Throughout history we’ve seen horrific cases around theworld of real abductions where people have been held captive before their rescueor escape.
Those who survived their ordeals are true heroes.
Those who didn’t must never be forgotten.
Full Tilt is a work of fiction about two sistersseparated by tragedies. In telling their story, I took liberty with geography,police procedure, jurisdiction and technology, so please bear that in mind. Iwould also like you to bear in mind that if you thought this was a good story,it’s because I benefited from the help of many people. I would like to thank thefollowing for their hard work and support:
My thanks to Amy Moore-Benson, Emily Ohanjanians and theincredible editorial, marketing, sales and PR teams at Harlequin and MIRA Booksin Toronto, New York and around the world.
Wendy Dudley, as always, made this story better.
Very special thanks to Barbara, Laura and Michael.
It’s important you know that in getting this book to you, Ialso relied on the generosity of many people, too many to thank individuallyhere. I am indebted to everyone in all stages of production, the salesrepresentatives, librarians and booksellers for putting my work in yourhands.
This brings me to what I hold to be the most critical part ofthe entire enterprise: you, the reader. This aspect has become something of acreed for me, one that bears repeating with each book.
Thank you very much for your time for without you, a bookremains an untold tale. Thank you for setting your life on pause and taking thejourney. I deeply appreciate my audience around the world and those who’ve beenwith me since the beginning who keep in touch. Thank you all for your very kindwords. I hope you enjoyed the ride and will check out my earlier books whilewatching for my next one. I welcome your feedback. Drop by at(, subscribe to my newsletter and send me a note.
Rick Mofina