Downlands Hall Again

We arrived. Beatrice and Agnes rushed into the hall, and Mary descended the steps to the carriage door. Maud, still unforgiven, did not yet appear.

We went into the drawing room; Elise helped Mademoiselle off with her travelling cloak and hat and gloves, and did the same kind office for me with less ceremony and more promptitude, and then Maud entered in her short frock with the tea-tray and cast a reproachful look at me. The proud beauty evidently felt very keenly the position to which she had been degraded, as, under Mary's superintendence and orders, she set out the tea things. Mademoiselle noticed both the look and Maud's manner and glanced at Mary who seemed to have been waiting for it.

"Yes, indeed, Miss," she instantly said, "we have had great trouble with her; she would not wash the vegetables or peel the potatoes and has been trying to get at her own dresses. She locked herself up in her own room yesterday afternoon and set me at defiance."

"It is a shame, a disgrace," burst out Maud, looking beautiful and flushing with rage, "to dress me like this, to treat me like a servant; I wonder what my uncle-"

Mademoiselle, seated in her chair quite at her ease, looked at her with that dangerous smile I had long ago learnt to dread.

"Take off your drawers," she ordered.

"No, I won't," said Maud, with a stamp, "here in the drawing room before him; or"-with hesitation, "anywhere else either."

"Him!" retorted Mademoiselle. "This is Julia, your cousin, a girl like yourself," and she got up there and then and gave Maud a ringing slap on each cheek.

"Take them off," Mademoiselle repeated.

Maud burst into tears and sobs.

The trimmed ends of her drawers were visible below her frock. At Mademoiselle's reiterated command she gathered it up about her waist, the sting of the slaps proving sufficient motive, and took off the clothing.

Maud was put across an ottoman, weeping. Her pretty bottom was exposed, her skirts turned over her head.

Mademoiselle then gave her two dozen lashes. The lovely pink and white skin quickly became scarlet, and in some places there were blue marks. She rolled and wriggled, displaying herself under the influence of the smart with absolute recklessness. Mademoiselle then gave her with deliberate severity which took my breath away, a third dozen. At its close Maud appeared to faint in an ecstasy of delight. Beatrice and Agnes could not sit still. Mademoiselle's eyes sparkled with a strange light.

"Will you obey-will you submit?" she asked, as the strokes fell between Maud's separated legs. "Are you sorry for your insubordination?"

"Yes, yes, yes," convulsively gasped the unfortunate girl, "I–I-I will-obey, I-will-will, oh, stop! Oh, I will-I will-obey."

Mademoiselle positively caressed the fragments of the rod as she finished the castigation and ordered Maud to lie as she was until she had permission to rise.

She kept her so during the whole time that we were at tea; and then Maud had to get up and take away the tea things, disturbed and trembling, covered with shame, flushed and disordered.

Maud was in penance until the end of the month.

The bedroom to which I was taken was that I originally occupied. It communicated with Mademoiselle's room by a door of the existence of which I had been unaware until this evening.

When the dressing bell rang, Elise shew me into it. She had unpacked my things and dressed me for dinner.

My dress was not that of a young lady, but of a mere chit of a girl, scarcely coming to my knees. It was of some white fluffy material and underneath it I was compelled to wear a stiffly starched petticoat which made it stick out and disclosed my limbs almost to my waist.

Mademoiselle without seeming to do so made me occupy positions which set off my costume to the fullest extent.

"Has it really been cut off?" whispered Beatrice to me in the course of the evening, all her inquisitive, prying looks failing to satisfy her. And Agnes, behind me at the door, slipped her hand under my skirts and felt my possessions.

"No," she said, "he is still a boy."

Agnes' own skirts did not reach her ankles and I longed for a revenge.

Beatrice in her quiet, matronly way rejoined: "You know, Julia, you are mine. I have a score to settle with you. You have broken your oath. Wait; an opportunity will soon come."

What infinite disdain she managed to throw into the tone in which she uttered the word "Julia!"

Three or four weeks passed in very monotonous routine by which time I had quite recovered from the operation I had undergone in London; and to my surprise I found myself more susceptible and longing in a more reckless way to put my instrument into the middle of my charming tyrants with whom I was so intimately and familiarly associated. I longed to see them blush and tremble under me as I probed with my most sensitive and shame-dealing organ the secret recesses of their beautiful bodies.

All this time Beatrice maintained, notwithstanding my numerous mute appeals, a distant and cold reserve towards me.

And one day, when Agnes, while we were out walking, complained of my impudence and disobedience because I would not climb a tree to please her by displaying my nakedness, it was Beatrice who suggested to Agnes to whip me with nettles.

The punishment was cruel. Agnes stung me more than she whipped me. While I lay on my face on the soft mossy bank, held down, my Beatrice slowly drew the bunch up and down between my legs and did not forget to include Mons. Priapus and his purse. For three days subsequently I suffered great pain.

It was upon one of our half-holiday afternoon rambles that Beatrice first attacked me.

We were in a lonely and out-of-the-way part of the wood, and Agnes in her romping with me had very much disordered my clothing. My drawers Beatrice had already removed and they were stowed away in her pocket.

"Now, you harlequin," began Beatrice, seating herself upon a mound of grass under the green spruce firs and looking very imperious in her luxurious girlish beauty, "just you come here and reply to my questions."

"Here is a sceptre," gaily cried Agnes, putting into Beatrice's hand a bundle of fir twigs; and, sitting down beside her with a smiling countenance, she regarded me with a comical expression of mixed solemnity and amusement.

"Kneel down there, Julia, in front of us."

"I'll tell you," cried Agnes. "We'll strip him, tie his hands, and make him sit or lie on the ground between us."

No sooner said than done. Agnes flew to me, and quickly rid me of all my clothing, notwithstanding my frantic opposition. My cries and protests were unheeded. Agnes grasped me violently while Beatrice quickly divested me of every single garment, and sat upon them.

Agnes then tied my hands behind me with a handkerchief and forced me back, downwards on to the narrow strip of green ground between her and Beatrice who towered over me, holding the rods in her hand.

"So Elise sold you to Maud and she took you to her studio. What did she do to you?"


"Be quick, Julian!"

"She undressed me."

Agnes here squeezed me pitilessly in front.

"Oh! Oh! Oh, don't! Oh, don't, Agnes, you hurt!"

"Of course, I do-I intend to."

"She undressed you?"

"Yes, Mademoiselle came in suddenly and found me."

"Found you!"

"Ye-ye-yes; found me like this-naked in Maud's room."

"Oh!" said Agnes; and she leant over me, playing vigorously with me, and gazing into my face.

"Turn him over!" said Beatrice.

A slight struggle accomplished this.

"Now I shall whip your bottom before we go any further for being naked in my sister's room."

And Beatrice administered a sound flogging with her wretched twigs.

"Now, Master Julian!" said Beatrice, recovering her breath by deep inspirations: "Please account for the blood on Maud's chemise and on the coverlet of the bed. Oh, yes! I saw both before they went to the wash."

"No doubt the blood came from you," continued Beatrice derisively; "the effects of the flogging Maud gave you, no doubt; but I want to hear it from you yourself."

I was aghast.

"Concealment is of no use. Confess!"

"Well, Beatrice, Maud wanted me to stand as a model for a statue; and you know you had made me promise I would not do that, and so I resisted and objected and made excuses."

"And so Maud whipped you; hence the blood, eh?"

"No, Maud began coaxing me and playing with me-"

"Like this?" suggested Agnes, suiting the action to the question.

"Oh, oh, oh, Agnes! Oh, yes!"

"And you slipped your hand underneath her clothes?"


"And then she-"

"She lay on the bed."

"Yes, and you became a model for a living statue?"

"Yes!" I gasped.

If my hands had not been bound, I should have covered my face with them.

"And you were mine for five years, and gave yourself away?"

"Oh, Beatrice!"

"Now, just tell us how you did it?"

"She-she-lay down."

"On her back?"

"Yes, on-her-back; and I lay face downwards upon her, with what Agnes has got in her hand inside Maud."

"You wretch! You beast!" exclaimed Agnes.

"Inside her! Where?"

"Oh, inside-"

"What she pees with?" asked Beatrice sternly, and peremptorily.


"You monster!" exclaimed Agnes.

"And what next? Did it shoot something into her?"

"I had-had to-she made me-I forced it in, and Maud bled and then-"

"You went into a convulsion?"


"Very well," said Beatrice. "And now, when last I saw this thing, it had not a red head like that, it was covered with skin. What did your governess do to you?"

"She took me to London and had the skin cut off."

"By whom?"

"By a lady-doctor."

Agnes was listening intensely.

"This is all a mystery to me," she observed.

"Let him lie in your lap a minute, Aggy, and I will show you."

"Oh, no, no, no, I won't. Whatever will Mademoiselle do?"

"Mademoiselle! You are mine, do you forget? Lie on your back, dear."

Agnes soon rolled over.

"Now, Julian!"

I reluctantly reclined upon her.

"Beg her permission to tickle her with your tongue."

"Put his head-there! — Between my legs? Oh, Beatrice!" cried Agnes, with a deep flush.

"Yes; he knows the way. Now, Julian!"

I tickled the soft virginal aperture and stiff little clitoris with my tongue until Agnes was almost fainting with pleasure. But before anything happened, Beatrice made me lie upon Agnes; her chemise was between her and myself.

"Now," said Beatrice, "Agnes, dear, imagine that that thing you have been amusing yourself with is inside you, inside where he has been kissing you."

"Oh, how-dreadful!"

"And hold him tightly." She did so, and Beatrice whipped me gently.

At last the spasm overtook me.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Julian!" cried Agnes, biting my lips with her pretty mouth.

On examination the chemise was found to be well wetted on both sides.

"There, that is what he did to Maud, only actually inside her. Should he treat our sister as a harlot? 249

"Oh, the wretch! He ought to be hung."

"As I find your word is not enough, Julian, and your bondage must be more severe, you shall be mine, not for five years or ten, but as long as you live. Mine, body and soul. What a slave I shall make of you! And as you did what you did to Maud in utter disregard to your promise to me I shall not consider you have expiated your offence until you have besought and implored me to let you do it to her again after our marriage, and have gained her assent, and then you shall do it in front of me. I shall tell Maud at the first opportunity and get her to meet us on our honeymoon. There!"

"Now kiss your mistress," she said, "and receive your fate; when you are married to me I promise you, you will spend more of your time between my legs than anywhere else!"

I yielded. I kissed my hairy mistress with a queer sensation that she was to be my wife and my tyrant for all my days.

"Now, Julian, I consider we are engaged!"

"Yes," I cried eagerly, "yes, Beatrice!"

"Well, as he is mine, I will give him a kiss," and the dear girl touched the top of Mons. Priapus with her ruby lips, tickled him with her little tongue, and bit him with her pearl like teeth.

"Does that give you pleasure?" she asked, gazing with liquid eyes into mine.

No need to chronicle the response.

"You are having all the fun, Bee; it is not fair, playing with and sucking that great big thing as if it was a sugar stick!"

"Indeed!" cried Beatrice, with a quick fierce glance at Agnes.

"Very well," with an air which I knew meant mischief, "you shall have your share!"

"Come," she said, gathering her skirts up a little, and spreading her pretty limbs apart, "come and sit down between my knees, your back to me-so"-as Agnes readily complied. "Now lie back, your head down in my lap, and give me your hands."

I noticed that Beatrice crossed her legs across Agnes' middle.

"Well," Agnes exclaimed, "what next?"

"Now, Julian," continued Beatrice, "kneel across her and me; lie down upon me, your face close to mine."

"Oh, Bee!" cried Agnes, turning pale. "He has got that thing against my face. Do let go of my hands for one moment, or it will be in my mouth!"

"Yes, that is exactly what I intend," calmly remarked Beatrice, holding the struggling girl firmly, "you wanted your share of the sugar stick, you shall have it. I will take good care it is none of it wasted. Put it into her mouth, Julian, well in; imagine it is inside me, and make it do what it did inside Maud, and half an hour ago in her own lap."

"Oh, no, no, no," cried Agnes, "I–I won't-"

I stopped her utterance by promptly popping Mons. Priapus between her pretty lips, well into her little mouth. She was transfixed. I felt the back of her throat with his head.

In two minutes I shot my appreciation of Beatrice down Agnes' gullet.

It was intensely bizarre and exciting to give to Agnes the emotion that Beatrice had evoked.

"There," said Beatrice, "I hope you enjoy and appreciate your lollipop!"

"It is much nicer than I thought it would be," naively remarked Agnes, sputtering and wiping her mouth with her dainty handkerchief.

And then, looking at me, she gave me a sound smack on the cheek.

After a moment's silence she added: "You must lend him to me sometimes, Bee, and next time, he-must-put it-else-elsewhere," and a rosy blush mantled over neck and face.
