
THE AUTHOR WISHES TO THANK Antoinette Lopez, Sam Ligon, Deanna Monet, and Erika Goldman. Thanks, also, to the editors of the journals in which these stories first appeared:

“Welcome to Someplace Like Piscataway”

in The American Reader

“Now I Am Doubled Over,” “Why We’re Trapped In A Failed System,” and “Someone Great Like Socrates”

in New World Writing

“I Want To Kiss Myself, Good God”

in The Literarian

“Anytime, Sweet”

in Gigantic

“Family of Man on Isle of Wight”

in The Collagist

“The Problem with Green Bananas” and “A Regular Day for Real People”

in The Brooklyn Rail

“Guiding Eyes for the Blind Dog Training School”

in Indiana Review

“Goodnight Maybe Forever”

in Willow Springs

“Good People”

in Dossier Journal


in Failbetter

“The Sky Was Everywhere Like Water”

in New York Tyrant

“A Cloud That Looks Like Jesus”

in Fanzine

“Big People Everywhere”

in The Literary Review

“How to Direct A Major Motion Picture”

in Puerto Del Sol

“Christine and Grace, Naturally”

in Hobart

“The Human Cost”

in Memorious
