When Jerry got home the next evening he found Mona waiting for him in a brand-new negligee. The black semi-sheer gown was low cut, showing the ripe cleavage of her big tits, and he could see the dark outlines of her nipples and bush. He frowned in disapproval.

"That outfit's kind of daring, don't you think?" he said.

"Why, no, darling," Mona purred, "I thought it was just right for the occasion. I wanted to give you a nice welcome home."

She threw her arms around him and gave him a long lingering kiss, working her hot little tongue in to his mouth. She figured he'd be so horny after a week on the road that he'd just have to respond. But she was wrong. Jerry stiffened and stood there like a statue, and as she drew away she found him scowling. Now what to do?

She'd hoped the sexy negligee and the warm welcome would cut through his inhibitions, but she should have known better. Jerry was set in his ways. The only way left to change him would be to shock him out of his old-fashioned puritanical opinions. She hadn't wanted an angry confrontation, but it looked as if she had no choice.

"Jerry," she said, "I want a divorce."

"WHAT?" he gasped. She'd really gotten to him with that one. "What in hell do you mean, Mona? Everything was okay when I left," he said.

"No, it wasn't okay," Mona said, "not for me, anyhow. Our sex life stinks, Jerry. We've been doing the same thing for five years, and I'm bored to death. I want out."

She didn't really want out, of course. She just wanted Jerry to change his ways. She realized in this moment how much she loved him. He must love her, too, because he was pale with shock.

"Christ, honey," he said. "I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry, but you know how I was raised. I don't know if I can do it any differently."

"You'll have to, Jerry," Mona said firmly. "Or I'm leaving. Take your choice."

He shook his head in confusion. "I gotta think about this," he said. "Give me a couple minutes."

"All tight," Mona said. "I'll be waiting in the bedroom."

Those were the longest minutes of her life. She'd taken an awfully big gamble, and she might just wind up losing everything. But what choice did she have? She couldn't go on with Jerry the way they were now. She'd go crazy if she didn't have decent sex. The past week's adventures had taught her that. She waited, and at last Jerry walked into the bedroom.

"Okay," he said nervously, "I'll try to change, Mona. I don't want any damned divorce. But, Jesus, I don't even know where to start."

"That's all right, darling," Mona beamed. "I'll show you."

"How can you show me?" Jerry said. "You don't know any more than I do."

Oh, didn't she? Stan, Brian, Tim, Len, George and all the others – she'd had plenty of expert teachers in her crash course in sex. But of course she couldn't tell Jerry that. He must never know about her one week's vacation from marriage.

"I know quite a bit, Jerry," she said, "because I've been reading. Trust me, we're going to have a wonderful time. And we'll start by undressing each other."

Jerry blushed beet red, just as she'd expected him to, but he bit his lip and didn't say anything. Grinning, Mona walked over to him and started tugging off his t-shirt. Right away she got excited! Jerry's broad hair-matted chest had always turned her on. Tossing his t-shirt aside, she dropped to her knees and helped him out of his boots and socks.

She reached for the zipper of has jeans, and Jerry said uneasily. "Honey, I can do that."

"Of course you can, darling," Mona purred, "but it's a lot more fun if I do it." She wasn't going to take one bit of prudish crap from him, not this time. Tonight things were going to go her way for a change.

While Jerry stood there blushing and embarrassed, Mona unzipped his fly and let his jeans drop. The crotch of his jockey shorts showed no sign of a hard-on. Well, if he gave her half a chance, she'd soon have him in the mood for fucking. She pulled down his shorts, and he stepped out of them naked. Mona stood up.

"Now you undress me," she purred.

There wasn't much to that – all she was wearing was the negligee. But Jerry's big fingers fumbled and fumbled with the bow of her belt before he finally got it untied. He opened her gown and let it slide off her shoulders. Then he showed the first spark of interest, his eyes gliding quickly and hungrily over her slim big-titted body.

"Gee," he said. "I guess that wasn't so bad."

Mona almost groaned. Did he think that was it? That the only change she wanted was for them to undress each other before fucking? Well, he sure had another thought coming. She forced a smile.

"No, it wasn't bad," she said, "and that's just for openers. We're going to have lots of fun together tonight, dear. Let's get onto the bed."

Jerry nodded and started to turn down the covers, but Mona stopped him and patted them back into place. She'd said onto the bed, not into it. She lay down on the spread. Jerry did the same, still red with embarrassment, and he reached over to turn off the bedside lamp.

"No," Mona said, "leave it on."

"But, honey," Jerry said, "is that right?"

"Of course it's right," Mona said firmly. "There's no reason to be ashamed of our bodies. And you've got to do it just as I say, Jerry, or this isn't going to work."

"Oh, all right," he sighed.

Still no hard-on! Jerry seemed about as aroused as if he were visiting the dentist. Mona proposed to take care of that in short order. She reached out and fisted his warm silky-skinned dick, curling her fingers around it and pumping it slowly and sensuously. Jerry blushed even harder.

"Jesus, Mona," he said. "Nice women don't do things like that."

"Oh yes, they do, dear," she said. "Times have changed. Consenting adults do whatever feels good. Now just relax, Jerry, and think about having fun."

She took a firmer grip on his cock and pumped it faster and harder in her hot little fist. Jerry just looked uncomfortable. Well, she wasn't beaten yet, not by a long shot. She'd saved her best tricks for last. She gripped the thick base of his cock and raised the head to her lips. Her small pink tongue darted out, wet and scalding and slick, and she staled licking his prick.

"Oh, Christ!" Jerry gasped.

She knew she was blowing his mind, but she didn't care. This was her night, and she was going to do all the wild exciting things he'd never permitted before. She hungrily tongue-lashed his hot pulsating prick, leaving every inch of it gleaming with her boiling spit. Jerry lay quivering and breathing heavily. Was she finally getting to him?

She found herself actually drooling onto his blue-veined prick. For so long she'd wanted to lick and taste his meat. She wriggled her pointed tongue tip into his slit of a piss hole, hoping to find some tasty juice, but still Jerry didn't respond.

Time to fire her biggest gun. She popped the head of his cock between her lips and gave it a powerful suck, drawing the whole length of his semi-hard dick into her mouth.

"Mona, for God's sake," Jerry gasped, "you know that's not right. You – ahhhhhh, Jesus!"

The moment he started his protest, Mona had begun sucking like crazy on his cock. She drew in her cheeks hard and raised her tongue, sheathing his prick in scorching juicy-wet flesh. She gave powerful vacuum pressure to her sucking, stretching and tugging his meat. She had it all in her boiling mouth, his big hairy balls rubbing her chin.

It was all too much for Jerry. He'd been on the road a whole week, and he really was horny. Mona had put him off for awhile with her outrageous demands, but now he just couldn't hold back his lust. Her mouth was fiery hot, slick and wet around his cock, just like a nice juicy pussy. He responded instinctively, hot arousal ripping through his loins.

"Awwwwwww," he moaned.

Mona was an enticing sight, too, bent low over him, her big stiff-nippled tits grazing his body, her dark hair flying as she sucked loudly and hungrily on his cock. Jerry had always tried to obey the teachings of his strictly religious parents, but some mocking little voice in his head was telling him that all their preaching was bullshit, that sex was really meant to be wild and free and fun.

Mona's hotly sucking mouth felt fantastically good around his prick. He whined and sank down on the bedspread, giving himself up to the searing pleasure of having his cock sucked. He felt his balls spasm and start to fill with a hot load of jizz. He was getting more uncontrollably excited by the second. Maybe Mona was right. Maybe they'd been missing out on all kinds of fun in the sack.

"Mmmmmmmm," Mona murmured.


She was getting wildly aroused from sucking her husband's cock for the very first time. And now she felt him starting to respond. The base of his prick began to thicken, pushing her lips wide apart, and his cock mushroomed into stiffness, the big knobby head butting into her throat. She had to draw back a little or choke on it. As she did so, his hot tasty cock juice began to drip onto her tongue.

"Ummmmmmmm," she moaned.

Jerry realized she was eating his dribbling juice. She let the salty stuff collect on her tongue, savoring it, then swallowed it with a loud greedy gurgling noise. He should have been shocked and outraged, but instead he felt wildly turned on. Her mouth was snug, scalding, and deliciously juicy around his swollen stiff prick and she was sucking him hard and fast.

"Ahhhhhh, Christ, yes!" Jerry bellowed.

Mona quivered with excitement. At last she'd gotten to him. He obviously adored having his prick sucked. Well, then, she'd give him a blow-job he'd never forget. She fisted half his thickly bloated eight-inch boner and sucked like mad on the rest. With her free hand she cupped and massaged his taut hairy nut sac.

Jerry's big hard-muscled body was quivering like jello as the pleasure spasms ripped through his cock and balls. Always when they'd fucked before, he was in control of himself except for the few seconds of orgasm. Now Mona was in control, driving him out of his mind with lusty excitement. Helplessly he shuddered, moaned, panted, and dribbled steaming cock juice onto her tongue.

"It's good, baby, real good," he whined. "Jesus, yeah, suck my dick, feels terrific."

Mona could have kissed him but her mouth was already very busy on his thick eight-inch cock. She was sucking it fast and hard, and she was gulping down every drop of his delicious hot juice. Her free hand kept up a steady sensual massage of his bloated furry balls. Jerry was breathing loudly and harshly now, whirring with ecstasy as she blew him.

"Awwwwww, honey, fantastic," he panted. "But you better quit before I come in your mouth."

Mona shook her head vigorously and continued to suck like crazy on his cream-drooling dick.

It got through to Jerry that she wanted to eat his come. An hour ago he would have been shocked and disgusted at the idea, but once she'd started sucking him off, his opinions had reversed themselves. Now he was wickedly excited by the thought of giving, her a big steaming mouthful of jizz.

"Okay, baby, if that's what you want," he groaned, "that's what you're gonna get."

Again Mona felt a horny shudder rippling through her body. It was such an incredible turn-on to see and hear Jerry like this. He was a helluva lot sexier when he let himself go and let all of his lusts pour out. Now he started fucking her mouth, cramming his big creaming dick right into her throat, sawing the stiff prick over her tongue. She responded with even louder and greedier sucking.

"Get ready," he panted. "Awwwwww, shit! Awwwwwwww, eat my cum!"

Mona felt the first molten spurt of his juice, and she sucked furiously at his squirting prick. Her mouth filled with the hot salty load till her cheeks bulged and some of the sticky juice dripped from the corners of her lips. Then she had to swallow or drown. She'd hardly gulped down the first load of steaming jizz before he filled her mouth with another.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned.

"Take it, baby, take it," Jerry whined, fucking her mouth like crazy. "Eat my come!"

Mona lost count of how many hot loads she gobbled before Jerry finally slumped back limp and panting and his wet prick slipped from her lips. She licked her lips, getting every last drop of his delicious cream, then raised her head and grinned at. She wasn't surprised when he blushed lobster red. Not all his old habits could be changed at once.

"Well, now," she cooed, "that wasn't so terrible, was it?"

Jerry laughed helplessly. "Nope, I gotta admit that it's pretty damned good," he said.

"I enjoy it, too, darling," she said huskily. "I've always wanted to suck your cock and eat your cum. There's so much I've wanted to do with you."

"Yeah, and it was really stupid of me not to let you do it," Jerry sighed. "I guess I was just afraid of turning you off."

"Me? Don't be silly." Mona pinned. "If it feels good, we should do it."

"You really mean that?" he leered. "Because there's something I been wanting to do to you for a long time."

"Then why don't you just do it, darling?" Mona grinned.

Jerry rolled her onto her back and pushed open her legs. Mona could hardly believe it when he scrambled between them, stuck out his tongue, and began lashing her naked slit. Jerry eating pussy? It totally blew her mind. But then maybe all these years he'd been having secret lusty fantasies just like she had. She quivered with pleasure as his big hot tongue raked her gash.

"Oh, darling, I love that," she panted. "Oooooooo, yeah, baby, eat my pussy good!"

"You're gonna have to tell me how," Jerry chuckled. "I got the inclination, but I don't know the technique."

"Start with my clit," Mona said eagerly. "Lick it and suck it."

Jerry responded immediately, folding back the furry lips of her bush and isolating the bright red bud of her clit. He went at it with the pointed tip of his tongue, flicking and lashing and raking the slick little button, and Mona squealed with lusty excitement. She could tell Jerry really got off on eating her – his hot spit was dripping onto her pussy.

She realized that her grim puritanical husband had always been a tiger in disguise. He gobbled noisily at her throbbing joy button, snuffling and snorting. He lapped up her gushing pussy cream and swallowed it greedily. Mona couldn't have been happier. All the restrictions were gone, and they could let themselves go and have a fantastic time.

"Oooooooo, yeah, eat me, Jerry," she whimpered. "That feels so fucking good!"

She was writhing, screeching, yelling dirty words, and Jerry didn't mind at all. It just added to his own mounting excitement. He used to be ashamed of his horny fantasies about gobbling Mona's pussy. Not any more! The real thing was such a fantastic turn-on, he knew he could never go back to their prim dull routine.

"Ahhhhhhh, Jerry, you're getting me so hot," Mona cried hoarsely. "Get me off now, honey -suck me!"

Again Jerry's response was instant end eager. He clamped his lips around the heavily throbbing shaft of her clit and began sucking it hard and loud. Mona almost flew off the bed the pleasure was so violent. She creamed a huge steaming load of juice that drenched his face. He was sucking her deliciously, tugging and stretching her horny clit between his lips.

"Ahhhhh, God, I love it!" she wailed.

Her legs fell wide open, and Jerry burrowed deeper into her steaming, sopping pussy, sucking furiously on her joy button. Mona's hips jerked in a helpless fucking motion, and she crammed her hotly aroused clit back and forth between his sucking lips. She felt the pleasure building in her pussy till it exploded in a body-wracking orgasm.

"Ohhhhh, Jerry, I'm coming!" she wailed. "Aaahhhhhh, yes!"

Jerry gripped her grinding ass and held her in place, still sucking greedily on her clit as she came. He used to be worried about the violence of Mona's orgasms, afraid he wasn't giving her enough of them. But not any more! The harder he made her come, the better. He loved it when she shrieked, rocked and flooded his face with her hot come.

"Ooooooh, Jerry, that was beautiful," she sighed. "I just love the way you eat my pussy."

"Imagine us talking like this," he laughed.

"Well, isn't it about time?" Mona leered.

"It's way overdue," he said. "I'm sorry about being such a Goddamned prude honey, but it sure as hell won't happen again."

And, as if to prove it, he jammed his cream-soaked face into her pussy again, and she felt his big thick tongue plunging deep and hard into her cunt.

"Unnnhhhh, YES!" Mona screeched. "Stick that big ol' tongue up my cunt, honey! Eat me."

She gurgled with pleasure and tightened her slick cunt tube around his probing, scooping tongue. He reamed her little box in search of fragrant thick cunt juice, raking it out and swallowing it. He was a natural born pussy eater, Mona decided. On his very first try he was eating her better than anyone else had done.

But, she was in for even bigger and better surprises. When he'd reamed out all her musky cream, Jerry started tongue-fucking her, ramming his big stiff tongue hard and fast in her horny pussy hole. His ramming tongue made an obscene wet slurping noise as it forced more hot juice from her gripping cunt.

"Shit, yessss," Mona whined. "Fuck me with your tongue, honey. Yeessss!"

Jerry had even more kinky tricks to surprise her with. Still furiously tongue-fucking her, he seized her swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger and kneaded it roughly. Hot spasms of pleasure ripped through her pussy. Then his final naughty surprise – he jammed his little finger up her asshole and pumped it fast and hard.

"Unnnggghhh, Jerry, you big bastard, I love it!" Mona wailed. "DO it to me. Do everything to me."

She had delicious stimulation of her clit, cunt and shitter. No wonder, she suddenly stiffened, gasped, and felt a gigantic blast of pleasure deep in her pussy. Jerry was bringing her off in three different ways at once. Her body shook violently as she began to climax.

"Unnggghhh, I'm coming!" Mona shrieked.

She'd never come so powerfully in her life. The bed creaked and groaned from her violent bucking and kicking. Jerry kept up the triple stimulus of her asshole, twat and joy button, magnifying her pleasure a thousand times. When the incredible convulsions finally ended, she was gasping for breath. Jerry came up for air, leering at her.

"You ready to take some good hard cock?" he said.

"Only if it's yours," Mona teased.

"Yeah, and it better stay that way, woman," Jerry said. "On your hands and knees."

Mona grinned wickedly as she obeyed. It hadn't taken long to convert Jerry to a new way of life. He was already taking over, calling the shots. Not that Mona minded in the least. She knelt there, trembling with lusty anticipation, scalding pussy juice running down her thighs. Jerry knelt behind, her and grazed her red-hot swollen pussy with the enormous hard knob of his cock-head.

"Put it in," he commanded.

Mona reached back, seized his thick throbbing prick, and greedily jammed it into her drooling little twat. She shoved the rigid spike in as far as she could and creamed all over it. When she let go, Jerry took over, grunting and cramming his wrist-thick boner the rest of the way into her scorching pussy hole. Mona felt deliciously crammed with hard pulsating cock.

"Uhhhbh, yeah, get into meeee!" she wailed.

"Jesus, honev, your cunt's so hot and wet," Jerry panted. "I never felt it this good before."

Mona said. "Now fuck me, Jerry. Fuck me like you never did it before."

"I can guarantee that," he moaned.

He took a good grip on her writhing hips and started fucking into her like a pile driver. Mona had never known him so loud and uninhibited, so animalistic, and she loved it. He growled, snorted, and rammed his big stiff boner with lightning speed in her juicy gripping cunt. With each savage blow she felt hot pleasure blasting through her pussy.

"You like it, baby?" he leered. "Am I fucking you good?"

"Ohhhh, shit, yes," Mona wailed. "You're fucking the living shit out of me, Jerry, and I love it. Don't ever stop, baby, ever…"

She wasn't putting him on. Jerry was giving her the fuck of her life, and she knew she could never get enough of him and his big hard cock. It had been fun with those other men, and it had taught her a lot. In fact it had turned her life around. But now she didn't need other men. She had the biggest and best stud of all, her very own husband.
