Chapter 4

It was growing dark when the girls returned. "We're cooking chicken. Would you like some?"

"Of course I would. Now let me out of here," Faith demanded.

"We will. The price is the rest of your clothes," said Cinny.

"Not a chance," retorted an angry Faith. "But when I do get out, you two will have a lot to pay for."

"Suit yourself," said Linny. Then, the two girls turned and left the barn again, turning off the lights as they went.

Faith continued the examination of her stall. There must be some way of getting out. But, try as she might, she could not find any. The stalls were solidly built. Plus they had bars across the top. The bottom four feet of the walls were wood. Then steel bars extended upward another six feet to a wooden rail that held the steel bars that formed the roof. All of this ensured that she would not be able to climb her way to freedom. "Why would they have bars on the ceiling?" she wondered. Horses don't need them.

It was daylight the next time she saw her captors. She had spent a miserable night trying to get comfortable on the little straw bed that she had fashioned in one corner of the stall. And after the sun went down, the temperature dropped. It had been a chilly, uncomfortable night for her and she hardly slept at all.

"Bacon and eggs for breakfast," said Cinny.

"Want some?" asked Linny.

"You know the answer to that," replied Faith.

"Then may we have your clothes?" asked Cinny.

"You know the answer to that too."

"Oh well," said Linny. "Maybe you'll want lunch." Then they left a brooding Faith alone in her stall.

By lunchtime, Faith's stomach was grumbling. She desperately wanted to eat. She was even more desperate for water. She had not even had a sip of water in almost twenty four hours.

"Grilled cheese for lunch," said Cinny. "Want some?"

Faith refused to hand over her remaining clothes and the girls turned to leave again. "Wait! Can I at least have some water?"

"You can have all of the water you want," replied Linny as she held up a water bottle. "The price is the same."

Faith slumped against the wall and groaned as she shook her head. The girls left her alone in her thoughts.

The afternoon grew hot again, which did nothing to help her thirst. She was sweaty again which she knew was just dehydrating her faster. Her lips were dry and her tongue kept sticking to the roof of her mouth. By the time dinner came around, she knew that she was defeated. She removed her boots and socks and pushed them through the bars. She took a deep breath and slid her panties down her legs, leaving her completely naked. This was how the girls found her.

"Oh, lookie!" squealed Linny in delight when she saw her very naked cousin. She picked up the clothing and set it on a table out of reach of the stall.

Cinny held up a water bottle to Faith's lips and let her start drinking. Cinny raised her free hand and lifted Faith's left breast, enjoying its weight. Faith reached up and grasped Cinny's wrist, pulling the hand away from her body. Cinny reacted immediately by pulling the water bottle away from Faith's lips. The captive girl whimpered as she realized her dilemma and released the offending hand. The hand returned to claim the luscious breast at the same instant the bottle was returned to Faith's lips.

"Good girl," said Cinny as she caressed and squeezed the soft mound. Linny stepped closer and claimed the other breast, lifting it with one hand as the fingers from her other hand danced over the warm, smooth flesh.

"Pretty pony," said Linny as she enjoyed the perfection that was in her hand. "Isn't this so much better than starving and thirsting? We want to be good to you. You just need to let us."

Faith was finally able to eat her first meal in over a day. The girls kept her in her stall. Faith was required to stand at the bars with her hands locked behind her head. This caused her breasts to be displayed even more prominently, much to her chagrin, and made them easy targets for the girls. The twins fed their captive as the offered breasts received attention. When the meal was finished, the girls started to leave again.

"Wait!" Faith called out. "You're not going to leave me here like this, are you?"

"But this is where good little ponies are supposed to sleep," said Linny.

"Maybe we'll take you out for some exercise tomorrow," added Cinny. "If you're good for us." Then they left, turning off the light on their way out. Faith spent another sleepless night curled up in her cold stall.
