Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odissey: Who and What She Was, When and Where She Wrote [1897], Second Edition With a New Preface by Henry Festing Jones (Jonatan Cape: London, 1922).
Gustave Flaubert, «Dictionnaire des idées reçues» in Bovuard et Pécuchet, introduction par Rayond Queneau (Editions du point du Jour: Paris, 1947).
Cf. André Gide, Oscar Wilde: In Memoriam (Mercure de France: Paris, 1910).
Virginia Woolf, «On Not Knowing Greek» in The Common Reader: First Series (The Hogarth Press, London, 1925).
Emanuel Geibel, «Kriegslied» in Heroldsrufe: Zeitgedichte, Gesammelte Werke, Band 4 (Cotta: Stuttgart, 1893).
Simone de Beauvoir, La femme rompue (Gallimard: Paris, 1963).
«many soul-destroying things / in holded tablets», The Iliad of Homer, translated by T. S. Brandeth, 2 volumes (W. Pickering: London, 1846).
«Mucho más que libros», Semana (Bogotá, 4 June, 2001).
Илиада, XXIV: 594-599
Илиада, XXIV: 613-620
Mustafa El-Abbadi, Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria (Unesco: Paris, 1990).
Геродот, История, II:117
Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, VIII:347e, translated and edited by Charles B. Gulick (W. Heinemann: London, 1950)
F. Zeitlin, «Visions and Revisions of Homer» in S. Goldhill, editor, Being Greek under Rome (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge and New York, 2001)
Геродот, История, V:58
Илиада, VI: 198-199
Cf. Bruce Heiden, «The Placement of Book Divisions in the Iliad», in Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1998. Также Minna Skafte Jensen, «Dividing Homer: When and How were the Iliad and the Odissey Divided into Songs?» in Symbolae Osloenses, 1999.
Jean Irigoin, «Homere, l'écriture et le livre» in Europe, 79e année, №865 (Paris, May 2001).
«Seven cities warred for Homer, being dead, Who, living, had no roof to shroud his head» — Thomas Heywood, The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angells. Their names, orders, and offices; the fall of Lucifer with his angells [1635] (Da Capo Press: New York, 1973).
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Manca, II:74 (Edición y notas, Celina S. de Cortázar e Isaías Lerner (editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1969).
«Hymn to Delian Apollo» v.175, in The Homeric Hymns, translated by Jules Cashford with and Introduction and Notes by Nicholas Richardson (Penguin Books: London and New York, 2003).
[Thomas Blackwell], An Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer, second edition (J. Oswald: London, 1736).
Herodotus, Vie d'Homére, mise en français d'Amyot par J.-J. van Dooren (Librarie Ancienne Edouard Champion: Paris, 1926).
«Blind Melesigenes thence Homer call'd» — John Milton, Paradise Regained, IV:259.
Héraclite, Fragments: Citations et témoignages, traduction et presentation par Jean-Francois Pradeau, 2e edition corrigée (Flammarion: Paris, 2004).
Herodotus, Vie d'Homére.
[Jean-Francois Pradeau ed.] Héraclite, Fragments: Citations et témoignages.
Одиссея, VIII:51-99.
Одиссея, VIII:302-410.
Одиссея, VIII:552-584.
Одиссея, I:178.
Одиссея, VIII:87.
E. T. «Translator's Note» in The Odyssey of Homer, translated into English prose by T. E. Shaw (Colonel T. E. Lawrence), (Oxford University Press, Galaxy Books: New York, 1956).
Albert B. Lord, The Singer of Tales (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass., 1960).
Платон, диалог «Ион».
Платон, «Ион».
Claude Mosseé, La Gréce archaique d'Homére à Eschyle (Editions du Seuil: Paris, 1984).
Thomas De Quincey, «Homer and the Homeridae» in The Works of Thomas De Quincey, volume 13, edited by G. Lindop et alt. (Pickering and Chatto: London, 2001).
J. M. Foley, Homer's Traditional Art (Penn State University Press: University Park, Penn, 1999).
Gilbert Murray, Five Stages of Greek Religion, third edition with a new introduction by the author (Doubleday: New York, 1951).
Страбон, «География», 1:73.
Аристотель, «Метафизика» B4, 10000a19.
Paul Veyne, Les Grees ont-ils cru á leurs mythes? (Editions du Seuil: Paris, 1983).
John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy (Adam and Charles Black: Edinburgh, 1892).
Cf. Jacqueline de Romily, La Grèce antique contre la violence (Editions de Fallois: Paris, 2000).
Плутарх, «Алкивиад» в «Сравнительных жизнеописаниях».
Платон, «Государство», Книга X.
Там же.
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (Chatto and Windus: London, 1933).
Платон, «Гиппий Меньший».
Мигель де Сервантес, «Дон Кихот Ламанчский».
Аристотель, «Поэтика», книга IV.
Цицерон, «Оратор».
John Milton, Areopagitica: A Speech og Mr. John Milton, first published 1644 (G. P. Punam's Song: New York and London, 1938).
Страбон, «География», 13.I.45.
Irad Malkin, The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Etnicity (University of California Press: Berckeley, California, 1998).
Илиада, XI:747-753.
J. Irgoin, «Les editions des poètes à Alexandrie» in Sciences exactes et sciences appliqués a Alexandrie, Actes du coloque international de St-Etienne (Université de St-Etienne: St-Etienne, 1996).
Gregory Nagy, «Aristarchean Questions» in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, VII.14 (Bryn Mawr, PA, 1998).
Tomas Hägg, The Novel in Antiquity (University of California Press: Berkley and Los Angeles, 1983).
Horace, Epîtres II: 1 «A Auguste» in Oeuvres (Garnier Frères: Paris, 1967).
Плиний приписывает эту ремарку своему другу Атилиусу. «A Novius Maximus» Lettres I-IX, [II:14] ed. A. M. Guillemin, 3 vols. (Les Belles Lettres: Paris, 1927–28).
Peter Levi, Horace: A Life (Duckworth: London, 1997).
Horace, Epîtres II: 1 «A Auguste».
Horace, Epîtres I: 2 «A Lollius».
Quitilian, The Orator's Education, Book 10, in volume IV, edited and translated by Donald A. Russel (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1970).
Илиада, II:819-821.
Cf. Claudia Moatti, La Raison de Rome: Naissance de l'esprit critique à la fin de la République (Editions du Seuil: Paris, 1997).
Peter Levi, Virgil: His Life and Times (Duckworth: London, 1998).
Manuel Sanz Morales, Milógrafos griegos (Akal: Madrid, 2002).
Tim Whitmarsh, Ancient Greek Literature (Polity: Cambridge, 2004).
Вергилий, «Энеида», VI:847-853 (цитируется в переводе С. Ошерова под ред. Ф. Петровского).
Hermann Broch, Der Tod des Vergil [1945] (Rhein Verlag: Zurich, 1958).
Энеида, I:283-284.
Илиада, XX:210-211.
Среди них Стесихор Сицилийский в VI в. до н. э. и Элланикус Лесбосский в V в. до н. э.
Cf. Niall Rudd, Introduction to Horace: Satires and Epistles and Persius: Satires (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, 1973).
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things, Introduction by Wendell Clausen, translated by H.A.J. Munro (Washington Square Press: London, 1965).
Lewis Carroll, «What the Tortoise said to Achiless» in Mind, April 1895, in The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (The Nonesuch Press: London, 1922).
The Iliads of Homer, Prince of poets, Never Before in Any Language Truly Translated, Done According to the Greek by George Chapman (George Newnes: London and Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, 1904).
Англ. цит. по Homer in English, edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Steiner (Penguin Books: London, 1996).
Alexandre Pope, The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer, edited by the Rev. H.F. Cary (George Routledge and Sons: New York, 1872).
Англ. цит. по Homer in English.
Iliad, in 2 volumes, with an English translation by A.T. Murray (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1924, reprinted 2001).
The Iliad: the Story of Achilles, translated by W.H. Rouse (Thomas Nelson and Sons: London, 1938).
H.D.F. Kitto, The Greeks (Penguin Books: London, 1951).
The Iliad of Homer, translated by Richard Lattimore (Chicago University Press: Chicago, 1951).
Robert Lowell, Imitations (Faber and Faber: London, 1962).
Juan de Mena, La Ilíada de Homero, Edición crítica de las Sumas de la Yliada de Omero у del original latino reconstruido, acompacada de unglosario latino-romance, por T. González Rolán, María F. del Barrio Vega у A. López Fonseca (Ediciones Clásicas: Madrid, 1996).
Homer, Ilias, in der Übertragung von Johann Heinrich Voss, mit einem Nachwort von Utr Schmidt-Berger (Artemis and Winkler: München, 1957).
Homère, Iliade, traducion de Leconte de Lisle (Profrance: Paris, 1998).
Haroldo do Campos, Homero, Ilíada, Introduçao e organizaçao Trajano Vieira (Editora Arx: Sao Paulo, 2001).
Juan Valera у Alcabá Galiano, Cartas dirigadas al Sr. D. Francisco de Paula Canalejas (Revista Ibérica: Madrid, 1864).
Одиссея, XI:555-558.
Nancy Sherman, Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy Behind the Military Mind (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2005).
Stendal, La Chartreuse de Parme, II:18 (Le Divan: Paris, 1927).
Giacomo Leopardi, Zibaldone di pensieri, vol. I §289 (Mondadori: Milan, 1997).
Энеида, VXII:837-839 (прим. пер. — имеется ввиду смесь итальянской и троянской крови: ср. англ, перевод С. Д. Льюиса):
«Аll will be Latins, speaking
One tongue. From this blend of Italian and Trojan blood shall arise
A people surpassing all men, nay even the gods, in godliness».
J. Steinman, Saint Jerome (Editions du Cerf: Paris, 1958).
«Ибо где сокровище ваше, там будет и сердце ваше».
Saint Jerome, «Letter to Eutochium on Guarding Virginity» in The Collected Works of Erasmus, volume 61, «Patristic Scholarship: The Edition of St. Jerome», edited, translated and annotated by James F. Brady and John C. Olin (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Buffalo, London, 1992).
Saint Jerome, «Letter to Magnus, Roman Orator» in The Collected Works of Erasmus, volume 61.
Erasmus, «Life of Jerome» in The Collected Works of Erasmus, volume 61.
Августин Блаженный, «Исповедь», книга I:13.
Августин Блаженный, «Исповедь», книга I:13.
Horace, Epîtres I:2 «A Lollius» in Oeuvres (Garnier Fréres: Paris, 1967).
Августин Блаженный, «О граде Божьем», книга I:3.
Августин Блаженный, «Исповедь», книга I:13 и 16.
Oh, the argument will never end.
Always will Truth quarrel with Beaty.
The human host will always split
In two halves: Greeks and the Barbarians.
James J. O'Donnel, Cassiodorus, (University of California Press: Berckeley, 1979).
Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, volume III: 53 (Random House: New York, 1983).
Michel Psellus, Fourteen Byzantine Rulers (The Chronographia), Book VI, translated, with an introduction, by E.R.A. Sewter (Penguin Books: London, 1966).
William V. Harris, Ancient Literacy (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachussets and London, 1989).
Цит. по William V. Harris, Ancient Literacy.
J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Barbarian West: A.D. 400–1000, The Early Middle Ages, revised edition (Harper and Brothers: New York, 1962).
Armando Petrucci, «La concezione Cristiana del libro fra VI e VII secolo», in Libri e lettori nel medioevo: Guida storica e critica, a cura di Gugliermo Cavallo (Laterza: Roma, 1989).
Venetus Marcianus: Facsimile of the Codex, with a Preface by John Williams White and an Introduction by Thomas W. Allen (Archeological Institute of America: Boston, Mass., 1902).
Одиссея, XI:138-143.
Cf. Alan James, Introduction to Quintus of Smyrna, The Trojan Epic: Posthomerica (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore and London, 2004).
Quintus of Smyrna, The Trojan Epic: Posthomerica, translated and edited by Alan James.
Сведения о Дикте и Даресе почерпнуты из The Trojan War: The Chronicles of Dictys of Crete and Dares the Phrygian, translated with Introduction and Notes by R.M. Frazer, Fr. (Indiana University Press: Bloomington and London, 1966).
Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Le Roman de Troie, extraits du manuscript Milan, Bibliothèque et Françoise Viellard (Lettres Gothiques, Librairie Génerale Française: Paris, 1998).
John Lydgate, The Troy Book ([1412–1420] edited by Robert R. Edwards (Western Michigan University: Kalamazoo, 1998).
Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385] in Complete works, edited from numerous manuscripts by Walter W. Skeat (Oxford University Press: Oxford and London, 1912).
Robert Henryson, The Testament of Cresseid [c. 1500] edited by Hugh MacDiarmid (Penguin Books: London and New York, 1989).
William Caxton, Recuyell of the Histoyes of Troye (1474) edited with a critical introduction, index and glossary by H.O. Sommer, 2 volumes (D. Nutt: London, 1894).
Ben Jonson, «to the Memory of My Beloved, the Author, Mr. William Shakespeare», in Complete Works, edited by P. Simpson and E. Simpson (Oxford University Press: Oxford and London, 1986).
William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida (1609] in Complete Works, edited by W.J. Craig (Oxford University Press: Oxford, London, New York and Toronto, 1969).
Lakhdar Souami, «Presentation», in Jahiz, Le cadi et la mouche: Antologie du Livre des Animaux (Sindbad: Paris, 1988).
Mas’udi, Muruj al-Dhahab, цит. по Houari Touati, Larmoire a sagesse: bibliotheques et collections en Islam (Aubier: Paris, 2003).
История рассказана учёным X века Ибн аль-Надимом в его книге аль-Фихрист, цит. по Johannes Pedersen, The Arabic Book, translated by Geoffrey French (Princeton University Press: Princeton, N.J., 1984).
«размышления на смертном одре» ассоциируются с wasaya («заветом»), жанром исламской средневековой литературы. Cf. Juan Vernet, Lo que Europa debe al Islam de Espaca (El Acantilado: Barcelona, 1999).
Jörg Kraemer, «Arabische Homerverse» in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Band 106, Heft 2 (Kommissionverlag Franz Steiner: Wiesbaden, 1956).
Patricia Crone, Medieval Islamic Political Thought, chapter XIV (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, 2004).
Cf. Robert Irwin, Night and Horses and the Desert: An Anthology of Classical Arabic Literature (Allen Lane: London, 1999).
Anonymous, The Subtle Ruse: The Book of Arabic Wisdom and Guile, translated by René Khawam (London, 1976), цит. в Robert Irwin, Night and the Desert.
A.I. Sabra, «The Appropriation and Subsequent Naturalization of Greek Science in Medieval Islam: a Preliminary Statement», in The History of Science, Vol. 25 (1987), цит. в Patricia Crone, Medieval Islamic Political Thought.
Wilhelm Grimm, «Die Sage von Polyphemus in Iceland», цит. по William Hasen, Ariadne's Thread: A Guide to International Tales Found in Classical Literature (Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London, 2002).
Donald K. Fry, «Polyphemus in Iceland», in The Fourteen Century, Acta IV, 1977, quoted by Hermann Pálsson, «Eglis Saga Einhenda ok Esmundar Berserjabana» in Dictionary of the Middle Ages, volume 4, Joseph R. Stayer editor (Charles Scriber's Sons: New York, 1989).
F. Gabrieli, «The transmission of Learning and Literary Influences to Western Europe» in The Cambridge History of Islam (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1970).
Juan de Mena, «Proemio», La Iliada de Homero.
Цит. по E.R. Curtis, Europäishe Literatur und Lateinischen Mittelalter, XI (A. Francke AG: Bern, 1948).
Francesco Petrarca, Familiarum rerum, edited by V. Rossi, (Florence, 1937).
Данте Алигьери, «Божественная комедия», Ад, IV:80-89.
Илиада, I:197.
Cf. Robin Lane Fox, Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean World from the Second Century A.D. to the Conversion of Constantine (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1986).
Seneca, «On the Shortness of Life» in The Stoic Philosophy of Seneca, translated with an Introduction by Moses Hadas (Doubleday and Co: Garden City, New York, 1958).
Albertino Mussato, Historia Augusta de gestis Henrici VII, цит. по Cristophe Carraud, Petrarque, La vie solitaire, preface de Nicholas Mann, introduction, traduction et notes de Christophe Carraud (Jerome Millon: Grenoble, 1999).
Francesco Petrarca, Secretum meum in Prose, edited by Guido Martellotti et al. (R. Ricciardi: Milano, 1955).
Божественная комедия. Ад, II:7-9 (цитируется в пер. М.Л. Лозинского).
Энеида, I:8.
Божественная комедия, Ад, II:7-9.
Jean-Christophe Saladin, La Bataille du grec à la Renaissance, 2e triage revu et соrrigé (Les Belles Lettres: Paris, 2000).
Francesco Petrarca, Familiarum rerum, XVIII:2.
Jacob Burkhart, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, translated by S.G.C. Middlemore (Random House: New York, 1954).
George Steiner, «Introduction» to Homer in English.
Одиссея, X:490-493 и 501-502.
Одиссея, X:553-595.
Одиссея, XI.
Одиссея, XXIV:11-14.
Pindar, fragment 129.
Одиссея, XI:488-491.
Одиссея, XI:37-43.
Одиссея, XI:632-633.
Jean le Fèvre исп. выраж. danse macabré впервые в 1376 г. в стихотворении Le resit de la mort. Cf. Paul Binski, Medieval Death: Ritual and Representation (Cornell University press, Ithaca N.Y., 1996).
Hellmut Rosenfeld, Der mittelaltische Totentanz, (Böh lau Verlag: Wien, 1954).
Илиада, VI:146-149.
Энеида, VI:306-314.
Божественная Комедия, Ад, II:112-114.
André Malraux, La voie royale (Bernard Grasset: Paris, 1930).
Cf. Eugenio N. Frontiga «Canto III: The Gate of Hell» in Lectura Dantis: Inferno, edited by Allen Mandelbaum, Anthony Oldcorn and Carles Ross (University of California Press: Berckeley, 1998).
Потерянный Рай, I:302 (в пер. А. Штейнберга).
Перевод Ксении Рагозиной. Paul Verlain, «Chanson d'Automne».
Margaret, are you grieving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leaves are like things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Данте Алигьери, Le Opere di Dante. Testo critico della Societa Dantesca Italiana, ed. M. Barbi et al. (Societa Dantesca Italiana: Milano, 1921/22).
Экклезиаст, I:4.
Перевод Лидии Кисляковой. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to Naples I:1.
Об этом пишут: Е. Auerbach «Dante als Dichter der irdishen Welt (De Gruyter: Berlin, 1969); а также C.S. Singleton Introduction to The Divine Comedy (Routledge and Kegan Paul: London, 1971-75).
Claude Fauriel, Dante et les origins de la langue et de la litterature italiennes: Cours faits a la Faculte de letters de Paris (Jules Mohl: Paris, 1854).
Божественная Комедия, Ад, IV:143-144.
Божественная Комедия, Ад, IV:76-78.
Божественная Комедия, Ад. IV:37-39.
John Pope-Hennesy, The Portrait in the Renaissance (Princeton University Press: Princeton, N. J., 1979).
Рафаэль завершил роспись этой комнаты в 1511 году. Cf. Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Raphael, vie et oeuvre (Biblioteque desarts: Paris, 1983).
Susy Marcon and Marino Zorzi, ed., Aldo Manuzio e l'ambiente veneziano 1494—1515 (Il Cardo: Venezia, 1994).
Vespasiano da Bisticci, Vite di uomini illustri, ed. P. d'Ancona e E. Aeshclimann (Arnoldo Mondadori: Milano, 1951).
Leonardo Bruni, «The study of Literature», §20, in Humanist Educational Treatises, edited and translated by Craig W. Kallendorf (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass. and London, 2002).
Battista Guarino, «А Program of Teaching and Learning» §19 in Humanist Educational Treatises.
Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, «The Education of Boys» §33 in Humanist Educational Treatises.
Francisco Bethencourt, «А fundaçro» in Historia das Inquisiçxes: Portugal, Espahna e Itália, seculos XV-XIX (Companhia das Letras: São Paulo, 2000).
J.N.D. Kelly, The Oxford Dictionary of Popes (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1988).
Jean-Christophe Saladin provides a break-down of his terms by author in La Bataille du grec à la Renaissance.
Цитировано по Jean-Christophe Saladin, La Bataille du grec à la Renaissance.
Neil Kent, The Soul of the North: A Social, architectural and Cultural History of the Nordic Countries, 1700—1940 (Reaction Books: London, 2000).
Pedro Mexía, Silva de varia lección, edición de Isaías Lerner (Editorial Castalia: Madrid, 2003).
Isaías Lerner, «Prólogo» a Pedro Mexía, Silva de varia lección.
Francisco de Quevedo, Las zahbro Platón, цитировано по Raimundo Lida, Prosas de Quevedo.
Francisco de Quevedo, Defensa de Epicure, цитировано по Raimundo Lida, Prosas de Quevedo.
Cf. Octavio Paz, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, о Las trampas de la fe (Fondo de Cultura Economica: Mexico, 1988).
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, «Еl Sueco» in Antología Роétiса, selección e introducción Jоsé Miguel Oviedo (Alianza: Madrid, 2004).
Francis Bacon, «De sapientia Veterum» [1609] — «The Wisdom of the ancients» [1619] in Bacon's Essays including his Moral and Historical Works (Frederick Warne and Co.: London and New York, 1982).
Michel de Montaigne, Les Essais, II:36 dans Collection de moralists français, publié avac des commentaries par Amaury Duval, vol. IV (Chez Chassériau: Paris, 1822).
Charles Perrault, Parallèle des anciens et des modemes [1688—1697] (Slatkine: Geneva, 1971).
Илиада, XI:558.
Речь идёт о царственной Навсикае, дочери правителя Алкиноя: Одиссея, VI:57-58.
Charles-Augustin Saint-Beuve, Reflexions sur les letters (Plon: Paris, 1941).
Jean Racine, «Remarques sur l'Odysée» in Ouevres completes, tome II: VI, 2, presentation, notes et commentaries par Raymond Picard (Gallimard: Paris, 1950).
Louis Racine, «Мémories contenant quelques particularités sur la vie et les outrages de Jean Racine», in Ouevres completes, tome I.
Charles-Augustin Saint-Beuve, Port-Royal, vol. I:11 [1867] (Gallimard: Paris, 1954—55).
Blaise Pascal, Pensées, II:XIV: 11, nouvelle edition revue avec soin (Imprimerie d'Auguste Delalain: Paris, 1820).
Илиада, VI:486-489.
Jean Racine, Andromaque, I:1 in Oeuvres completes, tome I.
Raymond Picard, introduction a Jean Racine, Andromaque, in Oeuvres completes, tome I.
Jean-Pierre Vernant, «Catégories de I’agent et de Taction en Grèce ancienne» in Religions, histories, raisons (François Maspero: Paris, 1979).
Одиссея, XII:255-259/
Одиссея, XII:338.
Aldous Huxley, «Tragedy and the Whole Truth» in The Complete Essays, vol. III, 1930—1935, edited with commentary by Robert S. Baker and James Sexton (Ivan R. Dee: Chicago, 2001).
Jean Racine, Andromaque, V:3 in Oeuvres completes, tome I.
Одиссея, V:394-396.
Одиссея, V:432-435.
Одиссея, V:445-450.
Jean Racine, Remarques sur l'Odysée».
Anna Dacier, Des causes de la corrupcion du goût [1714] (Sladkine: Geneve, 1970).
Jean-Robert Armogathe, Le Quiétisme (Presses Universitaires de France: Paris, 1973).
François de Fénelon, Explication des maxims des saints, in Ouevres, 2 volumes (Gallimard: Paris, 1997).
François de Fénelon, Les Aventures de Telemaque, in Ouevres.
James Herbert Davis, Jr., Fénelon (Twayne: Boston, 1979).
Montesquieu, Lettres persanes, XXXVI. Etablissement du texte, preface, chronologie, bibliographic et notes par Laurent Versini (GF-Flammarion: Paris, 1995).
Baron Fréderic-Melchior Grimm, «Lettre du ler juin 1957», in Correspondance littéraire, II [1820] (Mercure de France: Paris, 2001).
Всю информацию о картине автор почерпнул в книге Simon Schama, Rembrandt's Eyes (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1999).
Julius S. Held, «Rembrandt's Aristotle» in Rembrandt Studies (Princeton, 1991), цит. по Schama.
Плутарх, «Сравнительные жизнеописания», том II.
Sir Philip Sydney, The Defence o Poesy [1595] in The Renaissance in England, edited by H. E. Rowlands and H. Baker (D. C. Heath: Lexington, Mass., 1954).
Sir Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning [1605] edited by Michael Kiernan (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2000).
T. S. Eliot, «Poetry in the Eighteenth Century» in The Pelican Guide to English Literature, volume 4, edited by Boris Ford (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1957).
Alexander Pope, The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, edited by the Rev. H. F. Cary (George Routledge and Sons: New York, 1872).
Richard Outram, private correspondence.
Edward Gibbon, Memoirs of My Life, edited by Betty Radice (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1998).
Samuel Johnson, «Pope» in Lives of the English Poets [1779—1781], volume II, with an introduction be Arthur Waugh (Oxford University Press: Oxford and London, 1912).
Henry Fielding, «А Journey from This World to the Next» [1743] in The Complete Works of Henry Fielding, Esq. with an Essay on the Life, Genius and Achievement of the Author, by William Ernest Henley (William Heinemann: London, 1903).
William Hazlitt, Lectures on English Poets in Selected Essays, edited by Geoffrey Keynes (The Nonesuch Press: London, 1946).
Leslie Stephen, Pope (Macmillian and Co.: London, 1909).
Alexander Pope, The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer.
Jorge Luis Borges, «Las versiones homéricas», in Discusion (Manuel Gleizer: Buenos Aires, 1932).
На русском языке «Илиада» печатается почти исключительно в переводе Гнедича, «Одиссея» — в переводе Жуковского. Но есть и другие: в начале XX века обе поэмы были переведены Викентием Вересаевым, а впервые фрагменты «Илиады» перевёл на русский не кто иной, как М. В. Ломоносов. (Прим. перев.)
Samuel Johnson, «Pope» in Lives of the English Poets.
Made a poetry a mere mechanic art
and ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart.
Homer in English, Edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Steiner (Penguin Books: London, 1996).
Mattew Arnold, On Translating Homer (Smith, Elder & Co.: London, 1896).
A. E. Housman, «Introductory Lecture» [1982] in The Name and Nature of Poetry and Other Selected Prose, edited by John Carter (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge and London, 1961).
John Keats, «Letter to Benjamin Bailey», 18 July 1818, in The Complete Works of John Keats, volume IV edited by H. Buxton Forman (Gowards & Gray: Glasgow, 1901).
«Сонет, написанный после прочтения Гомера в переводе Чепмена», перевод Игнатия Ивановского. John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman's Homer.
The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets, Never Before in any Language Truly Translated, Done According to the Greek by George Chapman (George Newnes: London, 1904).
William Blake, «On Virgil» in The Complete Writings of William Blake, edited by Geoffrey Keynes (London and New York, 1957).
William Blake, «Preface» to Milton: A Poem in 2 Books to Justify the Ways of God to Man, in The Complete Poems, edited by Alicia Ostriker (Penguin Books: London and New York, 1977).
William Blake, «On Homer's Poetry» in The Complete Writings of William Blake.
William Blake, «Letter to the Rvd. Dr. Trusler, 23 August 1799», The Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman, commentary by Harold Bloom (Doubleday & Co.: Garden City, New York, 1956).
William Blake, «On Boyd» in The Complete Writings of William Blake.
William Blake, «On Dante» in The Complete Writings of William Blake.
The Illuminated Blake, edited by David V. Erdman, (Doubleday & Co.: Garden City, New York, 1974).
Cf. William Blake, «The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: The Voice of the Devil», in William Blake, «On Boyd» in The Complete Writings of William Blake.
William Blake, «Public Address, pp. 60 and 20», The Poetry and The Prose of William Blake.
Lord Byron, «Letter to Octavius Gilchrist, 15 September 1821» in Byron: A Self-Portrait: Letters and Diaries, 1789—1824, edited by Peter Quennell, 2 volumes (Scribner's: New York, 1950).
Lord Byron, «Letter to John Murray, 17 September 1817» Byron: Self-Portrait.
John Stuart Mill, «Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato» in The Collected works of John Stuart Mill, edited by J.M. Robinson, volume XI (Toronto University Press: Toronto, 1978).
Percy Bysse Shelley, «А Defence of Poetry» in Essays and Letters, edited by Ernest Rhys (Walter Scott: London, 1887).
Herbert Read, Byron (Longmarks, Green & Co.: London, 1951).
Джордж Гордом Байрон, «Дон Жуан», VII:80-81 (цитируется в переводе Т. Гнедича).
Дон Жуан, VII:78.
Дон Жуан, VIII:9.
Одиссея, IV:538.
Одиссея, II:1.
Jorge Lois Borges, «Las versions homericas» in Discusion.
The Odyssey [1961] and The Iliad [1974] translated by Robert Fitzgerald (Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, 2004).
Илиада, XVI:346-350 и 606-607.
Илиада, XVI:352-356.
«The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold…» Lord Byron, The destruction of Sennacherib.
Enrique Banchs «El Tigre» in La urna [1911], перевод Лидии Кисляковой.
Ogdon Nash, «Very Like a Whale» in Selected Verse, перевод Лидии Кисляковой.
Madame de Stael, De la literature consideree dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales [1800] ed. P. van Tieghan, 2 volumes (Geneva and Paris, 1959).
Donald Phillip Verene, Vico's Science of Imagination (Cornel University Press: Ithaca and London, 1982).
Giambattista Vico, La scienza nuova §819 (Torinese: Torino, 1952).
Richard Ellman, James Joyce, new and revised edition (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1982).
Илиада, II:484-493.
Donald Phillip Verene, Vico's Science of Imagination.
Giambattista Vico, La scienza nuova §873.
Ulrich Joost, «Friedrich August Wolf» in Walter Killy, Literature Lexicon, Band XII (Bertelsmann: München, 1992).
Johann Joachim Winkelmann, Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in der Malerei und Bildhauerkunst [1755] (Philipp Reclam: Stuttgart, 1995).
Denis Diderot, «Salon de 1767» in Oeuvres completes, annotees par J. Assezat et M. Tourneux (Gamier freres: Paris, 1875—1879).
Cf. Grecs (philosophic des) in L'Ecyclopedie de Diderot et d'Alembert, edition facsimile (Franco Maria Ricci: Milano, 1977—78).
Cicéron, L'Orateur: Du meilleur genre d'orateurs, 11:62.
Johann Peter Eckermann, Gesprache mit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens [1837—1848] Herausgegeben von Fritz Bergemann, 2 Bande (Stihrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt-am-Main, 1981).
J.W. von Goethe, «Brief an Schiller», 17 mai 1795, in Werke, Band 2, textkritisch durchgesehen von Erich Trunz (C.H. Beck: München, 1981).
J.W. von Goethe, «Brief an Schiller», 27 December 1797, in Werke, Band 2.
J.W. von Goethe, «Brief an Humbolt», 26 Mai 1799, in Werke, Band 2.
Кроме того, и многие другие: Herder's Auch eine Philosophic der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit (1774), Alteste Urkunde des Menschengeschlechts (1774), Ideen zur Philosophie der Menschheit (1784—91) etc., Wieland's Geschichtedes Agaton (1766—67), Die Abderiten (1774), Neue Götter-Gesprache (1791) etc., Heinse's Ardinghello (1789), Schlegel's Über die Diotima (1795), Über das Studium der griechischen poesie (1797), Die Griechen und Rõmer (1798) etc., Karl Philipp Moritz, Götterlehre (1791), Hölderlin Hyperion (1797—99), Empedocles (1797—1800) etc.
Cf. E.R. Curtis, Europäische Literatur und Lateinishen Mittelalter XVIII (A. Francke AG: Bern, 1948).
J.W. von Goete, «Der ewige Jude» in Goethes Poetische Werke, Band 2 (J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger: Stuttgart, 1950—1954).
E.R. Curtis, Europäische Literatur und Lateinishen Mittelalter, I.
Nicholas Boyle, Goethe, the Poet and the Age, vol. I «The poetry of Desire».
J.W. von Goethe, Die Leiden des Jungen Werher, I, in Werke, Band 6, textkritisch durchgesehen von Erich Trunz und kommentiert von Benno von Wiese (C.H. Beck: München, 1981).
Friedrich Schiller, «Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung» in Schillers Werke, herausgegeben von Ludwig Bellermann, Achter Band (Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig und Wien, 1905).
Carl Gustav Jung, Schiller's ideals on the Type Problem in Psychological Types, a Revision by R.F.C. Hull of the Translation by H.G. Baynes, Volume 6 of the Collected Works (Princeton University Press: Princeton, N. J., 1971).
Friedrich Schiller, «Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung».
Цит. по David Luke's Introduction to Goethe, Faust Part II, translated by David Luke (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1994).
Илиада, II:177-178.
Iliad, III:219 [цит. по англоязычной версии Р. Фаглза, перевод на русский Лидии Кисляковой].
Илиада, III:156-158.
Илиада, VI:357-358.
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus (1588?, first published 1604), lines 62-63, in The Plays of Christopher Marlowe (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1939).
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, lines 1354-65.
Илиада, III:158.
Перевод В. Я. Брюсова. (Edgar Alan Рое, «То Helen», 1848).
Илиада, III:164-165.
J.W. von Goethe, Faust Part II, lines 8838-8840.
J.W. von Goethe, Faust Part II, line 6197.
J.W von Goethe, Die Leiden des Jungen Werther, I.
J.W von Goethe, Dichtung und Wahrheit in Werke, Band 9, textkritisch durchgesehen von Liselotte Blumenthal und kommentiert von Erich Trunz (C.H. Beck: München, 1981).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «What I Owe to the Ancients» 2, in Twillight of the Gods, in The Portable Nietzsche, edited and translated by Walter Kaufman (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1954).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «Homer und die klassische Philologie» in Werke in drei Banden, herausgegeben von Karl Schlechta (Carl Hanser Verlag: München, 1973).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «Homer Contest» in The Portable Nietzsche.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music, translated by Shaun Whiteside, edited by Michael Tanner, new revised edition (Penguin Books; London and New York, 2003).
Friedrich Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy.
Leslie Chamberlain, Nietzsche in Turin (Quartet Books: London, 1996).
Sigmund Freud, «Our Attitude Towards War» in Civilization, Society and Religion, Group Psychology, Civilization and its Discontents and Other Works, translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1958).
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time (W.W. Norton and Co.: New York and London, 1988).
Одиссея, XI:484-486.
Илиада, XXI:110-113.
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Цит. по: Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Sigmund Freud, «Our Attitude Towards War».
Sigmund Freud, «Moses and Monotheism» [1939] in The Origins of Religion translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1985).
Bruno Bettelheim, Freud and Man's Soul (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1983).
Carl Gustav Jung, «On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry» in The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature, translated by H.G. Baynes (Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1966).
Илиада, XXIV:592-595.
Перевод Лидии Кисляковой (Rupert Brook, The Collected Poems).
Heinrich Schliemann, Troy and Its Remains: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries Made on the Site of Illium and in the Trojan Plain, edited by Philip Smith [translated by L. Dora Schmitz, 1875] (Arno Press: New York, 1976).
Michael Wood, In Search of the Trojan War (BBc Books: London, 1985).
Цит. по: Philip Smith's Introduction to Heinrich Schliemann, Troy and Its Remains.
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey: Who and What She Was, When and Where She Wrote [1897], Second Edition With a New Preface by Henry Festing Jones (Jonathan Cape: London, 1922).
Одиссея, IX:21-26.
Robert Bittlestone, Odysseus Unbond: The Search for Homer's Ithaca (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 2006).
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey.
Moses Finley, The World of Odysseus [1956] {Pelican Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York, 1962).
J.W. von Goethe, Dichtung and Wahrheit.
Samuel Butler, The Notebooks, Selections arranged and edited by Henry Festing Jones (Jonathan Cape: London, 1912).
T. E. Lawrence «Translator's Note» in The Odyssey of Homer.
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus (Canongate: Edinburgh and New York, 2005).
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey.
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad.
Одиссея, XXII:468-469.
Mary Josefa MacCarthy, A Nineteenth-Century Childhood (William Heinemann: London, 1924).
Пер. А. Щербакова (Rudyard Kipling, «When ‘Omer Smote ‘Is Bloomin’ Lyre» in The Seven Seas).
Durs Grunbein, Galilei vermisst Dante Holle und bleibt an den Massen Hangen (Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am-Main, 1996).
Цит. по Richard Ellman, James Joyce, new and revised edition (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1982).
W.B. Yeats, «The Autumn of the Body» in Ideas of Good and evil, quoted by Richard Ellmann, The Consciousness of Joyce (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1977).
Cf. Richard Ellmann, James Joyce.
Vladimir Nabokov, «Ulisses» in Lectures on Literature, edited by Fredson Bowers, introduction by John Updike (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: New York and London, 1980).
Пер. С. Хоружий, В.А. Хинкис, эпизод 12.
Пер. М.Л. Гаспарова (А.Е. Housman, «Fragment of a Greek Tragedy» [1883]).
Цит. по Richard Ellmann, James Joyce.
Neither story is in Homer: Ulisses' is told by Hyginus, Fabulae 95, Achiles' in Apollodurus (attr.) The Library. Cf. Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, revised edition (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York, 1960).
Odyssey, III:265-268 [цит. по англоязычной версии Р. Фаглза, перевод на русский Лидии Кисляковой].
Alfonso Reyes, «Odiseo» en Algunos ensayos, prologo у seleccion Emmanuel Carballo (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico: Mexico, 2002).
Michael Grant, History of Rome (Weidenfeld and Nicholson: London, 1978).
Virgil, Aeneid, II.
Одиссея XI:122
Dante Alighieri, Commedia, Inferno, XXVI:90-142.
Пер. Илья Мандель (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, «Ulisses»).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Nikos Kazantzakis, The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel).
Илиада, VI.
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (José Hernández, Martin Fierro, «La vuelta de Martin Fierro» 15:2319-2324).
Victor Bérard, Les Pheniciens et I'Odysee 2 volumes, (Armand Colin: Paris, 1902—1903).
Richard Ellmann, The Consciousness of Joyce.
James Joyce, Ulysses.
George K. Anderson, The Legend of the Wandering Jew, third printing (Brown University Press: Hanover and London, 1991). По мнению Андерсона, ассоциировать Блума с Вечным Жидом — это чрезмерное упрощение.
Одиссея, I:73-74.
Samuel Johnson, A Preface to Shakespeare [1765] in The Major Works, edited by Donald Greene (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2000).
Jean Paulhan and Dominique Aury, ed. La partie se fait tous jours (Editions de Miniut: Paris, 1947).
Jean Giraudoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu in Théatre complet, ed. Jacques Body (Gallimard: Paris, 1982).
Цит. по Colette Weil in «Preface» in Jean Giraudoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu.
Cf. Marie-Jeanne Durry, L'Universde Giraudoux (Mercure de France: Paris, 1961).
Jean Giradoux, «Bellac et la tragedie» quoted in Colette Weil in «Preface» in Jean Giradoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu.
Marguerite Yourcenar, Lesyeux ouverts: entretiens avec Mathieu Galey (Editions du Centurion: Paris, 1980).
Doris Lessing, African laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe (Harper Collins: London, 1992).
Derek Walcott, The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory: The Nobel Lecture (Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, 1993).
Одиссея, XI:1.
Derek Walcott, Omeros, I:1 (Faber and Faber: London, 1990).
Эзра Лумис Паунд — американский поэт XX века, один из основоположников англоязычной модернистской литературы, издатель и редактор (прим. пер.).
Ezra Pound, The Cantos, I:1, revised edition (Faber and Faber: London, 1975).
Derek Walcott, Omeros, III:27.
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Derek Walcott, Omeros, III).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Omeros, I).
Italo Calvino, Perche leggere I classici (Arnoldo Mondadory: Milano, 1991).
Пер. А. Калининой (C. P. Cavafy, «Trojans»).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (C. P. Cavafy, «Ithaca»).
Пер. В. Некляева (C. P. Cavafy, «The City»).
Timothy Findley, Famous Last Words (Clarke, Irwin & Co.: Toronto and Vancouver, 1981).
Ezra Pound. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Faber and Faber: London, 1920).
Timothy Findley, «Famous Last Words» in Inside Memory: Pages From a Writer's Workbook (Harper Collins: Toronto, 1990).
David Ingham, «Bashing the Facists: The Moral Dimensions of Findley's Fiction» in Studies in Canadian Fiction 15, 2 (1990).
Эдмунд Гулдинг, «Гранд отель» (Edmund Goulding «Grand Hotel», MGM, 1932).
T. S. Eliot «The Hollow Men».
Ezra Pound, The Cantos, 74.
Alessandro Baricco, Omero, Iliade (Feltrinelii: Milano, 2004).
Цит. по Диоген Лаэртский, «Жизнь и высказывания знаменитых философов», Книга IX.
Celso, El Discurso verdadero contra los cristianos, introduccion у notas de Serafin Bodelon (Alianza: Madrid, 1988).
Dante Alighieri, De monarchia, II: 5:22 in Le Opere di Dante. Testo critico della Societa Dantesca Italiana, ed. M. Barci et al. (Societa dantesca Italiana: Milano, 1921—22).
Одиссея, XXII:305-306.
Simone Weil, The Iliad, or the Poem of Force, translated by Mary McCarthy (Pendle Hill Pamphet: Wellingford, Pennsylvania, 1956).
Herbert Read, editor, The Knapsack (George Routledge & Sons: London, 1939).
Илиада, XV.
Илиада, VI.
Впрочем, некоторые считают это возможным. В лондонском периодическом издании The Spectator, от 30 июля 2005 года, в статье «Спасибо Хиросиме» Эндрю Кенни (Andrew Kenny) опубликовал скандальную защиту бомбардировки Хиросимы, утверждая что в перспективе это спасло больше жизней, чем погубило.
Илиада, VIII.
Emile Zola, Ouevre critique, II (Francois Bernouard: Paris, 1929).
Илиада, XVIII:478.
Илиада, VI:55-60.
Илиада, VI:65.
Илиада, XXII:153-157.
Перевод Юлии Баядиловой. (Wallace Stevens, «Phases» XI in Opus Posthumous).
Jorge Luis Borges, El Aleph (Losada: Buenos Aires, 1949).
Илиада, VI:447-449.
Iliad, IX:385-388 (цит. по англоязычной версии Р. Фаглза, перевод на русский Лидии Кисляковой].
Одиссея, III:231.
Илиада, XVIII:107.
Одиссея, IX:341-343.
Одиссея, XXIII:326-327.
Одиссея, XXIII:395-343.
Илиада, VI:495-496.
Илиада, XXIV:629-633.
Цит. по F. Buffière, Les mythes d'Homère et la pensée grecque (Les belles letters: Paris, 1973).