“Call from the Kootenays.” Lana interrupted them on the training field, papers in her hand shaking in the wind. Devon thought her dark brown eyes were sparkling far too much to be sharing an emergency call. “They have a couple of missing climbers in the Valhallas, and their last known position is in an avalanche area. The local SAR are requesting backup.”
Marcus nodded, pointing to the team. “Anders, since Tripp’s still out of commission, you’re on lead. Alisha, when you grab those new harnesses you guys cleared the other day, make sure they’re the right ones, I don’t think Lana’s had time to go through all the rest yet.”
They were all in motion, picking up the training gear and heading toward HQ at top speed.
“I called Erin. She’ll be in ASAP,” Lana reported. “She said thirty minutes tops.”
“Thanks.” Marcus stepped around her. “Once the team is en route I’ll give you a few more jobs, but for now, help them load gear. I’ll take over the call desk.”
Devon had to dodge around the woman as she kept pace with the team then got in the way. They were barely through the doors, and Devon had his jacket off, ready to switch to warmer gear for the high mountains.
Lana spoke eagerly. “If you want, I could join the team. Since they’re one short today, with Tripp gone.”
There was dead silence in the change room as the team hurried to grab their stuff. Devon glanced at Marcus, wishing there were a way to force his thoughts into the man’s head, to repeat Oh hell, no again and again.
Lana on a rescue with them? Not fucking likely.
It seemed he wasn’t the only one whose immediate opinion raced down that same line. Anders tossed a bag on the floor and stepped behind it. “As lead, I vote no. This isn’t the time to have a newbie on the ropes. Sorry, Lana, we appreciate your help here in the office, but I’m not taking responsibly for an untested partner in uncertain conditions.”
Marcus settled behind the desk, slipping on the headset and adjusting the mouthpiece. “There’s your answer, although mine would be the same. Thank you for the offer, but we’ll let the team deal with running one man short. They’ve done it before, and it’s safer than introducing an unknown into the equation.”
Alisha scooted into the change room and pulled her T-shirt off, reaching for a thicker long-sleeve shirt. Devon peeled his eyes off her, focusing on the task. “Harnesses good?”
“Got them. You want to load ropes, I’ll join you in a minute and help with the rest.”
She tossed him a wink and he smiled, the well-oiled gears of teamwork slipping into place in spite of the elevated voices rising from by the desk.
Lana wasn’t taking no for answer.
“I’m not untried,” she insisted. “I trained with them the other day. With Becki, on the wall. I’m excellent in mixed climbing conditions if they hit any ice, and—”
“No, Lana. The leader has confirmed his team, and you weren’t on it.” Marcus spoke firmly. He didn’t attempt to hide his rising annoyance. “And I said no. One session on the stationary wall with the team doesn’t make you ready to work with them.”
“But I—”
“Enough,” he snapped. “The answer is no, so get out of the way. We’ll discuss your inappropriate behavior when there isn’t a call in progress.”
Devon escaped into the storage room relieved that Marcus was in charge, and perplexed that Lana had pushed so hard, so soon.
The rescue went well, if overly long. They finally found the climbers in a cave where they’d been trapped following an equipment failure. Everyone on the team was thoroughly soaked and chilled to the bone by the time they were ferried back to HQ.
Even after Alisha showered, her lips were blue during debrief. Marcus examined her often, and Devon was sure she would get called up before they left.
Only Marcus tapped him on the shoulder after they were dismissed. “I want to talk to you.”
Devon nodded. “One minute.” He slipped into the back and caught Alisha by the arm. “Wait for me? I shouldn’t be long. Grab something hot to drink.”
“I’m drinking, I’m drinking.” She jerked on her winter coat as another shiver took her. “I hate being cold.”
Marcus looked up from his desk as Devon slipped into the tidy office space. “Close the door.”
Devon obeyed, his concern rising. “Am I in trouble?”
Marcus shook his head. “Do you deserve to be?”
“Not lately,” Devon answered honestly.
That pulled a snort from Marcus. “How are things going with you and Alisha?”
Shit. “Are you asking as my boss or my friend?” Devon met Marcus’s gaze straight on. “Because if it’s as my boss I’ll tell you to butt out.”
Marcus’s steely gaze remained fixed firmly in position. “How does your relationship with her affect the efficiency of the team?”
“Makes us stronger, as far as I can tell,” Devon stated plainly. “We used to fight all the time. Now we’re not putting out negative energy. I would think that’s a move forward.”
“So this is for the good of the team, you and her fucking each other?”
Devon had no idea what the hell was up. “Marcus, if you have concerns, tell me, but otherwise, I’d respectfully ask you to mind your own goddamn business and let me go so I can take her home and we can recover from today.”
The stern, almost foreboding expression Marcus wore lightened. “Good for you. I expected you to tell me to fuck off, but that was about as close as you could get without saying it. No, I don’t have any issues with you and Alisha. My trouble is elsewhere, and this is more of a warning.”
Devon sat gingerly in the chair opposite his boss. “What’s really the concern?”
Marcus tapped his fingers on the desk. “I had to rake Lana over the coals today for stepping over the boundaries.”
Devon nodded. “She was out of line.”
Marcus’s gaze snapped up. “She said you’d encouraged her to try for the team. Full team, not desk work.”
“What?” Of all the stupid, idiotic . . . “Encouraged her, how?”
“Climbed with her, invited her to join in during social activities.” Marcus waved aside the rude noise Devon made. “I know, you were probably being friendly, but she’s taken it the wrong way.”
“She’s trouble.” Devon shook his head. “I gave the woman a ride home once. She showed up at the Rose and Crown, once. I buddied with her on the wall. Once. Right in front of Becki, I might add, and that was only to make sure no one else had to climb with her.”
“I figured that was the case, but damn, the woman is good. If Becki hadn’t given me a heads-up regarding her, I might have fallen for the wide-eyed innocent ploy Lana tossed at me.”
Devon picked at the arm of his chair. “I need to get Alisha home. I’ll be careful around Lana, but I hope you’ll seriously consider getting rid of her.”
“She’s on probation. I have to follow rules as an employer, but I’m not pleased, and I will cut her if she doesn’t smarten up fast.” Marcus looked him over once more. “You’re a valued member of this team, Devon. I like the maturity and confidence you bring. I don’t care that you’re young—you’re good. I want you to know that.”
Devon left the office warmer than he’d entered it. Pissed off at Lana, but thrilled by Marcus’s compliments.
Alisha was curled up on the couch, blankets piled high around her. The only things sticking out were her hands and her face peeking from under her hoodie. She wore fingerless gloves, her hands wrapped around her coffee mug.
The sight of her made something flip inside. Devon pushed away the urge to scoop her up and carry her to the car. To protect her and do for her. All the urges to take control and take over—too much like what Vincent had offered, but damn if he could stop some of the impulses from rising.
She smiled as he sat beside her. “Done?”
He nodded, taking the cup and placing it on the table. “We can go.”
She shrugged off the layers. “I can’t believe how tired I am.”
“It’s the cold on top of the long day,” he said. “Come on, we can crash and deal with the rest of it tomorrow.”
Alisha was sound asleep by the time he pulled into his parking space. He left the engine running with the heat blowing on high while he unloaded their bags. When he finally came and tugged her arm to wake her, she didn’t move.
Devon hesitated. Something was off. He reached in and took her pulse, his fingers warm against her cool skin.
Low heart rate—lower even than hers should be in sleep. “Alisha?” He stroked her cheek. “Wake up. You can curl up in bed and be much more comfortable.”
Nothing. No eye flicker, no complaint about being woken.
“Shit, Alisha, wake up.” Louder this time, plus he reached in and pinched her. When she didn’t respond to that stimulus, he swore and flipped into action. Jumped into the car and headed for the hospital emergency room.
He hauled out his phone and called Marcus. “I don’t know what’s up, but Alisha is out of it. As if she’s been drugged, or something.”
Marcus swore. “In the fifteen minutes since you left? Take her to the hospital.”
“I’m halfway there. Will you meet me?”
“On my way.”
Devon glanced to the side, hovering his hand over her mouth to allow the faint stroke of air escaping her lips to brush his skin and reassure him she was still breathing. “What the hell is going on?” he asked.
The answering silence nearly killed him, and he pressed his foot harder to the floor, racing to reach the hospital.
The smell of antiseptic wrinkled her nose. A warm hand touched her arm, and she rolled over to look into Devon’s noticeably tired blue eyes.
“Hey.” She leaned up on an elbow, and that was when she noticed she wasn’t in his bed, or her own. “Why am I in the hospital?”
Devon took a deep breath, sitting back in the chair resting beside her bed. He kept hold of her fingers. “You were drugged.”
Panic shot through her in a rush. “Seriously?”
He nodded. “Don’t worry. You’re safe. They had you hooked to an IV for a bit to help flush your system, but pretty much sleeping it off was the best option.”
She still couldn’t believe it. She clung to his hand as she tried to make sense of his words. “Drugged? How did that happen? What kind of drug? When did I get it?”
“We’re still trying to find the answers to some of those questions. They’ve tested you, now they’re looking through things back at HQ. I told them you had a hot drink while you were waiting for me.” Devon dragged his hand through his hair, and even through her confusion and upset at waking in the hospital, she noticed again how tired he looked.
She also realized she had to get up. “Where’s the bathroom?”
That pulled a smile from him. “This way. I’ll escort you.”
She might have slept, but the mirror didn’t hide the evidence of her exhaustion—she should probably crawl back in and sleep for an entire week. Alisha stretched, finding her balance and strength returning even though she still felt as if she’d been hit by a truck. The low-grade nausea remained, the headache.
Devon waited for her outside the door, leaning on the wall as he looked around wearily, and she smiled sheepishly. “Don’t tell me you were here all night.”
He shrugged. “I was worried.”
He led her back to the curtained cubicle, her mind awash with curiosity at his comment. She waited to ask him anything, doing a physical check first. Trying to connect the information she could remember with where she currently was.
It still made no sense, but she couldn’t seem to panic. First because she was far too exhausted, and then because . . .
She glanced away from Devon before he read her mind and figured out how much it meant to her that he’d obviously been at her side all night long.
“You know what’s up? Who do I need to see to get released?”
Devon nodded. “I’ll go get the nurse. Marcus talked to the doctor last night. I think you get to go pretty quick.”
Alisha sat on the edge of the bed. “Marcus was here?”
“Tripp called as well. And Erin this morning.”
She was touched to hear that but didn’t quite know how to react. “I’m good to go as soon as possible.”
She was pretty much rubber-stamped out of the hospital, Marcus having done all the paperwork necessary. She was grateful for Devon’s arm as he guided her out. “Does Lifeline know I’m out of commission for a few days?”
“Marcus knows. He said with both you and Tripp knocked for a loop, he’s screening call-outs hard. He doesn’t want you to worry—if it’s not a three-man job, or something he can help with, he won’t accept it. Not to worry.”
“I’m too tired to argue.” Alisha leaned on the headrest, twisting to watch Devon as he eased the car out of the parking lot. The tension in his jaw was visible even from the side. “Did you sleep at all?”
“Some. In the chair.”
“Great. So comfy.”
He shifted his body, easing into a better position. “I’ll live. Once we’re home I’ll sleep for the next twenty-four hours.”
She wanted to ask more details about what was going on, but he’d already told her everything he knew. The police would come talk to her later—they were already going over Lifeline to figure out if there was anything there to explain what had happened.
She accepted his hand and let him guide her into the house. Didn’t complain as he helped her out of her clothes, but stopped him before he pushed her toward the bed. “I need a shower. I feel as if I’ve been rolling in filth for days.”
He nodded and took her into the bathroom. When he stripped, she was torn between protesting and being grateful for the support of his strong arms. Leaning against him gave her a rock-solid place to rest, her hands spread on his muscular chest. “I wish I had the energy to take advantage of you.”
“Some other time. Right now, let me take care of you.”
When they’d fooled around in the shower before, sexual tension and high passion had driven them. It was different this time as he swayed with her under the heated deluge, the fat showerhead dropping a torrent on them like a heavy rainfall in a tropical country. Devon stroked her shoulders. Her back. His strong fingertips eased muscles that ached without a reason.
She closed her eyes and fought the rolling in her stomach, aftereffects of the drug. Devon turned them, soaking her completely. Brushing her hair off her face. Another twist, and the scent of pears filled the shower.
The slow scrub of a soft washcloth and soap drifted over her skin as Devon washed every bit of her. He supported her with his body, leaning her back and soaping her breasts, tenderness in his touch. Not lingering, but moving on to her stomach, between her legs. Smoothing up the sides of her waist and teasing the edges of her breasts. Intimate, yet his caress so natural her breathing remained relaxed and peaceful, the hint of sexual pleasures lingering, but mainly it was the caress of a friend.
Everywhere he touched tingled briefly as he chased the lingering fear from her, his touch constant and careful.
When he pulled the seat down from the wall and placed her on it, she sighed. “Decadent.”
“Hmm, I’ve never been so happy to have this place.” He rubbed his fingertips over her scalp, washing her hair, bringing up the lather as he kept the suds from slipping into her eyes. He tilted her head and directed the water to rinse the shampoo away, the side of her head resting against his firm abdomen.
Alisha felt cosseted. Pampered beyond belief. Devon used conditioner on her, working his fingers through the long strands and laying them over her shoulders before rinsing again. Water soothing and warm, her stomach settling as everything conspired to bring her ease.
The thick towel he wrapped her in appeared out of nowhere. Her eyelids refused to cooperate and open fully. “You’re too good to me,” she whispered, about all she had the energy for. “I’m ready to pass out again.”
“Sleep is the best thing right now. Don’t fight it.”
But by the time he’d dried them both off, slipped one of his T-shirts over her head, and pulled on boxers, she wasn’t nearly as drowsy. She stared at him as they lay in bed and he stroked her hair, his blue eyes suspiciously dark.
“You okay, Devon?”
He nodded. Paused. “I’m sorry you got hurt.”
That made no sense. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t keep you safe, though.”
Alisha cupped his face, the shadow on his chin rough against her palm. “The police will figure it out. I’ll be fine.”
His gaze darted over her face. “I hope you know I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
Alisha jerked upright, the shock of his words sinking in hard enough to wake her. “Of course, you wouldn’t. Who the hell said otherwise?”
“Shhh.” He attempted to ease her to the mattress, but she was having none of his soothing. She pushed on his chest and he reluctantly allowed himself to be pressed to his back as she glared down.
“Did you get questioned by the police?” He wasn’t going to answer her. His refusal was clear in his eyes. “You did. When you brought me into the hospital.”
“It’s standard procedure,” Devon said. “I’m not upset. And Marcus showed up a few minutes later to clear me, but I wanted to . . .”
He trailed off, catching hold of her face. Cupping her cheeks tenderly and drawing her toward him.
What followed was exquisite. A bare, brief caress of mouths before he let her go. More intimate even than the touch of his lips was the expression in his eyes. “I was so scared,” he whispered. “I never want to see you like that again. It nearly tore me in two.”
Alisha swallowed hard, retreating from the intensity of his confession. Everything she’d experienced blurred together—not only her drug-induced hospital visit, but the rescue the day before, the trip to visit his family, and the hovering menace of Vincent’s demands.
He smiled. “Sorry. A little out of the blue, right? It’s been a roller coaster around here lately.”
She nodded, stroking his skin like a worry stone, the smooth heat under her fingers reassuring her. “I do trust you. I always have, even when we were fighting to be top dog at school. I didn’t want to get involved with you, but that wasn’t because I thought you were terrible.”
“You thought I was a man-whore,” he teased, doing his own stroking, his fingers firm on her thighs as he caressed her under the quilt. “I wasn’t really. Lots of talk, not much action. I was too exhausted trying to keep up with you.”
“That makes two of us, and we’re still working hard.” She arranged herself against him, resting her head on his chest and getting comfortable again. He had tempted her enough in spite of his man-whore status that she’d had to work to refuse him. That confession wasn’t needed anymore, but she did have something else to share. “Thank you for taking care of me these past days. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I think that says a lot about how much I do trust you, and I’m not the only one. You’re a rock, Devon. People know what to expect with you. You might tease a lot, but your work ethic and decision-making skills have never been in question. Not by me. Not by the team.”
Devon stroked her hair, his heart rate solid under her ear. “It’s strange. How there are so many different circles in our lives. Family. School. Work. Friends. All of them see us as someone different.”
She was fading again, the drugs still affecting her, but even washed by waves of fatigue she clued in on his issue.
Maybe the drugs loosened her tongue when she should have held it, but she laid her head on the pillow so she could look him in the eye as she spoke. “When one out of four of your circles is clearly in the minority? I’d say your family must be a bunch of idiots for not seeing what a great guy you are.”
A smile appeared at her bold proclamation. “Go to sleep. I’ll take care of you.”
“Go to sleep yourself. I bet I can sleep longer than you.”
“Always with the damn contests,” he mock-complained. Then a fake snore escaped him, and she giggled as she gave in to exhaustion.