Chapter Thirty-eight

Port of Savannah

Savannah, Georgia

0942 EST of the same day

The rusty freighter left a creamy wake in the mocha- colored waters as its Liberian flag hung limply in the morning's increasing humidity. There was nothing to distinguish the ship from any of the others plowing along within yards of the cobbled streets of the city's historic waterfront area, certainly no clue that the ship was owned and operated by Pacific Oriental Shipping, a partnership of entities that included the Sheikh of Dubai and Hutchinson-Whampoa. HW had controlled ports at both ends of the Panama Canal since one of America's lesser lights had used his presidential office to give that waterway to Panama. The idea could have come to him only as dementia from a peanut field's heat and been mistaken for divine inspiration. After all, God frequently gave him personal direction.

What had not been revealed from on high was that Hutchinson-Wampoa was owned by the Chinese army, hardly a force friendlier to the United States than its partner from the United Arab Emirates.

The containers stacked on deck, equally ordinary, would draw no attention, either. Specially ordered form plastic and auto parts from Japan, exotic wood from Malaya, and reproduction antiques from Taiwan (the Chinese saw no reason to let a political quarrel with the latter interfere with Western-style profit).

The ship's log included a stop at Naples, where a single container had been taken on board, marked simply, landscaping goods. The question of why any shipper would detour across the globe for such a small and mundane cargo might have caught the attention of port authorities had their union not repeatedly told them that questioning logs and cargo manifests was Uncle Sam's job, not theirs, and performing such a task gratuitously could only jeopardize the next contract negotiations.

Once quayside, the landscaping goods were lifted off the deck by a crane like any other bit of cargo and stacked on the dock five or six containers high. There was approximately a one in one hundred chance its contents might actually be inspected. The funding of the Transportation Security Administration was far too stretched to permit both the high-profile confiscation of passengers' cigarette lighters at the nation's airports as well as the far lesser known investigation of the millions of tons of shipping entering ports annually.

Few voters passed through marine ports of entry.

A large German shepherd, trained in detection of explosive material, did lead his handler down the corridor of stacked containers. Whether he discerned something or felt only the urge to leave a pee mail message for the next canine to pass this way, he cocked his leg as he panted in the increasing heat.

That was as close an inspection as the crate would receive in Savannah.


My journey is to me a dream, as I see it now. The tiny craft, weighted by two men and the spare form of the Sibyl, wallowed precariously across a river that so reeked of rot, ^1 I put a cloth over my nose.

Charon had hardly touched the far bank with his oar to hold the little boat in place when the Sibyl jumped to shore with a nimbleness I would have expected in a much younger woman. As I have said, all the underground was enveloped in a dark haze, but I saw this other side of the river as though through a veil as well as eyes that did not want to remain open. ^2

We were in a domed cavern of some sort, the size of which I was unable to measure. The landscape was one of the most scant of features I had ever encountered, scattered sparse bushes and huge rocks. Surrounding us were faceless forms, spirits of the departed clad in hoods that shadowed faces. All were unknown to me but moaned in a manner most pitiful. As the Sibyl led me past them, many held out supplicating arms as though they suffered some torment I might relieve.

We had not gone far when the Sibyl held up a hand to restrain my further progress. In front of me stood a figure silhouetted in the fuzzy light. He was as tall as my father, but his face, like the others, was concealed by a hood. Yet I could see light reflecting from his eyes and make out the line of the wound he received when as a hoy he fell from a horse. ^3

He said nothing hut gazed at me with a steady look.

"Father," I said, "it is I, your son, Severenus, come here to the place of the dead to speak with you."

If he heard, he gave no sign.

I tried again. "Father, my mother- your wife, Celia-sends you greetings, as do your other children."

Again there was no response and I was beginning to wonder if the dead had no ears. ^4

"Father" I said, raising my voice to be certain it might be heard above the moans of the other shades. "At your death, the granary was near empty; there were few goods in the storehouse and less in the treasury. Surely you removed these things elsewhere. Pray share with your family that location."

I feared, once again, that I would receive only silence as an answer.

Instead the form spoke in a whisper that could have been my father's voice or that of the wind in the spring leaves. "What you truly seek has been removed beyond your reach ^5 to be placed in the care of the servant of the god."

This made little sense. My father, although careful to offend no deity, was not a religious man, worshiping only Augustus, the man-god emperor.

He turned and began to walk away.

This was no answer but a riddle. I had not journeyed this distance nor spent funds that my family needed for other purposes to leave with only an enigma. I started after him, but the Sibyl stood in my way. I stepped aside to get around her.

Just then there were flashes of fire and I could see the flaming bushes were burning. As before, they consumed not themselves, but there were rocks placed next to each plant that began to glow from the flames. I thought I saw a mist emanate from stone, as though a spirit therein were being liberated.

My memory is a blank slate from that point until the time I awoke from what must have been a deep sleep, tormented by Morpheus. ^6 I was in a plain room with no idea how long I had so been. Almost immediately robed priests appeared, carrying some sort of stew, which I consumed in its entirety. They would answer neither my questions as to how long I had remained in these quarters nor what had happened in the place of departed spirits after the bushes began to burn.

Instead, they interrogated me closely as to my experience. Had I seen my father? Was I certain it was he? Had I received the answer I sought? These questions were not asked in the manner of a friend making inquiry, but rather with the intensity of one determined to receive information. ^7

At last I was free to go. I was shocked to discover that a full four days had passed since I entered the Netherworld.

But I could not go home, not without the information for which I and my family had paid so dearly. Then, like a vision from Jupiter, I recalled the view of Agrippa's home. Surely an old family friend, particularly one so powerful, would render such assistance as he could, perhaps intercede with the priests or even force them to restore part of the fortune I had spent.

The villa was as glorious as I remembered, high on a cliff overlooking the sea. Its walls enclosed three full acres, ^8 with a path winding to the beach below, where strange and exotic fish swam in ponds. ^9

I entered the enclosure and gave my name to an inquiring slave. I had hardly dismounted to sit in the shade of a towering fruit tree ^10 when I was led into the coolness of the house.

Agrippa himself, older and more enfeebled than I remembered, greeted me dressed in a shining white toga trimmed in purple. ^11 He took my elbow in his bony grasp, taking me to a room that opened onto an inner courtyard, where we were furnished cool wine and sampled figs and dates. After solemnly noting his sorrow at my father's death, he asked what he might do for me.

I told him as much of my experience in the underworld as I could remember, including my father's shade's strange remark that his fortune had been placed in the "hands of the servant of the god."

The problem, of course, was which servant of which god, a puzzle the old man promised to consider. I could see the riddle disturbed him but I knew not why, perhaps because of the great price I had paid for a mere puzzle to solve. He suggested I remain his guest until he ascertained the best course of action, an invitation I was hardly in a position to decline.


1. Severenus uses the word putrescere, the Latin verb for "to rot or putrefy." Knowing what we do today of the area, it would be safe to assume the air was heavy with sulfuric fumes.

2. Consider the smoke from lamps or torches, the fumes previously alluded to, and the drugs he had been fed over the last few days.

3. A well-known scar easily reproduced by cosmetics?

4. Hearing.

5. Extra manum, literally, "out of hand."

6. Greek god of dreams.

7. It could be speculated that the visitors to Hades who did not return were those who were skeptical of what they had seen and heard.

8. A rough equivalency. The actual words were "fifty by fifty heredia." One hundred heredia equals approximately ten thousand square meters.

9. Ponds of fish, both fresh- and salt-water, were a competitive display of wealth among Romans with seaside villas. The occupants of these ponds were frequently edible, and the more uncommon the species, the better. At least one fulltime servant would be required to monitor the water level and temperature, feed, etc.

10. Since few fruit trees "tower," it is likelySeverenus refers to a date palm, which would have been imported from Africa, another Roman version of conspicuous consumption.

11. A color allowed only to senators and other nobles.
