Abrams, Jonathan


advertising formula

Google charges

mechanism of

revenue sharing

Advertising, traditional

concerns about Google

data collection methods

versus Google methods

Internet, impact on

as marketing companies

online ads, increase in

outlook for future

recession of 2008, impact on

spending on ads, increase in

Advertising by Google. See Google advertising


beginning, limitations of

CPC (cost per click), adoption of

keywords, advertiser bidding on

limitations of


Aiken, Paul

Airplane test

Allen, Herbert III

All Things Digital Conference



and cloud computing

electronic book sales

Anderson, Chris

Andreessen, Marc

and Campbell

on decline of newspapers

on Google

and Netscape

new media ventures of



Google exit from

powered by Google deals


Apple/Google board members

and Campbell

Google mobile phone competition

as wave maker

See also Jobs, Steve; specific products

Armstrong, Michael

Armstrong, Tim

leaves Google

role at Google

Arnold, Stephen E.

Arora, Nikesh

Arrillaga, Laura

Arrington, Michael

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Associated Press

Google deal

growth of

issues with Google

online, revenue compared to print

Association of American Publishers

Astound Cable


for AdWords

for IPO stock price

Authors Guild, lawsuit against Google

Ayers, Charlie



Ballmer, Steve

Barron, Seth

Battelle, John

Bechtolsheim, Andy

as Google billionaire

as investor

role at Google

Behavioral targeting

Berndt, Andy

Berners-Lee, Tim

Bernstein, Leonard

Beta testing

Bewkes, Jeff

Bezos, Jeffrey

Bharat, Krishna

Bianchini, Gina


Bisciglia, Christophe

Bloomberg, growth of

Bock, Laszlo

Boeing aircraft, purchase by Google

Books/book publishers

Authors Guild lawsuit

Book Search settlement

complaints against Google

decline of industry

Google position

libraries/Google partnership

orphaned books issue

outlook for future

See also Electronic books

Boorstin, Robert

Borthwick, John

Bouchet, Paul

Bowman, Douglas

Brabazon, Tara

Braddi, Joan

Brain reading

Branson, Richard

Braun, Larry

Braun, Lloyd

Brilliant, Dr. Larry

Brin, Sergey

background information

clarity of purpose

in computer industry

focus at Google

Google, development of

as Google billionaire

on Google contribution to society

limitations of

Parkinson’s gene

personality of

on privacy issue

relationship with Page

at TGIF, example of

title of

Washington visit

wife, Wojcicki, Anne

Bronfman, Edgar M., Jr.

Brown, Bonnie

Brown, Millward



Google as default search

Google impetus for

Buchheit, Paul

Burning Man

Bush, George W.

Business plan

Cable box

Google data gathering with

wireless replacement for

Cable programming

new media ventures of

outlook for future

revenues,increase in

Cafeteria/free food

Calacanis, Jason

Calhoun, David L.

Campbell, Bill

and Apple

background information

criticism of

and Facebook

negative views of

role at Google

Canoe Ventures

Carr, Nicholas

Cartoon Cavalcade of Comedy


Cassidy Singh

CBS, new media ventures of

CBS Interactive

deals of

growth of

and Smith

YouTube deal

CD Club Web Server

Center for Digital Democracy

Chavez, Pablo

Chen, Steve

Cheriton, David

Chernin, Peter

Chester, Jeffrey

Child care

China, censorship, Google compliance with

Christensen, Clayton M.

Clancy, Dan

Clarizio, Lynda

Clear Channel Communications

Cloud computing


features of

and Schmidt


CBS acquisition of

privacy dispute

Coats, Dan

Commercials, TV. See Television

Comstock, Beth


founders, view of

Google ownership, necessity of

old versus new media view of

OPC (other people’s content), Google use

Conway, Ron


Google data gathering

user opt-out option


book digitization and Google

monitoring, legal status

See also Piracy

CPC (cost per click)

adoption of

functions of

introduced to Google

CPM (cost per thousand)


impact on newspaper ads

Creative Lab

Crovitz. Gordon

Curley, Tom

Cutts, Matt

Data centers

and cloud computing

scope of

Data collection by Google

advertising, use of data for

behavioral targeting

via cable box

and cookies

data as power source

and DoubleClick

privacy concerns. See Privacy

transparent personalization

Daumann, Philippe

Davenport, Thomas H.

Davidson, Alan

Davies, Michael

Delrahim, Makan

Desai, Keval

Design of Everyday Things, The (Norman)

Desimone, Josef


Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Diller, Barry

on Google founders

and Google IPO

meets with founders

on new media

new media ventures of

on privacy issue


CBS deal

streaming on iTunes

Doerr, John

and Campbell

on CEO, need for

as investor

on IPO

and private plane purchase

on recession of 2008,

and Schmidt

Dog care

“Don’t be evil,”

Dot-com collapse


acquisition, attempts to block

functions of

Google acquisition of

value to Google

Drucker, Peter

Drummond, David

Duplicate detection

Dyson, Esther

EchoStar Technologies


Eisner, Michael

Electronic books

Book Search settlement

copyright issues

Google digitization plan


publisher resistance to

sale, increase in

Electronic Privacy Information Center

Employees. See Google employees

Encyclopedia, Knol

Engineers. See Google engineers



Eun, David

Eustace, Alan



employee perks

Google concerns about

Google as facilitator of

versus MySpace

Sandberg at

Fager, Jeff

Fallows, James

Fanning, Shawn

Federal government

Brin, Washington visit

child porn queries case

and DoubleClick deal

Google/Yahoo alliance blocked

Microsoft monopoly charges

Obama administration and Google

Washington office as mediator

Filo, David. See also Google


Fortune, Google ranking

Fox, Nick

Free services

and alternative money schemes

and Google

versus payment-based



Gates, Bill

and cable companies

and changing technology

on competitive threat

on creative capitalism

Gates Foundation

view of Google

See also Microsoft

Global Google

challenges to

China, censorship

growth of

legal compliance, examples of

Glocer, Tom

on Reuters financial results


ads, word matching method

privacy concerns


advertising. See Google advertising


AOL deal

CEO, search for

Chrome browser

and cloud computing

corporate headquarters. See Mountain View Googleplex

data centers

democratizing impact of digital

“don’t be evil” slogan

dot-com bust, impact on

employees. See Google employees; Google engineers

Fortune ranking of

founders of. See Brin, Sergey; Page, Larry

Gmail started

going public. See Public offering

Google Health

Google Voice

green initiatives

growth of

home page/logo, design of

idealism of founders

incorporation of

initiatives (2008)

investors, initial

lawsuits against. See Lawsuits

losses (1999-2000)

management. See Management at Google

mission of

monetizing, problems of

monetizing solutions

office space, in beginning

and old media. See Old media

PAC of

press conference, first

recession of 2008, impact on


societal contribution of

threats to

Washington office

as wave maker

and wisdom of the crowds approach


Google advertising




CNET dispute

consumer data, misuse of

consumers, data collection on. See Data collection by Google; Privacy

CPC (cost per click)

development of


effectiveness of ads, measuring

future pressures

in Gmail

Gmail problem

Google Ad Planner

Google as Big Brother view

Google Audio Ads

Google News

as Google option

Google policy

Google Print Ads

Google TV Ads

and Google values

Google viewpoint on

importance to Americans

initial resistance to

method, advantages of

on mobile devices

network effect

versus old media ads. See Advertising, traditional; Old media

and Patriot Act

privacy versus user trust


sales force

syndication of ads

and YouTube

Google Analytics, function of

Google Audio Ads

Google Books

Google Book Search

Google Checkout

Google Content Network

Google Desktop

Google Desktop Search

Google Docs

Google Earth

Google employees

dog policy

engineering staff. See Google engineers

and Google culture

hiring practices

leaving Google

loyalty to founders

millionaires and stock price

motivational methods

perks/benefits to


stock options to

strategists/sales force


20 percent time

Google engineers

initial hires

limitations of

management of

as noncommunicators

product strategy meetings, example of

recruitment of

role of


working together, success of

Google Flu Trends

Google Foundation

Google Founders Award

Google Health

Google Maps

privacy issue

Google News

ads on

complaints against

invention of

number of news sites


wire services, settlement with

Googleplex. See Mountain View Googleplex

Google Print Ads

Google Product Search

Google Product Strategy (GPS) reviews

role at Google

Google Scholar

Google Search

and advertising. See Google advertising

cookies, use by Google

as default search for browsers

development of

future threats

mechanism of

on mobile devices

name, choosing

versus other search engines


Google Ventures

“Google Version 2.0: The Calculating Predator,”

Google Video

Google Voice

Googzilla concept

Gore, Al

on Apple board

and Google

Google, view of

on Steve Jobs

Gotlieb, Irwin

on ads and smart phones

career of

on misuse of data

observations on Google

outlook for future



Gravel, Mike

Green initiatives

Gross, Bill

Grouf, Nick

Group M

Hands Off the Internet

Harik, George

Hashim, Smita

Health records, Google Health

Hecht, Albie

Heiferman, Scott

Hennessy Stanford L.

Herskovitz, Marshall

Hiring practices

Hirschhorn, Jason

Holden, Richard

Hölzle, Urs

Horowitz, Ben

Horvath, Jane

Huber, Jeff


Hurley Chad

Hybrid sites


of founders

and tech companies

Iger, Robert

Initial public offering (IPO). See Public offering



Google as wave maker

Innovator’s Dilemma

and 20 percent time


Investors in Google



Android as competitor

on mobile devices



Disney licensing deal

show/movie licensing on

Iyer, Bala

Jarvis, Jeff


and Campbell

clarity of

compared to Google founders

*and Disney

See also Apple

Johnson, Kevin

Journalism Online


Justice Department. See Federal government

Kamangar, Salar

Karmazin, Mel

first visit to Google

on Google ads

on new media

satellite radio problems

Katzenberg, Jeffrey

Kedar, Ruth

Kelly, Kevin

Kennedy, Jim


advertiser bidding on

advertising relevance to

Khosla, Vinod


Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers

Knol, encyclopedia

Kordestani, Omid

on expansion of Google

as Google billionaire

on Google founders

role at Google

Kotick, Bobby

games business in China

Krane, David

Lack, Andrew

Lashinsky Adam

Law of increasing returns


Authors Guild



Lee, Alissa

Lee, Kwan

Lemann, Nicholas

Lerer, Kenneth

Lessig, Lawrence

Levinson, Arthur


book digitization partners

complaints against Google

Link analysis

Lippman, Andrew B.



Lunar X Prize

McAndrews, Brian

McCaffrey Cindy

McCain, John

MacFarlane, Seth

Mack, Connie

McNamee, Roger

Magazines/magazine ads

decline of

online, increase in readers

outlook for future

Malseed, Mark

Management at Google

as controlled chaos

emulation by others

executive management meetings

as networked management

orchestra conductor metaphor

Stanford University as model

structure, development of

turnover 2009,


See also Schmidt, Eric

Marketing companies

Massage program

Mayer, Marissa

dating Page

on Google founders

hiring of

role at Google

Media companies

Innovator’s Dilemma trap

wave makers versus wave riders

See also New media; Old media

Meeker, Mary


executive management

product strategy

Mehdi, Yusuf

Metered payments



anti-Microsoft tribe

Bing search engine

Cashback failure

criticism of Google

and Facebook

versus Google

Live Search

monopoly charges

Passport and personal data

profit-making mission

Yahoo bid

Millard, Wenda Harris

Mills, Elinor

Mobile phones

Android platform

Google Voice

new media ventures of

smart phones


and Google

and Microsoft

Moonves, Les

Moore ’s law

Moritz, Michael

and Campbell

on CEO, need for

as investor

on IPO

on value of Google

view of Schmidt

Motwani, Rajeev

on Google founders

role at Google

on Schmidt

Mountain View Bayshore Parkway facility

Mountain View Googleplex

culture of

expansion of

facilities of

See also Google employees

Movie industry

complaints against Google

decline, causes of

new media ventures of

piracy problem


MTV Networks

MTV Overdrive

Murdoch, Rupert

acquisitions of

MySpace acquisition

outlook for newspapers


Music companies

album sales, drop in

disruption by digital wave

new media companies

Myers, Jack

Myhrvold, Nathan P.


versus Facebook

Google deal

Murdoch purchase of

networked approach of



Naughton, Eileen

NBC, new media ventures of

Negroponte, Nicholas

Neilsen Company, Google partnership

Nessen, Charles


Netscape browser

Netscape Communications

Networked approach

beta testing


Google advertising

Network neutrality


New Century Network

Newmark, Craig

New media

concerns related to Google

consumer spending on

content, meaning of

media usage by youth, statistics on

versus Microsoft approach

old media ventures into

profits compared to old media

user control, shift toward

wave makers versus wave riders

Newspapers/newspaper ads

cost cutting (2008-2009)

decline of

Google Print Ads

investments, problems of

journalism students, focus of

online, increase in readers

online, problems of

outlook for future


as product, capabilities of

News services. See Wire services


Nisenholtz, Martin


Norman, Donald A.

Norvig, Peter

Obama, Barack

Old media

acquisitions, purpose of

ad revenues, risks of

concerns related to Google

content, meaning of

decline of

Google going public, response to

Google outreach to

new media acquisitions by

new media threats to

radical solutions, need for

recession of 2008, impact on

See also Advertising, traditional; Books/ book publishers; Magazines/magazine ads; Music companies; Newspapers/ newspaper ads; Telephone companies; Television


O‘Reilly Tim



Page, Larry

on advertising formula

on advertising policy

background information

clarity of purpose

in computer industry

on content and Google

and digitized books

focus at Google

goals for Google

Google, development of

as Google billionaire

on Google users

limitations of

marketing, position on

on newspaper industry decline

personality of

relationship with Brin

on “solving search,”

at TGIF, example of

title of

wife, Southworth, Lucy


development of

limitations of

Partners Program


Patel, Amit

Patriot Act

Payment-based services, online, examples of


Peretsman, Nancy B.

Philips, Jeremy



Pichette, Patrick

background information

cost cutting by

role at Google


antipiracy efforts

and book industry

DoubleClick threat


YouTube content

Pittman, Robert


Political action committee (PAC), NETPAC

Political participation, and YouTube


Pop-up ads, blocking

Porn searches, discouraging

Portals, versus search engines

Postman, Neil

Procter amp; Gamble, Google employee exchange

Product management

Project Virgle

Public Knowledge

Public offering

dual-voting stock

initial resistance to

IPO, text of

IPO price

“Letter from the Founders, A,”

and millionaire employees

old media response to

stock price, initial jump

stock structure proposal by founders

Pyra Labs



decline of industry

Google Audio Ads

new media threats to


Radio spectrum, for wireless devices

Ramaswamy, Sridhar

Rattner, Steven

Raymond, Eric Steven

Reality mining

Recession of 2008

and Google

impact on media/tech industry

Red Hat

Redstone, Sumner

Hulu, rejection of

MySpace bid

on new media

recession of 2008, impact on

YouTube, view of

See also Viacom

Regulation, federal. See Federal government


Reuters, Thomas

Reyes, George

Rosenberg, Jonathan

Rosenblatt, David

Rosing, Wayne

Rotenberg, Marc

Rothenberg, Randall

Rubin, Andy

Salaries at Google


Sandberg, Sheryl

background information

at Facebook

leaves Google

role at Google

Satellite radio

Scannell, Herb

Schmidt, Eric

on Apple board

background information

as CEO

and cloud computing

and CNET dispute

on content and Google

on decline of old media

on free service

goals for Google

as Google billionaire

on Google expansion

on Google as “moral force,”

on monetizing YouTube

negative views of

on old media concerns

personality of

on privacy issue

on recession and Google

role at Google

Schoendorf, Joe

Schrage, Elliot

Sculley, John


solving, Page on

threats to Google

vertical searches

Search, The (Battelle)

Search Engine Land

Search engines

Google. See Google Search

versus portals

Search Engine Strategies (SES)

Seidenberg, Ivan

Semel, Terry S.

70-20-10 strategy

Sezmi wireless box

Shelton, Johanna

Shirky, Clay

Shriram, Ram

on CEO search

as investor

on IPO

role at Google

Silverstein, Craig

on artificial intelligence

role at Google

Slaughter, Anne-Marie

Sling Media Entertainment Group

Smart phones

advertising potential of

functionality of

Smith, Adam

Smith, Megan

Smith, Quincy

background information

and CBS Interactive

Google, view of

expected to leave CBS

old media, outlook for

Smith, Tad

Social networks

ads, problems of


as threat to Google

See also specific networks

Sohn, Gigi


Sorrell, Sir Martin

Sotomayor, Ernest R.

Southworth, Lucy

Specter, Michael

Spectrum space

Stanford University

culture replicated at Google

Google, development of

Google shares owned by

Page and Brin at

Stevens, Ted

Stock options

to employees

repricing (2008)

See also Public offering

Street View

Stringer, Sir Howard

Students, use of Google

Sullivan, Danny

Sullivan, Stacy Savides

Sulzberger, Arthur Jr.

Syndication of ads

Talgam, Italy

Telephone companies

concerns related to Google

data collection methods of

versus Google Voice

new media threats to

outlook for future

See also Mobile phones


audience, decline of

Google TV ads

local, decline of

network, decline of

new media threats to

new media ventures

outlook for future


elements of

purpose of

Thiel, Peter

Time Warner

Transparent personalization

Troper, Dennis

Trust in Google, by customers. See Users

20 percent time


Ullman, Jeffrey

Universal Music Group


advertising, user control of

customer trust in Google

Google, democratizing impact of

and operation of Google

trust as emotional equity

trust versus privacy infringement

wisdom of the crowds approach

Vardi, Yossi

Varian, Hal

Varney, Christine A.


and Android

data delivery plan

FIOS cable video service

Google as threat

Microsoft deal

Vertical searches


Hecht leaves

lawsuit against Google

and MySpace sale

new media ventures of

YouTube negotiation

See also Redstone, Sumner

Vickery auction

Video Identification System (VID)

Vise, David

Wales, Jimmy

Washington office

Web sites, advertising revenues back to


Wilson, Fred


Winograd, Terry

on Google founders

role at Google

at Stanford

Wire services

digital business, growth of

Google deals with

Wisdom of the crowds approach

Wojcicki, Anne

Wojcicki, Susan

on Google founders

Google Founders Award

Google spaced rented from

role at Google

Wolfram Alpha

Worldwide Biggies

Wu, Tim


Chinese dissidents, exposing

versus Google

Google as default search

Google as sales agent deal

Google warrant issued to

lawsuit against Google

Microsoft bid for

Overture/Inktomi deal

Peanut Butter Manifesto



Yang, Jerry. See also Google


advertising on

antipiracy efforts

CBS deal

content partners

Google purchase

versus Hulu

monetizing, problems of

piracy complaints against

and political participation

threat to TV

traditional media deals, rejection of

Zeiger, Dr. Roni

Zeitgeist Conference

Zelnick, Strauss

Zucker, Jeff

Zuckerberg, Marc

Zwick, Edward
