Author's note

This has been an epic novel that has taken me more than seven years from the time I typed the first words to the time I typed the two words below this "Author's note". Based on the emails I have received, most of you have enjoyed my efforts. I thank you for taking the time to let me know that. I've tried to respond to as many of you as I could but to those of you I didn't respond to, please accept my apologies and know that even if I don't respond, I do personally read each and every email and I appreciate them all.

My special thanks to the dozens of people who found my minor grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and continuity errors in each chapter and took the time to email them to me (particularly you, Roxanne — I hope you're feeling well today). Again, I did not always have the time to thank you individually but I did appreciate the help.

Most of all, I'd like to thank my wife for putting up with my constant clattering at the keyboard while she was trying to sleep, for her understanding of my hobby, and for giving me the time I need to write, particularly this last month as I've frantically increased the pace toward the end.

My tale is told now. I have no plans at the moment to re-visit the Greenies universe as I intend to begin work on Intemperance II with my next writing session. There is, however, at least one more novel's worth of story between the end of Greenies and the beginning of A Perfect World. There is also an infinite amount of novels after the end of A Perfect World. There's a good chance I will feel compelled to return to this universe one day.

Peace to all,

Al Steiner

August 28, 2006
