Источники иллюстраций

1 Picturepoint;

2 Jacana;

3 John Cleare, Mountain Camera;

4 David Attenborough;


6 Jacana;

7 the late Prof. S. Thorarinsson;

8 A. C. Waltham;

9 Bruce Coleman (Fritz Vollmar);

10 Steve Terrill;

11 Seaphot/Planet Earth (Robert Hessler);

12 Bruce Coleman (J. Mackinnon);

13 Bruce Coleman (Keith Gunnar);

14 John Marshall;

15 Oxford Scientific Films (Dough Allan);

16 Seaphot /Planet Earth (Jonathan Scott);

17 Aquila (Graham Lenton);

18 Brace Coleman (Gunter Ziesler);

19 Bruce Coleman (Francisco Erize);

20 Animals / OSF (E. R. Degginger);

21 Ardea (Edwin Mickle-burgh);

22 Eric Hosking;

23 Nature Photographers (M. E. J. Gore);

24 Robert Harding Associates (Wally Herbert);

25 Frank Lane (McCutcheon);

26 Ardea (Martin W. Grosnick);

27 Hannu Hautala;

28 Ardea (S. Roberts);

29 Ardea (J.-P. Ferrero);

30 Ardea (C. R. Knights);

31 Bruce Coleman (Pekka Helo);

32 Bruce Coleman (Wayne Lankinen);

33 Aquila (Wayne Lankinen);

34 Tony Morrison;

35 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

36 Bruce Coleman (Gunter Ziesler);

37 Oxford Scientific Films (Michael Fogden);

38 Bruce Coleman (Gunter Ziesler);

39 Adrian Warren;

40 top Animals Animals /OSF (Stouffer Productions); bottom Brace Coleman (John Mackinnon);

41 Oxford Scientific Films (Michael Fogden);

42 Tony Morrison;

43 Mantis Wildlife Films;

44 Ardea (Francois Gohier);

45 Bruce Coleman (Alan Root);

46 Tony Morrison;

47 Brace Coleman (Leonard Lee Rue III);

48 Brace Coleman (R. K. Murton);

49 Jacana;

50 Ardea (Francois Gohier);

51 Jacana;

52 Adrian Warren;

53 Ardea (Adrian Warren);

54 Wolfgang Bayer;

55 Bruce Coleman (Des Bartlett);

56 Seaphot /Planet Earth (Jonathan Scott);

57 Biofotos (J. M. Pearson);

58 David Attenborough;

59 Andrew Neal;

60 NASA;

61 Jacana;

62 Ardea (Wardene Weisser);

63 Brace Coleman (Jen & Des Bartlette);

64 Andrew Neal;

65 Brace Coleman (Jen & Des Bartlett);

66 Bruce Coleman (Carol Hughes);

67 Bruce Coleman (David Hughes);

68 Natural Science Photos (C. Banks);

69 Aspect Picture Library (Carmichael);

70 Rodger Jackman;

71 NHPA (Stephen Dalton);

72 Bruce Coleman (Mik Dakin);

73 British Antarctic Survey (J. P. Croxall);

74 Press-tige Pictures (Tony Tilford);

75 Animals Animals / OSF (С. С Lockwood);

76 Brace Coleman (WWF / Y. J. Rey-Millet);

77 Brace Coleman (R. Tidman);

78 Survival Anglia/OSF (Ashish Chandola);

79 Brace Coleman (Left Foott);

80 David Attenborough;

81 Space Frontiers;

82 Brace Coleman (Kim Taylor);

83 Brace Coleman (Francisco Erize);

84 Oxford Scientific Films (Gerald Thompson);

85 Ardea (Adrian Warren);

86 David Attenborough;

87 A. van den Nieuwenhuizen;

88 Wolfgang Tins;

89 Oxford Scientific Films (J. A. L. Cooke);

90 ZEFA (Rosenfeld);

91 Alan Hutchinson Library (Jesco vom Puttkamer);

92 Bruce Coleman (H. Rivarola);

93 Frank Lane (E. Eisenbeiss);

94 Oxford Scientific Films (Avril Ramage);

95 Nature Photographers (W. S. Paton);

96 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

97 Ardea (McDougal);

98 Mantis Wildlife Films;

99 Seaphot / Planet Earth (Keith Scholey);

100 Photographic Library of Australia;

101 Anne Wertheim;

102 Oxford Scientific Films (G. I. Bernard);

103 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

104 Brace Coleman (David Hughes);

105 David Attenborough;

106 Brace Coleman (Christian Zuber);

107 Ardea (Liz & Tony Bomford);

108 Jacana;

109, 110 David Attenborough;

111 Brace Coleman (Jennifer Fry);

112 R. T. Shallenberger;

113 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

114 Bruce Coleman (M. F. Soper);

115 Oxford Scientific Films (Peter Parks);

116 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

117 Seaphot /Planet Earth (Peter Scoones);

118 Seaphot/Planet Earth (Herwarth Voigtmann);

119 Animals Animals/OSF (Z. Leszczynski);

120 Bruce Coleman (Jane Burton);

121 Oxford Scientific Films (Laurence Gould);

122 Seaphot /Planet Earth (Herwarth Voigtmann);

123 Seaphot/Planet Earth (Peter David);

124 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada;

125 Jacana (Glaude Pissavini);

126, 127 Andrew Neal;

128 Susan Griggs Agency (Dimitri Ilic);

129 Biofotos (Heather Angel);

130 Survival Anglia/OSF (M. Wilding);

131 Oxford Scientific Films (Ronald Templeton);

132 Associated Press.
