Chapter 1

January 8, 2146

Eden, Mars

Lisa Wong drove the black and white police cart slowly down 5th street, cursing as she had to detour around city hall. Uniformed Martian Planetary Guard squads, part of Governor-elect Laura Whiting's security detail, had closed the streets to all traffic for a block in each direction in anticipation of an inauguration party that would be taking place all day tomorrow, after the new leader of Mars was sworn in tonight in New Pittsburgh. They had erected plastic barricades and were standing by with M-24 assault rifles slung over their shoulders. Combat goggles were settled upon their faces. The soldiers and the police department usually got along well together — after all, a good portion of the police force served on their days off — but not well enough to invite the cart to pass through. They had their orders, direct from General Jackson himself.

"Fuckin' politicians," Lisa groaned to her partner as she turned onto 16th Avenue, winding her way through a group of pedestrians that were watching the soldiers. "There won't be a single fuckin' dignitary down here until tomorrow afternoon, but they're closing everything off tonight. What the hell is up with that? Sometimes I think they have all that security as a goddamn status symbol instead of out of any real need. Who the hell would want to kill a politician anyway? All they'd do is elect another one."

"Yep," Brian Haggerty replied from the passenger seat of the cart. He took a drink from a large bottle of soda and then belched loudly, as if to express his opinion. "If there's one thing there's no shortage of, it's elected officials. They oughtta use all of those troops to come out here and run some of our calls for us. Maybe that could cut us down to eight a shift instead of twelve."

"And maybe let us get a chance to eat lunch once in a while," Lisa agreed, honking impatiently at a group of gang members that were taking too long to clear out of their way. On Martian streets it was generally the pedestrian that ruled since walking and the elevated trains were the principal means of transportation. But what little vehicular traffic did exist — police carts, dip-hoe carts, delivery trucks — was legally given the right of way. Apparently this street gang had not been briefed on that particular provision of the municipal code. Two of the gang members raised their middle fingers to the black and white without even glancing at it. Two others did glance at them but only long enough to make eye contact while they contemptuously grabbed their crotches.

"Fucking vermin," Brian said sourly, glaring at them through the reinforced mesh wire that covered the windshield. "I'd like to cram my tanner up their back doors and crank it up to full."

"They'd probably like it," Lisa replied, finally achieving enough room to maneuver the four-seat electric cart around them. She picked up a little speed and continued down the avenue, turning at the next block and circling back around to 5th Street once more.

Lisa and Brian were uniformed patrol officers of the Eden Police Department. Both were nine-year veterans of patrol services and both had recently been assigned to the downtown division. Downtown Eden was not exactly the most desirable district to work. Once away from the office buildings and the expensive housing complexes, which were patrolled by high seniority foot patrolmen anyway, the streets were as dangerous as anything in the ghettos. Downtown was rife with armed gangs of welfare class youths that trafficked in dust — a cheap, illegal drug that was synthesized from stolen agricultural chemicals. Dust was the intoxicant most favored by the lower classes when they ran out of or grew bored with their monthly allotment of marijuana and alcohol. Those who chronically used dust were prone to fits of violent paranoia while on a binge. Between the sellers, the manufacturers, and the users, all of whom were concentrated in high numbers in the welfare housing buildings of downtown, the district was a busy, dangerous place to work. Downtown forced patrol partners into a sometimes fierce protective bonding with each other.

"What's this bullshit for again?" Lisa asked, referring to the latest call that they had been dispatched to. She knew she was heading for the lobby of the Apple Tree public housing complex at 5th Street and 65th Avenue, but aside from that she had not heard the particulars.

"Assault in progress," Brian told her, reading from the terminal mounted between their seats. "A young man of Asian descent is apparently beating upon someone with a piece of lobby furniture."

"So what the hell do they want us to do about it?" she asked, shaking her head. "Those fuckin' animals are always beating the hell out of each other. We haul them off to jail and they're out two hours later beating on someone else."

"Maybe he'll kill him," Brian said with a shrug. "At least that way he'll spend a few months in the slam."

"And give us more reports to compose too," she pointed out, slowing up for another group of gang members that were ambling from an intoxicant store across the street to the entrance of their housing complex. They all carried bottles of Fruity — the potent concoction of fermented waste juices from the bottling facilities. It was the favored drink among the welfare class because it was both cheap and powerful. One bottle of Fruity was more than enough to give a person of average weight a therapeutic alcohol level. Though the taste was horrid, it was very economical. This group of gang members seemed to be in a better mood than the last. Only one of them flipped the bird at the patrol car and one of them, an African descendent, actually blew a kiss at Lisa.

"It's good to see public support for the police, isn't it?" Brian asked, grinning at his partner.

"Yes," she said, shaking her head in amusement. "It makes me all warm inside."

As they continued on their path towards the Apple Tree, their talk turned to the upcoming inauguration. Lisa was of the opinion that Laura Whiting, whom she had voted for, was not quite as corrupt as the others of her species. "I mean, I actually voted for her," she said. "Me. I haven't voted for anything since I was twenty years old because it seemed like a complete waste of time and mental effort. But there's something about her that's... well... different. I just can't explain it, you know?"

Brian was a little more cynical. "She just had a better campaign manager," he said. "She's smart enough to realize that we Martians are not as dumb as the Earth politicians and the corporate assholes seem to think we are. She just played to our intelligence a little. You watch. She won't be any different. Remember how she got to where she is."

"I know," Lisa said. "By cramming her nose up every corporate ass that's been stuck in her face since law school. I'm not saying that she's going to make a real difference or anything. I'm just saying that she seems to have a little empathy for us working folks."

"Hmmm. So you seem to be of the opinion," he paraphrased, "that she won't totally fuck us, that she'll just partially fuck us?"

"Right," Lisa agreed, chuckling. "She'll put on a little bit of lube before she sticks it in."

The two partners were still mulling over that analogy when Lisa pulled to the sidewalk a half a block from the Apple Tree main entrance. They opened their doors and stepped out onto the street, taking a moment to adjust their weapons belts and resettle their Kevlar armor upon their torsos. As part of the standard patrol load out they had blue and white, bullet resistant helmets upon their heads with combat goggles mounted to the top, where they could be pulled down for easy use. Their belts contained 5mm pistols with thirty round clips in addition to three pairs of handcuffs and a tanner, which was a one-meter metal club capable of delivering an incapacitating electrical charge. They had military style M-24 assault rifles in their possession but these were usually kept under the seats of the cart and rarely taken out. On their lower bodies they wore blue shorts but their knees were protected with Kevlar guards and their feet were encased in steel-toed boots.

"Shall we do it?" Lisa asked, slamming her door shut. She pushed a button on the patrol computer/communicator on her belt and the door locks clanked into the locking position. A chirp indicated the alarm system was active.

"We shall," Brian agreed with a sigh.

Above them the red Martian sky, which was visible through the dirty plexiglass roof, was darkening with sunset. Soon the stars would be out and shining in all of their brilliance. The ninety story low rent building, most of its windows darkened, rose above them, somewhat cutting off the view. On the street before them there was not much activity. A drunken group of youths, not quite badass enough to be considered a street gang, were sitting on a planter in the middle of the street passing a marijuana pipe back and forth. The youths watched the two cops impassively, hardly seeming to notice them. Brian and Lisa gave them a once over and then turned their attention forward. They walked carefully to the entrance of the complex, keeping a wary eye on everything within view. The police department was not terribly popular with members of the welfare class and ambushes by gang members or just plain crazy people had been known to occur. Despite the armor they wore and the weapons they carried, an average of thirty patrol officers were killed each and every year in Eden alone. It was a dangerous profession where Darwinism ruled.

The main entrance to the complex consisted of glass panels reinforced with steel bars. Two sets of automatic sliding doors allowed access to the lobby area. An elderly man lay curled up and snoring next to the closest door, an empty bottle of Fruity next to him. He smelled strongly of urine and stale sweat. The two police officers stepped over him and sidled up to the door, peering through into the lobby. It was best to get an idea what you were walking into before you went and walked into it. The lobby of the Apple Tree, like the lobby of any housing building of the welfare or working class, was typically used as a gathering area for the residents. Any Internet packages or grocery shipments were delivered there before being carried up to the rooms. A large crowd of fifty or so people was gathered around the bank of elevators on the far wall. They seemed very upset and excited.

"I hate crowds," Lisa said, trying to see what the focus of the excitement was about. "A group like that could stomp us both to death in about a minute flat."

"I'm sure these fine citizens wouldn't do something like that," Brian joked, a little nervous himself. Having those that a police officer was trying to help suddenly turn on him or her was an all too frequent phenomenon in modern law enforcement. The welfare class hated the cops and the cops hated the welfare class.

"Well," Lisa sighed, stepping forward to activate the door sensor, "let's get it on."

"Right behind you, babe," Brian replied, taking up position.

The glass door was badly in need of a routine maintenance regiment. It rattled and clanked its way open with agonizing slowness, ruining their hopes of a quick, unobtrusive entry. Finally it provided them with an opening big enough to walk through and they stepped inside. The lobby was covered with various bits of trash that overflowed from the garbage containers and seemed to spread out from there. Everything from empty Fruity bottles to empty marijuana packages to empty food containers lay in piles on the carpet and the lobby furniture. The smell was of poorly ventilated air scented with sweat, urine, vomit, and even a hint of feces. It was a smell that both had long since ceased to notice, they smelled it so often.

"Yo, motherfuckers!" screamed a middle-aged Caucasian man from the rear of the crowd as he saw them enter. "Git yo asses over here! They killin peoples!"

"Yeah!" yelled an elderly Asian woman standing next to him. "Motherfuckers is dusted out!"

Hearing the words: "they" and "dusted out", both officers drew their tanners from their belts and charged them. Dusted out was street slang for dust psychosis, the paranoid, violent state of mind that came from a two or three day binge of the powerful amphetamine. One strange effect of such psychosis was that it often encompassed more than one person. If two or three or even five people binged together over a period of days, they would all tend to dust out at the same time and with the same paranoid fantasies.

"How many 'theys" are we talking about here?" Lisa, still in the lead, asked the elderly Asian.

"They's two of 'em!" she yelled. "They fuckin' killin' people! Do somethin' 'bout it goddammit!"

They could hear cusses and screams coming from within the crowd now, and the occasional thump of an object striking a human body. They began to push their way through. "Police!" they barked. "Move aside, let us in!" Reluctantly the crowd parted, more in deference to the charged tanners the two cops were waving than out of any respect for authority. As the onlookers parted, the scene became visible. Lying on the ground were two elderly men and one middle age female. One of the men was obviously dead, his skull split open and the bloody gray matter of his brain clearly visible. He lay in a twisted heap next to a broken lounge chair. The other man was alive but unresponsive. He was on his back while a young Asian male, shirtless and sporting multiple tattoos, kicked him repeatedly in the body while hitting him in the head with a piece of firm plastic that had once been the lounge chair's armrest. About two meters away the female, who was African descended and in her forties, was being choked by a Caucasian man in his twenties. He too was shirtless and bore an impressive array of both jailhouse and professional tattoos upon his torso. The woman he was choking was still struggling weakly, her arms beating ineffectively at his head and chest.

"I'll get the left, you get the right," said Lisa to Brian as she stepped forward.

"Sounds good," he replied.

They moved in, gripping their tanners in their left hands, keeping their gun hands free in case the tanners proved not to be effective. Sometimes with dusters the electrical charge didn't work all that well.

"Drop it, asshole," Lisa barked at the man with the armrest.

He didn't even look up, he just continued to kick and hit with a fury, sending little sprays of blood upward with each blow. He was yelling at the man as he went about killing him. "You wanna spy on me, motherfucker? You wanna spy on me?" he demanded, over and over. Yes, this guy was dusted all right. He and his friend had probably gotten it into their heads that these three welfare class public housing residents were members of "them", that shady group those in dust psychosis always convinced themselves were after them.

"Put the club down, asshole," she yelled a little louder. "And I mean now!"

Again the man did not even seem to hear her. Mentally sighing she stepped forward, cocking the hand with the tanner backward. She had to be careful to not actually shock the assailant while he was touching the victim. If he were, the electricity would course through the victim's body as well. Granted, the electricity would not actually hurt the victim any worse than he was already being hurt by the piece of plastic, but cops were not allowed to inconvenience or cause pain to anyone that was not a suspected criminal. Years of civil law precedence had been established in that manner. A cop that caused pain to someone, even in the act of saving them, could be sued successfully. It was insanity but it was modern reality.

"I hate this fucking job," Lisa muttered, as she swung the tanner sharply into the man's right knee. It struck right at the junction, hard enough to cause the leg to buckle but not hard enough to cause any physical harm. If she actually broke the man's knee he could sue her for excessive force, pain and suffering, and a civil rights violation. She did not key the tanner as it struck him, using it as a club only. The man did not fall but he stopped hitting the victim and surged just enough off balance to allow her to step forward and, holding the tanner with one hand at either end, give him a shove. He stumbled backward three steps and then hit the broken lounge chair, falling into it and breaking it even further. Plastic splinters went spraying out across the room.

"You bitch!" the man screamed, a mad glint in his eyes as he tried to scramble back to his feet. "They was followin' us! They was fuckin' followin' us!"

"Lay on the ground!" Lisa barked, backing up a step and holding her tanner out before her once more. "Get down on you stomach or I'm gonna zap your ass!"

"No!" he returned, continuing his efforts to stand up. He was hindered by the fact that he was tangled up in the chair. "Them motherfuckers was followin' us. Gotta kill 'em, gotta fuckin' kill 'em!"

She yelled at him to get down one more time and when he failed to obey her she put the end of the tanner against his chest and pushed the discharge button. Thirty thousand volts surged out of the end and into his body, overpowering his nervous system. Whatever damping effects the chronic use of dust had did not seem to be present in this case. He stiffened up as if in seizure and then crashed to the ground, his hands splayed out before him.

"Could use a little help over here, partner," Brian grunted from her right side.

She turned and saw him struggling to pull the other duster off of the woman. He had his tanner wrapped around the man's neck and was trying to yank him backwards but the duster would not release his grip on her. Again the easiest, sanest course of action would have simply been to zap the man right there where he stood but the contact would have resulted in a liability incurring shock to the victim.

She gave a nervous glance towards the man she had just dropped — there was no telling how long he would remain unconscious — before hurrying over to assist her partner. If was for damn sure that none of the concerned bystanders were going to help him. They would stand and watch impassively as the two dusters tortured and killed him, drinking Fruity as they did so.

"Get his arms, Lisa!" Brian barked. "Get his arms and I'll be able to pull him free!"

She bent down next to the victim and put her hands on the duster's forearm, yanking at it with all her strength. Like most cops that worked the dangerous areas, Lisa was a physical fitness fanatic. Her work-out regiment was augmented by her own volunteer work with the MPG, who's physical agility requirements, even for non-combatant positions like Lisa's, were stringent. The duster, though quite a bit larger and in the midst of psychosis, was no match for her. His arm popped free into hers, releasing its grip upon the woman's throat. She twisted it upward, putting it into a lock with her right hand so she could make a grab at his other hand. Before she could do this however, the duster released that grip on his own and swung his fist upward, striking her sharply in the face.

Pain exploded in her head, centered on her nose, and she staggered a little, seeing stars. She felt wet blood running down her face.

"Motherfucker!" she yelled, jamming the elbow of her free arm into the duster's stomach hard enough to cause tingling in her funny bone. The duster coughed and gasped as the air was expelled from his lungs and fell backwards, pulled that direction by Brian. Lisa kept her grip on his arm as Brian spun him around and slammed him to his stomach onto the filthy carpet of the lobby. She twisted the arm up further on his back while kneeling down and placing her knee on the back of his neck to keep him from rising up. Brian, releasing his grip on his tanner and allowing it to roll to the side, kneeled on the man's back. He grabbed the free right arm, which had been flailing around trying to strike something and twisted it up to join the left one.

"I got the cuffs," Brian told her, reaching to the rear of his belt and pulling out a set. In the last hundred and fifty years of law enforcement technological advances, the basic set of wrist restraints had changed little. Though they were now unlocked not with a key but with a command from the arresting officer's belt computer, the mechanism was the same as cops in the early twentieth century had utilized. He snapped the bracelet first on the wrist that he was holding and then the one that Lisa was holding.

They stood up, each breathing a little harder than normal with the effort. Brian picked up his tanner and holstered it. The duster, dismayed to have his arms immobilized and still trying to refill his lungs with air, began to kick his feet up and down, desperately trying to make contact with one of them.

"Chill out with that shit," Brian told him, "or I'll hobble your ass too."

The duster, though not exactly in his right mind, whatever that might be, was coherent enough to know that he did not want to have his feet tied together and attached to the handcuffs. More than likely he had experienced that particular form of restraint before. He let his feet lie still.

Lisa looked over at the first duster, the one she had zapped. He was moaning now and beginning to stir. Picking up her own tanner and holstering it she hurried over to him and kneeled down on his back.

"You got him okay?" Brian asked, taking a few steps in that direction.

"Yeah, he's still pretty much out of it," she replied, quickly grabbing his twitching left arm and applying a cuff to it. She twisted it up behind his back and then grabbed the right arm, bringing it into position and joining it to its companion. He offered no resistance.

Done, she stood back up. Her face was throbbing rhythmically, with the beat of her heart, from the blow she had received. She brought her fingers up to her face and touched the nose. Her fingertips came away bloody. "Asshole," she spat, wanting to go over and deliver a kick to the restrained duster, knowing she would do no such thing. A cop could end up bankrupt and in prison for doing something like that.

"You okay, Lisa?" Brian asked her as he ran a scanner over the prone body of the first duster. The scanner was low-yield ultrasound device that identified and inventoried everything in the possession of a suspect.

"Yeah," she said, reaching down for the transmit button on her belt computer. "It's just a bloody nose. I'll make it." She keyed her radio. "Four delta five-nine," she said into it, speaking to the dispatch computer back in the communications center, "we have two in custody, three victims down. Send us two dip-hoe carts for medical treatment of victims and a full homicide assignment."

"Copy that four delta five-nine," said the cheery female voice of the computer. "Two suspects in custody. I'm responding two health and safety carts and a homicide assignment right now."

"And," she added, "inform the watch commander that physical force was required for the arrest. One subject immobilized with a tanner and one struck with an elbow."

"Notification will be made," the computer assured her.

Lisa shook her head in disgust, hating herself for feeling worried about the blow she had given to the scumbag duster and hating the department for making her feel worried about it. Any use of physical force at all required a report and notification of the watch commander. That was routine. But any use of force that was not outlined in the field training manual — and blows to the stomach were most assuredly not outlined — were subject to intense scrutiny by the department brass and the internal affairs division. Cops had been suspended, fined, fired, and even criminally prosecuted for such things.

"Good thing it's Lieutenant Duran tonight," Brian, who had overheard the transmission, told her. "You know how that prick Wilson rants about excessive force."

Lieutenant Wilson was one of two watch commanders that they dealt with on a weekly basis. He, unlike his counterpart Lieutenant Duran, was firmly in the loop for a rapid climb up the administrative ladder. As such, his every action was designed to show that he was in control of the cops he commanded. Duran, on the other hand, was an older cop rapidly approaching retirement age. She had capped out her climb up the ladder long ago and all she asked of her subordinates was that they not screw up enough to get her fired before her pension was secure. She had also spent many more years working the streets as a grunt before achieving her promotions. This tended to make her much more sympathetic in use of force cases.

"I don't know," Lisa said worriedly. "Duran or not, you know how they feel about hitting people. Those fuckin' personal injury lawyers have a field day with that shit."

"I wouldn't sweat it," Brian said soothingly. "He hit you in the face. That was the only way you could react to the situation."

"If they'd just let us tan those assholes instead of making us wrestle with them," she said, taking out her scanner.

"I know," he told her. "And if ten percent of the working population weren't lawyers, we wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit."

"But the solar system is what the solar system is," Lisa said fatalistically, repeating an often heard motto in those times.

"Goddamn right," Brian agreed.

Once their suspects were searched for weapons and dragged off to the side, the two cops took a look at the victims of the attack. The man with the brains leaking out of his skull was of course beyond salvation and the man next to him, the one that Lisa had rescued with her tanner, was not looking terribly well either. Though there was no actual brain matter visible his entire face was a bloody pulp. One eye was fixated off to the right while the other stared unblinkingly forward. His breathing was ragged and irregular, sometimes racing along frantically, sometimes slowing to almost a halt. The woman who had been choked was in a little better shape. Though she was gasping for air and having a little trouble getting her throat and lungs to work properly, her eyes were open and she was at least able to nod or shake her head to questions.

Now that the excitement of the fight was over, the crowd of onlookers began to react in a predictable manner. "Y'all took yer fuckin' sweet time gettin' here, didn't ya?" A middle aged man asked angrily. He was a Caucasian descendant and looked like he had put away more than his fair share of Fruity over the years. His bare, hairy stomach bulged alarmingly over the waistband of his shorts and his jowls jiggled with each word he spoke. "If you'd a been here when we called, them fuckin' dusters wouldn't a killed Jeff!"

"Yeah," added an Asian descendant woman next to him. She was smoking a cigarette and dipping the ashes on the floor. "I bet if it'd been someone that had a fuckin' job that'd called, your asses woulda been over here for we got off'n the terminal!"

The other members of the crowd quickly picked up the thread of this argument — a common one in such places. Within a minute the angry shouts and accusations intensified to the point that Lisa and Brian began anxiously looking for the arrival of the two additional patrol carts that were being sent to assist with the homicide investigation. Crowds like this, in which many of the participants were either drunk on Fruity or a little dusted themselves, had a way of getting out of hand very quickly.

"They got fuckin' cops on every goddamn corner down in the Garden," a drunken African descendant shouted. She was referring to the Garden Grove area of Eden, just outside of downtown, where most of the wealthy and elite resided. "A duster wouldn't a been able to even get within a klick of one of them buildin's, let alone go an' kill someone in one!"

"Yeah," added a companion, a Hispanic descendant this time. "But with us it just: 'be there when we get 'round to it!' Shit, we lucky you showed up at all!"

Lisa, working hard to maintain her composure, faced the crowd with a blank expression on her face. "I hate this fucking job," she mumbled to herself for perhaps that tenth time that shift, the hundredth time that week. While it was true that response times to the ghetto addresses and public housing buildings were considerably longer than they were in the areas where employed people lived, this was not due to any apathy on the part of the cops. When a call appeared on their screen, they went to it. It was the same with the other patrol units. The simple fact was that the ghettos were just not staffed adequately enough even though they were the busiest districts in the city by far. Eight out of every ten calls to the police department originated in one of the ghettos. But did the ghettos contain eighty percent more cops? Not even close. The ghetto was staffed with no more units than any other section of the city, except of course for Garden Grove and other areas like it. By contrast, the areas where the elite lived enjoyed the highest per capita ratio of cops to citizens. As the drunken African descendant had so delicately pointed out, there were foot patrol teams on damn near every corner. It was, without question, a serious misallocation of resources that was based upon money and social inequality. But was any of this Lisa's fault? Was it Brian's, or any of the other rank and file cops'? Was it the fault of those high seniority cops that worked in Garden Grove? No. But the inhabitants of the ghetto, who were perpetually plagued by violent street gangs, drug dealers, and poor response times when they needed help, perceived that this problem was because of the line cops. After all, the line cops were the only cops they ever saw. They could not take their complaints or frustrations to the city council or the department brass. So they blamed the most visible members of the organization and in the most angry and sometimes physical ways.

Lisa and Brian were both experienced enough in the realities of their job to know that trying to explain any of this to the crowd pushing in at them would be useless. They did not want to hear explanations or excuses. They wanted to vent. The best the two partners could hope for was that the crowd would stick to verbalizations to achieve their venting and not resort to physical stress relief. Things would get real ugly in a real hurry if that happened.

"'Get yourself assigned to downtown', the lieutenant told me," Brian was muttering to himself, although his words were easily picked up and transmitted to Lisa through the tactical radio link they shared. "'It's a lot mellower than Covington Heights, ' he says. 'The Agricorp building is downtown. Nothing bad could happen near the Agricorp Building, could it?'"

"And why the fuck ain't you helpin' those people now?" a Caucasian near the front of the crowd demanded of them. "First you wait a fuckin' hour to show up and then, after you beat up on the people doin' it, you just fuckin' stand there! Them people's hurt!"

"We have the dip-hoes on the way," Lisa intoned mechanically, thinking to herself that the Caucasian, who was about her age, though looked ten years older, was going to be the first one she zapped if push came to shove. He had the biggest mouth. "They'll take care of them and get them to the hospital."

"Yeah right," the man said in disgust, taking another step forward. "And they'll sit there in the fuckin' hall whilst the doctors treats people that have jobs first! They'll let 'em die out there in the hall whilst they take care of people with stubbed toes that have insurance!"

"Yeah," agreed several members of the crowd. "You tell 'em, man!"

Neither of the cops bothered to dispute this point. Both knew it was true, had seen it happen just that way more than once. "That's not my department," Lisa told him, putting her hand on her holstered tanner. "But I do need you to step back out of the crime scene!"

"Or what?" he demanded. "You gonna zap me too? You gonna send me to jail? Fuckin' do it why don't you? I'll eat better and live better if'n I's in jail!"

"Goddamn right!" added the Hispanic who had spoken earlier. "Them motherfuckers in the jail get private rooms, room service, and better pot. They even get them premium Internet channels! They live like them pricks in the Garden. What kinda fuckin' punishment be that?"

"Step back, now!" Lisa said, raising her voice and locking eyes with the Caucasian. She gripped the handle of her tanner and pulled it upward a little.

The man spat on the ground at her feet, barely missing her boot with a yellow wad of phlegm, but that remained the extent of his defiance of her authority. At last he stepped backwards. The crowd took a step back with him. Lisa and Brian both let a small sigh of nervous relief escape their lips. Though the crowd continued to shout insults and accusations, they kept their distance. In the world of modern law enforcement, that was perhaps the best that could be hoped for.

The first of the two-person emergency medical teams from the Department of Public Health and Safety arrived a moment later. They were dressed almost identically to the two police, lacking only the combat goggles and the weapons belts. The design on their blue helmets and on their bulletproof armor was a little different — it featured a star of life instead of a police oval — but except for that they were virtually indistinguishable from their law enforcement counterparts. Lisa and Brian watched as they wheeled in a stretcher upon which blue bags of equipment were resting. As soon as the medics came through the rickety front door they paused, eyeing the obviously hostile crowd nervously. The ghetto class often verbally and physically abused the dip-hoes as well, and for much the same reasons; misallocation of scarce resources and widespread abuse by other aspects of the medical system.

"It's okay, guys," Lisa called to them before they could slink away. "It's safe. C'mon over."

Plainly trepidatious, they nevertheless approached and went to work. They pronounced the first of the victims, the one with the exposed brain matter, officially dead. The second victim, the one that had been beaten with the arm of the chair, they paralyzed with a stasis drug and then installed an artificial breathing mechanism. By the time they were done doing that the second team had entered the building and gone to work on the woman that had been choked. As they performed their duties the crowd stayed at a reasonably safe distance, only shouting the occasional accusation about how if they'd been employed people they'd be getting better treatment.

"Fuckin vermin," Brian said softly into his throat microphone as he kept a wary eye on the crowd.

Lisa, who was watching the two suspects on the ground (they were stirring around and shouting insults of their own now) heard him but did not respond. Though most cops, like most employed people in general, disliked the welfare class immensely; Brian's hatred of them was unique in its fury. Six years before, his pregnant wife had been raped and killed by a group of welfare class thugs as she got off of the public transit train in the notoriously dangerous Helvetia Lowlands section of the city. Mandy Haggerty had been twenty-eight years old at the time and working as a fifth grade teacher in one of the public schools of the Helvetia district. She had dedicated her life to teaching the welfare class children and had been quite good at it. But some of the welfare class youths in the neighborhood, emboldened by a combination of Fruity and dust, had spotted her one morning on her way to work and that had been the death of her. Brian had long since gotten over the grief of her loss but his flaming hatred of the vermin, as the derogatory term for those of the welfare class went, had never so much as flickered in its intensity. Lisa, who had yet to marry and produce her one legally allowed offspring, knew that she could not fathom the depth of his feelings. But at the same time she knew that working among the very people he hated so much ten hours a day, four days a week, was poisoning his mind.

By the time the DPHS teams carted away the two surviving victims of the attack the homicide investigation, such as it was, was in full swing. Two additional patrol units had arrived and were questioning members of the crowd (and taking a lot of verbal abuse) about what had transpired. They were just going through the motions of course. The answers were all the same, no matter who was talked to. "I didn't see nothin," was recorded for the reports more than twenty times. Though everybody present had seen what had happened, nobody would admit it. They all knew that the accused murderers had a right to face their accusers in court. Bearing witness against dusters or street gang members was not a healthy thing to do in the ghetto. It went without saying that no matter how ironclad the case against them was, the two dusters would not spend more than a year in prison. There simply was not room to lock up every duster that killed a piece of vermin in Eden, not for very long anyway. Those rooms in the prison had to be kept free for more serious criminals like those who pirated software that was produced by the media corporations or those who illegally distributed commercial music or video files.

Sergeant Franklin, their immediate supervisor, arrived a few minutes later. He brought in a digital camera, which he used to photograph the crime scene just in case the two dusters did not cop a plea or were not set free due to lack of evidence. Lieutenant Duran, the watch commander, showed up right behind him. She was not part of the standard homicide investigation assignment but her presence was required to take the use of force report. She was a tough, battle-hardened cop in her mid-fifties that had seen a little bit of everything during her twenty-five years on the job. She pulled her two subordinates aside, out of earshot of the suspects and the crowd, and offered each of them a bottle of flavored water.

"Thanks, Lieutenant," Lisa said, opening the plastic bottle. The label identified it as "Raspberry Surprise", produced and bottled by JuiceCo, a subsidiary of Agricorp. She took a large drink, soothing her parched throat.

"Yeah," Brian agreed, opening his bottle of Apple Delight. "This'll help wash the taste of these vermin out of my mouth."

"Watch your language," Duran intoned gently. "You wouldn't want to get caught using a forbidden term now, would you?"

Brian snorted in disgust. The use of the word vermin, as well as many other derogatory slang terms, was deemed a firing offense by the public relations oriented department. General terms such as "asshole" or "dirtbag" were considered distasteful though acceptable, but specific slurs having to do with social status were not. The distinction dated back to a civil court case more than fifty years before in which a third generation unemployed man had successfully sued the New Pittsburgh Police Department for referring to him as vermin during a physical altercation. "You know something, Lieutenant," he told her, taking a drink of his juice. "Every time I come into a place and run a call like this and deal with a bunch of... people like that, the idea of losing this shitty job seems like less and less of a threat."

"I know what you mean," she soothed, patting him on the shoulder. "But remember, if you get fired from here, you'll be unemployed too. You'll have to move to public housing and live off welfare donations. You'll be considered vermin along with everyone else that's unemployed."

"And you'll have to quit the MPG," Lisa added, a little worried about her partner's mental health. "You won't get to fly your Mosquito anymore." It was this argument that would carry more weight with him than anything else. Unlike Lisa, whose MPG assignment was administrative, Brian, as a male, was a member of the elite air guard portion of the service. He flew the winged attack craft that had been developed by New Pittsburgh Enterprises and were specifically designed for operation in the thin Martian atmosphere. Though the WestHem armed forces considered them to be quaint, useless wastes of money, the pilots who drove them and the ground forces they protected considered them to be the finest piece of military engineering since the stealth attack ship. Brian was no exception to this. His one great thrill in life was climbing into the cockpit of his Mosquito and rocketing down the runway.

"I know, I know," he said, frowning a little. "Sometimes that's all that keeps me here. I don't know why the hell I didn't listen to my old man and spend my career training money on engineering school instead of the fuckin police training school. I could be workin at the damn water plant or the fusion plant or the air production plant instead of dealing with these animals every goddamn day."

"Well you're stuck with us now," Duran told him, "so you're just gonna have to hang in there. Keep your sanity intact another four years or so and you'll be able to transfer to a working class neighborhood."

"I keep that vision before me like it was expensive pornography," he told her, seeming to lighten up a little. "Imagine, dealing with people who have jobs every day, who don't suck the money right out of my pay before I ever see it. It would be like paradise."

"It will be paradise," Lisa, who kept the same image at the forefront of her brain, assured him. "Four or five more years of hell, and you're in."

Now that Brian seemed to have calmed himself a little, Duran proceeded with her investigation. She questioned each of them regarding the events that led up to the use of force and as to why they thought the use of force was needed in the situation. Their answers were recorded and instantly transcribed by her investigation computer program. Both were veterans of such investigations and kept their voices neutral and professional, not allowing any sort of emotion to leak through.

"Can you think of any other option to the situation," Duran asked Lisa near the end, "other than striking the homicide suspect with your elbow?"

"No ma'am," she replied. "As I stated earlier, the suspect was quite agitated and was refusing to release his grip upon the victim's throat. Furthermore he had struck me in the face with his free hand at that point. Due to his contact with the victim and with my partner I was unable to apply electricity to him with my tanning device. It is regretful that such violence needed to be employed to diffuse the situation, but I saw no other option."

Duran smiled and clicked off the recorder. "Very good, Lisa," she told her. "I particularly liked that last bit about it being regretful. If your asshole ever sues for excessive force, that'll play well in court."

"Shit," she said, "he'll have to get in line." Lisa, like most cops, had more than thirty abuse of force suits pending against her in various stages of negotiation. Thank god there was a such thing as lawyer insurance and lawsuit insurance. True, the premiums for such coverage for law enforcement officers were almost as high as they were for doctors and lawyers themselves, but without the policies Lisa would have been bankrupt ten times over.

"So what do you think, lieutenant?" asked Brian. "Is Lisa gonna get banged for hitting that piece of shit, or what?"

"It'll go to internal affairs of course," Duran told them, informing them of nothing they did not already know. "But I wouldn't worry too much. They tend to go with the investigating command officer's preliminary report and my report will be favorable to you. I honestly don't see anything inappropriate about elbowing that shitheap in order to get him to let go of the victim. In fact, I'm going to put a note on the end of my report stating that I thought the both of you exhibited admirable restraint for not kicking the crap out of both of them."

"Thanks, lieutenant," Lisa said gratefully.

"But in the future," she cautioned, "I would watch what I was doing if I were you. If Lieutenant Wilson had been the watch commander today, you probably would've found yourself under suspension by now. Wilson spent about twenty minutes or so working patrol before he got promoted into management so he doesn't really have much of a shake on how things work out here on the streets. Nor does he care how things work on the street. His interest is in making deputy chief before he's forty. Right or wrong, good or bad, Wilson thinks that collecting two-week suspensions for excessive force is putting him in favor with the brass. You get too many two-weeks under your belt and you'll find yourself on the fast-track to vermin status, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean, lieutenant," Lisa said. "I'll try to watch what I'm doing in the future."

Duran sighed a little. "That's just the thing, Lisa," she told her. "You shouldn't have to watch what you're doing. Not like that. Those assholes in city hall charge us with protecting the public and then do everything in their power to see to it that our hands are tied behind us and that our authority is mocked at every turn. Then they wonder why crime is so fucking high." She shook her head. "I don't know sometimes. Laura Whiting says she's going to empower the police when she takes office. Maybe she's our savior." The sarcasm of her last remark was quite evident in her tone.

"Yeah right," Brian said with a cynical laugh. "She'll make it easier for us to go after those farm workers that steal apples and oranges and marijuana buds from the Agricorp greenhouses. What the hell else did they fund her campaign for?"

"The solar system is what the solar system is," Duran told them with a shrug. "And we're the ones that get paid to shovel the shit."

Lon Fargo brought the electric truck to a halt near the southern end of greenhouse A-594. The truck was about ten meters long and featured a thirty-meter extendible hydraulic boom that was currently retracted. At the end of the boom was a portable airlock that allowed a person to pass from inside of the pressurized environment of a greenhouse building onto its roof by utilizing one of the access panels. One such panel was directly above the truck now.

Lon and his fellow agricultural complex maintenance technician, Brent Shimasaki, stepped out of the cab and onto the dusty macadam surface of the narrow access road. This particular greenhouse, one of more than ninety thousand in the Eden area, was two square kilometers in size. The ground inside of it, which had once been gently rolling hills and gullies, part of an ancient wetland water shed, had been bulldozed to a nearly perfect flatness when the complex was built forty-six years before. Golden stalks of wheat, less than a month from harvest, stretched from wall to wall in all directions, broken only by the geometric rows between them and by the access roads that divided the field into grid quadrants. The air was dry and warm, kept at the perfect growing temperature and humidity by the environmental simulation machines on the roof. It was one of these machines, which were powered by a fusion plant just outside the city, that the two men had come to repair.

They stepped lightly and carefully as they walked from the doors of the truck, which were emblazoned with a brand new Agricorp decal, to the rear where a storage cabinet was mounted. The greenhouses, though pressurized and warmed, did not have artificial gravity fields in place. Inside the city buildings or on the city streets, magnetic simulation fields were sent through steel conductors that were built into the base construction. This field kept gravity at a comfortable and healthy Earth standard 1G. It had long been known that human beings could not live long term in anything less than .8G without losing dangerous amounts of bone density and muscle mass. The development of artificial gravity in the mid-21st century had been the key factor in allowing the biggest mass migration of humans in history to take place. It was the artificial gravity that allowed sixty million people to live and work on Mars and above it. But in the agricultural fields the artificial gravity was not necessary. Not only was it cost prohibitive to maintain and install, it was also somewhat of a hindrance to operations. The crops actually grew better in the considerably weaker Martian gravity. And the harvesting machines and maintenance trucks could carry more and used less electricity since they and their cargoes were lighter. But for human beings used to walking around and functioning in 1G, performing tasks in one third of that was something that had to be done carefully. It was quite easy to push a little hard during a step and suddenly find yourself a meter in the air and tumbling towards the ground.

This greenhouse, and in fact all of the greenhouses in the surrounding eight hundred square kilometers, had once been the property of Interplanetary Food Products, which had been the fourth largest agricultural company on Mars. But as of two weeks before, IFP had ceased to exist. Agricorp, thanks to a multi-billion dollar merger of assets, was now the owner of everything that IFP had possessed. It was a merger that had been much lauded in the business sections of the Internet services as being far-reaching and progressive. Agricorp stock had increased nearly fifteen percent since the merger became official.

"I hope we get this thing done real quick," Brent said as they opened the storage compartments and removed their folded blue biosuits. "It's almost quitting time. The overtime would be nice but a couple a hits of some good green at the bar would be nicer."

"Shit," Lon said, kicking off the canvas shoes he wore and tossing them up on the truck, "we can't work overtime anymore, remember? We work for Agricorp now. Overtime has to be approved by management in advance or you work for free."

"What do you mean?" Brent asked, wondering if his coworker was joking or not. "That doesn't apply to overtime we pull trying to finish a job, does it? I thought it was just for shift work."

"Nope," Lon replied. "It applies to all overtime, for anything. I checked with Jack before we came out here. He says if we're not done with this blower by the time 4:30 rolls around, to just pack up and leave it until tomorrow. Nobody is to run past their scheduled shift for anything. No exceptions."

Brent shook his head at the idiocy of that. "So they would rather have us leave a blower open to the dust all fuckin' night then pay us time and a half for thirty or forty minutes?"

Lon gave a cynical smile. "Ain't our new bosses smart? You ask me, I'm honored to work for the biggest corporation in the solar system. Their vision and frugality is something to be admired and imitated."

"God almighty," Brent said, kicking off his own shoes. "Now I've heard just about everything."

The biosuits that they wore were designed and manufactured by the same company that made suits for the Martian Planetary Guard. They were constructed of form fitting reinforced plastic that provided near-perfect insulation. An inner sleeve that formed to the body when the suit was activated served the duel purpose of maintaining the proper body pressurization — for the atmospheric pressure on Mars was considerably less than the minimum required to sustain human life — and maintaining proper body temperature — for the outside temperature of Mars, even on the equator, rarely climbed above 0 degrees Celsius. Lon stepped into his suit and pulled it tight, making sure it was properly positioned. Having a suit activate while a portion of the inner sleeve was askew could be a painful and even dangerous experience, particularly if the askew portion happened to be near the genitals.

Once things seemed to be aligned properly he pulled his helmet from the storage compartment and placed it on his head. The helmet was a lightweight, airtight vessel that would pressurize when the suit was turned on. The air supply came from a small, flat tank on the front of the suit. Attached to the tank was an oxygen and nitrogen extractor, a much smaller version of the machines that kept the air flowing in the cities. The extractor would continually draw in those two elements from the thin atmosphere and keep the tank full of breathable air. Lon, as a member of the MPG, was in top physical shape. As such, except during heavy exertion, the extractor on his suit would be able to supply the tank faster than he could breathe it down. This meant he could stay outside all day if necessary, urinating into a sponge device inside his shorts and drinking water from the small storage vessel that fed a straw in his helmet. Only the need for food or defecation would force him inside; two biological functions that were addressed in the military version of the biosuit but not the civilian version.

Lon gave his helmet a final twist, locking it into place. A small green light appeared in the corner of his visor display. This told him that the seal was intact and the suit was ready for activation. He spared a glance over at Brent, seeing that he was still struggling to pull his own suit tight over the bulk of his body. Brent was not a member of the MPG and was not particularly fond of physical exercise. What he was fond of doing was sitting in a bar or at home and smoking bag after bag of cheap marijuana, which in turn led him to eat quite a bit of food. The result of all this was that he was more than twenty kilos overweight and that he tended to draw more air from his biosuit than it could replace, even during non-exerting work. This technically placed him in violation of safety standards for an outside worker but IFP management had always looked the other way about it. As long as the work got done, IFP had not cared how it was accomplished or whether or not it was accomplished safely. But now that IFP management had been replaced by Agricorp management, who had already proved to be much more stringent and nit-picking about such things, Lon wondered if Brent's next physical exam was going to be his last. But then there was a strong possibility that neither one of them were going to even make it to their next annual exam. The blue collar workers of the former IFP force were still awaiting word on the inevitable merger-related "elimination of positions" that came every time two companies became one. Usually, especially when Agricorp was involved, it was the smaller of the two merged company's workers who bore the brunt of the cuts.

"Suit computer," Lon said into the throat microphone, addressing the voice-activated circuit that controlled the suit. It was necessary to address the computer by name, such as it was, so that it would not inadvertently mistake some aspect of normal conversation for a command. "User logging on."

"Go ahead," said the artificial, vaguely male voice that the cheap computer had been programmed with.

"User Lon Fargo. 897-78-98-9876-34."

The suit computer quickly accessed the Internet via a cellular antenna in the far corner of the greenhouse. It then accessed the Agricorp main intranet for Martian operations, searched its employee databanks and found that that name matched that social security number and that that employee was currently authorized to utilize an Agricorp biosuit. It then compared Lon's voice pattern with the pattern it had stored and concluded that they were both the same. This took a little over two and a half seconds. "Log on accepted," it told him. "Awaiting command."

"Suit computer," Lon said, "testing procedure."

"Stand by." The computer performed a complete safety check of all seals and circuits. This took nearly ten seconds. When it was done and satisfied that Lon would not be decompressed if he stepped outside, it said: "Test complete. Your suit is functioning properly."

"Nice to know," Lon muttered. "Suit computer, activate suit."

"Activation in progress," the computer answered.

Lon took a deep breath and braced himself. The activation sequence was not painful by any means, at least not if the suit was being worn correctly, but it was not exactly one of life's great pleasures either. He felt the entire surface area of his body, from the bottom of his neck downward, being slowly compressed. For a moment it was difficult to breathe at all as the plastic constricted the rise and fall of his chest. But once the proper pressure was reached, the constriction eased up, allowing free movement. No sooner had the body section pressurized than the hissing of air against his face began. That was the pressurization of the helmet portion of the suit. The air had an industrial, almost chemical smell to it that was actually caused by the delivery system, not the air itself.

"Activation complete," the computer told him when it was done. "All systems working properly."

"Suit computer, activate radio link with suit uh..." he paused to look at the number stenciled on the right sleeve of Brent's suit. He had to read it sideways since Brent, having just successfully closed his body inside, was putting on his helmet. "Five seven five nine three two... uh six."

"Link established," the computer said. "Be advised that the specified suit is not currently active."

"No shit, dickwad," he replied. The computer said nothing in return, had in fact not even heard his remark since the proper salutation had not prefaced it.

It took another two minutes for Brent to go through his safety check and activation sequence. Once he was done and had his radio link active, he looked over at Lon. "You ready," he asked.

"I'm ready," Lon said. "Let's do it."

He walked over to a control panel on the truck and opened the access hatch. A small computer screen was beneath it. He activated the screen and instructed it to link up with both his and Brent's suit computers. It asked for authorization in the form of names, social security numbers, and voiceprints. They provided this information. Once that was complete Lon instructed the truck computer to power up the airlock at the end of the boom.

"Airlock active," replied the truck computer over their radio.

The airlock was nothing more than a steel box, two meters square by two meters deep. At the top was a synthetic rubber cushion that would form a seal against the roof of the greenhouse. Lon and Brent stepped onto the back of the truck and picked up their two large tool chests, which had been stored against the hydraulic housing. Lon swung his leg over the side of the airlock first, the thin material of the suit allowing almost normal range of motion. Once he was inside, Brent handed him the tool chests, hoisting them up and over with absurd ease although, had they been in 1G, they would have weighed more than thirty kilograms each. Lon set them on the floor and Brent hefted his own bulk into the box. With the two of them inside, the quarters were a little cramped but they would only have to put up with it for a few minutes.

"You all set?" Lon asked, putting his hands on the boom controls. The glove portions of the biosuits were thin and were designed to allow as much dexterity of the fingers as possible but even so, any fine movements were awkward. As such the controls were overly large.

"Take us up," Brent told him, settling in against the wall. "Let's get this shit over with."

Lon pushed upward on the control yoke and the hydraulic boom began to extend, moving the airlock upward and outward. The roof access panel was 1.5 meters square and set into the glass of the ceiling twenty meters above the road. It was marked by an outline of black paint. The idea was to make sure that the entire outline was within the airlock before the panel was opened. If it were not, an explosive decompression would occur when the hatch was opened, causing the blast doors in the 500 meter quadrant around the hatch to come slamming upward from the underground panels in which they were housed. Though the blast doors would protect everyone beyond the immediate quadrant, those unprotected workers inside of it would die a nasty death of decompression and suffocation. Lon's aim with the boom was at its usual level of perfection. The rubber seal pressed firmly against the glass leaving the black outline in almost the exact center. A flip of a switch caused the airlock's hydraulic system to apply constant upward pressure, making the seal airtight.

"Truck computer," he said. "Decompress airlock."

"Decompression sequence in progress," the computer replied.

From below them the powerful exhaust fans began to remove the air from the inside of the lock and expel it out into the greenhouse. The airlock would not be reduced to a complete state of vacuum, as would have been the case had they been in space, but would instead be reduced to the atmospheric pressure outside. The outside air pressure was a greatly variable number on Mars. It changed constantly from day to day as vast portions of the mainly carbon dioxide atmosphere were constantly frozen and thawed and refrozen in the polar regions of the planet. The truck computer automatically established a link with the Martian Weather Bureau, which kept track of current conditions, and downloaded the latest barometric reading. Of course in addition to the constant shifting of pressure due to polar freezing, the pressure was different from place to place depending upon elevation as well. And, unlike on Earth, there were no oceans in which to base a standard 0 elevation. The MWB, as did the rest of Mars, used the elevation of New Pittsburgh, Mars' first settlement, as its standard. Since the Eden area greenhouse was nearly a thousand meters lower in elevation than New Pittsburgh, which sat atop a huge plateau, the computer had to do some adjustments of the figure it received. This was all a standard part of living and working in an environment where human beings were not meant to live and work. Most Martians hardly gave such things a thought although they frustrated Earthling to hysterics at times.

"Decompression complete," the computer told them ninety seconds after it had begun. "Airlock seal is intact. It is safe to egress."

"Got it," Lon said, looking up at the number printed on the access hatch. "Suit computer, establish radio link with Agricorp Eden Operations."

"Establishing link," the computer replied. A moment later: "Link is active."

Lon told the AEO computer that two workers would be atop greenhouse number A-594 near access panel A-594-12 for approximately one hour. He then asked the computer to open that particular panel for him. Once again he was asked for his name and social security number and once again his voiceprint was compared with that in the files. The computer then took the additional step of comparing Lon's stated mission with the work orders for the day that had been filed in its memory banks. At last, satisfied that Lon and Brent were not terrorists attempting to disrupt Agricorp operations and cut into profits, it consented to their request.

"Access panel A-594-12 is opening now," they were told.

There was a very slight hiss of mingling air as the square panel above them slid along its track. Red sand and dirt, blown up there by the constant wind that swept the planetary surface, dropped down upon them. Above them the natural red tint of the Martian sky, which had looked distinctly purple through the tinted glass roof, could be seen in all of its glory. The sky was completely cloudless. Cloud formations, while common in the higher and lower latitudes, were almost unheard of in the equatorial regions.

Lon climbed out first, stepping on the ladder that was a permanent part of the airlock's wall. He pulled himself out onto the glass roof and then kneeled down next to the hatch to pull up the two tool chests that Brent handed up to him. He set them to the side and then stood up, allowing Brent to extricate himself from the lock. This portion of the greenhouse roof was only a few meters from the southwest corner of the large building. Twenty meters below them was a paved access road that ran alongside. The road, which was used to access the roof if major repairs or renovations, those involving heavier pieces of equipment, needed to be done, had not been plowed in a while and had drifts of sand marring its surface. Back at the Agricorp operations building at the edge of the city (not to be confused with the Agricorp main building downtown — the Earthlings that ran the company certainly would not wish to work out of the same building as the common field hands) were large hydrogen powered trucks and even tracked vehicles that were used for heavy maintenance and repairs. On the other side of the road there was two hundred meters of open space — just enough to allow heavy equipment through — before the next greenhouse began. A narrow connecting tunnel near the far end joined the greenhouse to its neighbor which was in turn joined to its neighbor, and so on and so forth, all the way back to the main tunnel that led from the operations building to the first greenhouse. This allowed workers and heavy harvest machines, as well as container trucks, to get to where they were needed without having to go outside. It was through this system of tunnels and interior roads that Brent and Lon had driven their electric maintenance truck to where it was now parked.

Looking outward from the roof of number A-594, just poking upward from the western horizon, the tops of the Eden high rises could be seen some thirty kilometers distant. Aside from that the tinted blue of greenhouse after greenhouse, all a uniform twenty meters high and two square kilometers in size, covered the land like a blanket. Lon and Brent were at the near edge of the Eden area's agricultural land. They could only see to the horizon, which was not very far on Mars, so only about a half percent of the total number of greenhouses in the area were visible to them from twenty meters above the ground. And Eden's agricultural holdings, while the largest on the planet, were only twenty-two percent of the total on Mars. Eight other cities, all along the Martian equator, were centered among similar complexes of artificial growing environments. Staring out upon the sea of glass and steel and realizing that you were only looking at a minute fraction of what was actually there, one could begin to fathom why it was that Agricorp and the other food production companies of Mars were the most powerful entities in the solar system. Within those greenhouses everything from range cattle to marijuana to soybeans were produced year around, free of the perils of insects or weather. Nearly every type of food that was consumed by human beings or animals, whether they were on Mars or Earth or the Jupiter system, whether it was junk food or vegetables or meat, came from Mars in one way or another. It was hard to believe sometimes that all of this food production, which employed more Martians than anything else on the planet, and all of the wealth that came from it, most of which was sent back to rich stockholders on Earth, had been born as a simple experiment a hundred years before.

The first Martian colonists had come, not to grow food, but to exploit the rich deposits of iron ore that lay beneath the higher and lower latitudes of the planet. The supply of easily mined ore on Earth had been almost completely depleted in the early 21st century by the decade long World War III. The bloodiest conflict in human history had raged on three different continents and had killed more than two hundred million people. During the struggle, the combatants had mined iron ore at a mad pace from every available location on the planet turning it into guns, tanks, aircraft, ships, missiles, and bombs. By the time the last shell was fired and the formal surrender ceremonies were conducted, a large percentage of the reachable iron ore was gone forever, exploded into fragments that littered the battlefields of North America, China, and Eastern Europe.

Aside from wiping out the iron supply, World War III had also spawned the two spheres of influence that were now the constantly bickering entities of EastHem and WestHem. WestHem consisted of the North and South American landmasses and was ruled by Caucasians from the former United States and Canada. EastHem, the larger, though poorer of the two, consisted of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. It was ruled by Caucasians of the former British Isles, Germany, and France. EastHem and WestHem had been the victorious allies of World War III, defeating the Asian Powers alliance of China, Japan, Korea, and India. The Asian Powers had launched a surprise attack on January 1, 2009 into Siberia and the Middle East before jumping across the Bering Straight into Alaska, Canada, and, eventually Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Their goal had been a lightening fast capture of the world's petroleum supplies before the opposition had a chance to gear up to a war footing and stop them. They had come very close to achieving this goal in the first months of the fighting. Only a few lucky guesses on the part of the American Army and a few instances of bad luck on the part of the Chinese Army had allowed the Asian Powers to be stopped short of the Texas and California oil fields in North America. Here, the war had stagnated into a bloody stalemate for the next eight years, with millions upon millions dying but with the lines not moving much more than a few kilometers back and forth. Only the development of practical, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft lasers had broken this stalemate and allowed the WestHem and EastHem alliance to slowly, grudgingly push the Asian Powers back and eventually destroy them with strategic and tactical bombing campaigns against their homelands.

No sooner had the fighting of World War III ended then the long, bitter cold war between EastHem and WestHem began as each vied for superior resource development and strategic positioning. The cold war was marked by an intense space race as each half of the world tried to secure precious resources that were only available in space. It is one of the cruelest ironies in history that World War III, aside from depleting the supply of exploitable iron ore, also depleted the very resource that it had been fought over in the first place. After ten years of all-out mechanized warfare the world's supply of petroleum had been reduced to almost nothing. Thus fusion power for electricity and space flight and hydrogen combustion engines for propulsion became the rage of the future. Huge platforms were built in low Earth orbit and large, interplanetary ships — at first only for cargo and personnel, but later, warships — were constructed. An entire new method and theory of warfare developed along with the spacecraft as each side theorized and planned for the best way to fight the other if it came to that.

It was the need for iron ore to convert into steel that led WestHem corporations to Mars in the first place. Though the moon had a significant supply of iron ore beneath its surface, EastHem had had the foresight to claim the lunar surface as its own first by establishing a large mining colony there. With the development of artificial gravity and the second generation of fusion powered spacecraft, the trek across the solar system to Mars became a cost-effective endeavor. Triad Steel Mining and Refining was the lead company that struck out for the red planet. They established the beginnings of the Triad orbiting city in geosynchronus orbit to serve as an interplanetary shipping platform. On the surface of the planet, they founded New Pittsburgh, the first of four mining cities that would eventually develop.

It was only after the New Pittsburgh mines were up and running and the settlement itself was a thriving city of more than a million souls that the great experiment of Martian agriculture was attempted. A water supply was quite easy to secure on Mars since huge underground aquifers existed nearly everywhere on the planet. But food was a different story. Shipping enough food across the expanse of space to feed more than a million people was a very expensive operation. Particularly since most of what had once been prime farmland in WestHem territory had long since been converted to cities and suburban areas, leaving the entire half of the planet perpetually short on food stocks to begin with. The settlement of Eden was begun modestly, with only a few buildings and living areas made out of castaway pre-fabricated construction materials. The first greenhouses were built just to see if there was any possibility of raising Earthly crops on the surface. It was an experiment that was very controversial at first since a lot of money had been spent for it with little hope of success.

To the surprise of everyone involved, it was discovered that crops of all kinds grew extremely well in the iron rich Martian soil when supplemental nutrients were added. The greenhouses made it possible to simulate the perfect conditions for whatever was being grown. Wheat could be given a hot, low humidity environment with just the perfect amount of irrigation. Apples could be given the damp, cool, high humidity environment they favored. No matter what kind of weather, humidity, or temperature was needed, it could be provided for. No matter what the Martian soil was lacking as far as nutritional content, it could be added. Pests, if they managed to infest a particular greenhouse — something that happened from time to time — could easily be eliminated by flooding the greenhouse with carbon dioxide and displacing the oxygen. Gone was the need for fumigation. Gone was the need to worry about an out of season frost or monsoon wiping out entire crops. For the first time in the history of mankind, farmers could be almost completely assured that whatever crops they planted, they were going to harvest.

Naturally, once the profit potential of the Martian agricultural project was realized, investors immediately bought it out. Thus, the great and powerful Agricorp was born and the Martian Agricultural rush was begun. Greenhouses began to spring up as fast as the materials to construct them could be produced. Immigrants from WestHem, most of them from the ranks of the hopelessly unemployed, climbed aboard cargo ships and made the nine to twenty-seven week trip across space, lured by the promise of jobs in construction, engineering, or agriculture. Eden, in less than ten years, went from a makeshift settlement with a few thousand botanists and manual laborers to a city of five million. Soon, other cities such as Libby, Proctor, Paradise, and Newhall began to spring up along the equatorial region of the planet; each one the center of a rapidly growing expanse of greenhouses. All of this construction required extensive supplies of steel, glass, synthetics, and a thousand other resources. New Pittsburgh was simply not large enough to provide it all. And so the cities of Ironhead, Vector, and Ore City were born, popping up one by one over the next thirty years in the high latitudes to supply the mining and manufacturing demands.

For the longest time Mars was a complete paradise. It was true that an Earth-based corporation of one kind or another owned everything, but that was no different than life on Earth. On Mars, at that time, there had been no such thing as unemployment. Shipping a person through space was expensive for the corporations involved so they only did it if a job was available for that person. With no unemployment to worry about, crime was almost non-existent as well. There were the occasional fights in the bars and the occasional domestic problems, but street gangs, robberies, random beatings, drug dealing, and sex crimes were very rare. The Martians, as they began to call themselves, were living in the most modern of surroundings and participating in one of mankind's greatest endeavors. Most importantly, they were employed and making money of their own instead of living off of welfare handouts and public assistance food. To the type of person that took the rather drastic step of leaving their home planet and traveling to another in search of a job, this was a very important distinction.

But gradually, over the space of a few decades, the so-called Agricultural Rush petered out as equilibrium was established. The greenhouse construction slowed and finally came to a virtual halt as the point was reached where there was enough farmland to produce all of the crops that needed to be produced for the maximum amount of profit. To make any more greenhouses, to produce any more crops would shift the delicate balance of supply and demand upon its axis and drive down the bulk prices. And so, those in the construction and engineering fields were the first to face mass layoffs as construction company after construction company went bankrupt and closed their doors. Their former office buildings, which had once ruled empires of men, materials, and equipment were converted into the first of the public housing buildings that would soon become the ghettos of Mars. Other industries quickly followed. Though ore mining would always be a very important staple of Martian society, the end of the construction boom had caused mass layoff among mine workers and support personnel as the demand for iron ore was slashed to nearly a third of what it had once been.

On the day that Laura Whiting was to be sworn in as Governor, unemployment stood at a firm twenty-eight percent. Each year that number grew a little as corporations merged and created super corporations and laid off personnel as cost-saving measures. It was just this factor that threatened to reduce Brent and Lon from employed status to the welfare class. Those that serviced machinery were particularly vulnerable to post-merger job elimination; almost as vulnerable as middle-management employees. It was only natural that this subject and the impending doom that it implied, would continually dominate their conversation as they went about their scheduled task.

Brent, after considerable grunting and groaning, finally managed to pull himself out of the airlock and onto the roof. Wearily he stood up, already huffing and puffing and making the discharge warning light appear on his air supply screen.

"You really ought to start getting a little exercise," Lon told him, listening to the ragged breathing in his earpiece. "They have a gym in your housing complex, don't they?"

"Screw that," Brent replied, picking up his tool chest. "If I went up there and ran on a treadmill it would take time away from the finer things in life."

"You mean like smoking green and jerking off to VR porn channels?"

"And eating," he added. "Don't forget eating."

"Of course," Lon said, shaking his head a little.

"Besides," Brent said, "I might as well enjoy my food and good green and premium porn channels now, while I have a chance. As soon as those Agricorp assholes lay us all off I'll be stuck with shitty brown grass and welfare channels, just like all the other vermin. And they don't have exercise rooms in the vermin housing complexes, so why should I start an exercise program now?"

"We don't know that we're going to get laid off," Lon said with false hopefulness as he picked up his own tools.

"No, we don't know. We just strongly suspect. They won't tell us for sure because that way they wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching us stress about it before they shitcan us."

"That's depressing," Lon said sourly. "Let's talk about something else. I'm sick of talking about Agricorp all the goddamn time. It's all anyone's ever talked about since they announced the merger plans last year."

"Hey," Brent said, "it's the most progressive merger of the decade, remember? Aren't you thrilled to be a part of it?"

"Oh yes," Lon agreed. "A real boom for the business community. How could I forget?"

The environmental extractor machine they had been sent to repair was one of twelve that kept the greenhouse operating. It was located only ten meters from the hatch they had emerged from. A large steel box, twenty meters square and ten meters in height, it was part of the basic construction of the building. On the side of it that faced the hatch was a hydraulic lift that was big enough to shuttle up to four workers and five hundred kilos of equipment to the top, where the main machinery was located. Lon and Brent climbed aboard the lift and pushed the button. It ground slowly upward in a jerky motion, as if blowing sand had corrupted some of its interior parts. This was a fairly common problem with outside machinery on Mars.

"Shit," Brent whined, feeling the motion, "now we're gonna be out here tomorrow fixing this fucking thing."

"Job security," Lon told him, holding securely to the handrail. "You should be grateful that a lot of shit breaks around this place."

"Why should I be grateful?" he countered. "I'm still more than likely gonna be vermin this time next month. All this shit breaking will be fixed by the Agricorp maintenance guys. They'll get to keep their jobs because they signed on with the biggest, baddest, ass-kickingest corporation to ever rape and fuck Martians instead of the one that only partially raped and fucked us."

"Again with the Agricorp," Lon said, stepping off the lift as it finally reached the top. They were now on a narrow catwalk that surrounded the perimeter of the machine. "Can't you ever talk about something else? Why don't you give me that lecture on how to get the most for my marijuana dollar again? I liked that one."

"You continue to live in denial," Brent told him, hefting his toolbox over and walking towards the sand filter housing mechanism. "And I'll continue to be a realist. We're future vermin, Lon, have no fucking doubt about it."

Lon didn't answer him. Any reassurances he could offer would have sounded like a lie to his lips. Instead, he opened up his toolbox and removed a rechargeable electric wrench. He kneeled down and began to remove the bolts that held the motor housing in place. Brent, giving a few huffs and puffs, picked up his own wrench and walked around the perimeter of the catwalk to begin work on the other side.

As they went about the task of removing the cover so they could access the main fan bearings, which needed to be replaced, Brent softened his tone a little. "So what do you think the chances are of scoring full-time with the MPG?" he asked. "You're in the special forces division. That's who they always hire from."

Lon gave a shrug. "The only real full-time positions are in training or VIP security," he said. "I haven't been in special forces long enough to apply for training. Jackson is real stringent about that. A minimum of six years is required before you're eligible for a teaching position."

"That's screwed up," Brent declared righteously.

Lon shook his head. "I don't think so," he told him. "The MPG ain't like other places. You have to know what you're doing before they let you teach. I haven't learned everything there is to learn about all the stuff we do. How am I supposed to teach someone else how to do it?"

"I still think it's screwed up," Brent insisted. "What about VIP security though? Think they'll let you guard Whiting or the Lieutenant Governor or some of those other rich-prick politicians? Maybe they'll let you guard Jackson himself."

"I've applied for it," he answered, his voice far from hopeful. "But they're a pretty exclusive clique. Jackson handpicks them himself you know. Only one out of every two hundred applicants gets picked for testing. And only one out of every ten that pass the test gets picked."

"Well, it's a shot anyway, ain't it?"

"A little shot," Lon replied, dropping the bolt he had just removed into the pocket of his biosuit. "But, truth be known, they tend to take the older guys for the security detail, the ones that have been around. I've only been in the MPG for five years, and in the special forces for two years. I'm only a squad leader for god's sake."

"It's a better chance then I got," Brent told him. "At least you got a hope of something to fall back on. If Agricorp lays me off I got nothing. I'll never see a payday again."

"Well," he told her, "if they lay me off, I have to resign from the MPG, remember? You have to have a job in order to serve."

Brent shook his head angrily. "Ain't that just some shit?" he asked. "Agricorp comes in and buys up our company and boom, our whole fuckin' lives are destroyed. They take away our job, which makes us have to leave our apartments — I been livin' in that apartment since I was eighteen fuckin' years old! We'll have to move into Helvitia or some other vermin shithole where we'll have our food given to us and we'll probably end up getting killed by one of those fuckin' street gangs. And you," he pointed over at Lon, "you'll have to leave the MPG. You worked for years to get into special forces and they'll make you leave just because Agricorp bought us out. And why does shit like this happen? For money! Because Agricorp wants to make more profit to send to those fucking rich pricks on Earth!"

"It's the way of the solar system, Brent," Lon told him, trying to maintain his composure. "It's the way of the fucking solar system. Now let's get this bearing fixed before 4:30 so we don't have to come out here again tomorrow."

"Right," Brent said, watching the gauge on his air supply display carefully. Getting excited certainly had not helped it any. "Let's get it done. And then let's get our asses out of here so we can go to the bar."

"Sounds like a plan."

New Pittsburgh, Mars

Laura Whiting was dressed in a smart blue business dress, complete with the obligatory tie and dark nylons. It was a style of dress that was obsolete and shunned in all but political circles on Mars. Not even the most conservative of business people, not even lawyers or insurance agents wore such things anymore. Laura understood why such clothing had gone out of favor. It was horribly uncomfortable, particularly in the warm environment of a Martian city. The nylons itched her legs and the tie threatened to strangle her. The dress, though not uncomfortable in and of itself, she considered to be demeaning to all of the female gender. Dresses implied servility to men, a concept which still, even after all these years of socialization, pervaded even the highest aspects of WestHem society. Laura was grateful that no matter what else happened tonight, this most important night, this dreadfully nerve-wracking night, she would never have to wear a dress or nylons again. From this night forward she would be seen in nothing but shorts and a plain blouse.

She was in the so-called green room of the legislative chambers in the planetary capital building. It was a comfortable, friendly room full of plush furniture. Red carpet, the color of the Martian soil, covered the floor. An Internet terminal, which was wired into a service dispenser that could, for a small fee, provide fruit juices, soda, or water, sat upon an imitation wood table. The Internet terminal was blank, having been shut off some time before. The beverage dispenser was unused. She ignored the couches and chairs as well, choosing instead to pace back and forth and round and round. Her nerves were quite on edge. In a few minutes she would leave this room and walk into the chambers where, at long last, she would be sworn in as the governor of Mars.

The election had been three months before, her first attempt at high office, and she had won in a landslide. The race between herself and Governor Jacobs, the incumbent, had generated the highest voter turnout in the history of Mars, with a staggering 84 percent of the eligible populace casting ballots. This number meant that at least ten percent of the votes in this election had been cast by the welfare class, those perpetually unemployed and hopeless Martians that lived in the public housing complexes and made up more than a quarter of the population. These ghetto inhabitants, who typically paid no attention to politics and who were typically very fatalistic, had actually helped elect her. Though voting was not a difficult task to undertake in modern society — all one had to do was access any Internet terminal and Internet terminals were in every apartment and in every public building — the welfare class rarely bothered voicing their opinions when it came to planetary or federal elections. But this time a significant number of them had. They had turned on their terminals, accessed the voting software, identified themselves with a fingerprint and a voice analysis, and cast their vote for governor. That was an encouraging sign for what was to follow. A very encouraging sign.

Now, on the night that this mandate was to take effect, the legislative chambers was packed far beyond its rated capacity. Peering out through a gap in the metal partition Laura could see her former colleagues in the legislature all in their assigned seats, all dressed in clothing similar to hers. One representative for each district of a million people. Representatives of both sexes, of all racial backgrounds, of varying ages, with only one thing in common: corporate sponsorship. All had allegedly been elected by the people but only with the say-so of the powers-that-be. The people were just the mechanism that was used to put the corporate favorite in office. All had to vote the way their sponsors wished them to vote if they wanted to continue to be elected and to collect their campaign contributions. Though the people of Mars had elected them, they did not represent them in anything more than symbolic manner. Laura planned to begin the process of changing that tonight. Would she be successful? She did not know, could not predict. But she was going to try.

Behind the suited legislature members were the public seats that were usually, when the body was in session, either completely empty or occupied by nothing more than grade-school children and their teachers. Tonight they were filled with a collection of corporate lobbyists and wealthy corporate managers; the people who had propelled her to this place, to this moment, with their support and with their money. Laura had made promises to those people, had helped pass laws for them; laws that took the money out of the hands of the common Martians and gave it over to them. Laura had been so skillful at this that most of the common Martians did not even realize they had been robbed. She was not proud of her association with such people, with such a system, but it had been necessary in order to get her where she was. It was this group that was going to receive the shock of their lives in just a few minutes now. Soon the Chief Justice of the Martian Supreme Court would swear her in. She would take her oath of office and then she would officially be the governor of the planet. She would then give her inauguration speech. It was a speech she had written long ago, shortly after the Jupiter War when this crazy scheme had evolved from a vague idea into a concrete plan of action. The speech had been modified here and there in a few places, mostly to update historical references or events, but it had survived the years mostly intact. Tonight it would be heard at last, for better or for worse.

She smiled nervously, going over the words in her mind for perhaps the hundred thousandth time. She did not want so much as a syllable to be mispronounced or stuttered.

"Are you feeling okay, Governor?" asked Lieutenant Warren of the Martian Planetary Guard. Warren was in charge of the security force that protected her. He was in his thirties and had once been a sergeant in the WestHem army. He had seen combat in Cuba and Argentina before being discharged and sent back to Mars where his extensive training had entitled him to a job as a security guard in one of the agricultural fields. His status as an employed person had allowed him to join the MPG (only those with private income were allowed to join the planetary guard — the WestHem congress and executive council had stubbornly insisted upon this as a condition of inception). His previous experience had allowed him to be assigned to the special forces division where he had gradually worked his way up to the security detail and one of the coveted full-time, paid positions in the guard. Like all of the security force that watched over high officials, General Jackson had handpicked him personally for the detail and he had been subjected to intense training. He was a very loyal, very competent leader with a knack for his job. He was also one of the few people besides General Jackson himself and a few close, sympathetic friends that knew what was about to happen.

"I'm fine, Mike," said Laura, who insisted on calling those close to her by their first names. "I'm just fine. Thank you for asking."

Warren nodded, looking a little nervous himself. He was dressed in the standard indoor MPG uniform of red shorts and a white T-shirt with the Martian flag on the breast. Over the T-shirt was a Kevlar armor vest that was capable of stopping handgun fire. He had a 4mm sidearm strapped to his belt and an M-24 assault rifle slung over his shoulder. A helmet with a headset sat atop his head and a pair of combat goggles, which were linked to the combat computer/ tactical radio system, were covering his eyes. In the goggles he would be able to see status reports of his troops, maps of the location they were in, and other pieces of vital information superimposed over the display. The goggles gave him an almost insectile appearance but Laura had long since gotten used to that. "Don't you worry about a thing, Governor," he told her. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

She nodded, offering him a smile. "Well," she said, "there are going to be a lot of upset people out there once I give my speech, that's for sure. But let's hope it doesn't come to violence, shall we?"

"It won't," he assured her, adjusting the sway of his weapon a little. "Politicians attack each other in different ways Governor. But just in case some of those tempers get a little too hot, remember that my platoon and I are watching out for you."

"And I appreciate that, Mike, thank you."

Warren basked in her praise, feeling a wave of protectiveness towards her that was quite similar to what a mother bear feels for her cubs. He checked the time, which was showing in the upper right hand corner of his vision, seeming to hover in the air before him thanks to the combat goggles. "It's almost time, Governor," he said.

"Almost," Laura agreed. "Almost."

The Helvetia Heights section of Eden was perhaps the worst ghetto on the planet of Mars. Located just five kilometers from downtown, it was a ten square kilometer area that had once been where the financial and business offices of the Eden construction industry had been based. Now it was nothing but public housing complexes full of third and fourth generation unemployed and their families. The streets of Helvetia Heights were ruled not by the police, who only came in when they were called and only in teams of four or more, but by the street gangs and the dust dealers. One did not leave one's apartment in Helvetia unless one was prepared to shoot it out with a group of hardened teenage criminals. To live in Helvetia Heights was to live in unending despair and hopelessness.

Helvetia Park was almost directly in the center of this most dangerous area. It was a four square block area that had been a quaint showpiece in happier times; a place where smiling parents took their children to play and feed the ducks in the pond. Now the irrigation system had long since ceased to operate, the trees and shrubs had all been killed and marked with gang graffiti, the grass was an overgrown ugly brown, and the playground equipment was nothing but broken, rusting hulks. Children no longer played in the park. Their parents would have been mad to allow them anywhere near it. These days the park was the domain and home base of the 51st Street Capitalists, a fiercely possessive and well-organized gang that supplied much of the dust that was distributed in the neighborhood.

Matthew Mendez sat upon one of the scarred plastic picnic tables near the south entrance of the park with his friend, Jeff Creek. They each had a bottle of Fruity that they were sipping out of from time to time and a marijuana pipe that they were smoking out of. The alcohol and the marijuana were part of the monthly allotment that was allowed of them by the Martian welfare system. They both had cheap 3mm pistols holstered to the waistbands of their shorts and concealed with oversized T-shirts. The pistols were mostly worn out of habit at this point in their young lives. The Capitalist members would not harass them in any way. Matthew and Jeff had been respected members of the gang until recently "retiring" as the term went. They had sold dust, had helped produce it, and had fought bitterly with other gangs for territory. Both had drawn the blood of others in the name of dust distribution. As retired veterans they were entitled to free passage through gang controlled areas and respectful treatment by current members. It was part of the code of conduct that the Capitalists had developed over the years and swore blood oaths to uphold upon initiation. Many other gangs in other parts of the city had similar rules.

Matthew had just turned eighteen years old a few days before. He was a tall, well-built young man of Hispanic heritage, the descendant of one of the original Martian agricultural workers that fled WestHem at the beginning of the Agricultural Rush. His ancestors had certainly led a more fulfilling life than he was leading so far. Like most Helvetia inhabitants, he had never been out of the city of Eden in his life. He had not, in fact, ever been out of the neighborhood of Helvetia except to make the occasional drug pick up near the Agricultural processing plants. He, like his father before him, had been born into unemployment and welfare. His grandfather had been the last of the Mendez clan to earn a paycheck.

"So you gonna make it official with Sharon, or what?" Jeff asked as he packed a pinch of the brown waste marijuana that was distributed to the ghetto class into his homemade pipe. "You're eighteen now and everything's nice and legal. You don't wanna keep livin' with your parents, do you?"

"I don't know, man," Matthew said with a sigh, taking another sip out of his Fruity. This was the same question that Sharon, the lanky, skinny girl he had been seeing for the past six months continually asked him as well. "Getting married just seems so... I don't know, programmed into us. I mean, I don't love Sharon. We just like to fuck now and then."

Jeff shook his head in amusement. "Love?" he scoffed. "What the hell does that got to do with it? You think I love Belinda? She's a fuckin' bitch and the less I see of her, the better. But she got me my own apartment, didn't she? And pretty soon she'll get me a kid and the extra money and food that goes along with it. If you go waitin' for love, you're gonna be thirty years old and still living at home. There ain't no love in this place."

The Martian Welfare laws stated that only a married couple was entitled to a public housing apartment. For this reason it was a ritual among the ghetto class to marry young, almost as soon as they were considered adults by the legal system. And once the couple had the one child they were permitted, they were then entitled to a two-bedroom apartment and an increased food allowance. For this reason young married couples of the ghetto class tended to pump out their one child before their twentieth birthdays. But Matthew did not like doing what everyone else was doing. He could not help but suspect that it was all part of some sinister plan formulated by those that kept everyone in hopeless squalor. "I just don't think having your own apartment is any reason to get married," he said, lighting a cigarette. "That wasn't what the institution of marriage was intended for."

"Institution? You belong in a fuckin institution," Jeff accused. "You are sometimes just too goddamn much to take. Like when you insisted on graduating from high school because it might help you get out of here someday. You remember that?"

"Yeah," Matthew agreed. "I remember. I took a lot of shit from the rest of the Capitalists for staying in school."

"Of course you did," Jeff said. "Nobody graduates from high school around here. What's the fuckin' point? You think someone's gonna give you a job? You? A third generation vermin? You just can't accept the fact that you're going to be vermin until you die, can you?"

"I refuse to accept it," Matthew replied, unoffended by the outburst. He knew that he annoyed the hell out of his peers at times. "If there's a way out of this ghetto, I'm going to find it. I don't want my kid to grow up in this shithole, do you understand?"

"This shithole is all we got," Jeff told him. "We're vermin. Our kids will be vermin. Our kids' kids will be vermin. Nothing is going to change that, man. You hop in a time machine and go forward a couple hundred years and you'll see your great, great, great grandkids hanging out in this park and sellin' dust or whatever people use to get high with then."

"That's where you're wrong," he replied firmly, with all the zeal that an eighteen year old could muster. "I will not have any kids while I live here, while I don't have a job. I won't bring a kid into this life."

Jeff started laughing, almost spilling his grass out of his pipe. "You kill me sometimes," he said. "Is that why you voted for that stupid bitch Whiting? You think she's gonna get you a job?"

"Probably not," Matthew admitted. "But she seems... oh... different than the rest of them somehow. She caught my attention. She says she'll help the welfare class out."

"Yeah, she's going to take the money away from Agricorp, who owns her, and give it to us. She's gonna get us jobs picking tomatoes out in the greenhouses. You don't really believe that crap, do you?"

"No," he admitted. "She's probably just smart enough to tell us what we want to hear so she can get votes out of us. After all, no one else has ever tried to tap the ghetto vote. But if she went to all the effort to touch bases with us, the least I can do is take the time to log on and vote for her. Hell, it only took me five minutes and it didn't cost me nothing. Why shouldn't I have done it? And maybe if more of us vermin did that, we'd have a little bit more of a voice."

"A voice?" Jeff chuckled, shaking his head once again. He handed over the pipe that he had just filled. "Here," he said. "Feed this to your voice."

Matthew took the pipe and applied a disposable lighter to it, taking a large hit. The knowledge that the intoxicants were being provided to him by the planetary government as a calming measure did not stop him from imbibing. What the hell else was there to do? As always the cheap grass, which was mostly stems and seeds, burned his throat and lungs. But if you smoked enough of it there was a pleasant buzzing effect, particularly on top of the effects of the Fruity.

Ten minutes later they were pleasantly intoxicated. The pipes and baggies of marijuana had been stowed in their pockets and the bottles of Fruity, now empty, had been tossed aside onto the grass. The two friends leaned back and watched a group of younger Capitalists a few tables over. They were squabbling over whether they should go down to the tram station and try to score some pussy or head down to the border area and try to clash with some members of the rival 63rd Street Thrusters. Matthew was of the opinion that their time would be better spent pursuing the first option — he was a firm believer in the philosophy of sex before violence — but he kept his feelings to himself.

"What you doing?" Jeff asked as he saw his friend remove his personal computer, or PC from his pocket. "Gonna check your stock reports?"

The PC was a small device that everyone over the age of ten or so — ghetto class or not — carried with them at all times. It was a wireless communicator and Internet access machine. It was used for all financial transactions and for identification purposes. Matthew unfolded his and turned it on. The screen lit up with the opening display. "I'm gonna watch the inauguration ceremonies," he answered. "See what kind of bullshit she promises us."

Jeff looked at him in for a moment, convinced that he was joking. Finally, reluctantly, he was forced to conclude that his friend was serious. "You're shittin' me," he said. "You're actually going to watch a politician get sworn in? You're going to watch that?"

Matthew shrugged, stubbornly refusing to be embarrassed. "Why not? What the hell else is there to watch? She'll be on every channel." He looked at his screen and spoke to it. "Computer, give me broadcast media mode," he said. "MarsGroup primary."

"Making connection," the pleasant, sexy voice that he had programmed the PC with replied. "Connection active. Enjoy your show."

"Thank you, baby," he told it, peering at the eighty-millimeter screen before him.

Jeff watched all this in wonder. Now he had seen about everything. His friend was truly ready for the nuthouse. He had not only voted for a politician but now he was watching her on Internet. Actually watching a political swearing-in. "Tell me the truth," he said. "You got the hots for this bitch, don't you? You wanna fuck Laura Whiting."

"Oh yeah," he answered sarcastically as the face of a MarsGroup reporter graced the display. In the background could be seen the podium where the ceremony would shortly take place. "I'm really into women that are the same age as my mom. They make me horny as hell."

"Whiting's never been married has she?" he asked next, looking over Matthew's shoulder at the screen in spite of himself. "You think she's a lesbo? I bet she munches the old carpet."

Matthew shrugged again. "So what if she does?" he asked. "The best thing could happen to us is to get some politician up there who hates men. After all, men are the ones who run all the corporations that fuck all of us over. Maybe she'll get rid of them and replace them all with ball-busting women."

"An all lesbo ruling class?" Jeff said, smiling as he imagined the possibilities of that. "Now that's something I'd vote for."

The stage was hot beneath the overhead spotlights as she stepped onto it in her high-heeled shoes, a serious expression upon her face. She shook hands with her future Lieutenant Governor, a shallow, career politician like herself who was owned by MarsTrans and Tagert Steel Refining. It was no secret among those on the inside that he and Laura were bitter enemies. Not only were their sponsors competing companies but they were not even in the same political party. Laura wondered what her second in command was going to think about what she was about to do. Undoubtedly he would attempt to take political advantage of it and force her from office. Would the drive to remove her gravitate around him? If MarsTrans and Tagert Steel had their way it would. But what would Agricorp do? Would they try to form a quick alliance with him? This seemed a likely possibility.

Outgoing Governor Ron Lee, who was enjoying his last five minutes of high office, shook her hand next. He greeted her warmly and introduced her to the audience, smiling graciously and congratulating her just as if he hadn't attacked her viciously on the Internet during his campaign, accusing her of everything from sexual perversion to money laundering for dust dealers. She accepted his congratulations without bitterness. Lee was no worse than anyone else in this business. He had just been doing what everyone else did to win. It was the system that encouraged such things, not Lee himself. What would he think about what was about to transpire? Had it ever occurred to him to use the office for the ends that she was about to, even fleetingly? Probably not.

The Chief Justice of the Martian Supreme Court delivered the oath of office to her. He was a wizened, gnarled old man of ninety-three that had been appointed to the court nearly thirty years before. Once the terror of those who dared challenge the rights and privileges of the agricultural corporations or their subsidiaries, he was now quite senile, his duties having long since been taken over by senior members of his legal staff. His role in the ceremonies was kept as brief as possible to avoid having anyone notice that their lead justice barely had the mental capacity to tie his own shoes. He had been grilled continuously with his lines and shot up with dopasynthamine, a powerful neurological drug that would give him momentary clarity for the broadcast.

"Repeat after me," he told her, his voice barely audible though, of course, it would be magnified by the directional microphones for the broadcast. "I, Laura Whiting..."

"I, Laura Whiting..." she said, holding her right hand up while her left rested upon her heart. She found herself looking a rivulet of drool running from His Honor's mouth and trying not to giggle at the ridiculousness of this production.

"Do solemnly swear..."

"Do solemnly swear..." she intoned.

"To faithfully execute the offices of... uh..." he hesitated for a moment, forgetting what he was supposed to say. Thankfully those in charge of the production had anticipated this. A tiny speaker, mounted in his right ear, provided the missing words for him. He listened to it, took a moment to process the fact that the disembodied voice was helping him with his lines, and then continued. "... uh, Governor of the Planet Mars."

"To faithfully execute the office of Governor of the Planet Mars."

And so on it went. They covered the upholding of the Martian constitution and the laws and challenges of the sacred office, so help her God. The old man before her required only two more prompts to get it right. It was much smoother than the last swearing in, four years before, when he had urinated on himself during the ceremony.

"Congratulations, Governor Whiting," he told her when he finished, holding out his hand to her.

"Thank you, your Honor," she replied, letting a smile cross her face as she shook with him. It was now official. She had been sworn in and, according to the constitution that she had just promised to uphold, she was now the governor. There was no turning back now.

The applause from the crowd went on for better than three minutes. Their enthusiasm was genuine enough. Laura was very popular among her former peers in the legislature, even across party lines. She was regarded as a politician's politician. They knew that if they could enlist her support on one of their bills or amendments, that it stood a good chance of being bullied through the system. Laura's way with words and pushiness with opposing views was legendary. While they were clapping, the Chief Justice was whisked quietly away where he would be shoved into a waiting DPHS cart and driven to the nearest private hospital to be treated for the rather nasty side effects of the dopasynthamine.

The applause died down as she mounted the lectern before her. On the front of it was the great seal of Mars, which showed a view of the planet from space, complete with its two tiny moons. A black microphone stuck up from the top of the lectern and a 200mm Internet screen was discretely installed in the top of it. On the screen was the text of the speech she had submitted as her inaugural address; a speech she had no intention of actually giving. Her real speech was in her head.

Now that the time had actually come to show her true colors she felt the nervousness that had been plaguing her for the past two weeks, whittling nearly five kilograms of her body weight away and destroying her slumber, fade away. A cool calm overtook her as she looked out over the audience, at the sea of political and corporate faces, at the scattering of media members. They were about to receive the shock of their lives. She couldn't wait to see their expressions.

"My fellow Martians," she said into the microphone, her voice not only traveling through the public address system but into the digitizing equipment of more than twenty news services. Her words would be broadcast to everyone on the planet and would even be beamed back to Earth in case anyone cared to watch it there. It would also be instantly transcribed into print and published on news service sites on the Internet. "Let me begin this evening by thanking you for electing me to this most trusted office. Without your support, without your taking the time to cast your ballots for me, I would not be standing here right now, facing you as your newly inaugurated governor. I would particularly like to thank those of you in the welfare class, the residents of those high-rise public assistance complexes in the downtrodden sections of our planet. I have tried to reach you during this campaign, tried to penetrate the wall of cynicism and apathy that has grown up around you through the generations. I am to be your governor as well and it has given me hope that a significant number of you listened to my words and took me at least seriously enough to vote for. I assure you, your trust will not be abused."

Confused looks began to pass among the reporters. As was customary they had all been given advance copies of the speech that she was to give and had already read through it. They realized that she was not following the text. She was supposed to have begun by thanking her many corporate and financial supporters and then delivering an endorsement for Agricorp coffee beans that was thinly disguised as a joke. What was she doing? Thanking the welfare class? The vermin? Was she going as senile as the man that had sworn her in?

"And for you of the working class," she went on, deviating even further now. "I thank you as well. Like the welfare class, you have battled the apathy that our corrupt political system has fostered to cast your votes in record numbers."

There was a gasp from the crowd at her words; a gasp that was echoed by all that were watching the live broadcast. She had called the political system corrupt! Of course everyone knew that it was corrupt, but politicians were not supposed to say that! Was Laura Whiting going crazy?

"You have given me a mandate," Laura went on, hardly able to suppress her glee. Though the true dynamite of her speech was yet to come, she had crossed neatly over the line. There truly was no turning back now. "Working class and welfare class have spoken to me quite clearly and I shall respond to what I believe are your wishes. The intent of our government, of the WestHem constitution, is that laws and legislative functions are to be the wishes of the people. The intent of the Martian constitution is supposed to be the same. Elected representatives are supposed to propose and pass laws that are for the betterment of the people of Mars. The people!" She paused for a second, her eyes tracking over the crowd, seeing just the expressions that she had hoped for: shock and disbelief. "Somewhere along the way that idea became perverted and twisted. Because of money, because of so-called campaign contributions and lobbyists and corporate sponsorships, the definition of 'the people' has changed to mean corporations. Agricorp, MarsTrans, InfoGroup, a dozen others just here on this little planet. They bribe us politicians with outrageous amounts of money and call it a contribution. In return, they expect complete loyalty from that politician. They expect that politician to vote for laws and to propose laws that are in their best interests. And their best interests are almost always contrary to your best interests; you, the common Martian people; the people who work and live on this planet or who are confined to squalid hopelessness in the ghettos. Who represents your interests? Who proposes laws that are for your benefit, for your prosperity? We, the people you have elected to office are supposed to do this, but we do not. So who do you have? Who can you turn to?" She paused again, staring into the collection of cameras. "You have nobody," she said. "Nobody until now."

"This system of government that we have is an atrocity before humankind," she went on. "It operates on the principals of greed and corruption. It has led directly to the horrid crime and unemployment problem that this planet faces. It was responsible for the bloody war with EastHem fifteen years ago in which tens of thousands of innocent Martians were slaughtered to try to protect a WestHem monopoly on hydrogen. Our little planet produces trillions in agricultural products. Our food — food grown, tended, and harvested by Martian workers — feeds the solar system. Our iron ore and other minerals support the space faring society that we live in. Our factories build the ships that travel from planet to planet. Without Mars and the exports we provide, WestHem and even EastHem could not exist as they now do. We are the crown jewel of the solar system. Each year our gross planetary product is a staggering 800 trillion dollars. 800 trillion!

"Now think about that for a moment, fellow Martians. 800 trillion dollars worth of products are produced every single year on this planet. That is more money than you or I or any individual person is capable of even comprehending. So with all of this money being made every year by our hands, or labors, in our agricultural fields and mines and factories, why is it that the vast majority of us are living in abject poverty? Why is it that more than one quarter of us are living in sub-standard hovels and are unable to escape from them? Why is it that our schools are overcrowded and underfunded, with actual waiting lists for enrollment in some parts of the planet? Why is it that there are only six institutions of higher learning to educate our people; a shortage that is so vast that only the upper crust of the elite are afforded the opportunity for a college education? Why is it that our police departments are dangerously understaffed and that our prison space is so lacking that even those who commit murder cannot be kept locked up? Surely with 800 trillion a year in gross planetary product, with more than 230 trillion in raw profits, we should be able to fund a few police officers or build a few schools and colleges. Why can't we do this? Where is all of that money going?"

She smiled at the cameras, a conspiratorial smile. "I don't think I really have to tell you all where it goes," she said. "I'm sure you all know just as well as I do. We Martians are, as a culture, blessed with healthy common sense, with keen minds. We are, after all, the descendants of those who left poverty and despair on Earth, who gave up their home planet to come here and forge a new reality. The vast majority of that money, that 230 trillion credits, is sent back to Earth. Some of it is given to the WestHem government as taxes. Some of it goes into the pockets of WestHem executive council members and congressmen as political contributions. But most of it, perhaps sixty percent, goes to rich corporate stockholders; people who have never even been to Mars and consider our planet to be an unsavory though valuable possession. These are the people who are raping our planet, who are keeping us in poverty. These are the people who are the enemy of Mars. And these people are the ones that we need to be free of."

She looked meaningfully into the camera now, a serious, sincere expression upon her face. "You, the people of Mars, have elected me to a four year term as your governor. I have just taken an oath of office that makes that position official under our constitution. Now, as your duly elected and sworn representative, I will share with you what has been my goal the entire time, what has been my dream. It is my desire that — with your consent — we strive to make the Planet of Mars completely independent from the government of WestHem within the year."

The booking area of the downtown police substation was its normal, chaotic self. Located just inside the back door of the facility, near a fenced in parking area for patrol carts, the intake waiting lounge (as it was called) contained more than two dozen teams of police officers from all over the district, all of whom had at least one and in some cases as many as three, prisoners with them. The prisoners waiting to be processed were sitting on a long plastic bench that ran the length of the far wall, their hands all cuffed to metal rings that were installed every meter. They were a motley collection of criminals, all very dangerous looking, most of them accused of fairly serious crimes since people generally were not arrested and hauled in for mere misdemeanors. The officers with them were gathered in the center of the room on plastic seats that had been put in for this purpose. Every ten minutes or so a haggard looking booking officer would emerge through the sliding door at the other end of the room and call out a prisoner's name. The officers guarding him would then release him from the bench and accompany him inside where he would begin his latest trip through the Martian criminal justice system, joke that it was.

Usually the booking area was an extremely loud place to be as the criminals talked and sometimes engaged in verbal fights with each other and as the officers talked among themselves about their jobs and their lives — the latter group's conversation often being considerably more profane than the former's. At this moment however, the room was eerily silent, as quiet as it had ever been, probably since the day before the police station was opened nearly seventy years before. All eyes in the room were riveted to the Internet screens mounted high on two of the walls, all mouths hanging open in sheer surprise as they heard the first two minutes of the new governor's speech. Cops and criminals alike simply could not believe what they were hearing come from the middle-age, though strangely handsome woman's mouth.

Brian Haggerty and Lisa Wong, who were near the center of the room, awaiting their two prisoners' names to be called so they could be booked for second degree murder (which might get them as much as six months in jail if they had priors), were among the cops watching. Both were just as flabbergasted as their colleagues. Had she really just said independence from WestHem? Had she really just called the corporations criminal? Granted, Governor Whiting was a favorite among the rank and file of just about every Martian law enforcement agency. Her tough talk on crime and criminals and her cries for increased funding and increased prison sentences almost guaranteed that. She had been the first politician in the history of Mars to actually gain the support of all of the planet's police departments, both at the administrative level and the street level. But what was this madness she was spouting now? Was it a joke?

"Is she out of her damn mind?" Brian whispered to his partner just as she declared her goal for her term. "Independence?"

"This is unbelievable," Lisa said. "She's insane. They'll crucify her for even saying that!"

There were some other murmurs, both from the cops and the criminals that were much to the same effect. Nor were they alone. As Whiting paused in her speech for a moment to let her words sink in, the babble of hundreds of onlookers in the audience chamber could clearly be heard being transmitted live from the capital. The idea of an independent Mars, in which the Martians followed and controlled their own destinies, was certainly not a new one. On the contrary, Martians from all walks of life had expressed that thought many times before. But usually such words were spoken in bars or at parties when alcohol and marijuana was being consumed. Such words were usually the pipe dreams of intoxicated philosophers, striving to save the world with their wisdom but never actually doing anything to forward it or thinking that anyone else ever would. Never had such words been spoken or even hinted at by a politician on live Internet. Never had such a thing even been conceived of before.

But Whiting was not finished with her speech. Not by a long shot. As they watched in growing disbelief, she continued to stare into the camera — the effect being that she was looking directly at each one of them — and she continued.

"Independence," she said, obviously savoring the word. "That is the only way that this planet and the people on it will ever be truly free. And I am not talking about just token independence either, where WestHem declares us free but where we are still their puppet, their plaything, influenced by their monetary system and their corporations. I am talking about complete freedom — total freedom from the tyranny of that greedy, corrupt society. That means that all Martian industries, particularly the steel and agricultural industries, will be nationalized and run for the benefit of the Martian people, not for the stockholders of Agricorp and Standard Steel. I am talking about an entirely new constitution and way of life, a government for the people that is run by the people and that benefits the people — all people, not just those with money, not just those with jobs. I am talking about removing the corporate mentality and element completely from our society. And the only way to do this is to be free and to completely restructure our society so that it no longer revolves around the acquisition of wealth."

"Holy Jesus," Brian said, hearing this. "She really has gone insane."

"She really has," Lisa agreed, wondering how long it would be before someone actually removed her from the stage.

Whiting, completely ignoring the gasps and shocked words that were rising up from her audience of fellow politicians and corporate lobbyists, simply kept talking as if she were giving a normal speech.

"This may seem a strange concept for me to bring up," she admitted with a slight smile. "A government that does not revolve around wealth? Absurd, you might say. Impossible, you might say. But is such a thing really all that different than what many of you — the Martian people — have talked about over beers or buds among yourselves? Isn't it generally agreed upon at such bullshitting sessions that money and greed are the curse of the solar system, that the way of life we now find ourselves in the midst of is for the benefit of the elite few at the top of the corporate ladder while it is to the detriment of the rest? Isn't it generally noted at such times that Mars does not really need WestHem, that the only resource that we are not self-sufficient in is fuel? I have been to the bars, people, I have listened to the conversations of others all of my life. I know that what I am suggesting is not something new. I am just the first politician in a political setting to bring this up in a serious manner. That is why it sounds like such a bizarre concept to you all at them moment."

"That's true," Lisa allowed. She and Brian had discussed that very thing with other cops many times in the past during drunken and stoned after-hours gatherings with other cops. Mars really could produce everything that a society needed to sustain itself without the assistance of WestHem. Food, steel, machinery, clothing, space vehicles, military equipment, electronics and their components, all of that was produced on Mars or in orbit above it on Triad. Hydrogen fuel was the only thing that Mars really needed to import — that and a few luxury items like coffee and alcohol.

"Yep," Brian was forced to agree. "But..."

He was cut short in his argument by the impatient hushes of those around him. They were becoming extremely interested in this speech.

"Now, in order to remove the factor of money from our new government," Whiting continued, "we will have to replace it with something else that we can worship. We will have to base our new constitution and our new society upon another principal. What should that principal be? What should we revere most of all in this life if not money and the acquisition of wealth? This is just my humble opinion, but I'm sure that all of you out there who are not corporate management or rich stockholders would agree that society should be based upon common sense and fairness for everyone. Common sense and fairness, the two things that our current system of government pays lip service to but that our new government will actually embrace. Common sense in all decisions, in all dealings, in all laws. Fairness towards all people, unemployed and employed alike. I'm talking about a system of government that has enough checks and balances in it to guarantee that the atrocity that we have with us today is not able to repeat itself. I'm talking about a system where the abuses of power that we have now are not allowed to occur. I'm talking about a system in which the people themselves really chose their representatives and those representatives are incapable of being corrupted by the money from huge corporations because there will not be any huge corporations. I'm talking about a system where working is rewarded with the credit to buy nice things but that even those who do not or cannot work are provided with the basic necessities of life. I'm talking about a system where everyone has the right to a superior primary education and the right to a superior college education and that this is provided free of charge. I'm talking about a system where those who commit crimes against us are locked away for an appropriate number of years, where criminals are no longer allowed to walk among us.

"How will we pay for these things? I can hear you asking that right now. You are telling yourself that my talk sounds rather nice but that it sounds like I am describing an ideal world, a utopian society, and that things such as this do not and cannot exist. Someone has to pay for all of that great education, for all of those prisons, for all of those police officers. Who will it be?

"The answer is no one and the answer is also everyone. You see, in a system where money and acquisition of wealth is not the primary focus, where betterment of our society and fairness are the goals, there is no reason to pay for any of that. It is just done. We produce food here on Mars and we produce steel and we produce everything else that is needed to run this society. We have skilled workers and the ability to train others in those skills. Once we are off of the WestHem system of government, once we separate ourselves from their economic system, we can do things any way we like. The new Martian government can build a new school or a new college whenever there is a need for such a thing. Since the steel industry is nationalized, we do not have to pay anyone for that steel since we already own it. Since the construction company that builds the school is nationalized, we do not have to hold a bidding process or pay a corporation to build our school. We just build it.

"As for the workers who put on the biosuits and put the steel together to form the building, they are paid in credits at a pre-determined rate. These credits are issued by the government and are used to buy food and housing and luxury items from the government. They represent nothing more than credit for a day's work. With these credits you can buy food supplies that are better than what is issued to those without jobs. You can pay for upgraded housing, vacation trips, luxury items. Everyone who has a job will be paid these credits and, unlike our current system, it will be a constitutional requirement that we, as a society, do everything that we can to make sure that everyone who wishes a job has one. No more layoffs because of mergers, no more elimination of positions just because the profit margin is slipping. We will put an end to profit margins with this system, an end to them for all time."

O'Riley's Bar was a moderate sized chain that was owned by DrinkCo Beverages Corporation, which was in turn owned by Agricorp. O'Riley's specialized in alcohol and marijuana service and had more than sixty "pubs" as they were known in company documents, throughout the city of Eden. Their target customers were the working class and in Eden they estimated that they had more than thirty percent of the "away from home, modestly employed, intoxicant using market". Their pubs all looked the same and all were located in strategically placed locations — on the bottom floors of commercial buildings near the industrial tram stations. Brent Shimasaki and Lon Fargo were sitting at the bar in O'Riley's pub number E-24, which was located in the basement of the Westcity shopping complex — a seventy story building six blocks from the Agricorp maintenance shed. It was a favorite watering and smoking hole for the former IFP employees who were now Agricorp employees. It was a place they had gathered in with increasing frequency over the last month since word of the impending "reductions in force" had started to circulate.

Two bartenders were currently on duty along with two servers that carried drinks or bongs to the various tables. All of the employees wore the standard green uniform of O'Riley's, a get-up that would be recognized the solar system over — from Sau Paulo to San Francisco, from Eden to Standard City to Triad. The bar itself looked exactly the same as every other. It was a standard twenty-one meters long with barstools placed every meter. Constructed of molded plastic designed to look like oak, it was easily installed and easily cleaned with wet, disinfectant soaked cloths. When it reached the end of its useful service life (usually six years according to company statistics) it was easily removed and replaced by another. The carpet on the floor was also standard throughout the chain. It was a dark beige (designed to be pleasing to the eye but to avoid staining and grime, therefore extending its useful service life) patterned with small green four-leaf clovers. Above the bar were two large Internet screens, purchased via corporate contract from Laslow Electronics — an Earth based manufacturer whose large screen Internet receiver factory was located in New Pittsburgh, in the high latitude region of Mars. Laslow small screen multi-purpose terminals — which could be used (for a small fee) by bar patrons for communications — were located at each end of the bar.

This particular O'Riley's, like most of the other 2346 pubs throughout the solar system, was usually a very noisy place in the early evening hours. On this particular evening however, the large crowd was staring raptly at the Internet screens in disbelief as Laura Whiting gave her inaugural address to the planet. The only utterings from the blue-collar workers assembled to watch her were the occasional comments on the more outrageous of her statements.

"Paid in credits?" Brent said in disbelief. "What kind of shit is this bitch spouting? What the hell does that mean?" He was currently on his second rum and coke and had just finished taking his third hit of the potent greenbud that O'Riley's was known for (it was grown in Agricorp greenhouses). As such he was flying quite high and complex ideas such as a society not based on greed and money were a little difficult for him to grasp.

"She's talking about pulling us free of the restraints put on the working class by capitalism," said Lon, who had only smoked one hit and was still on his first drink. "It's brilliant, if it can be made to work."

"It's communism," said Tina Yamamoto, an apple juicer repair tech and a former lover of Lon's. "When the state owns everything and pays the workers out of its own coffers, it's called communism. The Russians, the Chinese, and the Cubans all tried it back on earth. It doesn't work. The system leaves too much open for abuse of power."

"Oh? Like we don't have that here?" Lon shot back. "Besides, it's not necessarily communism she's talking about here. It could be just a form of socialism. And that did work in several countries before World War III."

"Yes, but..." Tina started.

"If you two would shut the fuck up," interrupted Stacy Salinas, another juicer tech, "we'd be able to hear just what she is talking about."

They shut up and watched, growing more fascinated as Whiting continued.

"The how's and why's of getting this system up and operating," she told her audience, "is really not the important thing right now however. I have some loose plans drawn up on paper that I have worked on over the years and I will present some of these ideas to you in the coming weeks during regular addresses to the planet. After independence is achieved, we will appoint scholars and others to form a constitutional committee to pound out the specific details of the plan. What is important right now is achieving our independence in the first place. I don't think I have to tell you that WestHem and the corporations that rule it, the corporations that like to think they own this planet, will not be willing to let us go very easily."

"You got that shit right," Brent snorted, signaling the bartender for another bonghit.

"But what those corporations and their puppets in the WestHem government need to understand is that there is no reason for us Martians not to be independent. No reason except for their wishes and their greed and their profit margin. We are self-sufficient people and we deserve to be independent of their rule. If all Martians stick together and work for this goal together, one way or another, we will be independent within a year. I guarantee it and WestHem is simply going to have to accept it. It is my suggestion and my hope that the WestHem authorities appoint a committee for immediate negotiations on just how our goal can be peacefully brought about. I think that our goals and their sacred profit margins can be mutually exclusive. You see, Mars already produces the majority of the food supply for WestHem and the Jupiter colony. We would be honor bound to continue to produce that amount and ship it to them if they negotiate our independence in good faith. The labor needed to produce this food will be paid to Martian workers in Martian credits by the new Martian government. The food itself will be given to WestHem in straight exchange for the one commodity that we do not produce here: fuel. No money will be exchanged in this deal, making Martian credits useless to WestHem and WestHem dollars useless to Mars. But production will go on as always and Agricorp and the other corporations that currently own everything on Mars will still be able to sell this food to the WestHem people at normal prices."

"Would that work?" asked Jeff Creek of his friend, Matt Mendez. Both of the former gang members and current members of the hopelessly unemployed, were staring at Matt's PC intently, having gotten much more than they'd bargained for by watching the inaugural address. Despite his former apathy and doomsaying, Jeff found himself intrigued by what this politician was spouting. True it was probably nothing but a mental breakdown in progress, but it sure sounded good while it was occurring.

"If it's done right," Matt replied, his mind trying to find holes in the theory and failing, "it would work just fine. The Martians buy goods and services from Mars using Martian money, which they are paid by the Martian government for working. Since Mars owns everything and isn't trying to make a profit, prices can be fixed since supply and demand does not depend on outside sources. Even though most of the food production that occurs is to export to Earth or Jupiter, there is no drain on the Martian economy because they are not on the same system of currency as we are. We produce food for them and exchange it for fuel. What they do with the food is their business. What we do with the fuel is our business. As long as we don't depend on them for anything else, it'll work!"

"Static," Jeff said, shaking his head in admiration. He started loading up another load of the garbage grass from his bag. "Its too bad WestHem will never let it happen. They'll send the fuckin marines here before they sign Agricorp and those other corps over to us."

Matt nodded sadly. "I believe you've got a point there," he said. "But it's a nice concept anyway, ain't it?"

They went back to watching.

William Smith, at the age of fifty-six, was hands down the richest man on the planet Mars. The CEO of Agricorp's Martian operations, he lived in opulent splendor in a penthouse suite that took up the 217th, 218th, and 219th floors of the most exclusive housing building in the city. He and his wife and three servants were the only one's currently living there since their two children (exceptions to the one child per female ratio were available to the very wealthy) were back on Earth attending college. Even so, their quarters had more than a thousand square meters of living space available to them: an unthinkable amount on a planet where construction costs were five times that on Earth. Their entire bottom floor consisted of nothing but an entertainment room where politicians and lobbyists and other corporate heads could gather for black-tie parties. A state of the art sound and video system, complete with the latest holographic theater set-up, and a full service wet bar larger than those found at O'Riley's and made of genuine polished oak imported from Earth were the features of this floor. There was also a huge picture window that looked out on the edge of the city, giving an impressive view of the contrast between the barren wastelands of the surface and the modern steel and glass building of the inhabited area. On the second floor of the suite were the servant's quarters, kitchen area and secondary bedrooms, areas where Smith and his family rarely, if ever, ventured. On the top floor, which was also the top floor of the building itself, were two master bedroom suites complete with private baths and sunken Jacuzzi tubs and two complete office suites, one for Smith to work in and one for his wife to organize her charity events and plan her parties in. Smith's office was naturally the larger of the two. It featured a picture window that looked out on the financial district of Eden and it's many towering high-rises — including the Agricorp building itself.

Smith and his wife, both of whom were natives of Denver on Earth, hated their quarters. Though they were arguably the largest and nicest on the entire planet, they found them to be cramped and confined, not at all like their monster 4000 square meter mansion in the Aspen section of Denver or their 3000 square meter winter retreat on the island of Maui. It was a constant irritant to the third generation corporate manager that he was forced to live in a common apartment building while stationed on this dry, boring little planet that just happened to produce most of the products his company sold. He longed for re-assignment back to Earth, to corporate headquarters where he could go outside when he wanted to and where he could concentrate his energies on controlling real politicians instead of wasting away playing the game here with ignorant wanna-be's.

He was currently sitting in his office suite behind his large, genuine oak desk, sipping out of a martini and smoking an imported cigarette. On the wall above him a large screen Internet terminal was on and playing the inauguration of Governor Whiting, a politician that had been carefully groomed through the years as she had risen in stature and importance. His cigarette fell unnoticed from his mouth as he stared at the screen and heard the words she was saying. He could not have been more surprised and shocked if Laura Whiting had suddenly spontaneously combusted on the podium. She had called Agricorp corrupt! She had mentioned them by name and called them that! She was up there telling the planet how his corporation and others manipulated the political system with campaign contributions! Worse than that, she was actually telling those ignorant greenies that she governed that she wanted them to be independent! That she wanted to nationalize the agricultural industry! Was she completely insane? What in the hell did she think she was doing? She was their pet politician! She had been bought! More than six million dollars in contributions had been transferred to her election account for this run alone. More than two million in unreported bribes had been laundered and sent to her personal account. She had been set up to sign into law more than sixteen bills benefiting Agricorp that were being passed through the legislature this term. She had been set up to veto more than ten that were considered a detriment. She couldn't do this! It was inconceivable, impossible! It was madness!

Before Whiting was even two minutes into her speech, Smith's Internet terminal on his desk began buzzing, the female voice informing him that multiple vid-links were being requested. Of course the computer also told him who the callers were and it was no surprise that they were the lobbyists and other upper-management members. He ignored them for the moment, although he knew he would be calling a conference for damage control with them very soon.

"Computer," he said to the desk mounted terminal, "get me Steve Lancaster. Try him at home, he should be there right now."

"Contacting Steve Lancaster at home," the computer obediently replied. The screen, which had been blank, suddenly flared to life showing the interface for the communications software.

"Highest priority," Smith said. "I want him to answer."

"Connecting," the computer told him.

Steve Lancaster was the Martian operations CEO of InfoServe, the Internet and media corporation that controlled approximately forty-five percent of the market share of WestHem and its colonies. Agricorp and InfoServe had a long-standing advertisement contract and were about as friendly with each other as two unrelated industries could be. Lancaster was not exactly a friend to Smith — people at their height on the ladder did not really have friends, just contacts and associations — but he was about as close to one as possible. They had played golf together many times at the pathetic excuse for country club that Eden boasted and their wives were members of the same charity groups. As Smith had expected he would, Lancaster came online immediately, his handsome face showing shock and alarm.

"It would seem that you're watching the inaugural address," Smith said to the screen, his words and image being transmitted through the Martian Internet to the other side of town.

"I'm watching it," Lancaster confirmed, shaking his head a little. "I'm not sure if I believe what I'm seeing however. She's gone off the deep end. What the hell does she think she's doing up there?"

"I've never seen anyone throw their entire career away in less than a minute before," Smith said. "I don't know what prompted this ranting — whether its mental illness or low blood sugar or whether, like she said, she's been planning this her entire career — but whatever the reason, we'll deal with her shortly. The important thing is that we cut that broadcast right away before she puts any strange ideas into the heads of these greenies."

"I'm on it," Lancaster said. "I'll call the main broadcast building and have them cut the live feed. We should be able to kill the transmission inside of a minute."

"Do it," Smith said. "And what about ICS and WIV? Do you have contacts with them?" ICS and WIV were the other two major Internet corporations of WestHem. Between the three of them they owned every major transmission, publishing, communications, and movie-making entity in WestHem. If they all shut down their stations, there would be nothing for the greenies to watch.

"I do," he confirmed. "I'll get them on a conference call as soon as I get us shut down. I can't imagine that they would protest that. That won't completely kill her though."

"MarsGroup," Smith said with a groan as he was reminded of the independent Internet service that was owned by a small collection of Martian investors. Of course the three big networks had tried to strangle them many times in the past, both by smearing them in their own news programs and publications and by refusing to sell them shows or content. Even so, MarsGroup had managed to survive for more than three decades now. Though they mostly produced low-budget news programs and reports and hokey Internet sit-coms or adventure shows, enough of the greenies tuned in or utilized them to keep them barely in the black each year.

"MarsGroup," Lancaster confirmed. "They have cameras and reporters at the inauguration as well. We couldn't get them excluded. Quite frankly, we didn't really even try since the public relations problems would've outweighed the benefit. I have no say with their CEO. In fact, she is often quite antagonistic to me."

"I'll see what I can do," Smith said. "Perhaps she'll listen to me if I offer her a little advertising business during prime-time. You get the real media shut down and I'll call her up."

"Right," Lancaster said doubtfully. He seemed about to say more but didn't. Instead, he signed off, his image disappearing and being replaced by the communications software screen once again.

"Computer," Smith said, "get me Dianne Nguyen of MarsGroup. Search every database you need to and call any address you have to, but get her. Highest priority."

"Contacting Diane Nguyen," the computer told him and then went to task.

While it was making it's attempt, Smith looked back up at the screen on the wall, where Laura Whiting was still ranting about independence and greedy corporations. She was now suggesting that the Martian economy be completely separated from the WestHem economy. Christ, she truly had gone around the bend. As if that would ever be allowed. As if that would work even if it were. She was talking about communism. Nothing more or less than communism. Just as she began to move to the next subject the screen suddenly went blank as the InfoServe feed was cut. A graphic appeared a moment later pleading "technical difficulties".

"Thank you, Steve," Smith said gratefully. He made a quick check of the other channels, the ones owned by ICS and WIV and found that they had been cut as well. Even better. "Computer," he told the terminal. "Switch broadcast channel on screen two to MarsGroup primary."

The computer had been programmed not to reply to commands such as that, just to do it. The screen flicked over and he was looking at Laura Whiting once again, still in the process of destroying her career and possibly her life.

"This planet is ours, people," she told her audience. "We, the Martians, are the ones who were born here, that have lived our lives here, that love this planet. We are the ones that plant and harvest the food that Agricorp and the others sell for profit all over the solar system. We are the ones that built the structures that we live in with our own hands. We are the ones who set off generations ago to colonize this planet and make a new home for ourselves. And we are the ones who are being held down by the people of Earth who claim ownership of everything that we do. Ask yourselves, people, what do the Earthlings do for us? What do they do? They sit in their high-rise offices and count the money that they make from our sweat and toil. They sit up there and make decisions that affect the lives of all of us. A fingerprint on a computer screen and they've just signed an order that puts thousands out of a job. Another print on another screen and they've just bribed a politician who otherwise might have made your lives a little easier. This has got to stop. It has to end and we have to be able to control our own fates."

"Dianne Nguyen coming online," the computer spoke up just as Whiting was gearing up for another rant. The volume was automatically turned down on the broadcast so that the communications terminal could be heard.

Nguyen's face appeared a moment later on his screen. It was a pleasantly feminine face of Southeast Asian descent, very youthful, although its owner was actually in her late forties. Nguyen, Smith knew, had once worked for InfoServe as a low-level manager. Her climb up the ladder had been stopped short in her early days because of her Martian birth and education, both of which were considered inferior in Earthling corporate circles. Still, like most Martians, Nguyen was eerily clever at certain things and, after quitting InfoServe, had been one of the prime movers and investors to get the joke that was MarsGroup rolling in the early days. "What can I do for you, Smith?" she asked now as she answered her call. Her expression was serious but it seemed as if she was hiding a smile.

"Dianne," Smith said warmly, as if she were his closest acquaintance, as if he hadn't worked madly over the years to strangle her company and its advertising contracts. "How are you this evening?"

Nguyen wasn't buying it however. "Let's cut the bullshit," she said with typical Martian crudity. "I assume you're calling about the inauguration speech."

He took a second to gather himself. "Why yes, that is why I'm calling," he said at last. "It seems that Ms. Whiting is... well... having a bit of a nervous breakdown up there. She is saying some very embarrassing things. Things that she will likely regret later."

"She sounds pretty much in her right mind to me," Nguyen opined. "I notice that the three bigs have all cut their feed. I presume you're calling to ask me to do the same?"

"In the interests of décor," he said. "Yes, I'm asking if you will save this poor woman some later misery. Obviously the Martian people do not need to hear the kind of drivel she is spouting up there. It would be best for all concerned if their access to the feed were to be cut completely off."

"Forget it," Nguyen told him. "We're sticking live with her. She's beautiful up there. She's saying things that should've been said along time ago."

"She's committing libel and slander," Smith said, still speaking reasonably — as one colleague did to another. "It would be a breach of ethics to stay online with her as she commits this crime. As a media provider there is a professional obligation not to broadcast such inflammations to the public. In some cases I could see how you would even be held accountable for not..."

"Oh please," Nguyen interrupted, rolling her eyes at him. "You are talking to me about ethics? About libel and slander? You who have directed all of your subsidiaries not to advertise with me, who have forbidden your workers to even subscribe to my service? You can just take yourself a nice, high, flying fuck at Phobos, Smith. The feed remains live and any subsequent speeches by Whiting will be carried live as well."

"I'm warning you, Nguyen," Smith said, raising his voice now. "If you don't..."

"Bye now," she said, bringing her hand into the camera's range long enough to offer a small, contemptuous wave. With that, she went offline, her image flickering away.

"Goddamn greenie bitch," Smith said to the communications screen. He tried to several more times to get her back but only received her answering screen, which he left angry messages on.

With nothing else to do at the moment, he turned the volume back up and continued to watch Laura Whiting's speech.

Laura was elated as she spoke into the microphones, as she looked at the sea of shocked faces staring up at her from the audience chambers. No matter what else came of this night, it felt glorious to finally throw aside the mask of proper politician that she had worn for so many years now. She felt as liberated as she hoped to make her planet.

Now that she had everybody's attention, now that she had explained what she hoped to do with her term and why she thought it needed to be done, she moved into the next phase of her speech: the phase in which she tried to prevent her removal before her work was done.

"I have made a lot of new enemies in the last five minutes," she told the planet. "I like to think that I have made some new friends among the Martian people, but you can bet your ass that the wheels of my removal are already starting to turn at this very moment. My guess is that strings have already been pulled by the movers and shakers of this world and this broadcast has been cut off by all of the so called 'big three' Internet providers. If my words were broadcast for more than three minutes, it would surprise me indeed.

"But I would also be surprised if MarsGroup Internet, the only Martian based media, followed suit with the big three. My guess, my hope, is that the one media provider with any sort of integrity is continuing to broadcast my words to you all. That is my hope because you really need to hear what I have to say next. You really need to hear how they are going to try to hamstring my proposals for this planet before they even get started."

She looked at the reserved seating, where the legislature members all sat, her eyes tracking from face to face. Most of them looked away when her gaze fell upon them. "You in the legislature," she said. "You have the power to impeach me from this office. It is written into the planetary constitution and it is your duty to do so if I commit abuses of power or crimes against the people. In this instance however, I have done neither. I have committed no offense against them that you can legally impeach me for. Nevertheless, you will be asked to open an investigation into my actions, probably shortly after you leave the chairs you are sitting in. Representatives of whoever your sponsors are will contact you, and they will tell you to begin an investigation and they will tell you to vote to impeach me. And since you are all bought people — bought and paid for in campaign contributions and thinly veiled bribes offered by lobbyists for Agricorp and MarsTrans and InfoServe and a dozen others — you will be expected to do as you are told and make me go away. That is the way this great political system works, that is the way our planetary government and our federal government works. That is why we vote to tax John Carlton of Eden or Barb Jones of New Pittsburgh but to cut taxes for Agricorp or InfoServe. That is the way things are."

She gave them a softer look and lowered her voice a little. "But it doesn't have to be that way. There is nothing in the Martian constitution that mandates you vote or act as those who have given you campaign contributions wish. The reason we all do it anyway is because we wish to be reelected, to pretend that we really have power for another two years or four years or six years. This has been going on so long that most of you have forgotten who you're really supposed to be working for. Well this time, in this instance, I'm going to remind you. You legislature members were elected by the common Martians to serve and to them is who your loyalty and your votes are owed. Every last one of you is of Martian heritage. Every last one of you is the descendent of those who left Earth to seek out employment here, on this new world. You are all Martians and when those Earthling lobbyist start calling you tonight and telling you what you're supposed to do, I want you to remember that you work for Mars and the Martian people, not Agricorp and InfoServe and the other soulless corporations. If you refuse to impeach me for daring to defy those corporate masters, this planet will be free within a year. If you cave to their pressure and vote me out, we will continue to languish under their rule. Remember who you are and where you came from and do the right thing for once in your careers."

She paused, taking a breath before continuing. "However, since I realize that my words alone may not be enough to convince you, I will take this time to bring up another point. The voters of each of your districts have the right under the constitution to organize and hold a recall vote that is capable of removing you from office. Thanks to media control and various other factors over the years, this is something that has never been done before. The option to do so however, is there and there does not have to be a specific reason for this action. This is something that the people are able to do at any time and there is no appeal process, there is no way that friends in the corporations can reverse such a thing. All it takes to get such a thing started is a little organization on the part of the voters and ten thousand fingerprints on a petition."

She looked from the legislature seats back up into the MarsGroup cameras, the only one that she knew were still live. "This is where the people of Mars come in. This is where those of you that have elected me can help me stay in office so that I can help you be free. An impeachment drive against me is going to begin in earnest tomorrow morning, my first day of full duties in office. If you, the people, do nothing, I will be impeached and drummed out within the week. But if you take the time to email your elected representative, if you tell him or her that you will organize a petition to remove them from office if they vote for an investigation and an impeachment, and then if you follow through with this threat in the event that they do, I guarantee you that they will do what you ask.

"That is my challenge to you, people of Mars. I have taken the first step to get us free of the tyranny we live under. I know that independence is what the vast majority of you wish. Now is the time to act. You can either stand with me and continue to move us towards freedom, or you can do nothing, let me be drummed out, and things will continue here on Mars as they always have. The time is ripe, my friends and it will never get riper. You have a voice in the governor's office for the first time. I implore you, I beg of you, help me follow through with this separation. Let your voices be heard. With your help, all of us will be free.

"That is all I have to say. The rest is in your hands."

With that she gave one last smile and left the podium, leaving the stunned audience and a stunned planet in her wake.

Corban Hayes was the regional chief of operations for the Martian branch of the Federal Law Enforcement Bureau, WestHem's highest law enforcement agency. A native of Los Angeles and a fourth generation FLEB director, Corban hated the planet Mars as much as any Earthling and couldn't wait until his next promotion when he could get out of this dreadful place. Of course now that Laura Whiting had gone apparently crazy and spouted a bunch of anti-corporation sentiments on live Internet, that promotion just might be swirling down the great toilet of bureaucracy. It had been his office, his investigators — who were supposedly the best in existence — that had done the background check on Whiting back when she had announced her candidacy for high office the previous year. He had put his fingerprint on the documents that had declared her an excellent candidate with no known "conflicting loyalties" or "unsuitable ideals". His agents had poured through her previous life for more than a month, searching for anything that might have hinted at problems for the government and therefore the business interests that controlled it. They had examined every law that she'd authored or voted on, every speech she'd ever given, every financial transaction she had ever made. She had been squeaky clean, which meant of course, that she only took bribes from her sponsors and that she only voted for or authored bills that had been approved by her sponsors. It meant that she had never been heard to utter an unkind word about her sponsors in public. In the world of politics, that was impressive indeed.

So what in the hell had happened to her? Where had that communist, radical, independence talk come from? Had she really been hiding that inside of her and putting on an act all of these years? Was that possible?

Hayes tried not to think too hard about the why of the situation. When it came right down to it, it didn't really matter. He was having enough trouble just dealing with the flak that was being thrown at him. His communications terminal had been buzzing madly ever since that miserable greenie had started spouting off. It seemed that every corporate director on the planet was trying to get through, demanding an explanation. And it would only get worse when the replies started to come in from Earth, where the headquarters of all of these corporations were located. Thankfully the planetary alignment was approaching the furthest that Mars and Earth ever got from each other and radio signals currently took more than fifteen minutes to travel from place to the other. That would at least give him a little break between onslaughts.

His office was on the 112th floor of the New Pittsburgh Federal Building downtown, a building located just on the edge of the ghetto. He was looking out his window at the high-rises that surrounded the building, seeing the lights shining brightly in the clear Martian atmosphere. How he longed to be back in Los Angeles with its thirty-six million inhabitants and where the elite could travel by propeller-driven VTOL's that landed right on the roofs of buildings.

"Priority link-up attempt," his computer terminal told him, repeating the same thing it had said more than thirty times so far. "Caller is William Smith, chief executive officer of Agricorp's Martian operations."

"Christ," Hayes sighed, longing for a nice healthy pipe-hit of some good green. He had some in his desk drawer but somehow he didn't think this was the proper time for it. "Put him through," he told his computer, knowing that Smith was not someone he could blow off. Agricorp, after all, damn near ruled the solar system and Smith was the number three man within that particular corporation.

Smith's face came on the screen and after a brief exchange of the required pleasantries, he began his ass chewing. He ranted for nearly five minutes about botched investigations, incompetent investigators, wasted tax-dollars, and directors that would be sent back to the streets busting software pirates. Hayes took it all like a true professional, nodding in all the right places, agreeing when it was necessary, disagreeing gently when it seemed expected of him. Finally Smith was able to calm down enough to talk rationally and to actually accomplish what had been the goal of the communication in the first place.

"She needs to be indicted," Smith told him. "Right away. I want her to be in handcuffs in the jail by this time tomorrow."

"Well, sir," Hayes said reasonably, "I'd really love to oblige you of that, but the simple fact is that I don't have anything to indict her with."

"She admitted taking bribes on live Internet," Smith reminded him, as if he were an idiot. "Don't you remember? During her little portion about how our political system works?"

"Well, yes, I remember," he responded. "And while it is true that that is an indictable offense, it might not be such a good idea to pursue that avenue at this time."

"Why not?" Smith demanded.

He gathered his thoughts for a moment, trying to formulate the proper way to say this. "Because," he said, "those... bribes as you call them, were actually campaign contributions put into her political account. The other... uh... offerings, the ones that went into her personal account, while they went unreported and are technically bribery, they all came from your corporation and her other sponsors. If I indict her for receiving them then I will be forced to indict your corporate officers and your lobbyists for giving them. To tell you the truth, that seems rather counter-productive."

Smith paled just the tiniest bit, obviously shaken by what he was being told. It would seem that he hadn't thought of this yet. "But... can't you arrange it so that doesn't have to occur?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, no," he said with just the proper hint of regret in his voice. "While we can bend the law quite broadly in the interests of WestHem security, we cannot bend it quite that much. Especially not in a case such as this, where a popular politician is the target. If we bring up the bribery issue we'll be opening up a huge can of worms."

"I see," Smith said, glaring. "Then what is to be done about this... this... greenie? Surely she is not going to be allowed to get away with this. What does my company pay you people taxes and contributions for?"

"Well of course we will launch an immediate investigation into the Whiting matter," Hayes assured him. "Believe me, we won't be standing idle on this. I intend to assign no less than fifteen of my best agents to this case and they will go over everything that Whiting has done in the last year. We'll search out any unauthorized Internet calls from government terminals. She was campaigning for governor. Surely she has done that — they all do. We'll look into her finances again and find out if she's getting wholesale prices because of her position. We'll find something on her. And even if we don't, we'll be watching her every move from here on out, waiting for her to do something wrong. She's not a saint, sir, there has to be something and we will find it."

"Good," Smith said, calming a little. "And make it fast. Getting rid of that greenie needs to be your highest priority."

"And it will," he said. "But in the meantime, might I suggest that you pursue things from the political angle as well. Get your lobbyists together and get the other corporations to do the same. Have them pressure the legislature to do just as Whiting surmised they would do and impeach her. Misrepresentation shouldn't be too hard to prove — after all, she's certainly not what the people elected to office, is she?"

"No," he said, "she's not."

"And of course you're not really worried about the public pressure on the legislative members that she tried to foment, are you? If you are, maybe..."

Smith scoffed at the very motion. "The ignorant greenies on this planet are completely incapable of doing what she told them to do. That was actually the most amusing part of her little speech. Greenies organizing a recall vote? Ridiculous."

"So you see?" Hayes said, smiling a little. "Things are well under control. You attack her from the political level and we'll attack her from the legal angle. She'll be impeached within a week and then we'll indict her and send her to prison for a year or so. That'll serve to get rid of the problem and make any of the other greenie politicians that might consider such a thing in the future do the same."

Perhaps the only politician who was absolutely delighted by what Laura Whiting had done was the one who had the most to gain by it. Scott Benton had been sworn in as Lieutenant Governor of Mars about thirty minutes after Laura Whiting had left the stage. Though he had had a great speech planned — a rambling twelve-page jerk-off about how he was going to work through the differences that he and the Governor had to strive for a better tomorrow — he had been unable to give it due to the unusual circumstances of the Whiting inauguration. After that the reporters had all left to go compose their stories, taking their cameras with them, and the legislature had voted an early recess to the gathering to give themselves time to return to their offices and think about the spectacle that they had witnessed. Benton's swearing in had been in front of less than twenty witnesses and hundreds of empty chairs, without a doubt the most unceremonious inauguration of a Lieutenant Governor on record.

Benton didn't care and in fact had never been happier about anything. He muttered his oath before the associate judge, making himself official, and then he immediately headed upstairs to his new office to begin his work. Whiting had actually thrown the Governor's office away. She had actually insulted and abused her own sponsors on live Internet before millions of people. Amazing, simply amazing. And now that she had done this he had no doubt that he would be sworn in by the senile old judge as Governor within days. There was no way that that bitch Whiting would be allowed to survive this.

A third generation Martian haling from New Pittsburgh, Benton had the cleverness of his people but the ambition of the Earthlings. The son of a MarsTrans chief lobbyist, he had chosen politics as his profession while he had still been in the private high school where he received his secondary education. He had always had a keen ear and a warm way with people and he had developed the instincts that went with the job well before graduating from the University of Mars at NP with his degree in political theory. By the end of law school he had already been marked by the powers-that-be (namely MarsTrans and Tagert Steel) as an up and coming star to be reckoned with. He had done two terms as an NP city councilman and one as mayor before moving into the legislature — the true springboard to high politics on Mars. He had made many friends among the people who counted as he worked his way through three terms on the legislature but had been derailed in his path towards the Governor's office by Laura Whiting, whose power and influence had always been just a few steps higher than his own. Whiting had a way of getting things done — she had pushed through the Martian Planetary Guard all of those years ago, had led the fight against the feds to have anti-bombardment emplacements installed in all of the cities, had pushed through a dozen or more anti-crime bills — and she was much loved by the Martian people because of this. He and his sponsors had known that running against such a popular candidate would be an exercise in futility and a huge waste of money so instead he had been encouraged to run for the number two spot which, by Martian constitutional rules was completely separate from the Governor's race. That he had won easily enough and he had been prepared to settle in for an unpleasant four to eight years under Whiting's thumb before he had another shot at the big spot. But now, Whiting had just handed him the Governorship after less than one hour in office. Amazing. He would have to remember to thank her as she was led away in handcuffs by the feds.

His staff members had set his office up the day before and he was not in there for more than two minutes before the first of the calls came in. It was from Robert Flanders himself, the CEO of operations for MarsTrans, which owned and operated eighty percent of the rail services, both passenger and freight, on the planet.

"I think you know what to do now, don't you, Scott?" he was asked after the preliminaries were taken care of.

"Yes sir," he said. "Beginning tomorrow I'll address the legislature and urge an investigation into Whiting for misrepresentation. I'll have her impeached in a matter of days."

"Very good," Flanders said, offering a fatherly smile. "I can see we did well to invest in you. It's strange how fate works sometimes, isn't it?"

"Yes sir," he replied truthfully. "Indeed it is. I'll have my speechwriters and my staffers working all night. You'll have a governor in office in no time."

Laura herself was, understandably under the circumstances, getting her fair share of Internet calls as well. Though she had a secretary to screen most of them, her high-powered former sponsors — and there were a lot of those — all had access to her private Internet address and they damn sure made use of it now. Though her fate had already been discussed and decided while she had still been on the stage saying her words, they all wanted to talk to her, to demand an explanation of her.

"Why, Laura?" Smith of Agricorp, her biggest sponsor, demanded once he got her online. "What were you thinking? What were you doing? Why did you throw your career away like this?"

"I threw nothing away," Laura told him curtly, her voice even and almost teasing. "As of the moment I said, 'I do' I was governor of this planet. And as for why I did what I did, I believe I explained myself quite well during my speech. Surely you caught the speech, didn't you?"

General Jackson, commander of the MPG, was standing just off to the side, out of camera range. He chuckled a little at her words.

"You betrayed us, Laura," he told her. "After all we've done for you, after all we've spent getting you elected, this is how you repay us?"

"You mean that after all of the bribes you gave me I am now refusing to do as I'm told like a little RC toy. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, Smith. Do you think they'll fire you for this? I'm sort of anxious to find out how the head office in Denver responds." She looked at her watch. "The transmission should have gotten there about twenty minutes ago now. How long until they send a message back? Do you think it's on its way now? Or do you think they'll need more time to figure out how to shitcan you?"

"The head office is not your concern," he told her angrily. "What you should be worried about is your resignation. If it's in by tomorrow morning we'll call off the FLEB agents that are after you. We'll tell the public that you had a mental breakdown and they'll forget about all of this in a few months. I'm sure you have enough of our money stashed away to live comfortably for a while."

"I have none of your money stashed away," she told him. "Every dollar went into my election account. Most of it is still there. Within a year your money won't be any good on this planet. And as for my resignation, you can forget it. Do your best. I'm here under the constitution and you have no means to get rid of me. You're not playing with an amateur here."

"You think those ignorant greenies that you're so fond of are going to save you?" he asked her. "Is that what you think? You think they're going to call off our legislature members with the little e-mail campaign you suggested? Tell me that you're not really that naïve, Laura."

"I think you'll be surprised by what us greenies are capable of," she told him. "You've been degrading us and underestimating us for so long now that you have no idea of the resentment that most of us hold for all things corporate and Earthling. They'll compose those letters. Take my word for it. Actually, you don't have to take my word. Why don't you call up some of your pet politicians and ask them how many have come in so far?"

"I have no need to waste my time that way," he said dismissively.

Laura shrugged. "You'll just have to hear it in the morning then, won't you? Our independence is coming, Smith. I think you might want to consider the best way to negotiate it with us so that Agricorp comes out on top. My offer was sincere. You hand your assets over to us and we'll continue to produce food and give it to you. If you cooperate, we'd be inclined to hand all of the food to you instead of simply sharing it with the other agricultural corporations. Think about that."

Smith shook his head a little, the way one does when one is dealing with a lunatic. "I'm going to enjoy seeing you led away," he told her. "This is your last warning. Resign now before it's too late."

"It's already too late," she said. "Goodbye, Smith. Don't send any more of your people here. I won't accept them." With that she signed off, making his face disappear. Before ten seconds had gone by the next call came in and then the next and then the next after that. Most were sponsors but a few were reporters. She denied all calls from the big three reporters but gave a brief statement to the MarsGroup reporter, mostly just assuring her that she had been dead serious up on the stage tonight and that she would grant further interviews once she was settled into office. Finally they slowed to a trickle and she was able to take a breather for a few minutes.

Jackson, sipping out of a bottle of Agricorp apple juice, sat down across her desk from her. He was dressed in his uniform, namely the red shorts and white T-shirt that were the standard interior dress of the Martian Planetary Guard troops. His rank insignia — that of commanding general — was stenciled on his left breast, just above the small emblem of the MPG. He carried no weapons belt and wore no body armor, relying on his squad of special forces bodyguards to keep him safe. He looked at his boss pointedly. "It's all come down to this night," he told her. "All of the secret planning, all of the underhanded deals with the arms makers, and now the wheels are in motion."

"Everything according to plan so far," she agreed, opening a bottle of juice of her own and taking a sip.

"You were beautiful up there tonight," he said. "Your speech was very moving. Hopefully it will have the results we need. If you get impeached next week, it's all for nothing."

"The people will do what I ask," she told him assuredly. "I know them well and I know how fed up they are with the system we have. They want change; they've wanted it for generations. All they needed was a leader to cling to, one who had the power to get the job done."

"And now they've got one," he said. "Assuming they're not too cynical to embrace you."

"They voted for me in record numbers, didn't they? They'll embrace me. And once I start giving my weekly speeches on MarsGroup, I'll get them fired up the rest of the way, until they're demanding that we be free — no matter what needs to be done."

"No matter what," Jackson said, knowing what it was eventually going to take. "I know we've been over this before, but do you think that there's any chance at all of WestHem actually negotiating autonomy with us? I mean, after the seriousness of the situation becomes clear to them and they realize what the options are?"

"None whatsoever," she told him. "You know that, Kevin. If we're going to be free, we're going to have to fight for it. There's too much at stake for WestHem to even consider the possibility of letting us go. Not even under the terms that I've offered, which are generous indeed."

He sighed a little. "You're undoubtedly right," he said. "It's a nice dream though."

"But in the meantime," Laura told him, "this planet is rapidly approaching maxima from Earth. In another three months the navy will begin sending the bulk of the fleet here for storage at Triad. Will the MPG be ready by then?"

"In terms of ability, they're ready right now," Jackson reminded her. "Our mission is to prevent invasion of this planet and to be able to fully mobilize to that goal in less than twelve hours. Repelling invaders is all that we train for. And over the last three months we've been training particularly hard. The real question you should be asking is whether or not they will obey your orders and repel an invasion by WestHem marines. As of this moment, I don't believe that they would do that. That is where you and your speeches come in."

"They'll be ready," Laura promised. "Over the next few months I believe that WestHem's behavior towards us is going to be particularly reprehensible. It's as predictable as the moons. The WestHem way to deal with opposition is to crack down on it, to smear it. Remember the line theory?"

"Oh yes," he said. "I remember." The line theory, advanced by none other than Laura Whiting herself (always in private discussions of course), stated that the way a government such as WestHem remained in power was to identify the line. The line was the boundary between how much abuse and profiteering, how much thinly veiled corruption the citizens would take before they would openly rebel against their leaders. WestHem, EastHem, and other governments throughout world history had been very adept at finding that line and keeping themselves just on the friendly side of it.

"WestHem and the corporations will be forced to step over the line in order to deal with us," Laura said. "I don't like deliberately encouraging suffering among our people, but unfortunately it's the only way. And when the time comes, your people need to be ready to do what needs to be done."

"They'll be ready," he promised. "You do your part and we'll do ours."
