Chapter 10

The days dragged on. Faith endured humiliation after humiliation as the twins continued to mold her into a human pony. Each day, she was strapped into a different harness and she wondered how they came to own so many. Some, like the one on the first day, were plain. Others, like the one she wore today, were highly decorative with tooled leather and rhinestones.

Each day, she was trained. For the first few days, she never left the corral. They taught her all of her paces and she learned to walk, trot, canter and gallop to their satisfaction. She learned to stop and pose. She learned to display herself for inspection, which she found to be highly humiliating.

Each day brought multiple orgasms. The girls had not beaten her again. They did use the riding crop occasionally to correct her but that was child's play compared to the horrid paddle that she had been beaten with originally. Instead of relying on punishment to mold their new pony, the twins focused on rewarding her for good behavior. Whenever she mastered a new pace or pose, they would use their fingers or tongues to bring her to climax.

This was a new side to her. Faith had never had sex before. She had never even dated a guy beyond going to an occasional movie. She had masturbated a few times but felt unfulfilled by the experience. And she had kissed and petted with other girls when she was younger. She viewed that as a rite of passage for young girls to explore and experiment and never saw it as anything sexual. Now she found herself receiving five or six earth shattering orgasms a day. What was worse was that she realized that she was behaving differently in order to achieve her rewards. She was being the best slavegirl she could be.

Each night, she was bound again with her wrists held securely behind her back and then locked into her stall. She never had a chance to escape. She had either been locked up or bound or both since that day she had been mucking the stall.

The girls seemed to delight in their slavegirl's body. When they were not training her, they would frequently bind her to a post or over a rail. Then they would explore her body. Cinny was most fascinated with the full round breasts while Linny seemed obsessed with her sex and bottom. It was Linny who discovered that Faith was still a virgin. This started a discussion about what to do about it; a discussion that did not include any input from Faith. After all, she was just a pony and what could a pony say that would matter to anyone?

"I think we should break it," said Cinny, "or take it or pop it or whatever the right way to say it is."

"No, we should leave it intact," argued Linny. "Do you realize how rare an eighteen year old virgin is?"

They debated and bickered for twenty minutes as Faith remained bound upright and spread eagle in the middle of the barn. In the end, Linny won the debate. They would leave Faith's hymen intact for now.

It seemed like months had passed since her captivity started but Faith realized that it had probably only been a week. The arduous days and the mind numbing practicing of her paces had simply caused her to lose track of time. She lived from meal to meal and orgasm to orgasm.

Eventually, the girls decided that she had learned her paces and they pulled out the cart. It had been stored in the back of the barn and Faith had not noticed it before. It was smaller than the carts that she had seen before and she was puzzled by it. When she was attached to it, she found that it was perfectly designed to fit a human to pull it. Why would someone have a cart this size, she wondered. Then she felt a chill rush through her. She was not the first girl to be held captive and trained to be a pony! That's why they had all of the harnesses and this cart. But what had happened to the others? And what did that mean about what would happen to her?

Linny adjusted the harness as Faith stood between the rails with the rails attached to her harness. Linny grasped each breast and tugged on them before tightening the straps further, causing her beautiful orbs to bulge out even more. Then Faith received a new indignity. Linny produced two bells with clamps on them. After flicking each of Faith's nipples to stiffen them, Linny opened the jaws of the clamps and let them bite into the sensitive nubs. Faith felt pain surge through her bound breasts and grunted around her bit.

"Such a pretty pony," commented Linny as she flicked each of the bells, causing them to tinkle. "And now we have a musical pony."

Both girls climbed into the cab and then Cinny picked up the reins. She snapped them once and made a clicking sound with her tongue. "Giddy up, pretty pony."

Faith started forward, slowly at first. The girls praised her but urged her faster and faster. Soon, she was trotting and pulling the cart around the property. Cinny tugged on one rein and then the other, guiding the beautiful girl. Linny just sat back and enjoyed the view. Faith's firm ass was poetry in motion as the muscles strained and moved with each step. The girls had tied Faith's hair into a ponytail that seemed to spurt from the top of her head and the auburn hair billowed out behind her like an undulating fan.

Faith was panting when Cinny pulled her to a halt. The girls seemed pleased with her performance, though, because she was rewarded with another one of those explosive orgasms that she had come to crave.

The twins climbed back into the cab and steered their ponygirl back toward the barn. Faith was covered in sweat and dust by the time she was released from the cart and received another orgasm and her daily shower.

That night marked a change in the routine. Instead of being returned to her stall for the night, the girls led her to the house. This was the first time she had been back in the house since they captured her. Did this mean that they were finally going to release her?

It turned out that it did not mean that. Instead, it meant that she was to be their sexual play thing for the night. The girls laid her on her back on the bed and tied each of her limbs to the corners of the bed, spreading her tightly. They gave her another orgasm and then, one at a time, lowered their pussies to her waiting lips.

She had never done this before and the idea disgusted her. For the first time in many days, she resisted. She twisted her head away and clamped her lips shut.

"I'll get the paddle," announced Cinny.

"No, wait!" pleaded Faith. "I'll do it! I'll do it!" She spent the next hour giving the girls pleasure. It turned out to not be as disgusting as she had feared. It was not something that she would offer to repeat but it was not bad. It certainly was better than being abused by that cruel paddle.

At the end of the evening, the three girls slept together. Faith remained on her back with her body stretched tight. The girls laid on either side of her, using her soft, firm breasts as pillows. Faith was in a bed for the first time in over a week and she slept like a baby.
