She’d rarely done this—pulled up outside a man’s house with the intention of going in and having sex.

Not that there was anything wrong with the process, but most of her previous sexual experiences had been spontaneous. A movie night at a boyfriend’s house that turned into rolling on the couch until they were sweaty and satisfied. A party where she’d snuck away hand in hand with someone, and they’d impulsively responded to the heat between them. She’d had a handful of lovers over the years, none since she’d come to Banff.

She’d never driven to someone’s house deliberately for a morning of sex. If she and Devon had simply moved from the hot tub to the fucking, she wouldn’t have had to deal with this awkward sensation.

He’d beaten her home. He had a small place in the back of a well-to-do neighbourhood. She parked in the second car slot and stared at the door as she worked up the courage to go in.

She wanted this. Wanted him, that wasn’t the question.

Dammit. She was a mental wreck and needed to slap some sense into herself. When had she become this timid, fearful creature? A flash of Vincent standing over her was far too quick to rise, far too accusing, and she cursed. No. Devon was not Vincent, and the mental comparison of the two made it much easier to persuade herself to get up and head toward the house.

Devon was waiting for her, leaning on the railing outside the open front door. “I thought you were taking a nap.”

“Building up my strength to jump you.” She grabbed him by the shirt lapels and kissed him.

No hesitation on his part. He caught her in his arms and carried her into the house. Her bag fell from her shoulder, abandoned in the doorway as their tongues tangled. Alisha wrapped her legs around his hips, the ridge of his erection unyielding against her clit, and pleasure squeezed out a moan.

He crowded her against the wall, harder pressure in all the right spots increasing her need by the second. The door swung away from them, jerking to a stop and rebounding open as it hit something. She didn’t care. Devon rocked his hips against her and she lost a little more of her mind.

She clutched them together, her strong legs helping him hold her upright. He grabbed her hair and tugged her head to the side, exposing her neck. His lips latched on, and her cry echoed into the room.

“Yes, Devon. Oh, yes.”

All of the resistance she’d put up over the past years—that willpower was totally and utterly gone, replaced with a hunger like she’d never known before. He kissed her again and stole her breath until she was shaking and desperate for him to fill her.

Devon stroked her hair off her face. “Put your legs down,” he ordered.

She rocked against him in protest, rubbing shamelessly in an attempt to drive herself closer to the edge.

“Alisha.” He caught her hips and stilled her. “Don’t pout, and trust me.”

He nipped at her lip before licking it gently, and she unwillingly unwrapped herself from him.

Devon dropped to his knees, taking her pants to the floor, undies vanishing as well in seconds. She stared down, her heart pounding as he caught her under one knee and lifted her leg to the side, exposing her sex to his intent gaze.

“Oh, Devon. Oh . . .

He buried his face between her legs—nothing soft, nothing gentle. His mouth in intimate contact, his tongue darting through her folds and pressing deep. Another swipe before he licked her clit hard, sending electric jolts cascading through her system. She dug her fingers into his hair and held on for dear life.

Her other leg quivered, and she fought to stay vertical. Devon kept up his devilish assault, even as he pressed his free hand over her stomach and pinned her to the wall.

Held secure by his strong grasp, she gave herself over to the sweep of sensation rocking her from top to bottom, his mouth making her pulse beat in far too many sensitive places.

Outside a car drove past, the flash of blue clearly visible through the partially open door. Alisha rubbed her fingertips against Devon’s scalp, the thick fibers of his hair tangled around her fingers as she tugged him higher. Just a little higher to where—

“Damn.” Her head crashed into the wall, unable to hold herself steady any longer as Devon bit her clit and shot her off the edge, propelling her into a climax that removed her power to stand.

She didn’t need the strength. He rose to his feet, taking her with him. Stripping off her top and humming in satisfaction. “Good girl. No bra. I’d tell you how happy that makes me, but I can’t wait.”

Alisha’s shoulders hit the wall again as he caught her by her neck and kissed her, the taste of her pleasure on his tongue in that brief, intense moment before she was hoisted higher and his lips wrapped around her nipple.

Aftershocks continued to shake her, and there seemed to be a direct line between her core and his mouth. He pulled her nipple in, and a rush hit all the nerve endings on the left side of her body. He switched sides and she gasped for air. “Devon. Please. Oh God, please.”

He let go and lowered her enough that he could rest his forehead on hers, staring straight into her eyes. “Please what, Alisha? Eat you out again? Lay you on the floor and fuck you with my fingers until you’re too boneless to move? Bend you over the back of my couch and—”

“Yes. All of it, but first, fuck me. Give me your cock, dammit.”

He grinned. “I knew you had it in you.”

“Not yet, I don’t,” she complained. Alisha laughed with him, his laugh contagious as he adjusted his grip.

“Wrap your legs around me again and hold on tight.”

She followed his directions, and suddenly she was the one in control, clinging to his shoulders, her legs around his waist as he ripped open his zipper and pulled out his cock. She glanced down to see how he was doing, but the man was seriously talented. “How did you get that condom on so fast?”

“Desperation,” Devon quipped. “Second time I promise to be more than a minute man, but dammit, I’m not going to last.”

He caught her by the hips, made one slight adjustment. The broad head of his cock bumped her sex, and he caught her gaze.

Waited for a second. Watched her.

Alisha nodded, fingernails digging into his shoulders. She needed this as badly as he did. “Do it. Fuck me.”

The final word exploded out louder than she’d planned as he thrust upward. A deep penetration, the hard width of his shaft stretching her wide.

He squeezed his eyes shut as if in agony for a second before breathing deeply through his nose and smiling. “Sweet miracle of miracles, I’m finally in your pussy.”

The total satisfaction in his voice would have pissed her off if she hadn’t been thinking the same thing. “Less talking, more fucking. Or you planning on leaving your cock there for a while?”

“Hush, I’m savouring.”

He pulled his hips back slowly, and she couldn’t stop herself from sighing happily. “Feels so good.”

“I’m about three seconds away from rutting on you like a madman, so don’t do anything wild,” he warned.

She dug her nails into his shoulders harder. “Maybe I like madmen.”

That was all it took. She was crushed to the wall, his mouth over hers again as he kissed her. His cock slammed in deep, harder and faster on each thrust until they gasped together. The tingle of orgasm that had never really left her ebbed upward, and when he adjusted his angle, cradling her knees in the crooks of his arms, she caught him by the ears and pulled him away in time to climax, her vision going blurry as she stared into his blue eyes.

Devon slowed for a few strokes as she squeezed around him, gasping for air. She was nowhere close to being on the way to recovery before he changed tempo again, palms tight to the wall, over her like a wild animal.

Alisha hung on the best she could, shocked that before he came, she’d peaked again. Or maybe her orgasm simply hadn’t stopped. But when he buried himself to the root, their groins meshed together, another wave hit, pleasure encompassing her body.

Nothing left in her brain but sheer physical bliss.

Devon scooped her toward him slightly, his hands firm on her naked back as he dropped in unsteady jerks to the floor. They ended up in a compact pile, her in his lap with his cock embedded in her sex. He slipped his arms from under her knees and cradled her closer, his warmth a blanket around her as they fought to catch their breaths.

Devon pressed his lips to her temple and let out a long, satisfied sigh. “Okay, I’m good for us to start now.”

She laughed. “Start?”

“Hell, yeah. That was to take the edge off. You didn’t have any plans for the day, did you?”

Sex all day long sounded perfect right now. “If you feed me, I’m yours.”

Devon tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted her lips to his. This time the kiss was far more tender. Still made all the hyperactive hormones in her body stand up and cheer with excitement. He brushed their lips together softer and softer until the connection between them was merely a light caress, their breaths mingling as he spoke against her mouth.

“I’ll feed you. Fuck you. Maybe do them both a couple times. Sound good?”

“Such a dirty mouth.” Alisha grinned. “Sounds wonderful.”

* * *

What an answer to his cravings. That twist in his day had been the last thing he’d expected when he forced himself out of bed in the morning, but hell if he’d take it for granted. Or bitch about it either. He helped her up and dealt with the condom. Alisha took advantage of his distraction to snatch his T-shirt off the floor and pull it over her head.

He retrieved his sweats and pulled them on, if only to stop the semi he was still wearing from hanging in the breeze.

Alisha grabbed her bag from where it lay in the middle of the entrance, and he closed the door more carefully this time. Damn, had they really had sex with the door wide open?

He couldn’t stop grinning, so he was pretty happy to see that she wore a nearly identical expression. “We’re going to have to work this out of our systems before we go out in public or it’ll be damn obvious what we’ve been up to.”

Alisha paused, her bag slung over her shoulder, socks on her feet, legs bare as she clutched her clothing in a fist. “Shit. The team.”

Devon waved her farther into the house. “Don’t worry about them. We have other things to concentrate on professionally when we get together. They won’t care if we’re fooling around.”

“But it’s not—”

Devon wasn’t going to let her even start down that path. Not after she’d finally given in and let him have a taste of how hot they were together. “It’s not typical, no. When people are sleeping together it can impair their judgment in a rescue situation. But, Alisha, face it. I’m going to watch you like a hawk no matter what. Which is in no way different than what I’ve already been doing. We’re part of a team that’s been together for years. You think I haven’t been willing to make the tough, snap decisions up to now? To do whatever I could to save your ass?”

She shook her head, following him into his bedroom. “You’re right. Our situation is different.”

“Damn right it is. There’s no rule in Lifeline about sex between employees being out of line, and I’d be just as willing to take a hit for Xavier’s ass as for yours.”

Alisha raised a brow. “Really? When will this hitting of asses take place, and can I watch?”

Hell. “You know what I mean.”

She tossed her bag onto the chair and grinned, crowding toward him. “I know you offered me food and fucking. Is there a particular order required to accept that deal?”

Her hands slipped over his skin, a teasing caress as she stroked her way from his waist up to his chest. Devon groaned happily as her fingernails flicked his nipples. “How about we see how long we can last before eating? I have a bit of strength left.”

“Me, too.” Alisha planted her palms against him, then pushed lightly. The force wasn’t enough to topple him to the mattress, not if he didn’t want to go.

He was no idiot. He couldn’t think of anything better than ending up flat on his back, Alisha staring down at him with that naughty expression in her eyes.

“You plan on taking advantage of me?” Devon asked.

She stepped between his knees and leaned forward to plant a hand on his abdomen. “Oh, you’ll like it. Just tell me you have more condoms.”

“Dresser, top drawer.” He pointed. “Bring a few.”

She laughed. “Cocky bastard.”

“That’s the point, isn’t it?”

She returned before he could adjust position. Alisha examined him and the bulge in his pants while wearing a very satisfied smile. “I will admit I’ve lusted over your body for years, Devon. You are mighty fine.”

“I aim to please. Although if you don’t stop looking and start doing, I won’t be the one waiting on my back for long.”

“Patience. You know that rule.”

His dick was at full strength again as she carefully lowered the waist on his pants, easing the elastic over his cock. “Move decisively. That’s what we need at this moment. Fuck—”

Alisha glanced up from where she’d licked the tip of his cock. “Decisive enough for you?”

He shook his head. “Not yet, but you’re on the right track.”

She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked. Just the right amount of pressure, not nearly enough range of motion. “You need some lube to help you with that?”

“I’ve got it under control, thanks.”

Brain-busting, how she took control. Her tongue darted out again and again, teasing all around his cock. She hummed happily as she worked him over, slicking him up with her saliva until the pumps of her fist were smooth and far too precise to be ignored.

“In case you’re wondering, I like what you’re doing very much.” Alisha pulled him erect and lowered her mouth over the head of his cock, wet heat engulfing him. He panted for control, grabbing hold of the quilt to stop from catching her head in his hands and taking over. “Okay, like? Is wrong. I fucking love your mouth.”

He loosened his death grip on the sheets and propped himself on his elbows to get a better view. Watching and experiencing the sensations at the same time was the fast-track way to lose control, but hell if he cared. He could get it back up in record time.

He had four damn years of anticipation stored up.

Alisha held him at the base and dipped farther, the crown of his cock bumping her throat, and he swore. She did it again, but this time timed it perfectly so she opened her throat and he was completely enveloped, nothing but her mouth holding him.

Talking was impossible. Thinking was impossible. She worked him over until he forgot all his good intentions. His fingers were threaded in her hair and he was sitting up, Alisha kneeling on the floor between his legs as he guided her down his cock again and again.

A strand of blond hair fell over her forehead, and he clutched it aside, needing to see her face as she took him in. Alisha lifted her gaze, and sweet fuck, he lost it. The hard drag of her mouth, the look in her eyes, the sight of his cock stretching those perfect pouting lips—hard explosive jets shot from him as she maintained eye contact. Stared at him as his cock jerked, semen filling her. She swallowed, her throat visibly moving and he felt it all the way up his spine, as if she were sucking his brains out.

Which was fine by him. Any time she wanted to.

Alisha caught his wrists and pulled him back slightly, his cock still in her mouth but now resting on her lower lip as she licked him clean, and another shock wave rolled through him. “Holy shit.”

She smiled, his cock falling from her lips. She licked them, rocking away to sit on her heels. “Well, that was fun.”

Fun? “Hell, yeah.”

He caught her under the arms and draped her over him while his heart pounded. Her bare legs tangled with his, the heat of their bodies mixing together. She lowered her head to his chest and sighed happily. Her fingertips rested on his chest and she drew small circles on his skin. “I needed that.”

“Any time, any place, be my guest.” Devon stroked her hair, staring at the ceiling. They might have things to work on, but right now? He couldn’t bring himself to worry nearly as much as he should.

She squirmed upright far sooner than he wanted her to, straddling his waist, palms pressed to his chest as she examined him.

The colour of her eyes seemed different as she looked him over. “Are you wearing contacts?”

Alisha grinned. “No. Are my eyes blue right now?”

He nodded. “More blue than usual. Are you some kind of alien creature? Now that we’ve shared intimate contact you’re going to take over my brain?”

Her fingers stroked his cock and he couldn’t help his instant response. Her grin only got wider. “I’m already affecting one of your brains.”

She got that right.

He rolled them, trapping her under him and nuzzling her neckline, nipping his way back to her mouth to take in more kisses. Soft woman under him, her willing embrace enveloping him. Arms and legs catching him close—they would have been fucking again in three minutes flat if her stomach hadn’t grumbled like crazy.

They broke apart, Devon rising over her, even now reluctant to leave her warmth. “Tell me we’re coming right back here after I feed you.”

Alisha raised a brow. “Well, we could come back here, or we could try a few of the other things you mentioned.”

Hmm, oh yeah. “Back of the couch?”

Her laughter rang as he got to his feet and pulled her to vertical. “Only if you close the door this time.”

“Not into performing for the neighbours? Exhibitionism isn’t your thing?”

He accepted the pants she handed him. If he’d expected to make her squirm it hadn’t worked. Alisha backed out his bedroom door, staring him down as she spoke. “Well, I never said that.”

She twisted and disappeared down the hall while his brain tried to catch up. Devon hurried to pull on his sweats, hopping forward as he pulled them up one leg. “Wait a minute, does that mean what I think it means? Alisha, don’t you say something like that and then walk away.”

He caught her in the kitchen already digging in his fridge. The smooth curve of her ass—God, he was fixated—wiggled at him as she pulled things from the trays. Devon laid a hand on the tight curves and stroked lightly.

She straightened and pressed sandwich fixings against his chest. “Food now, more fucking later. I don’t think we need to plan the details, do we? Surprises are so much more fun.”

Alisha sashayed to the right and pulled a loaf of bread forward. Devon jerked himself back to control, unable to stop grinning.

They might have had a hell of a week, but he would totally take it.
