Nick Eastwood
In Mommy_s bed


Brenda Brown was hurrying from the bathroom to her bedroom, wearing nothing but a hastily draped towel, when she almost collided with her teenage son Mark. "Oh, Mark, honey," she cried, "sorry, I'm in such a hurry. Remember to lock the door when you leave, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," Mark replied as she scooted past him and darted into the master bedroom.

Mark was all ready to leave for a date on that warm Friday night in July, but he lingered outside his mother's half-open door, listening to her hum to herself as she dressed. Brenda was so pretty and sexy, he thought. He just couldn't resist taking an illicit peek at her. Quietly he stuck his head into the room.

Brenda had her back to him and was just dropping her bath towel. Mark had never seen his mother naked before, and his eyes got huge as he studied her tall sleek body, tiny waist, and perfectly-shaped little ass. Her long dark hair was still wet from the shower, and she began to comb it out, still humming to herself. Mark felt his cock starting to stiffen.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath.

He couldn't very well show up for his date with a hard-on, yet he wanted to go on looking at his beautiful mother. She had such a fantastic body, slender yet with big melon-shaped breasts. Mark hoped she'd turn around so he could see her naked tits. On the other hand, if she turned, she'd see him. He'd better find a safer way to spy on her.

As quietly as he could, he inched the door closed, then dropped to his knees and looked through the keyhole. That was more like it. Brenda would have no idea he was watching her. And just as he got settled at his spying post, she turned. His cock went stiff asa board as he ogled her fantastic big tits and little dark bush.

Brenda strode across the room, unaware that she had an audience. She opened a dresser drawer and started sorting through her collection of bras and panties, looking for the most sexy combination she could find. Her husband Gil, a trucker, was due home that evening after almost two weeks on the road, and Brenda wanted to give him a welcome he'd never forget. It made her horny just to think about seeing Gil again, and she felt her pussy start to heat and cream.

She reminded herself that it might be a few hours yet before her husband got there, so she'd better not get all worked up. Of course, she could masturbate, but she didn't really want to do that. She played with herself so much when Gil was away. Tonight she wanted to save herself for the real thing – her husband's huge rock-hard cock. She could hardly wait to take it into her famished cunt.

"Mmmmm, Gil, hurry," she murmured.

She selected a white lace bra and bikini panty set, but she didn't hurry to put them on. Instead she stood before the big dresser mirror and critically studied her body. Was it as good as when she and Gil were first married so many years ago? That was hard to say, but it was still damned good. It was sleek and firm and slender, and her large pointed tits didn't sag at all.

Brenda liked what she saw in the mirror, and she paraded back and forth in front of it a few times, having no idea how much she was arousing her spying son. Mark thought his mother was the sexiest woman in the whole world as she paraded before that mirror, her luscious big tits bouncing. His eyes dropped to the small neat triangle of her bush, and he wished she'd spread her legs so he could see all that mysterious female territory down there. Mark had an awful lot to learn about female anatomy.

For a few precious seconds he got his wish. Brenda paused and faced the mirror squarely, then folded back the dark curls of her bush and isolated the small pink bud of her clit. Sighing softly, she rubbed the sensitive button with the tip of her index finger, giving herself a few tantalizing stabs of pleasure. She needed that much relief from her rapidly mounting horniness. But that was all she allowed herself.

She stepped away from the mirror and put on the pretty little panties and bra. On the other side of the door, Mark was almost groaning with need. His stiff cock felt like it was going to tear its way right out of his jeans, and all he could think about was making it with his gorgeous mom. He tried to imagine how it would feel to sink his engorged boner into her steamy slick cunt.

But that was kind of hard to imagine, because he'd never fucked before. He'd had only a few dates, in fact, and so far he'd never gotten beyond kissing and hand holding. But maybe tonight he'd get lucky. Dana, the girl he was taking out, had a kind of fast reputation. And speaking of Dana, he was going to be late for his date if he didn't get in gear.

He hated to leave. He could have gone on watching his mother a lot longer, especially as she paraded around the room in that skimpy bra and panty set. But he didn't want to blow it with Dana. Sighing, he got to his feet and tiptoed down the hall and out of the house. He wasn't wanted there anyway, he was sure of that. Dad would be home soon, and his parents would want to have the place all to themselves while they made love.

Mark shivered with longing as he thought about his dad fucking his mom. He really envied the old man, getting to go to bed with her whenever he wanted to. Tie was still thinking about how fantastic his mother had looked naked as he backed the family car out of the driveway and headed for Dana's place.

Meanwhile Brenda was using the blow dryer on her long blue-black hair and trying to ignore the fiery need in her pussy. It was too soon to get horny, she told herself. No use putting herself through hours of torment while she waited for Gil. There was no telling just when he'd get there. A lot depended on traffic and on whether he stopped to eat. She'd just better try to think clean thoughts for awhile. She gave that a few seconds of effort, then giggled. It was no go – she definitely had a dirty mind tonight.

She opened the closet arid took out a filmy white negligee that was semi-sheer. Gil would be able to see through it when she greeted him, and she hoped that would give him the right idea. They'd had so little love making these past few years, much too little for Brenda. She wanted to make their few moments together count. She just lipped Gil wasn't all tired out. That had been happening a lot lately.

He was working himself way too hard to pay for their house. It was wonderful having a house of their own at last, but still Brenda wondered if it was worth it. Their love life was going to hell. Gil didn't want her to work, so he had the whole financial burden, and all too often he was just too busy or too exhausted to make love.

Well, not tonight. Brenda was going to get laid if she had to drag him through a cool shower and force coffee down him. She'd go crazy with frustration if she didn't get fucked, she was sure of that. Two weeks without a man was just too much. She'd been masturbating every single night, sometimes two and three times in a row, but it hadn't done much to ease the nagging lust she felt. Only Gil's big hard cock could do that.

"Oh, please, honey, get here soon," she sighed.

An hour passed, and no Gil. Brenda lounged in front of the TV, sipping a drink, but she couldn't get interested in any of the programs. All she could think about was how desperately she needed to be fucked. Her cunt was on fire with need, and it was leaking a steady stream of hot sticky juice. She caught herself rubbing her thighs together for relief. She had a hunch she was going to change her mind about playing with herself.

It was Gil she wanted and needed, but at least she could give herself some relief with her own fingers. She opened her negligee and slid a hand down inside her panties. She touched the searing wet flesh of her pussy and shivered with anticipation. She was really getting to be an expert at playing with herself these days. She pressed a fingertip to her slick little clit and began to rub it in a circular motion. Hot stabs of pleasure radiated through her gash.

"Mmmmmm, yesssss," she sighed.

She slumped back against the couch and closed her eyes, blotting out everything but the good feelings she was giving to herself with her rimming fingertip. Her clit was supersensitive, reacting even to her most light and feathery touch. Very slowly and gradually she increased the speed of her rimming, working herself to a fever pitch of arousal. Soon her finger was dripping with her molten cunt cream.

Even as she played with herself, she couldn't help thinking that she'd never masturbated during the first ten years or so of her marriage. It hadn't been necessary. Gil had, always taken super care of her in bed. But since all these money worries had come up, and he'd been working overtime, she just wasn't getting laid enough. And that was when she'd started playing with herself for relief.

She'd been awkward at first, but it hadn't taken her long to develop a few favorite and sure-fire techniques. This was one of them, rimming her juice-slick joy button with a fingertip, increasing the tempo till she was panting with need and jerking her hips in an urgent fucking motion. When she got to that stage, she could come in an instant.

"Oooooo, shit, yesssss," she moaned.

Just one firm stroke of her fingertip, and she was going to be in orbit. Brenda knew that, and she needed to come desperately, but she greedily prolonged that exciting moment when she hung on the very brink of orgasm. Very very slowly she twirled her finger around the violently throbbing shaft of her clit, giving herself hot little pleasure-stabs. Finally she couldn't stand it any more. She pressed her fingertip to the center of her swollen clit and caine like a bomb.

"Ohhhhhh God, yes, yessssssss!" she wailed.

Her whole body seemed to melt with that blast of ecstasy, sizzling and writhing and throbbing. Her whole hand was drenched with a heavy flood of molten come-cream. Brenda sobbed with relief as the powerful climax ripped through her, but even as she started coming down from it, she knew it wasn't going to be enough. One climax was rarely enough for her these days, she had so much bottled-up lust to take care of.

As the last delicious after-spasms of her climax faded, she switched to her other favorite way of playing with herself. She quickly tugged her panties down to her feet and slipped halfway out of them, letting them dangle from one slender ankle. That way she could pull them up fast if anybody came to the door. Then she spread her legs very wide and bunched three fingers together, imitating the size and thickness of a cock. She pressed her fingers against the juice-filled mouth of her cunt and started pushing them inside.

"My God, yes, get into me," she gasped.

She always pretended some faceless stranger was fucking her when she masturbated this way. She'd started out using only one finger in her cunt, then two, and finally three. Three was a lot more like the real thing. Gradually she crammed her cunt with hot stiff fingers, pretending the stranger was gliding his stiff prick her, filling her deliciously full of the hard throbbing meat.

"Ohhhhh, fuck, ft's good," he moaned.

She pushed her bunched fingers into her cunt as far as she could get them, then started jerking them in a fucking motion, pretending it was the stranger's cock hammering in and out of her famished pussy hole. It felt fantastic. In fact it was almost as good as actually getting fucked. Almost.

"Unnnnhhhhh, yes, do it to me, fuck me hard," she moaned to her imaginary lover.

Her fingers were making a loud obscene sucking noise as they reamed the thick juice from her hungrily gripping box. She was scorching hot inside, and her cream was coming in helpless thick floods. After two weeks without a man, she was ragingly horny, as needy as she'd ever been in her life. Frantically she pistoned her fingers in her starved cunt, working them faster and harder by the second.

"Fuck me, dammit, fuck me to death," she babbled.

She arched her body up, taking her jerking fingers as deep as she could get them in her flooded box. She felt the hot pleasure building in her slit, building to the point where she could hardly contain it any longer. Her whole hand was drenched with cream by now, and she was working her fingers with lightning speed. She soared to the very brink of orgasm and hung there, moaning in ecstasy.

"Ooooooo, fuck, make me come, make me come," she whimpered, "I'll go crazy if I don't get off."

Her fantasy lover obliged hammering the stiff meat into her, making her sol with pleasure. She closed her eyes tightly, and her pretty face twisted into a lusty grimace as she hurtled toward climax. She felt her cunt clamp hard around her fingers as the first delicious spasm wracked her body. With a hoarse howl she began to come, her tall body bucking and writhing, her high-heeled shoes beating out a helpless rhythm on the rug.

"Ohhhhhhh, God, ohhhhhhh!" she wailed. It was a violent body-wracking climax, and it left her breathless and gasping. But it didn't leave her satisfied. She really hadn't expected it to. It would take care of her lust for a few minutes, but it wasn't what she really needed. What she craved was a man's thick hard cock. She needed a good hard fucking. Dizzily she glanced at the clock and saw that it was half past ten. Where in hell was Gil?

She went to wash here cream-soaked hand, feeling more horny and frustrated by the second. Then just as she was coming out of the bathroom she heard a car pull up to the house. She gave a yelp of delight and hurried for the front door. Sure enough, it was Gil. She threw the door open and ran down the steps in her negligee, not giving a damn what the neighbors thought.

"Oh, honey, I'm so glad to see you," she cried, throwing herself into Gil's open arms.

He laughed and kissed her and carried her into the house. Brenda could tell he was exhausted. He'd overdone it again. After setting her down, he collapsed into his favorite chair, and she hurried to bring him a cold beer. He downed it very quickly. She perched on the arm of his chair and leaned down to give him a sensuous kiss, darting her tongue into his mouth. To her disappointment, his response was feeble, and as they broke the kiss he gave her an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, honey," he said, "but I'm just bushed. Maybe tomorrow morning we can get off a quickie before I leave."

"Before you what?" Brenda exclaimed.

Gil looked sheepish. "I signed up for another haul," he said. "It'll only be a week this time, and you know we need the money."

Brenda groaned. She'd been two long lonely weeks without love making, and now he was proposing to be gone for another week? "Gil," she sighed, "I have to be honest with you. I'm gonna go crazy if I don't get laid pretty soon. Here, maybe I can help things along."

She slid down to kneel between his legs, and she reached eagerly for the fly of his jeans. Luckily he almost never wore shorts, so her work was easy. All she had to do was unzip his fly and ease his cock free. She fisted the thick hairy base of his big prick and stuffed the rest into her mouth. Gil flinched and groaned, and as she began to suck loudly and hungrily on his prick, she knew she had his complete attention.

"Ahhhhhh, Jesus," he moaned.

He might have been exhausted, but there was plenty of life left in his cock. It responded fast as Brenda noisily sucked it. She felt the huge slab of meat swelling up hard. It pushed her lips wide apart and butted into the back of her throat, almost choking her. She drew back a little and gurgled with excitement as salty cream dripped from his cock onto her taste buds.

"Mrnmmmm, uuummmnim," she sighed.

"You got what you were after, baby," Gil leered, "so you better get those panties off and get over to the couch."

Those were just the words Brenda wanted to hear. Releasing his rigid spit-soaked cock, she skinned out of her clothes and ran naked to the couch. She flopped down on her back and flung one long shapely leg up over the back of the couch, lewdly exposing her wet pink slit. Gil ogled it as he tore out of his clothing. He lumbered toward her, his eight-inch dick weaving lewdly and stiffly.

"Oh, God, yes, fuck me," Brenda panted.

Then he was letting himself down on her, and she sobbed with relief as his massive boner crammed her cunt. She'd been waiting two long weeks for that sensation. She soaked his throbbing prick with a huge load of cream, and as he started fucking her roughly and urgently, she went wild with pleasure. Her hips jerked to his rhythm, and she arched her swollen joy button against his pistoning shaft, getting hot blasts of pleasure.

"Oh, Gil, fuck me good, honey, fuck hard," she sobbed.

"I'm not gonna last long," he warned her hoarsely.

So what else was new? He never lasted long any more. He was always in too much of a hurry to get to work or to get to sleep. Brenda didn't like it, but she was used to it, and she knew just how to get off fast. She arched her body even more sharply, rubbing her clit hard against his pile-driving cock, and she felt herself hurtling to the brink of climax.

She wished those exciting sensations could go on for hours, but if she wanted to get off, she'd better grab her chance. She ground her erect joy button against her husband's engorged prick and felt a huge explosion of pleasure radiating out from her cunt, engulfing her whole body. She soaked Gil's cock with a huge molten flood of cream.

"Baby, you're doing it to me; I'm coming!" she screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, shit, aaaggghhhhh!" Gil roared.

He was coming hard, flooding her womb with his steaming jizz. Brenda clung to him and sobbed with relief as his pounding cock hammered her through a powerful orgasm. Fucking was so much better than playing with herself. If only Gil had had the time and energy, they would have gone on making love half the night, like they'd done in the early days of their marriage. But it looked like those days were gone forever.

Brenda helped her exhausted husband to the bedroom, and he fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow. Watching him snore, she sighed with frustration. This just wasn't her idea of a good sex life, but what was she going to do about it?
