The next night Mona and Judy decided to be even more daring and go to the most exclusive cocktail lounge in the city. Neither one of them had dared go into the place before, but as a team they feel bolder. Dressed in their very best clothes, hair freshly done, they entered and took a table.

The bartender himself hurried over to them, but he didn't look happy. "I want you out of here right now," he said. "We don't allow that kind of thing in here!"

Mona looked bewildered, but Judy gasped and said, "Oh, wow, he thinks we're hookers!"

Mona blushed hotly and was about to give the bartender a piece of her mind, when a distinguished-looking man in his fifties strolled over to their table. "You've made a mistake, Mike," he told the bartender. "These young ladies are good friends of mine."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vincent," the bartender apologized. "What will you ladies have to drink?"

"They'll be joining me," the man said. "Bring them whatever they want."

Of course Mona and Judy had never seen the guy before in their lives, but they felt grateful to him, so they joined him at his table where he'd been drinking with another wealthy-looking older man. Mr. Vincent insisted that the young women call him George, and he introduced his friend as Harry. He paid for a round of drinks from a thick wad of big bills.

"Thanks for coming to our rescue, George," Mona said.

"Not at all, my dear," he said, "but if you'd really like to show your appreciation, perhaps you and your friend would join Harry and me for a private party."

Mona and Judy exchanged glances. These men were certainly respectable and quite rich, but they were older than the girls had had in mind – old enough to be their fathers, in fact. Still George and Harry were attractive, and it would be different to get it on with some wealthy older men. Without speaking, the girls were in agreement.

"We'd love to come to your party. George," Mona said.

George had a limousine, and it took the four of them to the city's finest hotel where, he informed the girls, he had the penthouse suite. Mona and Judy were terrifically impressed. The suite was lavishly decorated, with carpets about a mile thick and a spectacular view of the city lights. There was even a male servant to wait on them, but George dismissed his for the night and said they'd serve themselves.

When the servant had gone, George opened a bottle of champagne, poured glasses for everyone and said, "How would you ladies like to earn a hundred dollars apiece?"

"We're not hookers," Mona said indignantly.

"I know that, my dear," George chuckled, "but Harry and I feel like a little entertainment, and it wold be only one night's work. Just think of it as moonlighting."

"Hell, why not?" Judy grinned.

Why not, indeed? Mona thought. They were going to wind up fucking these guys anyhow, so why not get paid for it? She agreed, and George gave each of them a hundred-dollar bill.

"Fine," he leered, "I'll start the music now."

"Music?" Mona said.

"For you to strip by, dear," Harry grinned.

Mona and Judy stared at each other. They'd thought they were being paid to go to bed with these men, not put on a burlesque show. "Jesus," Mona whispered to her friend, "what are we gonna do?"

A look of mischief sparked in Judy's eyes. "Hell, let's fake it," she said.

Just then George turned on the music – something slow and sensual and the girls started moving to it. The champagne helped. They felt loose and giggly. Mona was the first to kick off her shoes, and Judy followed suit. Then Mona began working on the long zipper down the back of her dress and Judy imitated her. They knew enough to strip gradually and tantalizingly, not just pull their clothes off.

George and Harry sat on the couch watching and sipping champagne. The distinguished-looking men, both graying at the temples, were no better than an audience of hooting teenage boys would have been. They hungrily ogled the girls, licked their lips, and passed whispered laughing remarks. When Mona finally let her dress slither down to her feet and stepped out of it in just her bikini bra and panties, both men slopped champagne on the front of their shirts.

"Fantastic," George said. "Will you look at those tits?"

"I like the little blonde better," Harry said, looking hungrily at Judy.

Mona had to hand it to her friend – her timing was perfect. Just as Harry spoke, Judy let her dress fall. She was wearing nothing but lacy pink panties and matching bra as she stepped out of it. The girls continued swaying to the music, and by now the men were on the edge of their seats. Mona reached back and unhooked her bra, letting it slide off her arms.

"Jesus," George panted.

Both men ogled her huge melon-shaped tits and their large conical nipples. Her big tits swayed and quivered as she moved. Then it was Judy's turn, and she saucily whisked off her bra and threw it at Harry. It lauded in his lap, but he hardly noticed. His eyes were glued to Judy's high-riding, perfectly round little tits. Judy and Mona exchanged amused glances. This evening was turning into a wonder fully kinky adventure.

They slipped their thumbs under the waistbands of their panties and began inching the little garments down with enticing slowness. Mona added another teasing note when she suddenly turned her back on the men and popped her panties down over the luscious firm rounds of her ass. Judy did the same, and then they faced the men again.

Mona took the plunge, easing her panties down over the thick dark triangle of her bush. The panties slithered down her legs and she kicked them away, dancing stark naked. Judy copied her movement, unveiling the pretty golden puff of her bush and letting her panties fall to the floor. The girls stopped and stood still before the men just as the music ended.

"Excellent," George said, "a really good show."

"I've always told you, amateurs do betters," Harry said. "They really put themselves into it."

"We'll see," George grinned. "We haven't tested them in everything yet. Come here my dear."

He beckoned to Mona, and she walked over to him. "Undress me," he ordered.

Mona obeyed, and Judy performed the same service for Harry. The girls' interest was picking up fast as they removed their partners' clothes. These guys were in good shape – lean, tan and well-muscled. They probably spent a lot of time at the gym and on the tennis courts. As Mona drew off George's shorts she found his six-inch prick stiff as a board. Judy had the same luck with Harry.

"And now, ladies," George said, "we're going to have a little cock-sucking contest. The first girl to get her man off is the winner."

That sounded exciting to Mona, but she saw a stricken look on Judy's face. Her friend leaned close to her and whispered, "I never blew a guy before, Mona. What'll I do?"

"Copy me," Mona said hastily. The men were looking impatient.

George sat on the edge of the couch, his thick boner rising rigidly from a patch of black and silver cock hairs. Mona dropped to her knees before him and fisted the hot throbbing base of his prick. She popped the rest of his dick between her lips, then drew in her cheeks sharply to sheath his meat in scalding juicy flesh. Glancing over, she saw that Judy was frantically imitating her movements, cramming Harry's big stiff cock into her mouth.

"That's it, girls," George panted. "Now suck!"

Mona felt like a racehorse coming out of the starting gate. She began to suck furiously on George's cock, her long dark hair flying, and her juicy mouth plunged up and down the granite shaft of his dick. She sucked harder and faster than she'd ever done before, and George reacted with groans and snorts of pleasure. Soon his tasty hot cock-juice was dripping onto her tongue.

"Christ, yes," George whined, "suck that meat, baby. Really give it to me."

"Awwwwww, Jesus, awwwwwwww!" Harry was bawling.

Mona snaked her scorching wet tongue all over George's heavily pulsating prick, and she applied powerful vacuum pressure to the thick meat. She took another quick glance to see how Judy was doing. The girl was a quick learner. Her short curly blonde hair was bouncing as she bobbed hungrily over Harry's big cock. Her pink-glassed lips, hugely stretched, zipped up and down the spit-soaked shaft, while Harry panted and whined with lust.

"You're sucking me good, baby," he moaned, "real good."

Mona saw that she was in real danger of losing the contest, so she sucked even harder on George's juice-dribbling dick, her mouth tugging and stretching his meat and suctioning the hot cream right out of his piss hole. George was breathing loudly and harshly, his face flushed with arousal, his eyes hot and glassy. He had to be very close to coming.

"Shit, yeah, suck my dick," he whined. "Suck it!"

But Harry was just as wildly excited, his face was red with lust, his teeth flashing as he panted. Mona could hear the lewd wet slurping noise Judy was making as she sucked furiously at his prick. For a beginner, she was doing very well – too damned well. Mona decided to add another stimulus to her blow job. She reached up and cupped George's big hairy nuts, giving them a brisk hot massage.

"Ahhhhhh, Jesus, that's good," he groaned. "Yeah, baby squeeze my nuts."

Unluckily for Mona, Judy heard him and copied the trick at once, squeezing fistfuls of Harry's bloated fur-thatched balls. Harry whined blissfully, and his eyes started to roll. He'd be coming very soon now. There was only one other trick Mona could think of that might bring George off first. She opened her throat and took his rigid boner all the way to his balls.

"Christ!" George yelled. "Jesus, Harry, will you look at this – she swallowed my dick!"

Harry looked, and sure enough, Mona's slender throat was bulging with George's thick cock. His nut sac was scraping her chin as she sucked him. George was going out of his mind with pleasure as he felt his dick squeezed and tugged in the tight slick tube of her throat. He spun out of control, jerking his hips, feverishly fucking her mouth and throat.

"Awwwww, shit, it's good," he bawled. "Get ready to eat my load, baby."

But Judy, not to be outdone, gave a big swallow and took Harry's bloated prick into her throat. Then the room was filled with the men's hoarse cries of pleasure as the two young women sucked like mad on their hugely swollen pricks. George whined and drilled his steely rod even deeper into Mona's hot gripping throat, and then she felt the first scorching blast of his jizz.

"I'm coming!" he yelped. "Awwwwww, eat it!"

But Harry was yelling right along with him. "Shit, yeah!" he bellowed. "Eat my come, baby – awwwwww!"

Bath girls felt their throats and mouths filled with searing hot cum, and they had to swallow fast or drown on the stuff. Mona could tell by the greedy way Judy was gulping down Harry's jizz that the little blonde really got off on cock sucking. So did Mona. She went for every last drop of George's salty come-juice, and when his dick finally slipped from her mouth, she hungrily licked her lips.

"Well, I guess we'd have to call that a tie," George said. "But you girls were terrific."

"I'll say," Harry sighed. "Amateurs are definitely best."

They paused for some snacks and more champagne, and Mona and Judy had a chance to talk alone for a moment.

"Isn't this fun?" Judy said, eyes sparkling.

"It's pretty wild, all right," Mona laughed. "I wonder what crazy thing they'll want us to do next?"

Jerry would just shit if he saw her now standing naked with two strange men, casually sipping champagne, engaging in cock-sucking contests. Well, poor old Jerry was missing a whole wonderful universe of sex because of his silly puritanical ideas. Mona felt sorry for him. But she didn't think about Jerry for long, because George came over to her and started fooling around with her big sensitive tits.

He squeezed big fistfuls of the hot satiny flesh and ran his thumbs over her nipples, coaxing the soft cones into erection. Mona shivered with excitement as her nipples grew long and stiff. Harry was playing with Judy's tits, too, making her squeal and quiver. Both girls felt hot pussy juice starting to trickle dawn their, thighs.

"What's next on the program, George?" Mona purred.

"Harry and I like contests," he said, "so we thought we'd see who eats pussy the best."

"Sounds wonderful," Mona said. But again she saw that Judy looked uneasy. "Excuse me a second, George," she said. She hurried over to her friend and whispered, "You never had your pussy eaten before?"

"By Dick? Are you kidding?" Judy sighed.

"Well, listen," Mona said, "you're gonna love it. It's the most fantastic thing I've ever felt."

"Really?" Judy said, brightening.

Mona grinned, nodded, and returned to George. He had her stretch out on the soft deep rug, open her legs as wide as she could, and bend her knees. Harry put Judy into the same position just a few feet away and then the men went belly down between their partners' widely-splayed thighs. Mona shivered in horny anticipation when she felt George's hat breath tickling her naked slit.

"Okay, whoever gets his girl off first is the winner," Harry grinned. "Ready, set, go!"

Mona had a brief glimpse of Harry's graying head meeting Judy's blonde curly muff, and then she wasn't looking any more because violent pleasure was rippling through her pussy. George had his head jammed tight between her thighs, and he was tonguing her swelling moist clit fast and roughly, just the way she liked it best. His tongue lashed with lightning speed over the highly sensitive bud.

"Ooooooo!" Mona squealed. "Shit, yes George – eat me!"

She threw her head back and gurgled with pleasure as his spit-slick tongue lashed her greedy clit. Except for fucking itself, she didn't think there was any greater pleasure for a woman than having her pussy expertly eaten. Dizzily she glanced over to see how Judy was reacting to having a man go down on her for the first time.

"Unnnnhhhhhhhh," Judy was moaning.


She had almost-surprised look on her face as Harry swiftly and noisily tongue-lashed her clit. His big red tongue flicked and scraped over the little button and Judy writhed and whimpered with lusty excitement, her pretty face going rosy and flushed. Mona could see Harry's lapping tongue dripping with her pearly pussy juice.

"Ohhhhhhh, my God, it's so good!" Judy whined.

"Told you so," Mona laughed.

Just then George clamped his lips around her erect little clit and started sucking on it like crazy, tugging and stretching the slick throbbing shaft; Mona felt a blast of pleasure that made her howl. Her aroused cunt gushed a huge flood of juice that splattered George's furiously bobbing chin, and she kicked, writhed and clawed the rug.

"Uhhhhhhh, shit, yes!" she wailed. "Suck me off, George. Suck!"

She had to give him credit – he was the best damned pussy eater she'd encountered so far. He got her wet slippery clit firmly between his lips and sucked it fast, hard and noisily, making obscene slurping and gobbling noises. Pleasure wracked her body, and she couldn't control the helpless heavy creaming of her cunt. George's face had to be dripping with the musky syrup by now.

"Uh-h-h-h-h-h," she whined. "You're sucking me so good, honey. Unnngghhhhh!"

She heard more wet gobbling and slurping noises, but this time from Harry. He was sucking hard on Judy's clit and the little blonde was going out of her mind with pleasure. Her head was thrown back, eyes rolling, little pink tongue lolling out, said Harry's face glistened with her gushing pussy juice. Her high-riding tits wobbled like jello.

"Eeeeeee," she shrieked. "Eeeeee!"

Mona was infected by her friend's wild excitement, and she slammed her squirting clit hard between George's lips, urging him into even faster and harder sucking. The hot pleasure built in her pussy till she could hardly stand it. She arched her body sharply, increasing the sizzling friction between her clit and his tugging lips, and suddenly she felt a dizzying explosion of pleasure.

"Oh, shit, I'm coming!" she shrieked.

Just at that moment Judy gave a piercing wail, and her petite body began to jerk and convulse. "You're doing it to me," she moaned. "I'm coming – aaahhhh!"

The two young women bucked and howled as the powerful pleasure spasms rocked their bodies. George and Harry came up for air, wiping their cream-drenched faces and exchanging grins. They watched their partners convulsing in climax, tits bobbing wildly, cunt mouths gushing thick steaming juice. At last the girls went limp and panting.

"Another tie," Harry chuckled.

"Oh, well, what the hell," George laughed. "At least everybody's having fun. More champagne, girls?"

Mona and Judy were getting really high on the champagne and on all the kinky games George and Harry thought up. It was an insane night but, like George said, terrific fun, Mona found herself sitting naked on George's lap as she sipped her drink. His cock was stiff as steel again, poking up between her thighs and rubbing deliciously against her swollen gash.

"Mmmmmmnw," she cooed, "look at that gorgeous hard-on."

"Just for you, baby," George leered.

Mona realized that although they'd all been carrying on for more than an hour, they hadn't fucked yet. She was more than ready. She slid off George's lap and went to her hands and knees on the thick rug, hoisting her trim round ass up in the air. George hurried to kneel behind her, grasping her writhing hips and rubbing the big hard knobby head of his dick up and down the puffy wet lips of her pussy, teasing her with it.

"George, dammit, shove your cock in me," Mona panted. "I'm HORNY!"

"I'd never have guessed," George chuckled, still lazily massaging her dripping slit with the hot hard knob.

"Ohhhhh, damn," Mona sobbed, jerking her hips, trying to impale her famished cunt on his big rigid dick. "Quit playing around, George. I wanna FUCK!"

"George," Harry said. "I think she's trying to tell you something."

He was sitting on the couch with Judy curled up next to him, lazily playing with her tits. They watched eagerly as George teased Mona into a frenzy of need with his stroking cock. Finally he was tired of playing, and he drew back, rammed hard, and sank his six-inch boner to the hilt in her boiling juicy little cunt. Mona lurched violently as she took it.

"Ahhhhhh, yes!" she shouted. "That's it, George, get that big cock into meeee."

George took a firm grip on her jerking hips and started fucking into her good and hard, just the way her pussy craved it. Mona shrieked with pleasure and clawed the rug as his rock-hard dick stuffed every inch of her hungry little fuck hole. Watching from the couch, Judy squirmed lustily and licked her lips.

"Ohhhhh, Harry," she panted. "I'm getting so turned on. Could we fuck, too, please?"

"Sure baby," he leered, "just open your legs." Judy flopped down on her back and flung one leg up over the back of the couch. She let the other leg dangle off the edge of the seat, lewdly exposing her gleaming red slit. Harry grinned lustily and scrambled between her legs, his bloated cock wagging stiffly. He punched the big purple knob of his cock-head into her tiny twat, snorted with excitement, and shoved the rest of the way into her.

"Eeeeeee!" Judy squealed. "Oh, shit, yes, Harry, fuck that big cock into me – fuck!"

Now both couples were in noisy action, Harry and Judy fucking furiously at each other on the couch, while George slammed his juice-drenched prick into Mona's thirsty little pussy hole from behind. The men snorted and groaned as they sank their cocks into scorching wet pussy pulp and the girls screeched and whined as they took the stiff slamming meat.

"Fuck it to me, baby, fuck!" Mona wailed.

"Ahhhhhh, Harry, I love it!" Judy shrieked. "Fuck me good, honey, don't stop."

But everybody had gotten wildly aroused from all the kinky games they'd played, not to mention the champagne, and soon they were all whining and quivering on the very brink of orgasm. Mona came first, screaming with pleasure as the violent spasms shook her big-titted body. As her cunt went tight as a vise around his plowing prick, George yelped and started to flood her twat with loads of red-hot jizz.

"Ahhhhhh, give it to me, cream meeeeee!" Mona cried.

"Take my load, baby, aaaggghhh!" George bawled.

Judy and Harry were coming right along with them, filling the room with howls and shrieks. When he finally shot the last drops of his come, Harry sighed and said, "Man, I'm not as young as I used to be. I feel fucked out."

"Me, too," George admitted. "We don't want you lovely young ladies to leave yet, but we need reinforcements."

He reached for the phone.
