, 469

Lodwick, Francis, 42, 425, 427, 435

Logic, 34, 111, 113, 170

Logic (Kant), 465, 466

Logica (Croce), 538

Logica Algazelis (Llull), 408

Logica nova (Llull), 406

Logica Vetus (Aristotle), 96

Logic of Quantity, The (Peirce), 517

Lois intellectuelles du langage, Les (Bréal), 548

Lo Piparo, Franco, 161n33, 201, 202n28, 208n35, 213n41, 357n2

Lorusso, Anna Maria, 62n34, 95n, 117n

Lotman, Jurij, 73n39, 85, 89n54

Lovejoy, Arthur O., 6n2, 136, 401

Louis the Pious, 230

Lucan, 105, 147

Lucretius, 23

Lucubrationes vel potius absolutissima kuklopaideia (Stergk), 22

Luisetti, Federico, 35

Lusignan, Serge, 86

Lyons, John, 355, 359, 553, 554

Lyttkens, Hampus, 162n34, 168

Macrobius, 138, 402

Magic, 25, 27, 308, 385

Maggi, Michele, 531n1

Magnino. See Schlosser–Magnino

Magritte, René, 82

Mahoney, Edward P., 331n20, 383

Maierù, Alfonso, 296n5, 359, 378n15, 379n17

Maimonides, Moses, 304

Mainardi, Pietro, 414–415

Maistre, Joseph de, 440–456

Mâle, Emile, 253n3

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 534

Mameli, Matteo, 525

Man in the Moone (Godwin), 427

Mannerism, 315

Manzoni, Alessandro, 488–507, 534, 546

Marchese, Vincenzo, 310n2

Marconi, Diego, 55n33, 463n4, 552–553

Margarita philosophica (Reisch), 34, 193

Marigo, Aristide, 292

Maritain, Jacques, 245, 309–352; on creative intuition vs. agent intellect, 323–338; De Bruyne’s critique of, 345–346; poetry and, 317–323; tendentious reading of Thomas, 313–317

Marmo, Constantino, 95n, 102n12, 107, 109, 112, 115, 165n35, 171n, 298n7, 353n, 374, 375n13, 377, 378

Marr, David, 475

Marrone, Caterina, 40

Marrou, Henri Irenée, 231, 232

Martinetti, Piero, 498n8

Masonry, Scottish, 441, 443, 445–446

Master of Tours, 127

Mathematics, 25, 39, 425, 443, 461; congruence, 226; Kabbalah and, 302; language and, 436; lexical terms and, 19; Llullism and, 386, 406, 420, 422; matrix, 283; pure, 460; schematism and, 476; topology and, 58; universal, 46

Mathieu, Vittorio, 485

Matoré, Georges, 69

Matrix/matrices, 209–211

Matthew of Vendôme, 106, 123n9, 124

Maupassant, Guy de, 546

Maximal Encyclopedia, 70, 71, 74, 88–89; advancement of learning and, 94; historiography and, 93; as regulatory idea, 49–52

Mayoux, Jean-Jacques, 336

Mazzantini, Carlo, 311n2

McCawley, James D., 562

Meaning, 5, 28, 378, 379, 477; meaning of, 554–557; synonymy and, 557–559

Median Encyclopedia, 72, 73–74, 85–86, 87; historical facts and, 85, 88; texts eliminated from, 93

Medici, Cosimo de’, court of, 235

Medicine, 25, 27, 31, 47, 163, 404

Meier, Christel, 31

Memory, 22, 33, 46, 75, 84, 85; animals and, 174, 175, 179; cultural, 89n54; Llull’s trees and, 404; Maximal Encyclopedia and, 74; mechanical memorization, 92; memory palace, 79; perception and, 467; schematism and, 474; semiosis and, 493

Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 100n9, 342n31

Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo, 288n3, 289, 290, 294

Mersenne, Marin, 421–422, 425, 435

Merton, Robert, 244n13, 245

Metalanguage, 51, 561

Metalogicon (John of Salisbury), 121, 244n13, 245n14

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 147

Metaphorology, medieval, 115

Metaphors, 41, 62–67, 95, 99, 119–126, 432, 585; allegories distinguished from, 155; in Apocalypse of Saint John, 250–251; as cognitive process, 153; common sense and, 539–540; definitions, 118–120, 539; examples in philosophical thought, 126–129; genus and species, 103; as instrument of knowledge, 95, 117, 119, 170; ontologies and, 169, 170; original essences and, 577; ornamental function of, 129; of seven rays (hebdomad), 443; smiling meadow, 126, 127–129; symbols and allegories in relation to, 129–140, 155–158; technical study of, 113; theory of language and, 556; in Thomas Aquinas, 140–144

Metaphysics, 6, 34, 319, 396, 461; of Great Chain of Being, 420; Manzonian semiotics and, 489; “metaphysical pansemiosis,” 136

Metaphysics (Aristotle), 6n3, 96, 141, 147, 559; analogia entis and, 162–163; on animals, 174; discourse on equivocity, 160; medieval circulation of, 185

Meteorologica (Aristotle), 96

Metonymy, 98, 133, 164, 370, 433, 503, 579

Michael II the Stammerer, 230

Michelangelo, 544

Middle Ages, 95, 105, 106, 116, 118; aesthetics in, 339; ancient sources on animal behavior viewed in, 185–194; authentication in, 241–243; false identification in, 237–238; metaphor in, 144, 169; millennialism in, 284; ornamental function of metaphor in, 129; poetic allegorism in, 137; “polyphonic” artistic culture of, 343, 344; reading of Aristotle in, 203. See also forgeries, in Middle Ages

Middle Commentary (Averroes), 97, 99–100, 107

Milhaud, Darius, 311

Mill, John Stuart, 355–357, 379–383

Millás Vallicrosa, José M., 398, 400

Millennium (mille annos), Apocalypse and, 275–285

Mimesis, 106

Mimologism, 440

Mineralogy, 24, 25, 46, 434

Mirabilia (Callimachus), 24

Mithridates, Flavius, 408, 414

Mnemonics, 34, 90, 419, 534

Mnemotechnics, 78–82

Modistae grammarians, 232, 296, 301, 305, 308, 373–374

Molar Content (MC), 72

Molière, (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 60

Mona Lisa, authenticity of, 240–241

Mondo simbolico (Picinelli), 192

Monogenetic hypothesis, 441, 446

Montaigne, Michel de, 189n17

Montale, Eugenio, 144

Montano, Rocco, 340

Monti, Vincenzo, 571

Moody, Ernest A., 377

Moralis Philosophia (Roger Bacon), 112, 114

More, Thomas, 427

Morestel, Pierre, 415

Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Guido, 545

Morris, Charles, 354, 550, 562

Moses (biblical), 29, 132, 148, 258, 268

Mozarabic art, 252, 255

Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The (Christie), 91

Murphey, Murray G., 513

Murphy, James B., 321n12

Museums, 24

Music, 28–29, 31, 34, 169, 344

Muslims, 283, 425

Mussato, Albertino, 320

Mussolini, Benito, 234

Musurgia Universalis (Kircher), 222n50

Mystical Theology, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 150–151

Names, 205, 367, 380; penury of names, 421; proper names, 497–499; signs distinguished from, 194–195

Nardi, Bruno, 305

Naturalis historia [Natural History] (Pliny), 183–185

Natural language, 51, 292, 431, 433, 437; semantics and, 552, 553; Tower of Babel and, 305

Natural signs and signification, 195, 199, 219, 370. See also Signs (semeia)

Naudé, Gabriel, 385

Neckham, Alexander, 135

Necromancy, 385

Neoclassicism, 312, 316

Neo-Platonism, 4, 18, 73, 150, 170, 340, 342; Great Chain of Being, 6, 401, 402, 404; Thomas Aquinas and, 345

Neo-Scholasticism, 310

Neo-Thomism, 310–313, 346

Networks, 53, 54, 68

Neubauer, Fritz, 56

New Atlantis (Bacon), 36

Newton, Isaac, 245–246, 460, 462, 485

Nicholas of Cusa, 55, 419, 530, 536

Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 21n14, 97, 162, 175, 185

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 83, 85, 516, 577–578, 579, 580; death of God and, 564, 565; on metaphor, 585

Nishishara, H. Keith, 475

Nominalism, 381, 382

Notarikon (acrostic), 398

Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain (Leibniz), 47

Novum Inventum (Kircher), 40–41

Novum Organum (Bacon), 36

Nuchelmans, Gabriel, 374

Nuclear Content (NC), 72

Numerology, 386

Ockham, William of, 193n20, 216, 331, 343, 359; on denotation, 374–379; Ockhamist tradition and denotation, 379–383; suppositio and, 366

Odyssey (Homer), 23

Ogden, C. K., 354, 550

Olgiati, Francesco, 311n2

“On Denoting” (Russell), 354

Onomatopoeia, 426

On the Parts of Animals (Aristotle), 6, 16

On the Sublime (attrib. Pseudo-Longinus), 240

Ontologies, 4, 60–61, 89, 94, 170, 226, 579; Joycean, 67–70; Kant and, 460, 464; Llull’s trees and, 407; metaphor and, 62–67, 169; semiosic creativity and, 61–70

Opera aperta, L’ [The Open Work] (Eco), 569, 570

Optics, 34, 46

Opuscula spuria (Thomas Aquinas), 316

Opus Majus (Roger Bacon), 112, 114–115

Opus Postumum (Kant), 484–487

Organon (Aristotle), 96, 97, 111

Origen, 131–132, 135n17, 242

Original iconism, thesis of, 452, 454

Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 539

Orwell, George, 86

Other Inquisitions (Borges), 437–438

Outlines of Pyrrhonism (Sextus Empiricus), 176, 177n6

Ovid, 146, 147, 239

Owens, Joseph, 160, 161n33

Paci, Enzo, 486n13

Pagani, Ileana, 296n5

Panepistemon (Politian), 34

Panofsky, Erwin, 340, 341

Pansophic index, 35–36

Paolucci, Claudio, 508n, 513–514, 514n2, 515, 522, 523, 528

Parables, 101, 138, 139n, 382

Paradiso (Dante), 50–51, 148, 149–150, 298–308

Paradoxography, 24

Paralogisms, 492, 543

Paraphrase, 19

Pardies, Ignace Gaston, 182

Pareyson, Luigi, 536, 544, 570, 570n3

Parole, Saussurean, 290, 293, 549

Paronomasia, 82n50, 419

Paronymity and paronyms, 161, 162, 361

Parva Naturalia (Aristotle), 96

Pascal, Blaise, 579

Pater, Walter, 339

Patristic literature, 186, 281–282, 400

Patrologia Latina, 255, 338, 342n32

Paul, Saint, 230, 239, 240; Apocalypse of Saint John and, 251; First Epistle to Corinthians, 130, 153

Paulmier-Foucart, Monique, 86

Paulus Scalichius, 23, 385, 385n1

Pavel, Tomas, 70, 71

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 1, 21, 90, 463, 469, 567, 584; anti-Cartesianism of, 513, 514; anti-intuitionism of, 331, 513–516; boundary demarcation and, 516–521; cosmology and gnoseology in, 524–525; on denotation, 355–357; reinterpretation of, 509–513; schematism and, 479, 480, 486; on sensation and cognition, 522–524; on universal laws, 583

Pellerey, Roberto, 328n16

Pensiero debole, Il [Weak Thought] (Vattimo and Rovati, eds.), 564–565

Pépin, Jean, 129n12, 146, 148

Perani, Mauro, 302

Perception, 481, 527, 529

Perceptual judgment, 468, 469, 509, 529–530

Periphrasis, 432

Pertinentization, molecular and molar, 516

Peter, Saint, 251

Peter of Mantua, 379n17

Peter of Spain, 206, 358, 367–368, 381–382

Petöfi, Janos S., 56

Petrarch, 33n21, 232, 248

“Peut-on parler d’intuition intellectuelle dans la philosophie thomiste?” (Roland-Gosselin), 347

Phaedrus (Plato), 519n5

Phantom limb sensation, 522–523

Pharsalia (Lucan), 105

Philology, 223, 229, 230, 231–232, 237, 286; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 345; “-ists” versus “-ologists,” 510; Kabbalism and, 398, 399; Maistre and, 450; meaning and, 555; Peirce and, 509; Petrarch and, 248; techniques of identification developed by, 241

Philo of Alexandria, 131, 177–178, 181, 303

Philosophie de l’art chez les néo-scolastiques de langue française, La (Wencelius), 345

Philosophie van de Kunst (De Bruyne), 338

Philosophie van Martin Heidegger, De (De Bruyne), 338

Philosophy, 25, 33, 111, 149, 177, 310; analytic, 18, 462, 550; Arabic, 102; common sense and, 537; continental, 570; divisions of, 111; of language, 483; metaphor and, 63, 110, 149; moral, 22; ontology and, 60; pure knowing of, 141; transcendental, 463

Philostratus, 181

Phonemes, 18, 303, 559

Physics, 34, 85, 111, 460, 480, 484; boundary demarcation in, 520; threshold of observability, 527

Physics (Aristotle), 96

Physiologus (anonymous), 29–30, 31, 135, 222

Physiology, 25, 523

Piazza universale di tutte le professioni (Tommaso Garzoni), 415

Picinelli, Filippo, 192

Pico della Mirandola, 235, 302, 408–414, 419

“Pictures Can’t Say Ain’t” (Worth), 82

Pinborg, Jan, 213n39, 216n44, 377

Pindar, 63

Pini, Giorgio, 374n12

Plato, 19, 22, 73, 149, 181, 240, 443; on articulation and signification, 212–213; on denotation, 357, 358; on names, 289; on philosopher and dog, 173; poetry and, 325; semiotic triangle and, 372; visualization of gods and, 268

Platonism, 315, 400, 477

Platypus schema, 478–479, 481

Platzeck, Erhard-Woffram, 392, 399, 400, 401, 406

Pliny the Elder, 25–28, 30–31, 87, 135, 180; on animal language and intelligence, 183–185; medieval views of, 185

Plotinus, 129n12

Plutarch, 178–180, 182

Plutosofia (Gesualdo), 75

Pneumatics, 34

Poe, Edgar Allan, 335, 546

Poesia, La (Croce), 542, 546

Poetics, 2, 34, 488; as logic, 102, 111–112, 113; rhetoric and, 116–126

Poetics (Aristotle), 62, 88, 95, 163; Averroes’s commentary, 97–105; Hermann the German’s translation, 111; medieval misfortunes of, 111–115; on metaphor, 116; William of Moerbeke’s translation, 105–106, 113

Poetria (John of Garland), 105

Poetria nova (Geoffrey of Vinsauf), 125

Poetry, 100, 335, 547, 566; allegory and, 139, 155; history opposed to, 101; intellect and, 325; metaphor and, 140–141, 143; Provençal, 122–123; as revelation, 323–324; Scholasticism and, 31

Pohlenz, Max, 175, 213n39

Polara, Giovanni, 122, 342n32

Politian, 34

Politics (Aristotle), 97, 174, 216

Polygenetic hypothesis, 440, 441, 446

Polygons, networks as, 54

Polyhistor (Solinus), 30, 135

Pomponius Mela, 24

Ponzio, Augusto, 368

Popper, Karl, 486n15, 556, 570

Porphyry, 4, 5–6, 8, 10, 96, 129n12, 162; Academicians and, 176; influence on medieval doctrinal culture, 169; on intelligence of animals, 183; on souls of animals, 182

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 334

Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 5, 6, 11, 14, 113, 174

Poststructuralism, 570

Pottier, Bernard, 56, 553

Pouillon, Henry, 311, 340n27, 341, 342n31

Poulenc, Francis-Jean-Marcel, 311

Pozzato, Maria Pia, 229n7

Pragmatics, 51

Prata rident” (Rosier-Catach), 126–129

Predicables, theory of, 5, 6

Pre-Raphaelites, 339

Prieto, Luis Jorge, 553, 581

Primitives, 26, 45; assumed, 18, 19; finiteness and, 20; rational language and, 46; universality and, 21

Prior Analytics (Aristotle), 96, 113

Priscian, 116, 127, 208–209, 210, 212, 213, 214n42, 244, 246, 367

Priscillian of Avila, 254

Problema arithmeticum de rerum combinationibus (Guldin), 420

“Problem of Meaning in Linguistics, The” (Quine), 558

Proclus, 234, 240

Promessi sposi, I [The Betrothed] (Manzoni), 495–496, 500–502, 506–507, 546; action and word in, 488–493; pardon of Father Cristoforo, 499–500; plague chapters, 502–506; popular semiosis and, 493–495; proper names in, 497–499

Proni, Giampaolo, 485n12, 523, 524

Proprium, 6

Proust, Marcel, 534, 546

Proverbs, 27, 242, 509

Pseudepigraphical writings, 225, 238

Pseudo-Aegidius Romanus, 204n29

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 1, 129n12, 149, 150–159, 165; Llull and, 400, 404; Thomas Aquinas and, 345; translations of, 238

Pseudo-doubles, 226–227

Pseudo-identification, 238–240

Pseudo-Kilwardby, 214n42

Pseudo-Longinus, 240

Pseudo-Marsilius of Inghen, 220

Psychology, 404, 523

Ptolemy, 62

Purgatory (Dante), 251, 252

Putnam, Hilary, 56, 72

Pythagoras, 181

Pythagoreanism, 342

Quadrivium, 31

Quaestio quodlibetalis (Thomas Aquinas), 569

Quillian, Ross, 57, 67n36

Quine, Willard V. O., 20, 491, 554, 558–559

Quintilian, 21n14, 22, 116–117, 119, 121

Rabanus Maurus, 29, 31–32, 87, 135, 186n13, 191n19, 209n37

Rabelais, François, 22–23, 543

Ramée, Pierre de la (Petrus Ramus), 34

Raphael, 534

Rationale divinorum officiorum (Dorando), 2

Rationality, 7, 59, 178, 202, 407

Recherches philosophiques (De Bonald), 441

Reconstructionists, 510, 515, 516

Redundancy, 19

Regulae theologicae (Alain of Lille), 159–160

Reisch, Gregor, 34, 193

Relativism, 567

Remi of Trèves, 230

Renaissance, 33–34, 55, 192, 297, 404; authentication in, 235; Kabbalism in, 385–386; rediscovered knowledge and, 93

Renucci, Paul, 147

Replicability, 225

Representations, 56, 523, 532

Rerum divinarum et humanarum antiquitates (Varro), 25

Reynolds, Barbara, 299, 300

Rhetoric, 31, 34, 111, 414, 432; interpretation and, 257; as part of logic, 112, 113; poetics and, 116–126; treatises on, 1

Rhetoric (Aristotle), 63, 95, 97, 98n7, 99, 163; Hermann the German’s translation, 107–108; medieval misfortunes of, 111–115; Translatio Vetus, 108–110; William of Moerbeke’s translation, 108–110

Rhetorica (Llull), 402

Rhetorica ad Herennium (Aristotle), 78–79n46, 116, 120, 124

Rhizome, 54–55

Rhythmus alter (formerly attrib. Alan of Lille), 130–131, 133, 143

Ricerca della lingua perfetta, La [The Search for a Perfect Language] (Eco), 2

Richard of Lavenham, 213n40

Richard of Saint Victor, 112n17, 131, 272–273, 401

Richards, I. A., 354, 550

Ricoeur, Paul, 65n35

Riedl, Clare, 342n31

Rintelen, Fritz-Joachim von, 346, 347

Rivarol, Antoine de 424

Rivers, Kimberly, 33

Rodulfus Glaber (Rudolph the Hairless), 284

Roland-Gosselin, M.-D., 331n19, 347, 348, 352

Role of the Reader (Eco), 91

Roman de la Rose, 137

Romano, Yehudi, 307

Romanticism, 280n11, 312, 316, 319, 337

Rorty, Richard, 460, 461–462, 581

Rosenau, Helen, 271

Rosenstiehl, Pierre, 55

Rosiello, Luigi, 440

Rosier-Catach, Irène, 112, 114n19, 126, 127, 159, 190, 286

Rossano, Pietro, 251, 261

Rosselli, Cosma, 79–80

Rossi, Paolo, 34n22, 37, 85, 397

Rouault, Georges, 311

Rovatti, Aldo, 564, 565, 577

Royal Society (London), 425

Russell, Bertrand, 20, 354, 381

Saint Martin, Louis-Claude de, 441

Saintsbury, George, 339

Saint-Sever, Beatus of, 252

Salsano, Alfredo, 21n13

Sanders, Henry, 253, 254

San Millan de la Cogolla, Beatus of, 252, 267, 267

San Pedro de Cardeña, Beatus of, 252

San Severo, Beatus of, 268, 268

Santarcangeli, Paolo, 52

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 424–425

Satie, Erik, 311, 312, 316

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 290, 293, 556, 561

Sayers, Dorothy, 299

Scalichius de Lika, Paulus, 23, 387

Schaer, Roland, 21n13

Schank, Roger C., 57

Schelling, Friedrich, 336, 572n5

Schema, 457, 463, 471–474; in Kant’s last writings, 484–487; schema of the dog, 474–478, 483; of unknown object, 478–484

Schlosser-Magnino, Julius von, 340, 342n31

Schogt, Henry G., 553

Schola Palatina, 120

Scholastics (Schoolmen), 115, 160, 163, 312; Bacon’s critique of, 171–172; denotation and, 379, 381; dissolution of, 315; Kant and, 466; Llull and, 400; post-Reformation, 168; souls of animals and, 187

Schola Vindobonensia ad Horatii Artem poeticam, 124

Scholem, Gershom, 415

Schott, Gaspar, 39–40

Sciascia, Leonardo, 91

Sciences, 35–36, 111, 224

Scotus Eriugena, John. See Eriugena, John Scotus

Scotus, Michael, 97

Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Thomas Aquinas), 166

Scripture (Bible), 29, 112, 120n5, 140, 219; allegory in, 134, 135, 138, 141; anthropomorphization in, 154; authenticity of, 242, 243; biblical exegesis, 253, 260; Dante on allegory in, 145, 146; First Epistle to Corinthians, 130–131, 153; Kabbalism and Christian exegesis, 398; King James Version, 275, 300; metaphors and similes in, 156, 167–168; multiple interpretations of, 258; New Testament, 131–132, 251, 259; Old Testament, 131–133, 252, 269, 281; poetry and, 320; Septuagint, 225, 231; signification in, 196, 197; speech acts in Genesis, 286–290; Thomas Aquinas on allegory in, 142–144; visualization of, 260–273, 266–268; Vulgate, 231, 264n7, 274–275, 286, 288, 300. See also Apocalypse

Sebeok, T. A., 553

Secret, François, 385

Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), 386, 397–398, 399, 416

Selenus, Gustavus, 417

Sellars, Wilfrid, 462, 470

Semantics, 19, 51, 481, 548–549, 562–563; encyclopedia entries and, 551–554; encyclopedic, 565, 566; extensional, 383; meaning of meaning, 554–557; meanings of, 549–551; representation and, 3; semantic networks, 57, 60; truth-conditional, 559–562; universals, 424, 425, 431

Semantics (Lyons), 554

“Semantics of Metaphor, The” (Eco), 67

Sememes, 164, 553

Semiosis, 1, 50, 58, 501; inference and, 525; popular, 493–495; semiosic teratology, 502; unlimited, 21, 51, 69, 565; verbal language and, 489, 506

Semiosphere, 73n39, 85

Semiotics, 1, 113, 194, 200, 457; bibliography of, 2; denotation and, 353–354; of falsification, 240; of forgery, 225–228; history of, 531; Kantian, 473; of Manzoni, 488, 498, 506–507; of metaphor, 154; mnemotechnics as, 78–82; mutilated, 90; Peircean, 509; semiotic triangle, 357, 364, 372, 375, 376; zoosemiotics, 220

Seneca, 175

Sententia libri Politicorum (Thomas Aquinas), 125

Servius, 138

Severini, Gino, 311

Sextus Empiricus, 176, 177n6, 181, 215n43, 459n2

Sgradini, Enrica, 302

Shifa (Avicenna), 107, 111

Sic et non (Abelard), 232

Siger of Brabant, 246, 296

“Signe et symbole” (Maritain), 319

Signification, 1, 197, 199, 212, 214n42; Aristotelian view of, 360; context and, 566; Hobbes and, 380–381; naming and, 364; natural and positive, 298n7; popular semiosis and, 494; suppositio and, 366, 367

Signs (semeia), 194–195, 201, 203, 207, 211, 248; Augustine’s definition of, 195–197, 359–360; Bacon’s classification of, 216–222, 369; indexical, 497; as indices, 202; intuition and, 543; natural, 370; Platonic ideal and, 419; symbols distinguished fom,’ 217; voces significativae and, 205. See also Natural signs and signification; Semiosis; Semiotics

Similes, 144, 149, 152, 154, 158, 168, 250–251

Simone, Raffaele, 441

Simon Magus (Simon the Magician), 221n49

Simon of Dacia, 209n39

Simon of Faversham, 298n7

Simson, Otto von, 341

Sirridge, Mary, 197n22

Sisyphus (mythological), 63, 109, 180

Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi (Borges and Bioy-Casares), 91–92

Slaughter, Mary, 194n20

Smith, Barry, 61, 517n3

Socrates, 182, 212, 330n18, 371, 372, 394

Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg (Maistre), 441–442, 455

Solinus, 30, 135, 185n12

Solomon Ben Isaac, Rabbi, 271

Somnium Scipionis (Macrobius), 402

Sonus (sound), 173, 207

Sophistical Refutations (Aristotle), 96, 113

Soul, 48, 120n5, 145, 150, 152; intention of, 218; knowledge and, 167; metaphor and, 148; power of, 17; virtue and, 112, 113n

Sowa, John, 60

Space, time and, 69

Spade, Paul V., 214n40, 364

Spangerbergius, Johannes, 75

Species, 6, 42, 81, 103, 321; denotation and, 353; existence of, 5; language and, 220–221; limits of nature and, 582; metaphor and, 116–117; Porphyrian tree and, 406; relation to genus, 7; schematism and, 480; in Wilkins, 44; words and, 216–217

Specula (Vincent of Beauvais), 135

Speculum majus (Vincent of Beauvais), 33, 86

Speech acts, 135, 200, 286–287

Sperber, Dan, 554

Spinoza, Baruch, 425, 572n5

Stalin, Joseph, 86

Statius, 147, 230

Steganographies, 416–417

Stergk, Joachim, 22

Stesichorus, 110

Stoics, 111, 131, 175, 206; Abelard and influence of, 197–200; on animal behavior, 179, 181; Augustine and influence of, 195–197; names distinguished from signs, 194–195; Priscian and, 213

Strato of Lampsacus, 24

Stravinsky, Igor, 312

Struttura assente, La (Eco), 520

Suarez, Francisco, 160

Subsumption, 60

Suger, abbot of Saint Denis, 274n9, 340

Summa grammatica (John of Dacia), 213n40

Summa Theologiae (Thomas Aquinas), 17, 115, 140–142, 165, 187–188, 194; on aesthetics, 348, 349; on poetic discourse, 319; on species, 321

Summulae Dialectices (Roger Bacon), 219

Summulae Logicales (Richard of Lavenham), 213n40

Super epistulam ad Galatas (Thomas Aquinas), 142

Suppositio, theory of, 358–359, 366–369, 378, 379, 381–382

Surrealism, 316, 319, 325

Svoboda, Karel, 342n31

Swift, Jonathan, 426

Syllogisms, 377, 382, 388, 394, 407, 492

Sylva Sylvarum (Francis Bacon), 36

Symbolism, 129–140, 250, 344

Symbolism (aesthetic movement), 316, 323

Symbols, 27, 192, 201, 203; in Llull’s Ars, 387, 422; in World-Mind experiment, 572–576

Synecdoche, 164, 279, 370, 432–433, 503, 505

Synechism, 514

Synesthesia, 544

Synonymy and synonyms, 19, 27, 257, 259, 557–559

Syntheticity, 19

Systema naturae (Linnaeus), 462

System of Logic (Mill), 355, 379

Tabarroni, Andrea, 171n, 353n, 377n14

Talmudists, 23

Taparelli D’Azeglio, Luigi, 310n2

Tarsky, Alfred, 383, 560–562

Tasso, Torquato, 540

Tatarkiewicz, Wladislaw, 341

Taxonomies, 87, 212, 425

Technica curiosa (Schott), 39

Tega, Walter, 34n22, 35, 36

Templar myth, 441, 443, 445–446

Temurah, 398, 399, 410

“Teoria e pratica dei confini” [“The Theory and Practice of Boundaries”] (Varzi), 516–517

Terence, 105

Terre australe connue, La (Foigny), 427–431

Tertullian, 256

Tesauro, Emanuele, 1, 37–42, 127, 164

Themistocles, 74–75, 83, 93

Theodoric of Chartres, 126, 159

Theology, 34, 47, 141, 149, 322; analogy and, 317; Llullism liberated from, 418; Llull’s Ars and, 396, 414; of reference, 431; symbolic theology of Pseudo-Dionysius, 150–159

Theory of Semiotics, A (Eco), 563

Theosophism, 441

Thesaurus artificiosae memoriae (Rosselli), 79–80

Third Expostition (Pico della Mirandola), 412

Thomas Aquinas, 96, 97, 115, 126, 161, 214–216, 569; aesthetic themes in, 310, 348–352; agent intellect doctrine of, 327–331; on articulation, 210–212; authentication and, 231, 234, 243; on cause and effect, 165; Dante and, 296; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 341; on denotation, 364–366; Great Chain of Being and, 402; knowledge by analogy and, 159; on language and rationality, 202; Maritain and, 313–317, 319–323; on metaphor, 140–144, 156; Neo-Platonism and, 170; reading of Aristotle’s De interpretatione, 207; Scholasticism and, 309; on sensitive and rational souls, 510; on slaughter of animals, 188; on speech, 286–287; on substantial form, 16–17

Thomas of Erfurt, 240, 374n11

Thomassin, Lewis, 453

Thorndike, Lynn, 414

3D Model, 475–476, 477

Thurot, Charles, 234

Timaeus (Plato), 268, 286, 443

Time, space and, 69

“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (Borges), 439

Topics (Aristotle), 5, 12, 96, 113, 161–162

Torah, 131, 301, 303, 399, 411

Traité des animaux (Condillac), 183

Traité des chiffres (Vigenère), 416

Transcendentalism, 486

Translations, 238, 490, 491, 540–541, 579

Translatio Vetus (anonymous), 97, 107

Trier, Jost, 69

Trithemius, Abbot John (Johann Heidenberg), 239, 281, 281n, 410, 416

Trivium, 31, 111

Truth, reliability of, 249, 250

Tyconius, 134, 254, 256, 257, 279

“Ueber Wahrheit und Lüge in aussermoralischen Sinne” [“On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense”] (Nietzsche), 577–578

Ulrich of Strasbourg, 138

Ulysses (Joyce), 92

Unconscious, Freudian, 326

Unicursal labyrinth, 52, 53

Universal Character, The (Beck), 42

Universals, 5, 424, 425, 431

Untimely Meditations (Nietzsche), 83

Uspensky, Boris, 89n54

Utopia (More), 427

Utopias, literary genre of, 426–427

Vairasse, Denis, 427

Valcavado, Beatus of, 252

Valensise, Domenico, 310n2

Valente, Luisa, 133n15

Valeriano, Giovanni Pietro, 192

Valéry, Paul, 570

Valla, Giorgio, 97n4

Valla, Lorenzo, 230, 248

Vallet, Pierre, 310n2

Varro, Terentius, 25, 118n1, 445

Varzi, Achille, 516–519, 517n3

Vasoli, Cesare, 34n22, 417–418, 419

Vattimo, Gianni, 286n, 462n4, 564n, 565, 570n3, 577, 579, 580, 585

Vecchio, Sebastiano, 133n16, 197n22

Vergil in the Middle Ages (Comparetti), 138

Verbeke, Gerard, 204n29

Vernon, Jean-Marie de, 409

Vick, George R., 380, 381, 382, 383

Vico, Giambattista, 69, 445, 537–538

Victorines, 342, 352

Victorinus, Marius, 231

Vigenère, Blaise de, 416

Vincent de Beauvais, 33, 86, 135, 208, 209n37

Violi, Patrizia, 18n12, 55n33, 58, 82n48

Virgil, 118, 119n2, 138, 147, 171, 230

Virgil of Bigorre (Virgil of Toulouse), 122, 232, 342n32

Virtuality, 88–89

Vita nuova (Dante), 146, 148

Vives, Juan Luis, 23, 24n16

Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie (Lalande), 347

Volli, Ugo, 462n5

Vox/voces (voice/voices), 173, 175, 195, 198, 363, 371; of animals, 125n43, 220; articulation and, 207–209, 211–212; voces significativae, 175, 203–204, 205, 206, 214n42, 321, 383

Waning of the Middle Ages (Huizinga), 339n25

Weinrich, Harald, 75, 84

Wencelius, Léon, 345

West, William N., 23n16

White, Andrew D., 441

Wikipedia, 88

Wilkins, John, 1, 88, 425, 427, 432–433, 438; taxonomy of genera and species, 42–46; universal classification of, 463

William of Conches, 112n17, 126, 127, 136n19, 244n14, 245, 367

William of Moerbeke, 96–97, 105–106, 108–110, 113, 115, 204n29, 207, 234, 247

William of Saint-Thierry, 105

William of Sherwood, 368

Wilson, Deirdre, 554

Wilson, N. L., 55n33

Wirszubski, Chaim, 409, 410

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 473, 529, 551, 579

World-Mind experiment, 571–585

Worth, Sol, 82

Yates, Frances, 34n22, 77n43, 398, 403

Yehudi Romano, 307

Zambelli, Paola, 398, 411n16, 415

Zellini, Paolo, 526–529

Zeno, 526–527

Zerakhya of Barcelona, 306, 307

Zoology, 15, 24, 25, 224, 434
