THE SHIFTER ALPHA and I stepped from the cabin, leaving Eli and his father inside with Adine. Reese stood beside the window, where he must have been peering in. As I came out, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Everything okay?" he asked. "I wanted to go inside, but they-"

"I'm fine."

"I whistled for the others," he said, as much to the Alpha as to me, as if warning him. "Someone whistled back, so they're coming."

"Good, thanks."

I turned to the Alpha and told him that I'd taken care of Tester's pack, as per our deal. I'm sure he already knew, but he listened politely. Reese hovered at my elbow, playing bodyguard, which would have been just fine except for the awkward glances he kept shooting at the Alpha. He was trying so hard not to stare it would have been better if he'd just taken a good, hard look and gotten it out of his system.

"Reese? I think I hear the guys coming. Can you run and warn them, so they don't come barreling in, ready for trouble?"

He hesitated, gaze shunting again to the Alpha. "I'm fine," I said. "Go." And he did, but slowly, shuffling off with plenty of checks over his shoulder, making sure I wasn't in imminent danger of being devoured. A week ago, the guy ran every time I came near. Now I couldn't get rid of him.

At a noise, Reese whirled, fists raised. It was Noah, rounding a corner in the path, walking a few steps ahead of his captor.

"He is yours now," the Alpha said.

"Hey there," I said.

Noah smiled weakly. Reese pulled off his glove, extended his hand and introduced himself, I could see the wheels turning in Noah's brain, running through the names he'd probably heard from Dennis-Pack names-and not recognizing this one. I was about to explain when he took Reese's hand in an awkward shake, and felt the bandages.

"Oh, you're the guy… " Noah said. "Travis told us. Sadistic bastard."

Reese gave a wry smile. "Yeah. But he's worse off now than I am, so that's some consolation." He thumped Noah on the back. "Elena's got some business here, and I can smell Nick coming. Let's go see if we can sneak up on him."

Terror flicked across Noah's face. Obviously he didn't consider scaring the crap out of a senior Pack member a good way to make a first impression. I sent Reese on his way and motioned Noah over, stepping from the Alpha and lowering my voice. The Alpha nodded and went back into the cabin.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "I went back for you, but they grabbed me. I tried to fight, but… " His face reddened and I could see a bruise along his jaw, probably only one of many hidden by the oversized parka they'd given him.

"You weren't the only one who got captured. And I didn't fight. Took one look at them and didn't dare."

A shout to our left. I glanced up as Clay loped through the trees, Reese on his heels. I don't know who looked more worried-Clay hoping I was okay or Reese thinking of how Clay would react if I wasn't.

"Everything's good," I called as Nick, Antonio and Morgan jogged up behind Reese. "Guys, this is Noah."

When Noah didn't budge, I took his arm with my uninjured hand and pulled him forward. I could feel him trembling through the parka, and the mother in me wanted to let him hang back, not push too hard. But the Alpha-to-be knew how important this was. So I only held him steady when it seemed his knees might give way.

"This is Noah," I said again. "Joey's son."

Clay stepped within inches of Noah, towering over him. I could only imagine what stories the Teslers had told him about Clay, what stories even Dennis might have told. I can only imagine what fate Noah thought might lie in store for him now, after joining the enemy in his misguided attempts to protect his father. So I can only give him full credit for not turning tail, but standing firm, even if he was shaking so hard his teeth chattered.

Clay's nostrils flared, taking in Noah's scent as he surveyed him head to foot. When he reached forward, Noah flinched, but didn't fall back. Clay took his arm and drew him over to the others.

"Noah, this is Antonio Sorrentino… "
