Chapter Twenty-one

Autostrada A18

Between Taormina and Messina

Thirty minutes later

Maria had said nothing since Jason had draped a blouse from the closet around her bare midriff and bundled her into the Explorer. Tears she made no effort to wipe away coursed freely down her face, leaving trails that glistened in the light from the dashboard. Jason had been primarily occupied with the rearview mirror, making sure they were not followed, but the only traffic at this hour of night was trucks availing themselves of the deserted four-lane to make good time to their next destination.

He had left the house occupied by Mustache's body and whatever other evidence the police might find. Sanitizing the scene would have taken more time than he was willing to risk in case Eglov had others nearby. Leaving additional firepower behind was contrary to any training Jason had, but he elected to leave the AK-47 where it had fallen. Should he be stopped, he wanted no part of explaining to authorities, who would take a dim view indeed of an unregistered, fully automatic weapon in the hands of an American traveling under a false name.

For the first time, he noticed that Maria was shivering in the warm Sicilian night. A chill or the onset of shock? Reaching an arm around her shoulder, he gently pulled her against him, sharing body heat. She made no effort to resist, nor gave any acknowledgment of the gesture.

"You okay?" he asked.

She gave the bare minimum of a nod and snuggled closer.

He was slowing down for one of the numerous automated tollbooths when she finally spoke. "Where are we going?"

"For the moment, as far from Taormina as I can get. The ferry from Messina to Calabria runs twenty-four hours a day."

"And then?"

"I'll surprise you."

"In other words, you do not know."

"Let's say only that I'm not yet sure."

She pulled away to sit up straight. "I think I want to go back to my office and volcanoes."

Jason pulled out to pass a lumbering truck. "I wouldn't recommend it. You saw what those guys were willing to do to you."

She turned in the seat to face him. "You are saying I need to stay where you can protect me? I am not helpless, you know."

Jason simply gave her a wordless look.

"Okay, okay, so we stay together for a while. I will call in to take leave."

She put her head back on his shoulder. In minutes she was snoring gently.
