Chapter 37

Speshnev worked the streets, but it was difficult to get people to pay attention. It was carnival week in Santiago and those not yet drunk thought only of becoming drunk, and at night with the music, the beat of the drums, the running of the blood, who could tell? What adventures lurked, what possibilities beckoned?

He began at the Plaza de Armas, the plush green square that was the center of Santiago's red roofs and riotous streets that careened out of control toward the harbor. He started in the lobby of Hotel Casa Grande but wandered in wider and wider circles, avoiding the billy goats pulling children in the square-he doubted either goats or children knew much-then moseyed through the great Cathedral of Santa Ifigenia, where the devoted lit candles and the priests muttered like conspirators but dried up when a stranger approached. It was the one place where the air was not filled with love and pleasure and cigar smoke; only the muttering priests were there, and those hungry to confess so that their consciences would be free to accumulate yet more sin over the weekend of paganism, thus to be purged again with time in the booth.

He drifted by the oldest house in Cuba-a conqueror built it in 1516 and now, in 1953, conquerors were here still-and eventually wandered over to the heart of the city, Calle Herrera, locus of bars and tourists, the latter who had tired of Havana's commercial vulgarities and come in search of a more refined style of debauchery in the night. Perhaps they wouldn't have to pay as much for their pleasure; it might even be free. There was so much excitement that it reminded him of Catalonia in 1936, where the war was fought for real and people's passion-for revolution, bread and freedom, not sex-was so intense the desire reached out to embrace death itself. There were no tourists in Barcelona in 1936 and too many in Santiago in 1953.

He kept moving. He strode by police stations and military installations, he got his hair cut at one barber's and his chin shaved at two others, and his shoes shined three times. He bought seven bolita tickets and four cigars. At every stop he paid attention, asking an outsider's bland questions, hoping for interesting answers. He located the biggest newspaper, and followed a fellow with a notebook to the bar where all the reporters hung out-reporters, especially the stupid American ones, had been a source of much information in Spain-and jostled among them, again listening, drinking for camouflage. He had too many beers, most of which he poured down pissholes in the men's.


Well, nothing. It's carnival time, my friend. Relax, enjoy, perhaps a pretty woman will take notice of you.

Not that. The other thing.

Oh, that. Just rumors. Nonsense, stupidity. Nothing definite. Nothing sure.

There was nothing about a leader, about a plan or a conspiracy, about strikes or demonstrations or speeches or mass movements. No name was magic, no name was spoken. But still…

Someone had heard that someone had been collecting Cuban army uniforms from ex-soldiers, or from bums on the street, offering them rum for the old green shirts. Someone else said he had heard that someone had seen someone buying as much.22 ammunition and as many shotgun shells as possible in a variety of sporting goods stores. Someone else said that certain men had not been seen in a few weeks, men of good standing, shopkeepers, carpenters, factory workers, not students or ex-soldiers. Where were these men? Where had they gone? What did it mean?

No one could say. Alas, Speshnev did not have sources in the police Political Section or, other than the overheard buzz of gossip in the restaurant, in the press. He had no support here in this far city, no networks, no informants, no enthusiastic believers to be manipulated. He had nothing except his wits and his legs and his impatience at the carnival madness.

He walked, he walked, he walked, finally trying to figure out if there were targets of opportunity for the ambitious young man whose ill-discipline, whose temper, he feared was behind all this. The police station was too big, as was the army base, which was garrisoned at some monstrosity called the Moncada Barracks north of Marti Square, fronting on Calle Carlos Aponte. With its crenellated walls it loomed above its own parade ground, almost a castle. A thousand men were quartered there. What would the point be, other than suicide? Only a fool would try such a thing. That left the post offices (unlikely), the radio stations, the municipal government. But those were direct targets, that would strike hard at the president, make him lose face but not really any power. A subtler man might try to discredit him before his sponsors or clients, possibly by aiming at some symbolic target, like an American building, say the mansions owned by executives of the United Fruit Company. Yet that would bring marines by the boatload, hellbent and righteous with fury. It would turn Cuba into the forty-ninth state even faster than it now seemed to be heading. Would this young man do such an insane thing? Even Speshnev couldn't believe he'd be that stupid.

Another thought: the docks. Here the big American ships-the sugar vessels, the fruit carriers-put in to load up on Cuba's wealth, which was fated to become American wealth. If you sank a ship full of sugar, it would have a certain mythic resonance, no? It would echo back to the battleship Maine blown up in Havana harbor so many years ago, but with a comic twist. Better still if the bomb killed no one, but just forced the ship to settle into the cold water. And if he also did the same on a Bacardi rum tanker? It could be accomplished quite easily by surprise. All that sugar, all that rum, turning Santiago de Cuba's harbor into the biggest mojito the world had ever seen! What a magnificent gesture.

But then he realized that's what he, Speshnev, Speshnev of Spain who'd learned at the toe of Levitsky, the master, that's what he would do. Castro would not. Castro was too vain for cleverness, too narcissistic for the oblique. He wanted simply to blow something up and make himself famous, that's how limited his poor imagination was. Never trust a man who can't play a good variation on the Ruy-Lopez defense.

Nevertheless, Speshnev spent a day down there, finding only sweating men and tough foremen and American bosses, plus plenty of armed guards. The Americans were taking no chances with their property, however ill-gotten it was, carnival or no carnival; men with guns lurked everywhere. Nobody would attempt anything there. Not even the maniac Castro.

Roger and Frenchy had better contacts. They met with the political department of Domino. They dined with the head of security at United Fruit, and key executives. They met with representatives of Bacardi in the Bacardi mansion. They consulted with their sources at Cuban Military Intelligence, in the castle-like barracks called Moncada.

Everywhere, they received the same news, if it was news at all under the blare of carnival. It was nothing definite. It could never be sourced or tracked. It didn't come from snitches or networks. It was more a feeling that the pagan revelry would make a wonderful cover for an angry strike. Everyone would be drunk, everyone stupid, everyone (or most everyone) sexually spent and in that state of listless bliss that follows the act. Maybe it was pure intuition, or pure superstition. Maybe it was sunspots acting up far out in dark space, causing men of earth to act madly. Maybe it was summer, getting hotter by the moment, and people began to fabricate to escape the heavy press of air under the influence of rum and the bare flesh of women's shoulders, the beauty of their legs, the smoothness of their skins.

But still: someone overheard someone saying it was coming.

Yes, carnival.

No. Something else.

It. It! You idiot, it!


In carnival.

Who is the leader?

You know who.

Say his name!

The name is forbidden. I cannot say. Everywhere ears are listening, so I cannot say. But nevertheless it is coming…

One night after dinner with the same Bill and Ted whom they had vanquished on the tennis court so many months ago, the four men sat on the terrace of one of the United Fruit mansions up in Vista Alegre, on a hill above the town. They sipped mojitos, drawing on immense and zesty cigars from the nearby Fabrica de Tabaco Cesar Escalante, enjoying the cool shimmer of a summer night in the Antilles, the spray of stars, the soft sea breeze, the sounds, from far off on the Calle Herrera of mambo beat-beat-beating of a jungle tom-tom as the revelers tuned up for the real letting-go yet another night down the pike.

"I hope you boys are up to this," Ted said.

"We are," said Roger.

"Roger, you and Walter play a mean game of tennis, that I know. But…this is a bigger game. The company has millions tied up. Its entire posture on the market is based on the political stability of our operations down here. I suppose we can reconfigure to Panama or someplace in Central eventually, but, Roger…I just hope you're up to snuff on this one."

"Sir," said Roger, "we saw this one coming months ago. We've been moving actively to counter it. We're ready. We can't preempt because our mandate won't allow it but it won't be Pearl Harbor either, where we're caught with our thumb up our ass. If anything happens, you can bet we'll be in operational mode fast. We know where it's coming from, we have put some extraordinary measures in place. Your bananas are safe. Your pineapples will be untouched. Your sugarcane will go unburned."

"Here," said Bill. "I'll drink to the empire of the banana. I'll drink to bananas forever in the U.S. of A. And I'll drink to these two young guys, who I'm sure will be as tough on the playing fields of politics as they are on the tennis court."

Walter-everyone still called him this, though "Frenchy" was beginning to catch on with a certain soignee crowd-sat quietly through Roger's report. He had been doing the journeyman's labor, liaising with cops and spooks and gangsters, calling plantation foremen and simpatico college professors and the like while Roger toured, lobbied, represented, looked glamorous and savvy and cool. Walter had not slept in three days, and he yearned for a good night's sleep.

"What do we know?" Ted asked. "Not the bullshit you give the papers or the ambassador, but the inside stuff, the skinny."

The funny part was that poor Roger didn't know either. He had no head for details.

"Walter, can you brief the boys?"

"Sure, Roger. We know that a certain fiery radical leader, who had already attracted a large if unorganized following for his astute publicity ability and talent for speechifying, was nearly killed by the Secret Police about a month ago, not far from here. He escaped. It appears to have been a botched operation set up clumsily by the Secret Police Political Section, without authorization from anybody. He disappeared, presumably into the slums of Santiago or possibly one of the neighboring towns or farms. We had been watching him some time."

"You know where he is now?"

"Er, not really. He's smart, he's clever, he's treacherous, he's now supremely motivated and presumably mentally destablized. He was never the coolest cucumber in the fridge and something like this could turn him cuckoo. But we're not trying to prevent him from acting; we're not praying we skate by this time. Oh, no. Our hope is that he does try something. And we think he will. He lacks patience. For all his talent, he's a rather shallow man. If he does this thing, whatever it is, we are positioned to deal with it swiftly."

"How, Mr. Short?"

"Sorry, sir. Can't tell you. Top secret."

"Not even a hint?"

"No, sir."

"Well," said Roger, "we have a man who's a specialist in these matters. You might call him our numero uno manhunter. If there's a trail, he'll follow it. If there's a shot, he'll make it. And there will be a shot."

You fucking idiot! Frenchy thought behind a face as bland as a nickel. You have just given up everything to impress two schmoes from a banana company.

"Here, here!" said Ted. "Here's to the shooter."

"Here's to the man who gets it done for keeps," said Bill.

"Here's to an American hero," said Roger.

"Here's to a professional," said Frenchy. They all raised their glasses, drank deeply, and sat back to enjoy the night and the unperturbable future.
