"It's too fucking hot for PT," Jan said.

"They're trying to kill us," Grace said. "Two miles a day is too much. Here they come." The girls snapped to attention as the instructors entered the formation area, having changed into the PT shorts and shirts.

"Ten hut," Instructor Gage said. "It's really hot today, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am," a chorus of voices rang out.

"I bet you'd love it if we didn't run two miles today."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Because we're not running two miles, we're doing three. Now spread out and start stretching."

"I told you so," Grace whispered to Jan.

"Damn bitches," Jan whispered back.

"Of course they can run it with no problem, they've been doing it for years probably," Grace said. "Four weeks and they're kicking us up to three miles."

"Goon Squad loves to stick it to us," Jan said. "It's in their job description to be assholes."

"Cut the chatter," Instructor Carey said. "Unless you'd rather have four?"

"No, ma'am," the group said quickly.

"All right then. Everyone ready? Let's go."

Once on the trail, the girls found some relief from the beating sun thanks to the trees and the shade they provided. Still, the extra mile took its toll, slowing even the fastest girls down. Grace found herself doing barely more than a slow jog during the last half-mile. "Come on, Waters, pick it up," Instructor Carey's voice came from somewhere behind her. "You'll be glad you did when you get over that hill."

"Yes, ma'am," she said, willing her legs to keep moving. Why? Am I going to drop dead of a heart attack when I get there? The hill seemed insurmountable and her pace slowed to a walk.

"Move it, Waters."

"Yes, ma'am." Just a few more feet. A little more. Then I can rest.

Step by step she made it to the crest of the hill, convinced she wanted nothing more to do than collapse on the grass past the finish line.

Convinced, that is, until she saw what lay just beyond, a crystal clear lake as blue as the sky.

"Let's go, girls," Instructor Donaldson said from her perch sitting against a shady tree. "Jump in, the water's fine."

"All right," Jan said as she reached the top of the hill. "Hey, there's a lake up here."

Grace heard the shouts of those behind her as she dropped to the ground and whipped off her sneakers and socks. "Jan, hurry up," she said, stuffing the socks into the sneakers.

"I'm hurrying," Jan said, flopping to the ground next to her. "Keeping your shirt on?"

Grace nodded, standing up and wiping the sand off her shorts. "I'm not getting sunburned."

Jan's blue shirt came off. "I don't care," she said. "Let's go."

Within minutes Sapling Hill Lake filled with screaming teens. The girls took turns splashing and dunking each other, Grace giving as good as she got. She looked up just in time to see Instructor Carey swing from a rope connected to an overhanging limb, tucking into a ball and crashing into the water with a great splash. Several girls squealed at the new toy and began scrambling for the bank. Grace swam to the inlet away from the others, able to watch the action without being in the way. Oh no, she thought when she saw Instructor Carey coming toward her.

"So," the dark-haired woman said, treading water just a few feet from her. "Was it worth the extra mile?"

"Yes, ma'am," Grace said, tapping the bottom of the sandy lake with her tiptoe to keep her head above water.

"Why aren't you running up to use the rope like everyone else?"

Think fast. "Um…it's nice and shady here, ma'am."

"Don't think you're going to hide here all day," the instructor said.

"I'd better see you moving around and participating."

"Yes, ma'am," Grace said, consciously not rolling her eyes. As long as I don't have to go near that rope.

"Enjoy it while you can, this won't be a daily event."

"Yes, ma'am," Grace said before the dark-haired woman pivoted and swam away. Dunking underwater to cool off, she swam over to where several other girls were tossing around a volleyball.

"Grace, over here on our team," Latisha called, waving her arm and like most of the dark-skinned girls, covered on top with only her sport bra. "Beyond Chambers is a goal for us and beyond Jennings is goal for them. Got it?"

"Naw," Grace said. "I'll watch for now." She waded over to a rock that jutted up from the water and climbed on it. From her vantage she could watch the game and still see the girls using the rope. She enjoyed the view for several minutes before sensing someone watching her. Looking around, she came eye to eye with Instructor Carey, who was treading water out in the deeper section of the lake. Better start moving before she decides to move me, Grace thought as she pushed off into the water and started swimming around. She did not get far before the dark-haired woman reached her.

"You're a little fair skinned to be lying around soaking up the sun, aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," Grace said, letting her toes sink into the soft lake bottom. Instructor Carey stood as well, the difference in height causing the water to stop mid-torso on her.

"I'd prefer to see you in the water," the older woman said, apparently unaware of the way the wet shirt clung to her. "It's easy to lose track of time and get a nasty sunburn on a day like this."

"Yes, ma'am," Grace said, forcing herself to look up at the instructor's face and not where her eyes wanted to focus.

"You haven't been on the swing yet."

"No, ma'am."

"Any reason why not?"

"I was watching the volleyball game, ma'am."

"You should try it."

"Maybe later, ma'am," Grace said, looking away to the lake before her eyes betrayed her, but making sure to catch a quick glance in the process. "I think I'll swim around for a while."

"We'll be spending the rest of PT here," the instructor said, causing Grace to smile. "Try to spend as much of it in the water as you can. I'm already seeing some pink on your cheeks."

Grace knew the color was not from the sun. "Yes, ma'am," she said, looking back to the dark-haired woman and waiting expectantly for her to say something. To her surprise, Instructor Carey smacked the water, sending it splashing at her.

"Just cooling you off, Waters."

Grace reacted quickly, slapping at the water and trying to dart out of the way. "Self-defense, ma'am," she said, using her arm to send up a large amount of water before slipping beneath the surface to avoid the endless deluge aimed at her. She came back up with her hands held up. "I surrender, ma'am," she said, closing her eyes as a few more slaps of water came her way.

"I knew there had to be a way to get a smile on that face," Carey said. "It doesn't have to be gloom and doom all the time. Go play."

"Yes, ma'am." The teen turned and headed toward the volleyball game, stopping after several yards to see where the other woman had gone. It's a shame you're such a bitch, she thought, watching Carey leave the water and take the path leading to the rope. Otherwise you wouldn't be so bad to look at.
