Grace closed her suitcase and looked around to see if she had forgotten anything. It had seemed to take forever for spring break to arrive. It was hard to believe that it was less than two months until graduation.

"Grace, dear, your friend is here to pick you up."

"Thanks, Mrs. Somers," Grace said, as she practically ran down the stairs, suitcase and laptop in hand. "I'm ready."

"Relax," Carey said, smiling at the young woman's exuberance. "I would have waited." She held out her hand to take the suitcase, noting Grace had grown even more beautiful in the last few months. The only visible reminder of the accident was a tiny scar on the edge of her chin. "Turn around and let me get a better look at the new haircut."

"You like?" Grace said, handing her the suitcase and spinning around in a circle.

"It looks great."

Grace decided she could wait no longer and wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist, mindful not to drop the laptop. "I've missed you so much," she said, inhaling deeply.

Carey opened the oven, then bent over to check the potatoes. A soft hand rested on the small of her back. "Few more minutes," she said, expecting Grace to remove her hand.

"Smells wonderful," Grace said.

Carey stood up, finding herself enveloped in the young woman's arms. "Grace."

"I've missed you so much," Grace said, resting her head on Carey's chest. "You said we had a few minutes."

"You can't behave for a few minutes," Carey said, though she let her arms hang loosely around Grace's shoulders. "I'm surprised you've lasted this long." She glanced at her watch. "Must be at least, oh, ten or fifteen minutes since you got a hug."

"It's been over an hour," Grace said. "Be nice and I’ll show you my tattoo."

"You still haven't told me where it is," Carey said.

"Where do you think it is?"

"I have no idea," Carey said, refusing to guess and mention any body parts.

"You have ideas," Grace said. "You just don't want to say them."

"You're right," Carey said. "Stop teasing me."

Grace hugged tightly, then stepped back. "Okay, since you don't wanna guess, I'll have to show you." She walked over to the table and pulled out a chair.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Carey protested.

"Instead of calling you Scary, they should have called you Scaredy, as in scaredy cat." She removed her right sock and put her foot on the chair, turning so Carey could see her ankle. "I didn't find out until afterwards that it hurts more when you have it done near the bone. Next

time I'll get it done on my ass, there's enough padding there."

Carey knelt down to get a better look at the tattoo. "Pretty," she said, tempted to trace the heart with her finger. "What prompted you to get this?"

"Pure spur of the moment kinda stuff," Grace said, sitting down and putting her sock back on. "Tom, Stuart, and I were walking back from a bistro when we saw the tattoo parlor. One thing led to another and I got this."

"And you want more?"

"Maybe," Grace said. "Would it bother you if I did?"

"I think tattoos are nice...on other people," Carey said. "It's your body, but remember, once you get one, it's there for life."

"You didn't answer my question," Grace said. “I know you were surprised, but I can't tell if it bothers you or not."

"How I feel about it shouldn't matter."

Grace growled in frustration and went into the living room. "Forget it."

Carey looked at the clock, frowning at the time. Sleep absolutely refused to come to her. She thought about reading but her glasses were in the other room. Just knowing that Grace was out there asleep on her couch was driving her crazy. Not wanting to get up and admit total defeat, she turned on the lamp and opened the nightstand drawer. There, on top of other letters, was the most recent one from Grace. She reached into the envelope and pulled out the snapshot that had been sent with the letter. Her hair definitely looks better short, she thought to herself as she looked at the picture. It had been taken at a party in someone’s back yard; arms and backs of other people caught on the outer edges of the photo. Grace was laying on a chaise lounge, her eyes closed and her nipples showing prominently through the sheer material of the bright blue bathing suit. You are such a tease, Carey thought, setting the photo on the nightstand. "Oh, Grace, what am I going to do with you?" Lay her down and make a woman out of her, the voice inside said. I can't do that, she answered herself. She's nineteen. I'm thirty-one. Still, there was no denying the attraction, the desire that existed when she thought of what was beneath that bathing suit. Damn it, Grace. Why do you do this to me? Closing her eyes, Carey reached into her pajama bottoms, knowing sleep would come no other way.

"Where do you want it?"

"Just drop it anywhere," Grace said, setting her laptop down on the desk. "I'll try one last time. Stay for a little while?"

"I can't," Carey said. "I have a meeting this afternoon."

"One more hug?"

"You are incorrigible," Carey said, stepping toward her. Grace snuggled against her chest and made that happy sound in her throat that Carey secretly loved. Unable to resist, she nuzzled the blonde hair. "I'll miss you," she said, holding Grace tight.

"Promise you'll come to graduation?"

"I promise."

"I love you."

Carey pressed her lips against Grace's head. "I'm sorry," she said, brushing the young woman's hair with her lips. "I care so much about you."

Grace hugged tighter. "Like a sister, I know."

Taking a deep breath, Carey smiled and shook her head. "Trust me when I tell you my thoughts of you have been far from sisterly," she said, kissing the blonde head again. "You've made sure of that."

Grace lifted her head. "Then why do you keep holding back?"

"You're still in school," Carey said. "I'm over an hour away. It wouldn't be fair to either of us."

"But it feels so right," Grace said, resting her head on Carey's chest again.

"If it's right now then it'll be right later," Carey said, rubbing Grace's back. She debated for only a second before cupping Grace's cheeks and tilting the young woman's face up. "I will miss you," she said, her lips moving closer to Grace's mouth. "You're not the only one who hates saying good-bye." Grace's whimper when their lips met was almost enough to break Carey's resolve, but with great effort she ended the kiss after a few seconds. "I'll see you at graduation and I'll call you Friday night."

It was easy for Carey to spot Richard Waters amongst the crowd, the lumberjack being larger than most of the men there. "Hello," she said when she reached him.

"Miss Carey, mighty nice to see you again," he said. "Grace said you were coming."

"Have you seen her yet?"

"This morning," he said. "I think she was more worried about you getting here in time to see her walk across the stage than on actually graduating."

"It took some serious maneuvering to get a Saturday off but I did promise her I'd get here," she said. "I had to work until noon and then push the speed limits to get here."

"I'm glad you did," he said, slapping her on the back. "I wouldn't want to face my daughter if you hadn't shown up."

Carey gave a sociable laugh, wondering what exactly Grace had told her father about the two of them. Her thoughts were interrupted when she spotted another familiar face, or rather, a pair of faces. "Why don't we go find a seat?" she suggested as the couple unknowingly came closer to them.

He patted his camcorder. "I want to make sure I get a good view of her," he said. "I got a zoom lens last week just to be—“

"I think it's quicker this way," she said, knowing exactly who Richard had seen.

"I doubt Grace knew she was coming," he said.

"She didn't say anything to me about it," Carey said, her eyes narrowing as she got a clear view of Bob Garvey.

"Answer me a question, Miss Carey."

"If I can."

He turned to her and looked at her in all seriousness. "Is that the man that hurt my little girl?"

Carey met his gaze, blue eyes so much like Grace's, begging her to answer. "Yes," she said.

"Would you excuse me for a minute?" he said.

"Of course," Carey said, clapping with everyone else as the dean approached the podium. He bored her quickly, droning on about futures and endless rainbows of opportunity. Looking around, she spotted Grace's mother sitting on the opposite side of the arena, the seat next to her empty. He wouldn't. Dropping the program on her seat, Carey went off in search of Richard.

When she found him, it was too late. Richard's meaty fist had connected solidly with Bob Garvey's face, sending the smaller man to the ground with blood spurting from his nose. The angry father went to swing again but Carey stepped in front of him. "Mr. Waters, don't." She looked quickly to see Garvey's look of surprise at her identification of the man who had slugged him. "He's not worth it." As tall and strong as she was, Carey knew she would be no match for Richard if he chose to go after the man who had raped his daughter. "Don't ruin Grace's day."

"You son of a bitch," he snarled, scaring the smaller man into staying right where he was on the ground. "You go near my daughter and I'll kill you."

"I didn't do anything," the bleeding man said. "She's lying."

"Shut up," Carey said. "Or I won't stop him." She knelt down, letting every bit of her outrage and anger show on her face. "Your lying bullshit won't work on us, so don't bother trying. You're a pathetic excuse for a man. Why Grace's mother can't see it is beyond me." She stood up and took Richard's hand. "Let's get back. We want to be there when Grace receives her diploma."

It was so hard for Richard to turn and walk away, but he did. Carey was right. That bastard had hurt Grace enough. He couldn't let this escalate into something that would spoil graduation for her, too. She had worked too damn hard for it.

Carey knew there was no way to refuse when Grace ran at her with open arms. "Congratulations," she said when the younger woman embraced her. "I'm so proud of you."

"God it's good to see you," Grace said, her voice muffled against Carey's shoulder. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Carey said, her nose brushing Grace's short blonde hair. "Look at you. All grown up." Her breath caught in her throat when she felt a soft kiss on her neck. "Grace…”

"It's about time you noticed," Grace said, stepping back and taking Carey's hands in her own. "Dad wants to take me to dinner. Come with us.”

"Oh, no, you go have dinner with your father," Carey said, her skin alive where soft lips had kissed it. "I should head back anyway."

"No!" Grace gripped the older woman's hands. "You can't leave yet. Please." She moved closer, her black robe brushing against Carey. "I really want to spend some time with you," she said. "If it's a choice between you or Daddy, I'm going to spend all summer with him. I only have today with you."

"But it's your graduation day," Carey said. "Your father paid good money to get you to this point. He deserves to spend it with you." Pleading blue eyes did her in. "If your father doesn't mind."

"He won't mind," Grace said, squeezing Carey's hand.

"I get the feeling he won't have a choice," Carey said.

"He won't," Grace said, stealing a quick kiss before going off in search of her father.

You're getting too bold, Carey thought to herself.

"I'll be right back," Grace said, setting her napkin on the table and standing up. She left in the direction of the ladies room, leaving her father alone with Carey.

"You must be very proud of her," Carey said, reaching for her water glass.

"I am," he said. "3.6 average. And what about you, Miss Carey?" His eyes, so much like Grace's, pinned her. "Are you proud of her?"

"Of course," she said. "I told her so."

He smiled, his lips disappearing under his full beard. "I'm glad to hear it. A kind word from you lights up her day."

Carey looked down at her plate. "I don't know about that, Mr. Waters."

"Yes you do," he said. "You've had my daughter's heart for over two years now."

Carey rubbed her finger along the stem of the water glass. "Did she tell you that?"

"Graceful speaks about two things when she calls me. You and school, and guess which one comes first?" He rubbed his blond beard. "I've heard about every present you've given her and I see them all each time I visit. That young lady is ass over teakettle for you."

“I know," Carey said, daring to look at him. "I want you to know I've never—“

He raised his hand. "I know," he said. "Trust me, I know." His smile grew wider. “I believe you were the reason she gave for a thirty-five dollar purchase on her debit card from Happy Adult Products." He patted her hand. "Or the lack of you, as the case may be."

Carey blushed and picked up her water glass again. "Please don't tell me that's why she wanted rechargeable batteries and a charger for her birthday last year."

"Okay, I won't," he said, smiling broadly. "Grace is very open with me."

"Apparently," Carey said, draining her glass and wishing Grace would hurry back.

"I also know that you could easily break my little girl's heart," he said. "She worships the ground you walk on."

"I'm not trying to hurt her," Carey said. "Mr. Waters, don't you think thirty-one is a little old for her?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "It's not for me to say. it's up to Graceful who she loves, and she's chosen you. And after two years I think it's time you started calling me Richard." He looked up. "Ah, here she is."

"I hope you were talking nice about me," Grace said, waving her father down when he started to stand. Her soft blue eyes locked on Carey. "Were you?"

You don’t want to know, Carey thought, nodding dumbly.

"Good," Grace said, scooting her chair closer as she sat down. "So what were you saying?"

"I um..." Carey looked to Richard for help.

"We were just talking about your presents," he said, winking at the dark-haired woman. "I hope that's the right kind of computer."

"It's perfect," Grace said, casually shifting in her seat. "Tom's got a program I can use to upload all my programs and data from the laptop into it and there's at least ten programs my friends can give me that I can't use on the old one."

As the happy graduate was talking, Carey was very much aware of the knee pressing against hers. Oh, please don’t tease me in front of your father, she prayed as Grace continued to talk about computers, seemingly unaware of their bodies touching. As subtly as possible, Carey shifted her leg away, then reached for her drink. She had just taken a mouthful when a firm hand gripped her knee, pulling her leg back where it was before. Grace continued to chat away, acting completely innocent. Fine, you want my knee that bad, keep it. The food quickly lost priority when the mischievous hand began rubbing up and down her thigh. As casually as possible, she reached under the table and captured Grace's hand, putting it on the teen's thigh instead of hers. She picked up her fork and barely put it through a piece of chicken before the impish hand returned.

"Grace, did you tell your father that your final program worked perfectly?" Carey asked, giving the graduate a warning look. Behave, please.

"I told him," Grace said, her fingers still wandering over Carey's thigh and her blue eyes twinkling with danger.

You're not going to behave, are you? Carey discreetly reached under the table and stilled Grace's hand. "Have you thought about where you want to work?"

"There's a web design firm in town that offered me an entry level job, but I'm not sure if I want to take it."

"Why not?" Carey asked, feeling the heat of Grace's hand through the jeans.

"I still haven't decided if I'm going to transfer to a four-year school and continue my education. I have options; depends on how things go."

Carey felt her thigh squeezed by the hand trapped beneath hers. "Well um, I hope everything works out for you." Wrong answer, she thought when Grace looked at her with devilish blue eyes.

"I hope so too."

What do I say that you can't turn around on me? "So, you're spending the summer in Alaska?"

"Yes, Dad has the whole summer mapped out for us."

Grace used her foot to close the door as her hands went around Carey's neck. "I've been waiting all day to be alone with you," she said, her fingers sinking into the older woman's hair.

"Grace..." It would be so easy to just give in and take the kiss being offered. But then what? "Let's sit down."

"Sure," Grace said, guiding her to the bed. "We can sit here."

"Oh sure, that's much better," Carey said sarcastically, sitting down on the soft mattress. "I don't know if this is a good idea."

"Why?" Grace asked, rising to her knees and straddling Carey's thighs. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to sit there at dinner and not touch you?"

"You did touch me," Carey said, putting her arms around Grace's back, supposedly to keep the younger woman from losing her balance. "I'm sure that wasn't your father's hand on my leg. I'm surprised you didn't play footsie."

"You ignored me," Grace said, her arms going around Carey's neck. "If my dad wasn't there I would have made sure I got your attention."

"You had my attention," Carey said. "You know damn well I was aware of each time you touched me."

"Were you?" Grace smiled, sliding her knees out to sit on Carey's lap. "I love touching you." She drew a finger along the older woman's cheek. "I need to touch you." The delicate finger caressed Carey's lip. "And kiss"

"We shouldn't," Carey weakly protested, only dimly realizing her hands were roaming over the young woman's back.

"One kiss," Grace said, cupping Carey's cheeks with her hands. "If nothing else, I have to have just one more kiss."

"Grace, I—“ She was silenced by the young woman's fingers on her lips

"No. Whatever it is, let me have this first." Soft lips brushed against her own, and Carey was helpless to stop them. Oh that's nice. Absorbed in the kiss, Carey was only vaguely aware that they were moving. She sank into the thick comforter, the welcome weight of Grace's body atop hers. The happy moans and hums drove Carey's senses wild as Grace thoroughly enjoyed herself, their lips parting and passion taking over.

"I've wanted you for so long," Grace murmured, her lips moving down Carey's chin to her throat. "Mmm, so nice."

"Grace," Carey groaned as soft lips found the sensitive spot on her neck. "We...we need to stop."

"I don't want to," Grace said, sighing as she undid the buttons on Carey's shirt. "Mmm, I want to kiss every inch of you."

"Oh, Grace..." Carey tried to think of her list of reasons why Grace should stop but the soft kisses on her breastbone were rapidly driving away all rational thought. Instead of her hands pushing the young woman away, her fingers sank into the soft blonde hair. The sport bra was pushed up out of the way, exposing her breasts to Grace's hungry gaze.

"Beautiful," Grace said, kissing the underside of each breast, then extending her arm and licking her lips. "So beautiful."

Carey could not stop herself from pressing down on the back of Grace's head, guiding her, though no guidance was necessary. She inhaled sharply when she felt soft lips close around her nipple, gently suckling while erotic moans of happiness reached her ears. "Grace...oh...a little harder...more...oh yes..." She arched into Grace's mouth, enjoying a feeling that her fingers could never duplicate. Reaching down, she found Grace's hand and brought it to her other breast, squeezing the young woman's hand beneath her own. "That's won't hurt me." Her breathing increased and her hips pressed up against Grace's. "I want you," she said, jeans becoming a barrier she could no longer tolerate. "Lift up." The tight jeans refused to budge. "Grace..."

"Mmm," was the answer she received.

Carey arched up when Grace switched breasts, the cool air causing her nipple to harden even more. "Please." The delicious suction on her breast stopped when Grace lifted her head. "Take these off," Carey said, tugging at the jeans.

"You have no idea how many times I dreamed about you saying that," Grace said, kneeling up and bringing Carey's hands to her zipper. "Help me." Carey was frozen as Grace's fingers went to the bottom button of her shirt. "You want this off too, right?"

Carey swallowed hard. "Yes."

The next button was undone. "I love your breasts," Grace said. "I could worship them all day." Carey groaned as more skin was revealed, knowing she was falling under an erotic spell woven by Grace's words. "I wore this special," Grace said, letting the shirt slip off her shoulders,

revealing a lacy bra with the closure in front. "Just for you." She leaned forward, bracing herself with her arms so her breasts were only inches away from Carey's face. "Do it," she whispered. "Please...touch me."

Carey watched, mesmerized as her own fingers moved to the small clasp between the cups, touching the soft skin and drawing an erotic moan from Grace. The cups fell away, revealing to her what she had dared not imagine for so long. "Oh Grace..." Lifting up, she kissed one dusty pink nipple, then the other, smiling when she heard Grace whimper. "Come here." Taking Grace in her arms, she positioned their bodies so they were lying side by side. "Just for me, hmm?" she said, hooking the strap with her finger. "Very pretty." She pushed the bra off Grace's arm, then ran her finger down the young woman's cheek. "Just like you."

Carey rolled over; lost somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. Her naked body pressed up against warm softness that moaned happily at the contact. "You awake?" she asked in a low whisper, not wanting to wake the young woman.

"Sorta," Grace said, reaching back and pulling Carey's arm over her. "I'm enjoying this too much to get up."

"We have to get up sometime," Carey said, opening her eyes and kissing the bare shoulder that was too close to resist.

"But if we get up then the day will start and you'll have to leave," Grace said.

"The day has already started," Carey said, lifting her head to look at the clock. "And we have less than an hour before I have to go."

Grace rolled over, pinning Carey beneath her. "Any suggestions on how to pass the time?" she asked, lowering her lips to kiss Carey's neck.

"You can't start this," Carey said, though her hands began roaming over Grace's sides. "We need to get up." The lips that had sent her to heaven and back the previous night claimed hers, the kiss going from gentle to hot in seconds. Carey brought her hands between their bodies

and began gently rubbing Grace's erect nipples.

"Ohh," Grace moaned, her head dropping and her eyes closing. "Oh, Carey, that...mmm, that feels so good."

Carey smiled, remembering how easily she sent Grace over the edge the night before. "You want me to stop?" she asked with feigned innocence.

Grace shook her head vehemently. "Don't...oh yes, keep doing that. Oh that's nice."

"I keep that up and you won't last long," Carey said, lightly rubbing her fingertips over the undersides of Grace's breasts and smiling when the young woman frantically moved to get her attention back on the sensitive nipples.

"Don't tease," Grace said, groaning when Carey lightly pinched the erect points. "You're going to kill me."

Carey stilled her fingers. "I don't want to do that," she said.


Laughing lightly, Carey resumed caressing Grace's breasts. "For someone so new to this, you certainly don't hesitate when it comes to letting me know what you want in bed," she said, raising her right leg squarely between Grace's legs. "I knew you wouldn't last long," she said

in answer to the low groan and immediate rocking motion.

"Carey...I—I can't...feels so good...oh, Carey."

"Yes?" she asked innocently, flexing her leg muscles. "Are you going to do it again?"

Grace nodded vigorously. "I can't help it," she gasped, her hips moving purposefully against Carey's thigh. "Oh...Carey."

Carey was no less amazed than she was the first time. Grace's eyes were tightly closed, unintelligible sounds coming from her parted lips as her rocking increased to a frantic rhythm. "I'm right here," Carey said, rubbing her knuckles against the erect nipples.

"Mmm, it...oh...oh Carey it feels so good...oh...don't stop."

"I won't," she promised, using her thumbs and forefingers to pinch lightly.

"Oh God...Carey...Carey...mmm...I...I..." Grace threw her head back, teeth gritted as her body trembled. She gave a soft cry as waves of pleasure buffeted through her.

Carey rolled over, capturing Grace's mouth with her own. "I have to go," she said apologetically.

"I know," Grace said, gently guiding Carey onto her back and snuggling up against her.

"What are you thinking about?" Carey asked.

Grace kissed Carey's shoulder. "I was just thinking I'm happy I waited."

Carey smiled and pulled her closer. "You think so, huh?"

"You're a wonderful lover," Grace said softly. "You were so gentle and...and..." She kissed the bare skin again. "I don't know how to explain it." She sighed happily. "Better than I imagined it would be."

Carey kissed the top of her head. "Sweet talker."



"Was I...I mean...did I do okay? Really?"

"Oh, Grace," Carey said. "You..." She rolled them over so the young woman was beneath her."...were terrific." She touched Grace's lips with her finger. "Everything I could ask for...and then some," she added with a smile.

"Know what?"


"Now I understand why lesbians don't use dental dams," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Carey smiled and groaned. "Don't get me thinking about that," she said, giving Grace a quick kiss before getting out of bed. "Sue's gonna kill me. I should have been on the road by now," she said, grabbing her clothes and quickly pulling them on.

Grace crawled to the edge of the bed and watched her dress. "I wish you didn't have to go."

"I wish I didn't have to either." She walked to the dresser mirror and quickly ran a comb through her hair. "Well, I guess I'm ready."

"Are you going to miss me?" Grace asked, a little pout forming on her face.

Carey walked to the nude woman perched on the edge of the bed.

"I'm going to miss you desperately." She opened her arms. "Come here."

Grace fairly flew off the bed and into her arms. "It's not fair that I had to wait so long, and now you're leaving."

"I know, baby. But I have responsibilities. I have to go."

"Why did I have to fall in love with someone who's so...responsible?"

"I haven't a clue," Carey said, brushing her lips against Grace's. "But I'm awfully glad you did."

Grace wrapped her arms around Carey as she deepened the kiss.

"Believe me when I tell you that it's just as hard for me to leave you as it is for you to watch me go," Carey said when they finally came up for air. "I'd give anything if I didn't have to leave you right now." She leaned over for one last kiss, and then she was gone.

"It's about time you got here," Carey heard as she reached the mess hall.

"Sorry, traffic was murder," she said to Gage. "Any problems?"

"Not at this end. How was graduation?"

"Nice," Carey said. "Her father gave her a new computer for a graduation gift."

"Did she like your present?"

"Um...yes," Carey said, coloring at the thought.

"Uh-huh, Joanna Carey, tell me you didn't."

"How did PT go?" she asked, knowing full well her friend could read the answer on her face.

"You did," Gage said, moving closer so they wouldn't be overheard. "You slept with her?" she whispered.

"Let's talk about it later," Carey said.

"Oh no," Gage said, guiding her away from the noisy teens and over near the door. "So now what?"

"I don't know," Carey said. "Grace is going to visit her father in Alaska for the summer and then decide if she's going to go on to a four- year college or get a job."

"And what about the two of you?"

Carey shook her head. "I'm not moving to Alaska, so I guess it's up to her."

"Are you going to move her into the cabin if she comes back?"

"You're assuming she wants something more with me," Carey said, keeping her eye on the roomful of girls. "Maybe what happened will change things for her. You know, you try so hard to get something and once you've got it, you don't want it. Maybe she'll meet someone in Alaska."

"Uh-huh," Gage said. "And maybe I'll wake up and be six feet tall."

"It's possible, Sue," Carey said. "She's had the experience now. The thrill is gone, as they say."

A truly devilish look came over Sue's face. "I didn't know you were that lousy."

"I'm not," Carey said, giving withering glares to the girls who looked their way. "That's not what I meant." An image of Grace leaning over her, naked and on the verge of orgasm, flashed through her mind. "Far from it," she said with a rakish grin.

"Well I'm glad she enjoyed it," Gage said. "She certainly waited long enough."

Carey smiled when she heard the car pull up. "I knew you'd be early," she said, rising from the recliner and going to the door. When she opened it, an excited Grace ran into her arms. "Hi."

"Hi yourself," Grace said, brushing her lips over Carey's. "I've missed you so much.”

"I've missed you too," Carey said, pulling her inside and closing the door. There was no hesitation as she leaned forward, trapping Grace against the door, kissing her with all the pent-up feelings that two months without her brought. "Mmm, so much."

"I need to get my suitcase."

"Later," Carey said, as she took her hand and led her into the bedroom. "I have to have you now."

"Absence really does make the heart grow fonder," Grace said as Carey started to unbutton her shirt. "What happened to the woman that ran from me for two years?"

Carey pushed the shirt over her shoulders, then leaned forward for another kiss. "She was seduced by a beautiful blonde vixen, and then spent two months alone dreaming about it."

"Did she, now?"

"Yes, she did. Now shut up and kiss me."

Grace wrapped her arms around Carey's neck, happy to oblige.

Carey rolled onto her side and pulled Grace into her arms. "That was so worth the wait."

"Oh, yeah," Grace said, leaning over for another kiss.

"I thought I was gonna go crazy from wanting you." Carey's hand slid down Grace's back and stopped to caress her lovely backside. "I just don't seem to be able to get enough of you. I love to touch you."

"Sweetheart, two months is nothing. You don't know what going crazy from wanting is until you spend two years waiting and hoping."

"It felt like forever."

"I know."

They held each other in comfortable silence, happy that the waiting was finally over.



"I decided to take the job in Mohawk," Grace said.

"Did you?"

Grace snuggled closer. "Mmm." She kissed Carey's neck. "I couldn't bear the thought of being away from you for two more years."

Carey smiled. "I'm glad. I don't think I could bear it either."

"So what happens tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

Grace sat up and looked down at her prone lover. "Do I start looking for an apartment?"

Carey rolled onto her side and propped her head up with her hand.

"When do you start your job?"

"Next Monday," Grace said.

Carey took several breaths before speaking. "You know it's an hour each way to Mohawk."

"It's a pretty ride."

"Not in the winter."



"Do you want me to find an apartment?"

"What do you want?"

"You should know what I want by now," Grace said, gently rubbing Carey's belly. "I want to be with you."

"You sure? Two hours a day might not seem too much at first, but day in and day out might be a strain."

"Ah, but I forgot to tell you that I'll be working from home on my computer. I only have to drive into the office once a week, but I wouldn't care if it was ten hours away, I'd drive it happily to be with you each night." She leaned down and kissed Carey's shoulder. "But I'll never sleep on the couch again."

Carey smiled. "I didn't think you would," she said. "You worked too hard to get into the bedroom." She let her fingers play idly with the short blonde hair. "I miss you when you're not here. Sue can tell you what a bear I've been."

"I want to stay," Grace said.

"I can't make any promises, Grace."

"I know."

Carey looked at her for several seconds before answering. "I should say no."

"If it's a snowy night, I'll stay in Mohawk," Grace offered. "I can stay with Tom and Stuart or I can get a motel." She kissed Carey.

Slowly nodding, Carey gave in. "We can give it a try." She looked deeply into crystal blue eyes. "I care about you so much. I don't want to see you hurt, especially by me."

"I'm not seventeen anymore," Grace said softly. "I know what I'm getting into. I'm willing to take the chance." She lightly stroked the side of Carey's breast. "I want to be here with you."

"Grace, why are you taking these?" Carey asked, holding up a green and white pill case.

"Well not for what you're thinking," Grace said, taking the birth control pills from the older woman's hand. "I was getting bad cramps and the doctor said these would help." She set them on the counter with the rest of the things designated for the bathroom. "Do you want me to finish the unpacking by myself?"

"No, I said I'd help." Carey reached for another box. "Stuff. What room does 'stuff’ go in?"

"Depends on what it is," Grace said, opening another box. "See? This stuff box is kitchen stuff."



"Are these what I think they are?"

Grace turned and blushed. "Um...they look like movies to me."

"I can see that," Carey said. "Interesting titles."

"Interesting movies," Grace said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Wanna see them?"

"I don't think so," Carey said, putting the videotapes back into the box. "I can't believe you own porno movies."

"Lesbian porno movies," Grace said without looking at her. "I had to have something to keep me occupied and out of trouble on those cold winter nights."



"Why do you have roach clips?"

Grace took a quick glance, then went back to the box she was working on. "They're not roach clips. They're nipple clamps."

"Nipple clamps? What are you doing with nipple clamps?"

"Not what you think," Grace said. "They were a gag gift from Tom."

"And what did you get him?"

"You sure you want to know?"

Carey shook her head and tossed the clamps back in the box. "No."

"You probably don't," Grace said.

"Um, Grace?"


"I know I'm going to hate asking, but what's this?"

"What?" Turning around, Grace saw what Carey was holding and smiled. "That's Little Carey. A poor substitute for the real thing."

"You know, your dad told me you bought something and hinted that's the reason you needed rechargeable batteries," Carey said, looking at the purple toy. "What's this piece for?"

Grace joined her. "It vibrates," she said, kissing Carey's chin. "Variable speed right on the—“

"I get the idea," Carey said, visions forming in her head. "And you..."

She pointed at the longer end. "You actually used this?"

"Well," Grace said, wrapping her arms around Carey's waist and kissing the corner of her mouth. "You weren't there to do it for me." She moaned softly, then licked the older woman's earlobe. "Though I used to imagine you were."

"You imagined me..." Carey's voice dropped a level, reacting to the erotic thought and Grace's overtures. "Using this on you?"

"Oh yeah," Grace whispered huskily. "Every time I used it."

Carey swallowed hard. "I think I'll put this in the bedroom."

"Good idea," Grace said before she claimed Carey's lips with her own. "Want me to show you how to use it?"

Carey groaned, then disengaged herself. "Do that and we'll never get your stuff unpacked."

Grace wrapped her arms around Carey from behind. "You like that idea, don't you?" Carey nodded, her breath quickening. "Which part?" Grace lowered her voice to a husky tone. "The idea of using Little Carey on me or the idea that I think of you when I touch myself?" She cupped Carey's breasts, loving the way they felt in her hands. "Tell me," she whispered.


"You have no idea how many nights I lay on that couch imagining that it was you touching me instead of my own fingers," Grace said. "How many nights I dreamed about you taking me…" She stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed the back of Carey's ear. "…touching me...going inside...nice and deep..." Carey groaned, covering Grace's hands with her own and squeezing hard. "You like that idea, don't you?" Grace asked, tracing Carey's ear with the tip of her tongue. "To have me lying there beneath you...around your fingers...mmm..." She ground her pelvis against Carey's hip. "Are you sure we need to finish unpacking right now?"

"You're incorrigible."

"No," Grace said, releasing Carey's breasts and reaching down to unbutton the jeans that were in her way. ''I'm horny."

"You're always horny."

Grace lowered the zipper, then slipped her hand inside. "Only when I'm around you," she said, pressing against Carey's mound through the panties. "And right now I really, really need to make love with you." She smiled at the dampness her fingers found. "Then again," she said, pulling her hand free. "If you'd rather I behaved myself and made a pot of coffee..." She took two steps away before a strong arm pulled her back.

"I want something, but it isn't coffee," Carey said, her voice husky with desire. "You have no idea what you do to me."

"Show me," Grace said, sliding her hand under Carey's shirt and pinching the nipple she found.

"You want me to show you?" Carey asked, pulling Grace back against her. "I want you...right now, right here," she said, using her right arm to hold Grace still while her left rubbed the young woman's breasts.

"Oh yes," Grace hissed, reaching up to lock her fingers behind Carey's head and giving the older woman total access to anything she wanted. "Touch me."

"Mmm, Grace..." She nibbled the young woman's neck, groaning at the soft moans it produced. "I don't know how you do it," she said huskily, slipping her left hand under Grace's top. "No one has ever made me feel like this." She let go long enough to send the cotton shirt flying, then resumed holding Grace tightly against her. "You make the sexiest noises," she said when her lover sighed.

"Carey...I want..."

"Hmm?" Carey rubbed her fingertips over Grace's nipples. "What do you want?"

"I want...take me."

"I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead," Carey said, kissing the top of Grace's head.

"Earlier, you said no one ever made you feel like I do," she said, lifting her head to look at Carey. "What about Eve?"

"I don't like the idea of comparing the two of you," Carey said. "You're the one I'm with, not her. That should tell you something." She kissed the young woman's forehead. "And there is no comparison in the bedroom. Even if I wanted to use dental dams, they never would have been needed with her."

"But you like it," Grace said, snuggling into Carey's neck. "And I love doing it."

"I know you do," Carey said. "And trust me, I enjoy it, very much." She gave another kiss to Grace's forehead. "Very much."

"So if you like it, why didn't she do it?"

Carey shrugged. "She said she didn't like doing it. Our sex life was one of our bigger problems."

"It won't be one of ours," Grace said confidently. "I love making love with you."

Carey hugged her. "You are a sex addict and you're turning me into one. And I love making love with you, too."

Grace settled down, putting her head on Carey's chest. "I can tell," she said, closing her eyes and smiling happily.

Carey smiled, kissing Grace's forehead. "You can't go to sleep there."

"Not sleeping," Grace said, rubbing Carey's belly. "Just cuddling."



Carey gave the young woman a soft, gentle kiss. "I love you," she said solemnly. "I should have realized it long ago."

Grace buried her face into the crook of Carey's shoulder. "It doesn't matter," she said, her voice cracking. "I love you too."

"Hey," Carey said softly, feeling the young woman's shoulders shake. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

Grace sniffled and hugged her tightly. "Happy tears," she said. "It's all your fault. I never used to cry before I met you."

Carey kissed the top of the blonde head. "I love you," she said, the words seeming as natural as breathing. Tipping Grace's face up, she kissed away a tear. "I love you."

Carey reached up and placed her grandmother's angel at the top of the Christmas tree. It was the first time it had been out of the box since Gram had died, eight years ago. She looked over at Grace, who was painstakingly placing one strand of tinsel at a time on each and every branch on the tree. She smiled at the look of sheer contentment on the younger woman's face.

Grace finished her chore and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "It's gorgeous," she said, turning and wrapping her arms around Carey and squeezing tightly. "Don't you think so?"

"Most definitely," Carey said, returning the embrace. "I haven't put up a tree in so long that I forgot how much fun it can be." She looked at the angel at the top. "And it's nice to finally be able to use Gram's angel. Eve liked a star at the top of the tree, and I didn't think it was worth arguing about."

"I love having her on the tree," Grace said. "She's so elegant."

Carey pulled Grace tightly against her. "These past four months with you here with me have been the happiest of my life." She leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Grace's upturned mouth. "Thank you for not giving up on us."

"Never." Grace took her hand and turned for the bedroom. "Come on, love. Five a.m. comes early, let's get some sleep."

Carey followed along like a lovesick puppy. Sleep was definitely not what she had in mind. Stripping out of her clothes quickly, she lay down and opened her arms, sighing when Grace snuggled in close.

"Comfortable?" Carey asked, gently stroking her hair.

"Mmm, very," Grace said, turning her head to kiss Carey's breast. "Nice soft warm pillow."

"You have a pillow. Right up here."

"I like this one better," Grace said, lifting her hand and cupping the

soft mound. "Nice and fluffy."

"Just don't treat it like you do your regular pillows," Carey said. "You have no idea how many times I came out in the morning and found your pillow on the floor."

"Oh no," Grace said, running her fingertips over the soft skin. "I worked too damn hard to get this pillow. I'm not about to let it go." She shifted and when she did, the flats of her fingers pressed down on the outer edge of Carey's breast. "What's that?"


Grace pressed down again, this time moving her fingers in a slow circular motion. "Right there. What's that?" She rubbed over the bump again, then moved to the other breast to see if it felt the same. She remembered the doctor had told her to always check the other breast if she felt something she wasn't sure of. If it was on the other breast too, then it was normal. She frowned as her fingers worked their way over the other breast and found no matching lump.

"It's probably just a milk gland or something." Carey wrinkled her brow. "Is that what you call them?"

"I don't know what you call them, but if that's what it is there should be one on the other breast too, and there's not." Grace brought her hand back to Carey's right breast, pressing her fingers into the flesh. "Here." She took Carey's hand and placed where her fingers had been. "Feel it?"

"I feel it," Carey said. "I don't know what it is. I never noticed it before."

"You don't check?"

Carey shifted, covering Grace's body with her own. "I don't check, but that doesn't mean it's cancer." She kissed the young woman's lips, hoping to erase the concerned look in the blue eyes. "I'll call tomorrow and make an appointment." She braced herself with her arms and waited patiently as Grace continued to examine her breasts for any other irregularities. "I promise I'll have it checked."

"I love you," Grace said.

"I love you too," Carey said, giving her lover another soft kiss. "Please don't worry."

Grace blinked several times. "I can't help worrying."

"Sweetheart, I'm too young to worry about breast cancer, and besides, cancer doesn't run in my family." She kissed Grace again. Her heart ached at the pain and worry in the blue eyes. "I love you, Grace."

"Joanna?" The woman in a white lab coat entered the room. "I'm Dr. Sapiel."

"Hello," Carey said.

"I understand you've found a lump on your breast?"

"It's probably nothing," Carey said. "But I promised someone I'd come and have it checked."

"Well, we'll just take a look," the doctor said. "Lie back, Joanna. That's it. That was the right breast?" she asked, checking the notes her nurse had written in Carey's file.

"Yes," Carey said. "It's on the outer edge."

The doctor nodded. "Put your right arm up behind your head."

"It can't be cancer," Carey said, closing her eyes to avoid the glare of the overhead lights. "Cancer doesn't run in my family."

"It could be any number of things," the doctor said, opening Carey's gown to expose her breasts. "About 80% of the lumps we find turn out to be benign, but we take any irregularity very seriously until we determine exactly what it is. Family history is something we look at, but 70% of women who develop breast cancer have no history of cancer in their family."

Carey felt the doctor's fingers exploring her breast, pausing when they found the lump.

"This is very small, Joanna. Most women don't notice lumps until they're larger than this. You must be very diligent with your self-examinations."

"Actually, I didn't find it. My partner did."

The doctor nodded and moved to Carey's left breast. "That's not uncommon. Probably close to half the lumps that are discovered are found by a partner. You're very lucky. At your age we don't do yearly mammograms, so it's important that your breasts are checked regularly."

"How do we find out what it is?"

"I'm going to order a needle biopsy. That will tell us exactly what we're dealing with here. Let's not worry until we have to. I meant it when I said that most of these lumps turn out to be benign." She closed Carey's gown and picked up her file, scribbling a few notes before she spoke again. "I also want to do a mammogram to make sure there are no other smaller lumps hiding in either breast."

"Is that likely?"

"Not really, but I prefer to be cautious. Someone will be in touch to schedule the biopsy, and my nurse will check to see if they can get you in for the mammogram today."

"So what'd they say?" was the first thing Grace said when Carey returned.

"I have to go back tomorrow for a mammogram and she referred me for something called a needle biopsy to have the lump checked." Carey pulled Grace into her arms. "Don't look so worried, love. The doctor told me most lumps that are found are not cancer."

Grace buried her face in Carey's chest. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Carey kissed the top of the blonde head leaning into her. "Yes, it is. So let's take the doctor's advice and not worry until we need to."

Grace sighed and squeezed tighter. "That does make me feel a little better," she said, "but I love you so much, I can't help being a little scared."

"I love you too.”

"Joanna Carey," the nurse said, and Carey froze. She wanted to bolt out the door. Standing, she followed the plump woman down the hall to Doctor Sapiel's office. She had been dreading this moment ever since the needle biopsy proved that the lump was not a fluid-filled cyst. She had been told that this was the most common type of benign lump. The lump had been solid, which meant the chances that it was cancer had increased some.

"Have a seat, Miss Carey. The doctor will be right in."

Carey nodded her head and sat down, her hands gripping tightly to the arms of the chair. "Thank you." She watched the nurse leave and tried to still her racing heart. The next few minutes would determine the rest of her life, and she was not sure she was ready for what she might find out. The week of waiting for the results of the biopsy had been the longest week of Carey's life, and now that the waiting was almost over she wasn't sure she wanted to know. If they didn't tell her, it wouldn't be real.

The door opened and Doctor Sapiel walked in with Carey's chart in her hands. She glanced quickly through it then looked up. "Well, we do have a malignancy."

God, she really said it! Cancer! Carey's fingers were going numb from clutching the chair so tightly. It took a moment before she could speak. "I want this out of my body." It was all she could think of to say.

Doctor Sapiel nodded. "The growth is small and we have a good chance that it has not spread to surrounding tissue, but we have to be sure. I want to remove the lump, the tissue surrounding it, and two lymph nodes. We'll biopsy the nodes, and if they're clear, then we'll start

radiation therapy about six weeks after the surgery."

"And if the lymph nodes aren't clear?"

"We'll go back and remove all the nodes and you'll start a course of chemo and radiation therapy."

Carey scheduled the surgery, then walked to her car in a daze. This can't be happening. Opening the door, she climbed in and picked up her cell phone. Why had she insisted that Grace stay home? She needed to talk to Grace, hear her voice. Needed something to ground her. She listened to the phone as it rang, emotions building with each ring.


Carey heard the beloved voice and couldn't speak. She was almost choking trying to hold back the sobs. Breaking the connection, she dropped the phone on the seat beside her as the tears began to fall. Leaning over the steering wheel, her head dropped to her arms and sobs wracked her body. Helpless to stop them, she let the tears run their course.

Grace heard the truck pull up, and she was on her feet in an instant. She knew the news was not good when she saw Carey's eyes. They were red and puffy, it was clear she had been crying. As much as she wanted to break down and cry too, she held herself together. Carey was in enough pain right now without her adding to it by breaking down. There would be time for that later when she was alone. Right now Carey needed her to be strong.

"I guess the news wasn't good."

Carey shook her head. "I scheduled the surgery for week after next. I just want this damn thing out of my body." She tossed her keys on the table and walked over to Grace. "You know, I was thinking about something on the way home. We're pretty new, you and I. Perhaps it would be better if we ended this now. I'll be here when this is all over, if you're still interested."

Grace wrapped her arms around Carey and pulled her close. "Don't be silly."

Carey stiffened and pushed her away. "I'm serious about this, Grace. I want you to leave." She turned abruptly and walked to the window, unfocused eyes gazing out at nothing.

"You want? What about what I want?" Grace was angry now. "How dare you dismiss me as if this was just an affair. We made a commitment to each other." She walked over and took Carey's arm, pulling her around to face her. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere. Now drop and give me ten."

Carey's mouth dropped open, then a smile crept onto her face, and she dropped to the floor. "Yes, ma'am." Carey finished her push-ups, then rolled over onto her back. "I'm sorry, Grace. I should have known better. It's just..."

Grace dropped to the floor beside Carey. "How could you think I would let you send me away?"

"Things are uncertain for me right now and I just wanted to give you an out. I didn't want you to feel stuck."

"Well, my dear, I am stuck...on you. They would have to pull me kicking and screaming from your side. We're in this together, love." She reached out and stroked Carey's cheek. "Got that?"

Carey turned and pressed a kiss into Grace's palm. "I love you." She pulled her down into a tight embrace. "I don't know what I did to deserve your love, but whatever it was, I'm awfully glad I did it." Tears began again and her grip tightened. "I'm scared."

"I'm scared too, but we're gonna get through this," Grace said. She held Carey in her arms until the tears subsided, then she pulled off her shirt and wiped Carey's tear-stained face. "Together we're invincible. This isn't going to beat us. You have to believe that, because I do."

Carey nodded and sat up, pulling her knees to her chest, hugging them to her. "If you can believe, then I can too."

"That's my girl," Grace said as she stood and reached down, pulling Carey to her feet.

"I like the sound of that."


"Your girl. I like that. Although your woman might be more appropriate." Carey reached over and cupped her cheek. "And for what it's worth, I am yours, Grace. Heart, body and soul."

Tears started down Grace's face. "It's worth a lot." She pulled Carey in for a hug. "It's worth everything."

"I'll be here when you come back," Grace said, doing her best not to lose it as the nurse opened the flow on the IV.

"I'll be fine," Carey said. "Don't worry." She jutted her chin at the door. "Your dad's here."

Grace turned her head. "Hi Dad."

"Hi pumpkin," he said, moving closer and putting his arm around her shoulders. "Getting some good drugs there, Carey?"

The dark-haired woman nodded. "You keep an eye on her for me."

"Don't worry," he said.

The gray-haired woman exited the elevator and walked to the nurse's station. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my daughter, Joanna Carey? She was admitted this morning."

"Mrs. Carey?" Grace said, walking up behind her.

The woman turned and looked at her. "Yes, I'm Barbara Carey."

"I'm Grace Waters."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Grace," Barbara said, removing her gloves.

"You too, Mrs. Carey." Grace extended her hand. "I'm so glad you got here. She wasn't sure you were going to make it."

"Logan was snowed in until late last night."

"Well, you got here. That's the important part." Grace looked past her to the nurse's station. "Any word yet?"

"Miss Carey is still in recovery," the nurse said. "She'll be brought up soon."

Grace turned away from the nurse. "She's probably getting tired of me asking that." She led Carey's mom back to the waiting room where her father was nodding off in a chair. Hearing footsteps, he started awake to see Grace and a woman he assumed to be Carey's mother walking his way.

"Oh," he said, standing and wiping his hand on his pants. "Dad, this is Carey's mom, Barbara."

"Richard Waters." He clasped her hand in both of his. "You've had a long trip. Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"Oh you don't—“

"Please," he said, releasing her hand. "It would be my pleasure and I'm sure Grace could use some coffee."

"Yeah," Grace said, reaching into her pocket for change.

"It's okay," he said, "my treat. What can I get for you, Mrs. Carey?"

"A cup of coffee would be great. And please, call me Barbara."

"Only if you call me Richard," he said. "Do you have luggage?"

"I had it sent to the hotel."

"I'll be right back then, ladies."

"Remember it's down on the second floor," Grace said. She patted the cushion her father had just vacated. "Please sit down, Mrs. Carey. You must be tired from the trip."

"It's more tiring trying to find my way around this hospital," she said.

"And I'd like it if you'd call me Barbara." She smiled at Grace. "After all, we are practically family."

"Barbara," Grace said, returning the smile. "Carey said she told you what the doctors said they were going to do."

"She did," Barbara said. "In her own 'don't worry, Mother' way." She reached out and cupped Grace's chin in a manner reminiscent of her daughter. "How are you doing?"

"Scared," Grace said. "She tells me things in her own 'don't worry, Grace' way too."

"She loves you."

Grace smiled. "I know. I love her very much."

"Have you seen her?"

Grace nodded. "Yes. They let me in the recovery room with her for a few minutes, but she didn't know I was there. She never woke up. The surgeon told me she did just fine and not to worry, but she looked so pale. They told me it's the anesthesia, and she'll look much better when the effects wear off. I came up here a little while ago to let my dad know she was okay." Grace stood and started pacing. "I just wish they'd bring her up here to her room. I'll feel much better when she's awake and I can talk to her."

Carey opened her eyes and smiled. "You're here."

"Of course I'm here," Grace said softly, absently playing with Carey's hair. She cupped Carey's cheek with her hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a truck," Carey said. "What's it look like?"

"Like a bunch of bandages," Grace said. "The surgeon said everything went well." She traced Carey's lips, smiling when she felt the soft kiss on her fingers. "I love you."

"I love you too," Carey said, letting her head loll to the side. "I'm so tired."

"Then sleep," Grace said, leaning forward to kiss Carey's forehead. "Your mother is here."

Carey's eyes opened, albeit slowly. "She made it?"

"Yep. Got here a little while ago. Logan was snowed in and she had to take a later flight. I promised I'd tell her when you woke up. Dad's keeping her company. I'll go get her so she can see you before you fall asleep again."

Carey nodded, her eyes fluttering closed. "Better hurry, I'm not gonna last long."

Grace walked up to the couple seated next to each other in the waiting room. She smiled and shook her head. No one looking at them would believe that they just met. Barbara was laughing at something her dad had said, and they just seemed so comfortable with each other that Grace had to smile.

They noticed Grace at the same time, and both turned searching eyes her way. Barbara stood.

"How is she?"

"Tired, groggy. They're going to let her sleep off the anesthesia, then give her a bit of Jell-O. If she keeps it down, we get to take her home." She looked at Barbara. "She said to tell you to hurry. She's having a hard time staying awake."

"Hi, baby," Barbara said as she leaned over and kissed Carey on the forehead.

Carey's eyes opened and she smiled. "Hi, Mom."

Barbara reached over and took her hand, squeezing gently. "Does it hurt much?"

"Not too bad."

"Grace said you may be released today."

Carey smiled at the sound of her partner's name. "You met Grace."

"Yes, I did. Haven't had much time with her, but I like her very much."

"I knew you'd like her." Carey's eyes closed, but the smile stayed. "I know she's young, Mom, but I love her so damn much."

"From what I can tell, the feeling is mutual. I'm so glad you found someone that makes you happy."

"She does, Mom. I thank God every day that I didn't blow it. I tried so hard to discourage her, but she never gave up on us." Carey's eyes opened briefly, then fluttered closed again. "She never gave up." This time her eyes stayed closed as sleep claimed her.

Barbara reached out and stroked her daughter's cheek. "Sleep well, baby."

"She's sleeping," Barbara said as she joined Grace and her father in the waiting room. Looks like she's going to be out of it for a while."

"No sense sitting around here watching her sleep," Richard said as he got to his feet. "It's way past lunchtime. Barbara, would you care to join us for a bite to eat?"

"I'd love to, if you're sure it's no trouble."

“Trouble? Pshaw.” He waved his hand dismissively. “I’m lucky enough to have two beautiful women at my side. No trouble a’tall.”

“Your accent, are you from Maine?”

Richard smiled bashfully. “Ayup.”

“Maine is such a pretty state.”

“I live in Alaska now,” he said.

“Really?” Carey’s mother smiled. “I’d love to hear all about it.”

“Dad, would you mind going without me? I’m not really hungry, and I’d kinda like to be here if Carey wakes up.”

“Of course not, pumpkin. We won’t be gone long.”

Sleep had worked its magic, and a more alert Carey sat looking dejectedly at a bowl of green Jell-O. She was tired and hurting, her mind still clouded from the drugs she had been given. “I don’t feel like eating,” she said, letting her head fall back against her pillow. Just holding her head upright was a chore that she simply didn’t have the energy for at the moment.

Barbara reached over and picked up the spoon. She scooped up one square of the green substance, offering it to her daughter. “Just try one bite, baby. You don’t need to eat it all.”

Carey reluctantly opened her mouth and accepted the bite. Her mother offered a second bite and Carey frowned. “I thought I only had to eat one?”

“Just one more. Please?”

Carey sighed. “Okay, but this is the last one.” She took the bite, then closed her eyes and let it melt in her mouth, not having the energy to chew.

“That’s my girl,” Barbara said.

Grace, who had been standing on the other side of the bed, reached over and squeezed her hand. “See, that wasn’t so hard.” She looked up at Barbara and silently mouthed, “thank you.” She had been trying to coax Carey into eating with no luck at all.

Barbara just winked at her and smiled. “I know I’m leaving you in good hands, so I’m going to go to the hotel now and get some rest. I didn’t really sleep at all last night and I’m beat.” She leaned over and kissed Carey on the forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Richard and I are going to meet for breakfast, then drive out to your place together.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Barbara walked around to Grace and surprised her by pulling her in for a hug. “You take good care of my little girl, now.”

“Don’t worry. I will.”

Grace watched the older woman leave the room. “I really like her.” She turned back to Carey. “You’re so lucky to have a mother like that.”

Carey smiled. "I know."

Grace's stomach growled and she looked at the Jell-O sitting on Carey's hospital table. "Are you sure you don't want to eat a little more of that?" she said, pointing to the green squares.

"I'm sure. The doctor said I had to be able to keep something down, he didn't say I had to eat it all."

Grace reached over and picked the dish up. "Good, I'm starving." She spooned a bite into her mouth. "I like orange best, but beggars can't be choosers."

Carey shook her head and managed a small laugh. Then her eyes rested on something behind Grace. "Uh-oh."

Grace turned to see what she was looking at and found a nurse standing there with her arms crossed. She looked down at the empty dish in her hand and smiled sheepishly. "She ate all she wanted, honest."

The nurse walked over to Carey and picked up her wrist to take her pulse. "Any nausea?"

"No," Carey said. "When do I get to go home?"

"The doctor will be in to see you shortly. If everything looks good, you should be released to go home." The nurse checked her blood pressure, then walked to the end of the bed and made a note on her chart.

"I'm going to give you a quick lesson on how to take care of the drain," she said as she walked back up and pulled the cover back. "Don't worry, it's not difficult," she added when she saw Carey cringe.

Grace watched as the nurse pulled back the covers and picked up a bulb that was attached to a slender drainage tube that disappeared into the bandages under Carey's armpit. The bulb was clear, and Grace could see liquid in it.

"You'll need to empty this several times a day," the nurse said to Carey.

Carey frowned and looked over to Grace. "This is going to be fun."

She looked back at the nurse. "Just kidding."

"It's very important that you keep the liquid drawing, or your arm will swell up like a balloon." Removing the bulb, the nurse emptied it out. "Now this is the important part. It's easier for the liquid to collect in your arm than to run into this tube, so we need to create suction." The nurse squeezed all the air out and folded the bulb in half so it could not re-inflate itself. She then reached for the tube to re-attach the bulb. "This creates a vacuum that will help siphon out the fluids that would otherwise build up in your arm." She opened her hand and allowed the bulb to open up and begin drawing liquid.

"How often does it need to be emptied?" Grace asked.

"That's hard to say. When it gets full, empty it."

Grace nodded and sat on the bedside chair. She reached out and took Carey's hand, squeezing gently. "Piece a cake."

"You think so?" Carey said. "Then you get to empty it."

"Do you need anything?" Grace asked for the tenth time that morning.

"I'm fine, hon. You don't need to hover over me."

"You didn't sleep well last night. You woke up before dawn and you didn't eat much, are you sure I can't get you something?"

"Grace, sit down." Carey patted the empty spot on the couch beside her.

Grace sat down and Carey reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. "Sweetheart, I'm okay. Really, I am." She lifted the hand and pressed it to her lips. "If I need anything, I promise I'll let you know. Okay?"

"Okay, but remember, you promised. I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot. I don't want you lifting a finger. You got that?"

Carey smiled. "I got it."

The phone rang and Grace jumped up to get it. "Hello? Oh, hi, Dad. I didn't expect to hear from you this early. What? I don't know, hang on." She held the phone to her chest. "Carey, is your mother allergic to flowers?"

"No, she loves flowers," Carey said. "Why?"

"I don't know," Grace said, turning her attention back to the phone. "Carey says she likes them...I didn't ask that." She sighed and took the phone away from her ear again. "He wants to know what her favorite flower is."

"I have no idea."

"She said she has no idea. don't know...try carnations or something." She sat back down on the couch next to Carey. "That sounds fine, Dad...uh-huh...yes, that's very idea, Dad...hold on, I'll ask."


"He wants to know what her favorite color is," Grace said, making a circle motion at her head, then pointing at the phone.

"Blue," Carey said, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know."

Grace put the phone to her ear. "Blue...well, if they don't come in blue then buy them in whatever color they do come in. Dad...Dad...hey Dad, Carey needs my help. I've gotta go...yes, Dad...uh-huh…I'll ask her...okay, Dad...yes, Dad...okay...Dad, what do you want? A biography? Okay, Dad, hold on." She covered the receiver and turned to Carey.

"What does he want to know?"

"He wants to know if your mother likes chocolate," Grace said, holding out one finger. "And if so what kind." A second finger joined the first. "And if you knew what topics she liked to talk about." She held out a third digit. "And what her favorite type of restaurant is."

"Your father and my mother?"

Grace chuckled. "Yeah. Can you believe it?"

Carey shook her head and smiled, then held out her hand for the phone. "Hi, Richard, this is Carey. My mom loves chocolate. Any kind. She especially loves See's nuts and chews." She thought a moment. "And you can't go wrong with Chinese. She loves Chinese food. You're welcome. I'll see you in a while...bye." She looked up at Grace and grinned. "Your dad is so darn cute. He sounds like a teenager with his first crush."

Grace plopped herself down on the couch next to Carey and snuggled close. "I guess it runs in the family."

"Good night," Carey said as she watched Grace's father open the door and stand aside so that her mother could go through first.

"Good night, kids," Barbara said, linking her arm with Richard's. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"He held her chair for her," Grace whispered.

“And she's giggling like a schoolgirl," Carey whispered back. "I think she's flirting with him."

"Think?" Grace nudged her. "She's looking at Dad like he's the last single man on Earth."

"Your father was the one who asked her why some lucky man hadn't snatched her up," Carey said.

"But that was after your mother said he was 'positively charming,'" Grace said, mimicking Barbara's inflections.

"How many men do you know nowadays that hold a chair for a woman?"

"Dad's just old fashioned," Grace said.

"Well, I think it's cute. You know my mom was only going to stay a week, and it's not me that caused her to change her plans, because I'm doing fine."

Grace nodded. "You think this is going to turn into something serious?"

Carey shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. But I think they make a great couple."

Grace reached out and closed the front door. "Come on, hon, let me take a look at the drain. It's been quite a while since we checked it." She took Carey's hand and led her to the bathroom. "Hardly anything in there," she said as she removed the bulb and inspected it.

"You take such good care of me," Carey said as she watched her lover tuck it back into her waistband." I'll be so glad when they take that damn thing out tomorrow." She motioned at the bandages. "All of it."

Grace jumped up as Carey came through the door. "Well?"

"The doctor said everything looks good and I'm healing up nicely."

Carey smiled. "God, it's good not to have that drain hanging out of my armpit anymore. Now that it's gone, and the staples are out, are you going to stop treating me like an invalid?"

"I didn't mind. I like taking care of you."

“I know. And I loved it. Really I did. But we need to put this behind us. Get some normalcy back into our lives."

"Back up a minute," Grace said. "Did I hear you say staples?"

"Yes, you did."

"They really put staples in you?"


"Did it hurt when they took them out?"

Carey nodded her head. "They said it wouldn't hurt. But they lied."

She saw the distressed look on Grace's face and started laughing. "It wasn't that bad. I was kidding." She glanced at her watch. "As much as I like hanging around doctors' offices, it's almost time to meet the folks for lunch. Come on, let's go home and get changed. I can't wait to have a real shower again."

"I'll help."

"That's okay," Carey said. "I don't need help."

"Carey, are you afraid to let me see?" Grace asked, putting her arms around the older woman's waist.

"A little, I guess," she said. "They said the scarring would fade with time, but it looks pretty red and ugly right now. And I have a dimple."

Grace smiled. "Isn't it lucky that I just love a woman with dimples. And a little scar is certainly not going to change how I feel about you." She leaned over for a quick kiss. "I love you, Joanna Carey. A scar or dimple isn't going to make a difference to me."

Carey opened the door and walked inside the cabin and glanced around. "I'm home," she said as she deposited a canvas shopping bag on the half wall that divided the living room from the kitchen.

It had been five weeks since the surgery, and she had spent the day at the cancer center, meeting with the radiologist and getting everything ready to begin radiation treatment the following week.

She started walking toward the bedroom when the bathroom door opened and she was greeted by Grace's smiling face.

"Whatcha got?" Grace asked as she walked over and peeked in the bag.

"Did you know that most deodorants have aluminum in them?" Carey asked.


"Really, they do." Carey reached into the bag and pulled out a package of deodorant. "They sent me to the health food store to pick this up. Apparently the regular deodorant makes the radiation cause burns because of the trace amounts of aluminum in it." She pulled Grace into her arms and leaned over for a kiss. "And I'll have you know that you're not the only tattooed lady around here any more."

"My, my, you're getting daring, my love," Grace said. She stepped back and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, what are you waiting for? I want to see it."

Carey pulled her shirt over her head, then unhooked her bra, revealing a series of dots tattooed on her breast. "You think they'll be able to hit the target?"

Grace crossed her arms over her chest. "You brat. I thought you meant a real tattoo."

Carey looked down at her breast. "These are real." She pulled Grace back into her arms. "What? You thought I had your name tattooed on my ass?"

Grace smiled. "I wouldn't complain if you got my name tattooed on your ass. In fact, I rather like the idea."

Carey threw off the covers for the second time that night and sighed in frustration. She hated the hot flashes that had begun shortly after she started taking the estrogen suppressant her oncologist had prescribed.

The six weeks of radiation treatments had been uneventful, and the only side effect Carey had suffered was fatigue. She seemed to be tired all the time. But at least the radiation treatments were behind her now, and the doctor had assured her that her energy would return.

She turned her pillow over to find the cool side, then snuggled down to try to get back to sleep. Of course she knew she would be wakened again to pull the covers back when the heat left her body. Grace yawned and rolled over onto her back. "What's the matter, honey, another hot flash?"

"Yeah," Carey said, lightly touching her lover's hair. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

Grace propped herself up on one elbow, her naked breasts visible in the moonlight. "Something's bothering you," she said. "I can feel it."

Carey reached out and traced Grace's lips with her fingertips. "I love your lips. Have I told you that?"

"No changing the subject, Carey. I need to know what's been bothering you."

"I want to go fishing."


"No, not now," Carey said. "I mean I want to be able to wake up and go fishing."

"At your cottage? But you can't do that and be here."

"I know," Carey said. "And I can't afford to be there."

"Maybe you can't," Grace said. "But can we?"

"I don't know."

"We should figure it out," Grace said. "Two can live cheaper than one and I'm making good money. At least as good as I can get with an associate’s degree and a telecommuting job."

"Would you make more if you went to the office every day?"

"I like having to go to town only one day a week," Grace said. "I love making my own schedule and I have one of the highest productivity ratios in the office." She leaned down and rested her head on Carey's chest. "I can work from home wherever home is," she said, kissing the soft skin near her lips. "I love you."

"And I love you, but it's not that easy," Carey said. "Right now we're not worrying about paying the mortgage, and it's almost an hour more each way for you to commute from the cottage to Mohawk." She hugged Grace close. "That beat-up wreck of yours would never make it."

"Your truck would," Grace said. "Or I could buy a better car. I've been saving money, you know."

"I hoped you were," Carey said. "But your finances are your business."

"I wanted to talk to you about that," Grace said. "I don't hide my pay stubs and I'd be happy to show you how to use my banking program." She propped herself up again, looking down at Carey. "I don't want it to be my finances, I want it to be ours. We're a couple. Why do we keep the money separate?"

"You know how to bring up the big subjects, don't you?" Carey said, turning on the lamp. "What happens if we break up?"

Grace brushed her lips over Carey's. "I hate when you say things like that," she said. "I'm not planning on going anywhere so don't quote me statistics about lesbian relationships not lasting. We're going to sit down and look at everything and see if together we can afford to move to the cottage." She settled down and cuddled against Carey's side. "Now go to sleep."

"And that's it, hmm?" Carey said, kissing the top of Grace's head. "No discussion?"

"Give me a good reason, other than you being afraid of commitment, and we can discuss it," Grace said, pulling the blanket up over them. "Good night, my love."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am,” Richard said.

"But Dad, you live in Alaska, she lives in Massachusetts."

"I'll move."

"But that will make her my step-mother." Grace followed the logic. "And Carey would be my step-sister."

"I love her, Grace."

Grace hesitated. "Are you sure about this?"


"If she makes you happy, Dad." She covered the receiver with her hand when Carey walked in. "They're getting married."

"Who's getting married?"

"Your mom and my dad."

"Is that your dad?" Carey asked, pointing at the phone. Grace nodded. Carey snatched the phone out of Grace's hand. "It's about time you made an honest woman of her, you old reprobate. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to get my shotgun out." She heard laughing on the other end of the line. "Seriously, congratulations. I can't think of anyone that I'd rather have as a step-dad. My mother has very good taste."

"I guess good taste runs in your family."

Carey looked over at Grace and smiled. "No doubt about it."

"I'm planning on making the move to Boston, but I'm keeping my house here. We plan to spend part of the summers here."

Carey laughed. "You'll make a country gal out of her yet. So, have you two set a date?"

"This weekend, actually," Richard said. "We don't want a big affair. We've both been through that once, and once was enough. We thought we'd just fly off somewhere, just the two of us. Make it a combination wedding, honeymoon trip. We just need to settle on the destination. I think it's going to be Hawaii."

"Sounds romantic."

"I've got another call coming in, Carey, so I'll say good-bye now.

Say good-bye to Grace for me."

"Will do, Rich—Dad. See you soon." She hung up the phone and turned to Grace. "He told me I have good taste." Carey stroked Grace's cheek. "I have to agree."

Grace leaned over and put her head on Carey's shoulder, snuggling against her. "It's kinda strange thinking about our parents getting married."

"Why is that?"

"Well, technically that will make you my sister." Grace lifted her head and looked at Carey. "Doesn't that seem a little strange?"

"Well, it is unusual, but I don't think of it as strange."

"I guess," Grace said. "The important thing is that they're happy."

Carey pulled her close. "Yep. That's all that matters." She kissed the top of Grace's head. "I've been doing some thinking about what we talked about the other night. You know, moving up to the cottage."


"I think we can swing it. I'm sure I'll be able to find some kind of a job. It won't pay as much as I make here, but it should pay the mortgage. And we only have two more years to pay on it. Then it's ours, free and clear."

Carey walked into the mess hall, her eyes scanning the room. Finally she spotted who she was looking for and walked over to Gage, who was chatting with a couple of the girls with Instructor Donaldson. She walked up behind them and tapped Gage on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a minute, Sue?"

Gage followed her over to an empty table and sat down across from her friend. "What's up?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what's important in my life. I guess finding out you have cancer can make you look at your priorities in a different light."

Gage nodded. "I guess it can."

"I've turned in my notice, Sue. I'm leaving Sapling Hill at the end of session. I recommended you as my replacement, so if you want the job, it's yours."

Gage was stunned. She had noticed that her friend had been kind of introspective lately, but never expected this. "I don't know what to say."

"Nothing to say, really. My mind's made up. It's done."

"I'll have to think about it. Taking over running this place is a big responsibility. I'm not sure I'm up to it."

"I wouldn't have recommended you if I didn't think you were up to it, but I don't want you to think I'm pushing you."

"I don't, I'm just...I'm just surprised, that's all."

"You'll have the whole summer to find a replacement for yourself so there shouldn't be too much pressure. And you know if you have any problems, all you have to do is call and I'm here."

"Are you sure about this?"

The conversation came to an abrupt halt when Carey suddenly sprang to her feet and ran across the room to break up a fight that had started between two girls. One of them was howling because she had been stabbed in the hand with the other girl's fork.

"You're gonna pay for this, you fucking bitch!" The girl balled her hand into a fist and caught the other girl in the nose.

"All right, break it up," Carey said as she grabbed the girl with the bloody nose and pulled her away before she could return the punch.

"She started it!" the girl with the bloody hand shouted.

"I did not, you—“

"I don't care who started it. Both of you drop and give me twenty."

The girls just stood there glaring at each other. "Now!"

The girls dropped and started their push-ups and Carey motioned for Donaldson to come over. "Take care of this for me, will ya? When they finish get them over to the infirmary to check on those injuries." Carey walked back to the table and dropped into her seat. "I just don't need this kind of stress in my life anymore, ya know?"

"I know."

"It used to be a challenge that I enjoyed, now I just want to be able to spend more time with Grace."

"What are your plans?"

"We're moving to the cottage. I'm sure I'll be able to find some kind of job that will allow us a more normal life." She looked around the room. "Because this isn't it."

Gage reached over and covered Carey's hand with her own. "I wish all the best for you, my friend. But I'm sure gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

Carey put her book down when she heard a car pull up. A storm had rolled in the day before and she had insisted that Grace stay in Mohawk with Tom until it blew over. She met her at the door and helped her off with her coat. "I missed you," she said, as she pulled her into her arms. Grace wrapped her arms around Carey and returned the hug. "Did you?"

"Desperately." Carey released her hold and led her to the couch. "I told Sue that I'm leaving Sapling Hill today." She sat down and pulled Grace with her.

"How did she take it?"

"She was shocked, but I think she was happy about the promotion."

"I'm glad they accepted your recommendation," Grace said. "I think she'll do great."

Carey nodded. "I do too. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, we got a postcard from the folks. They're having a wonderful time in Hawaii." She got up and walked into the kitchen to retrieve the card. "Look," she said, holding the card out as she returned. "They had it custom made with their wedding picture on it."

"I can't remember when I've seen my dad look this happy," Grace said, her eyes misting over with tears. It was a nice shot of the two of them. They were standing at the altar, facing each other, and Richard was slipping a ring on Barbara's finger. She wiped a stray tear away with the back of her hand, and looked up at Carey. "I don't believe this." She glanced at the postmark on the card. "They got married on Monday, and Tuesday they already had postcards to commemorate the event in the mail."

"I guess they were anxious to share their wedding with us, and with digital cameras and computers, they probably had the postcards in hand before they left the chapel." Carey laughed. "It was probably part of the wedding package."

Grace sniffled and leaned into Carey, the postcard clutched to her chest. "Can you imagine what it would be like to stand at the altar like that and pledge yourself to the one you love?"

"To tell you the truth, I've never given it much thought," Carey said. "I think it would be wonderful." Grace looked at the picture and smiled. "They look so happy."

"So what is it?" Gage said as she unwrapped her sub.

"What's what? I can't invite my friend to my office for lunch?"

"Uh-huh," Gage said. "I only get free lunch from you when you want to talk about something...usually Grace."

Carey leaned back in her chair and smiled. "You know me too well."

"That I do, my friend." Gage picked up her soda and took a sip. "So out with it. What's on your mind?"

"Well, it is about Grace," Carey said. "We got a postcard from our parents yesterday. It was their wedding picture, and Grace got all sentimental and misty-eyed."

"What'd she do, ask you to marry her?" Gage joked, then took a bite of her sub.

"No," Carey said. "She just mentioned how happy they looked, and that she could imagine us standing at the altar."

"Earth to Carey, in the real world that's called a hint," Gage said.

Carey nodded. "That's kinda what I was thinking."

"Better get those two months' pay saved up."

"Two months' pay? For what?"

Gage shook her head. "A ring, oh dense one. You are going to give her a ring, aren't you? Standard rule of thumb is two months' pay on an engagement ring."

"That's outrageous," Carey said. "You know how much money that is?"

"It's a small price to make your wife happy," Gage said. "Or do you call her something else?"

"I have no idea," Carey said, still in shock. "Two months' pay?"

Gage nodded. "That's what I hear. I wouldn't know from personal experience though." She took another bite of her sandwich and watched Carey sit and fiddle with the wrapper on hers. "Do you think you'll ask her?"

"I can't imagine life without her anymore, Sue. It took me some time to get it through my thick head that she really is the one, ya know?" She smiled sheepishly and shook her head. "I can be really dense sometimes."

Gage laughed. "That's the understatement of the year."

Carey relaxed a little and laughed too. Finally she picked up her sub and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "I'm going to ask Reverend Pellegrino if he would be willing to marry us. You think he will?"

Sue shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Carey spotted the jewelry store. "You know I've never gone past this place without there being a sale going on?"

Grace smiled and walked over to the large display window.

"Different sales," she said. "One week it's a gold sale, the next it's a diamond sale. This week it's engagement rings and wedding sets." She pointed at the sign showing a bride and groom exchanging rings. "Some of these are so gaudy."

"Which ones?" Carey asked casually, hoping to pick up clues as to what kind of ring Grace would like.

"Well, like that one," Grace said, pointing at a large solitaire. "That's a 'no glove' ring. The diamond's so big you can't wear a glove with it."

"So you don't like large stones?"

Grace shook her head. "Not that kind. Now this one is nice." She pointed at a ring with two bands of small diamonds. "That's pretty."

"You like that one?"

"Well, it's nice, but not for me," Grace said. "First of all I could never afford it, and secondly I like white gold, not yellow."

White, not yellow. Got it. "But you like that style?"

"It's nice," Grace said, then pointed at a similar one. "But see how that one has a larger diamond in the middle of the band? That's nicer, I think."

Carey looked closer. "But it is pretty."

Grace pointed to one of the wedding and engagement ring sets on display. "I think it's silly to wear two rings when one will do. I mean, why spend all that money on an engagement ring and then get a band for the actual wedding. Of course, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a ring." She looked at Carey's bare left hand. "At least, not for myself. What kind of rings do you like?"

"I don't have a jewelry box for a reason," Carey said. "I'm not really one to wear rings."

"Did Eve give you a ring?"

"We were in the Coast Guard," Carey said. "It wouldn't have looked good for us to be wearing matching rings."

Grace smiled. "I guess not. Come on; let's go to the food court. I'm starving."

Jan took a bite of her pizza, then froze in mid chew. She had noticed a couple of women holding hands in line at Pizza Express. But when they got their food and turned to find a table, she recognized her friend Grace and Scary Carey. She did it. She actually did it. "I'll be right back," she said to her friends at the table. "I think I see someone I know." She walked over and tapped Grace on the shoulder. "Hi there, stranger, long time no see."

Grace stood up and gave her friend a quick hug. "Carey, you remember Jan."

"How could I forget?" Carey smiled and pointed to an empty seat. "Good to see you, Bowen. Would you like to join us?"

"No thanks, ma'am. I've got friends waiting for me. I just wanted to say hi."

Grace laughed. "Ma'am? Jan, we're not at Sapling Hill any more. You can call her Carey."

"Or Scary, if you prefer," Carey said.

Jan's face reddened and she looked at Grace. "You told her?"

Carey burst out laughing. "No, she didn't tell me. She didn't have to."

"I...I'm sorry, ma'am."

"Just Carey. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." Her face reddened even more. She shrugged her shoulders. "It's a hard habit to break." She turned to Grace. "Call me and let me know what's been going on with you." She glanced at Carey, then leaned a little closer. "And I do mean everything."

"Come to my office," Carey said, tugging on Sue's arm.


"I want to show you something." She unlocked the door and stepped inside. "You can't say anything to Grace," she said, crossing to her desk and opening the top drawer

"You didn't," Sue said, smiling when she saw the black velvet box. "Let me see."

Carey opened the box, showing the white gold ring with two bands of small diamonds and a larger square stone in the center. "Think she'll like it?"

"If she doesn't, I'll marry you," Sue said, taking the ring and examining it from different angles. "Very nice. Must be at least two carats."

"Two and a quarter," Carey said, taking the ring back. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"It's not a real marriage," Sue said. "It's a ceremony."

"It's real enough," Carey said. "I saw my lawyer while I was in town." She reached into the open drawer. "I had my will changed, drew up a power of attorney, and started the paperwork to make her joint owner of the cottage." She dropped the legal papers on the desk. "I'm not sure what was harder, getting the ring or doing this." Closing the velvet box, she leaned against the desk and let out a deep breath. "After Eve, I never thought I'd give my heart to anyone again." Shaking her head, she let out a small snort. "Certainly not a twenty-year-old."

"That's the problem with commitment," Sue said. "You have to give something of yourself. That's why I'm happily single."

"I love her," Carey said, staring at the box. "I can't imagine not being with her."

"So you said. Now stop being so nervous and go give her the ring."

"I can't just ask her," Carey said. "Don't you know you're supposed to ask the father for permission first?"

Sue laughed. "That is so archaic. Go ask her."

Carey shook her head. "If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right. The folks are in town and they're coming for dinner tonight." She closed her hand around the velvet box. "I'll talk to her father, then I'll..." She took a deep breath. "Pop the question."

"I don't know what you're worried about," Sue said. "You know she'll say yes."

"She loves me," Carey said softly. "She'll say yes...I hope."

"Joanna, what do you think?"


Her mother tsked. "I said we're thinking of selling the house and buying an RV and I asked you what you thought."

"Oh. Fine."


"I'm sorry, what?"

"Where is your head today?" Barbara asked, reaching up and feeling Carey's forehead. "You're not running a fever. Are you feeling all right?"

"I'm fine, Mom. My mind's just on other things, that's all."

"I asked if you wanted any of the furniture or should we try to sell it furnished?"

"Sell the house?"

"What do you think I've been talking to you about for the last ten minutes?" Barbara shook her head. "If you don't want to talk about it then just say so."

"Mom? How did you know it was right?"

Her mother looked at her for a second, then took Carey's hand and pulled her toward the bedroom. "When you start asking questions like that I know it's time for a serious talk."

"But Grace will be looking for me," Carey protested as she was pulled into the room.

"She'll survive two minutes without you," her mother said, closing the door behind them. "How did I know what was right?"


Her mother pointed at the bed. "Joanna, sit."

Carey wanted to protest but took one look at her mother's face and thought better of it. "We can't be in here long," she said as she sat down. "I don't want Grace to think something's going on." Why are my hands so clammy?

"You're walking around with your mind a hundred miles away and you don't think she's going to think something's going on?" Barbara pulled the chair from the desk over to the bed. "Talk to your mother."

"What made you think Richard was right for you? He's not like Dad."

"I could ask you the same question about Grace," her mother pointed out. "Though you seem happier with her than you ever were with Eve."

"I love Grace, very much," Carey said. "She's not like Eve at all."

"You never talked about what happened between you and Eve," Barbara pointed out. "As a matter of fact, you hardly spoke of her at all even when you were together. I ask you how you're doing now and I hear all about Grace." She smiled. "And Richard hears all about you. That girl adores you."

"I know that," Carey said. "That's why I did something really, really crazy. I bought her a ring, Mom. After dinner I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Marry her?"

"You don't approve?"

Barbara reached over and took her hand. "Oh, baby, I adore Grace. You know that. I was just surprised that you want to marry her when it really won't mean anything."

"It will mean something to me, Mom. And I hope it will mean something to her too. I'm not doing this for any type of benefits that they award to someone that is married in the eyes of the law. I talked to Reverend Pellegrino, and he agreed to marry us. That's official enough for me." Carey leaned forward and squeezed the hand that was holding hers. "I want to give her this special moment to show her that I'm committed to this relationship. That she's the only one I'll ever want. I've sent her too many mixed signals, but this will tell her that I'm really serious. Isn't that what getting married is all about?"

A tear started down Barbara's face and she pulled Carey over for a hug. "Yes, it is."

"Grace," Carey said. "I need to run down to the store and get more milk." She grabbed Richard's arm. "Your dad's going with me. We'll be right back."

"I am?" he asked, allowing himself to be led to the door.

"Yes, you are. The store's just down the road," Carey said, climbing in the truck and starting the engine. "I wanted to ask you something."

"I had a feeling I wasn't here just to keep you company," he said. "You know I love Grace."


"I think of our relationship as a permanent thing," she said, taking a deep breath. "And…I'm committed to making it work. I would never do anything deliberate to hurt her."

"Grace is very happy," he said.

"Yes," Carey said. "She seems to be. The thing is...l want to show her how I feel." She rolled down the window, the cab suddenly feeling very hot. "See...that commitment...I want to give her that...for both of us." She passed the store. "And well...tradition...and..." Shaking her head, she reached over and opened the glove compartment, revealing a velvet box. "May l?"

Richard started chuckling and reached for the box. "Finally decided to make an honest woman of my daughter, huh? Good thing too, because you're not the only one around here with a shotgun." He opened the box. "Oh, that's very pretty. I'm sure Grace will love it."

Carey pulled over. "So that's a yes, right?"

"Ayup, if you're asking for my daughter's hand in marriage. Do yourself a favor, though," he said, closing the box and putting it back in the glove compartment. "Just show her the ring. It'll say everything for you."

"What are you doing here?" Carey asked, stepping outside and closing the door behind her.

"You're going to ask her, aren't you?" Gage said. "I want to see her face when she sees that ring."

"Before or after I have my heart attack?" Carey said, sitting down on the steps. "I almost had a stroke just asking her dad's permission."

"You mean your step-dad," Gage said.

"Don't say it like that," Carey said. "I'd much rather think of him as her father and the man who lives with my mother. If I think of him as a step-father then that makes Grace my step-sister, and that's just too weird to be asking my sister to marry me. Funny, I told Grace it wasn't that strange, but at a time like this, the last thing I want to do is think of Grace as my sister."

"Just don't faint before you give her the ring," Gage said. "Come on, let me in so I can watch you make a fool out of yourself."

"Look who's here," Carey said as she opened the door and ushered Sue in. "Mom, you remember Sue, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Barbara said. "It's nice to see you again, Sue." "Yes, it is," Sue said as she walked over and sat on the arm of the couch.

"Um…I have to get something out of the kitchen," Carey said, turning away from the group of people sitting in her living room.

"I'll go with you," Grace said, following her into the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

"Me? Of course," Carey said, feigning casualness.

"You seem nervous or worried about something," Grace said, moving closer. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." My stomach's in knots, my head feels light and I'm not sure if I'm going to pass out or throw up. Other than that, I'm fine. "I think it's just a little warm in here."

Grace put her hand on Carey's forehead. "It seems fine to me but you do feel a little warm. I'm going to get the thermometer."

"No," Carey said, putting her arms around the younger woman. "I'm fine, really." Holding Grace in her arms had a calming effect, ebbing the fear that was playing havoc with her emotions. "I love you," she said, claiming Grace's mouth with her own.

"Mmm, and I love you," Grace said when their lips parted. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm sure," she said. "Go on, I'll be out in a minute."

Grace kissed her cheek. "I love you."

Carey watched her leave, then turned and leaned her forearms on the counter. It's time. Just go out there, kneel down next to her and give her the ring. That's all there is to it. She'll say yes. Of course she will. She loves me. She wants commitment. She won't ask to think about it. She'll say yes. "Oh God," she whispered, clasping her hands together. "Please just give me the strength to get through this...and please let her say yes."

Taking a deep breath, Carey pushed open the louvered door, her eyes locking on Grace. "Um...if everyone could be quiet for a minute. I have something I want to say." She took a step forward, aware of Gage's smirk, Richard's smile, and most of all Grace's concerned look. "Grace, when you first told me you loved me, I couldn't return that love." That's good, voice is steady, keep going. She took another step forward. "I told you to find someone else, that it could never be." The room seemed to close in and Carey gripped the back of Gage's chair for support. "B-but you waited for me to see what you knew all along." She reached into her pocket. "That we were meant to be together." Cupping the box in her hand, she knelt down, her eyes never leaving Grace's. "I love you," she said, revealing the black velvet box and looking into teary blue eyes. "I...I..." Tears formed in her eyes, matching those rolling down Grace's cheeks. Opening the box, she held it out to the woman who owned her heart. "Marry me?" Grace didn't say a word, she just held out her hand as tears started down her face.

She watched as Carey slipped the ring on her finger, words still eluding her. Then she placed a hand on each of Carey's cheeks and leaned over for a kiss. "I love you," she whispered, just before their lips met. "I love you."

Barbara started to applaud, and Richard and Sue joined in. Carey turned to them, her face flushed. She looked back to Grace. "That's what I get for proposing in front of an audience."

Barbara smiled and rested her hand on top of Richard's. "Now that she's accepted, all that's left is to do the planning and have the wedding." She looked at Carey. "Then you two can worry about giving me grandchildren."

Grace and Carey shared equally shocked looks. "Grandchildren?" they said in unison.

"Do I have to guess what you're thinking about?" Carey asked when Grace adjusted her pillow for the fourth time in ten minutes.

"We've never talked about having children," Grace said. "Do you want children?"

Carey looked at the clock. "Not bad. One-thirty. I'm surprised you cracked so early."

"So do you?"

"What do you want?" Carey countered, lying on her back and pulling Grace closer.

"Well, since I figured I'd never have sex with a man, children didn't seem to be in my future. Maybe someday, I guess." She kissed Carey's shoulder. "I'm not in any hurry."

"Good, because there's no way we can afford a baby," Carey said. "Not with me giving up my job to move to the cottage."

Grace nodded and snuggled down in her pillow, then lifted her hand to look at her ring again.

“Hey," Carey said softly when she saw new tears. "Why are you crying?"

"Happy tears," Grace said, looking at the ring on her finger. "It's so beautiful."

Carey turned on her side, propping herself up on one elbow. "I'm happy you like it."

"This is why you were asking me all those questions at the mall that day, isn't it?"

"Guilty as charged," Carey said, kissing Grace's shoulder. "Couldn't give my future bride a ring she wouldn't like, could I?"

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Grace," she said, eminently pleased with herself.

"There's just one thing."

The self-satisfied smile dropped. "What?"

"I have to take it off from time to time," Grace said.

Carey shook her head. "Why?"

"Well," Grace said, pushing Carey down onto the bed. "You see, that's my left hand and that's the one I use..." She pressed her thigh between Carey's legs. "Unless you don't want me to do that anymore."

"Use your right hand," Carey suggested.

"I do better with my left hand," Grace said, reaching into Carey's pajama bottoms. "That way I can kiss you and still have my thumb..." Carey gasped as Grace made contact."...there."

"I thought you were tired," Carey said, her legs parting in conflict to her words.

"And I don't know why you bother wearing clothes to bed," Grace said, never ceasing with her gentle stroking. "Hmm, feels like I struck oil."

"You always do when you do that," Carey said, reaching up to caress Grace's breast. "Come here."

Giving the sensitive area a final caress, the young woman snuggled into the crook of her lover's arm. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Grace said, sighing contentedly. "I love you."

"That goes both ways," Carey said, taking advantage of their positions, she kissed the top of Grace's head. "I love you too."

"You have to get out here," Gage said impatiently. "In a minute," Carey said, rinsing her mouth...again. "Come on, you big coward."

"You're not helping me," Carey said, shutting the water off and drying her face.

"I think you've got puking down to a science," Sue said from the other side of the door.

Carey looked at her face in the mirror and groaned. "Whose idea was this anyway?"


"Don't remind me," Carey said, slowly straightening up and opening the bathroom door. "I look like hell."

"Nothing a little makeup couldn't fix," Sue said, guiding Carey to the chair.

"I don't do makeup."

"You do today or Grace will think she's marrying a raccoon."

"Who is it?"

"Your father."

"Just a minute, Dad," Grace said, taking the tuxedo shirt off the hanger and putting it on. "Okay."

"Just checking to see if you need any help," he said.

"Yeah." She pointed at the cufflinks on the dresser. "I can't make my fingers work today."

"It's nerves," he said.

"I don't have any nerves left," she said, holding her arm out so he could fasten the cufflink. "I was up most of the night worrying."

"Don't worry," he said as he secured another fastener. "She's here."

"I know she's here," Grace said. "I think it's silly we can't see each other."

"You two are the ones that wanted so much tradition," he said.

Grace picked up the pale blue bow tie and faced the mirror. "Daddy?

Were you nervous on your wedding day?"

"Let me," he said, reaching from behind to help her with the tie. "I was absolutely petrified," he said. "Almost passed out before the minister could finish."

"Oh, don't say that," Grace said, picking up the white cummerbund. Her father chuckled. "You'll do just fine," he said.

There was a knock at the door. "Grace?"

Grace froze. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't know she was coming."

"Don't worry about me, pumpkin. I don't mind her being here, as long as you're okay with it."

Grace shrugged her shoulders. "I'm okay, I guess."

"You're sure? Because I'll be happy to escort her out of here if that's what you want."

"I'm sure."

He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, but she said she was okay.

Reluctantly he turned and opened the door. "Hello, Edna."

"Richard," Grace's mother said. "I'd like to talk to my daughter."

"Our daughter," he said. "Grace, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Grace hugged him. "Thanks Dad."

"Careful," he said. "You don't want to show up at the altar all wrinkled." He left, closing the door behind him.

"A tuxedo?"

"You know I hate dresses," Grace said, picking up the vest and slipping it over her shoulders.

"Well at least button it properly," her mother said, shooing Grace's hands out of the way. "I know how nervous a bride is," she said as she straightened out Grace's vest. "My hands were shaking so bad your grandmother had to button up my dress."

"How did you know about this?" Grace asked.

"You did put an announcement in the paper," Edna said, finishing the last button. "There."

"Tell me you didn't bring him."

"He's not here," her mother said. "He dropped me off and I'll call him to come back to get me."

"I so do not need this today," Grace said, turning away to check her appearance in the mirror.

"Grace, do you want me to leave?"

Tugging her vest, Grace shook her head. "You're here. Oh God, you're going to end up sitting next to Dad and Barbara." She turned around and looked at her mother. "Please tell me you can get along with him today."

"Of course I can," Edna said. "Grace..."

"No." Grace reached for her jacket. "Not a word about it. Not today."

"You stand next to me and don't you dare let me fall," Carey said.

"Don't worry," Sue said. "I'll be the perfect best man, or best woman as the case may be."

Carey pulled on her collar. "Why haven't they started the music yet?"

"They are playing music."

"You know what I mean," Carey said. "Here Comes the Bride.'

"When Grace comes out. Calm down."

"I can't," Carey said. "I keep having visions of her riding away on Jan's motorcycle."

"She's not going to run away," Sue said. "Now stop it before you give yourself a stroke."

"Why did we pick such a hot day?"

"The day's not hot, you are," Sue said. "It's not like anything's going to change between you. You've been living with her for how long now?"

"Living with her isn't the same as a marrying her," Carey said just as the organist changed the music. "Oh God, she's coming." The temperature seemed to jump even higher as beads of sweat broke out along her forehead and a buzzing sound filled her ears. "Sue..."

"Don't you dare wimp out on me now," Sue said, gripping her nervous friend's shoulders. "Carey, breathe."

"Look at her," Carey whispered as Grace walked down the aisle, her arm entwined with Richard's. "She's so beautiful."

"And I'm sure she's thinking the same thing about you."

Their eyes met and the nervousness that had so consumed Carey suddenly dissipated, replaced with a calm peace. This was right. This was what was meant to be. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly and reached for her bride's hand.

"You're not going to pass out on me, are you?" Grace asked softly, squeezing their joined hands.

"I hope not."

"Good, because I feel like I might," Grace said. "All these years, I always wondered if a day like this would come and now it's here."

"I love you," Carey said, bringing their joined hands to her lips.

"Thanks for not giving up on me."

"You were worth waiting for."

"Ready?" the minister asked, giving the couple a gentle smile.

"For the rest of my life," Carey said.

"For the rest of our lives," Grace corrected. They faced the minister as they would the rest of their lives...together.

