Pretty soon Brenda came outdoors again and helped Mark with the yard work. He worked hard and well, as always, but his mind was somewhere else. He was trying to think of a way he could get his mother turned on to him, but he wasn't having much success.

He didn't know how much Brenda was attracted to him already. She'd noticed how her little boy was growing up. In fact he wasn't a boy any more, he was a young man. His body was distinctively masculine in cut-off shorts and no shirt. He didn't have any hair on his chest yet, but his chest was broad and strong. His arms and legs were well-muscled, too.

Yes, he was a very good-looking young man. Brenda's eyes strayed lower, to the crotch of his shorts, and she wondered what his cock looked like now. She hadn't seen it since the last time she'd bathed and dressed him, years ago. She felt a little spark of lust, when inwardly laughed at herself for getting turned on by her own son. That was just plain silly.

Still, it didn't surprise her. She got turned on to all kinds of males when Gil was on the road for a long time. Not that she'd ever done anything about it or wanted to, but the lust was there. She didn't believe in cheating, and she loved her husband very much, but when he didn't do his job in bed, she just couldn't help wondering how it would be with other guys.

So she found herself looking at Mark as a man, not as her young son. And he had a really nice body. She kept glancing at him admiringly, and she noticed that he was looking her over pretty good, too. The day was getting hotter, so she'd changed to shorts and a skimpy halter. Mark obviously liked her tall shapely body. But that seemed perfectly normal, and it didn't bother her.

They had a light supper and then flopped on the couch to watch TV. It was one of the new soap opera-type shows, and Brenda got pretty absorbed in it, but all Mark could think of was how badly he wanted to get it on with her. He wanted it, she needed it, and nobody else had to know about it that was how he viewed the situation. But stilt he couldn't get up the courage to make the first move.

As his lust grew, be inched closer and closer to his pretty mom till their thighs were almost touching. He could feel the heat, radiating from her body, and he could smell her delicious scents of cologne and soap and natural female. His balls began to swell, and his cock started to stiffen. Mark blushed. He really didn't want to get a hard-on right now. Mom would be sure to notice, and it would be difficult to explain. But his treacherous prick had a mind of its owe, and it went on swelling as he thought of fucking his mother.

He couldn't help replaying all the exciting things he'd seen in the last couple of days while spying on her. Brenda parading naked before her mirror, Brenda moaning in ecstasy as she took Gil's hammering cock, Brenda desperately finger-fucking herself into a moaning orgasm – all those images turned Mark on like crazy, and they made his cock swell to its full size, forming an obscene bulge at the crotch of his shorts.

"Shit," he muttered.

"What did you say, honey?" Brenda asked absently.

"Uh, nothing," Mark replied, slipping his arm around her shoulder.

Brenda patted his hand, but that was her only response. She was absorbed in the program. Mark studied the deep cleavage of her big ripe tits. Her halter was cut very low in front, and he could see half of each breast and maybe even a hint of light pink nipple. He inched his hand down her shoulder and rested it at the tip of her tit, just as he'd done with Dana. The only thing was, Dana had known exactly what he was up to, while Brenda didn't have a clue. She just thought he was being an affectionate son.

Again she patted his hand, but her attention was on the TV. It was really a very sexy program, and it was giving her thoughts that she'd hoped to avoid. Maybe she ought to switch over to the football game. But, no, she'd just end up staring at all those trim male asses in those tight pants. It seemed like everything reminded her of sex when Gil was away. But at least she had her son to distract her.

Then she happened to glance over and see that Mark, had a hard-on.

She turned beet red and looked quickly back at the TV. Then she snuck another glance at his fly. Sure enough, his cock was so swollen, it looked like it was going to rip its way out of his pants. He was hugging her tightly and brushing his fingertips over the top of her tit. He'd inched so close to her that their thighs were touching.

It finally got through to Brenda that her son was turned on to her. What to do? She figured it was a phase he was going through. Describing his own adolescence, Gil had said he was horny twenty-five hours a day and would have fucked anything that moved. So it wasn't too surprising for Mark to be aroused by his attractive mother. But Brenda didn't know how to handle it. She kept sneaking looks at his stiff cock, and she realized she was getting aroused.

"Well," she chirped, "this really is a silly show. I think I'll go to bed."

"Wait, Mom," Mark exclaimed.

His voice rasped out in a horny croak, and he made a desperate grab for her, kissing her hard and clumsily on the mouth. He just couldn't control himself, he was so lusty, and the next thing Brenda knew, he was pulling her down on the couch and rolling on top of her. She felt his rock-hard cock throbbing through their clothes and pressing her belly, and she creamed a huge hot burst of molten juice.

She tried to wrench her face away, but by now he had his tongue in her mouth, thrusting and probing. That turned her on even more. But what really drove her crazy was feeling that hard and ready prick of his jabbing her belly. She couldn't help thinking how easy it would be to just let him stick that rigid throbbing meat into her cunt. She needed it more than anything in the world.

But this was her own little boy she was getting the hots for! With her last ounce of strength she managed to break the kiss and exclaim, "Mark, let me up! You know you shouldn't be doing this."

"Aw, please, Mom," he groaned, "I'm so damned horny."

The anguish in his voice wasn't faked. And Brenda knew just how he felt. Whenever Gil was away for long periods of time, she got horny enough to scream. She began to feel sorry for Mark. It was bad enough to have one person in this house tortured with sexual need. Why should there be two? He was her son, and she was going to help him out.

"Honey, let's go to your room, and maybe there's something I can do for you," she said gently.

Mark wasn't sure quite what she meant, but it sounded very interesting. He obediently followed her down the hall and into his room. Brenda patted the bed, and he stretched out on his back. Quickly and deftly she unzipped his shorts and tugged them open. He wasn't wearing under shorts and his engorged young cock sprang free of its prison and stood straight up, bulging with blue veins and drooling thick streams of juice.

Brenda felt hot saliva rushing to her mouth as she eyed her son's handsome seven-inch cock. She wanted so much to lick and taste and suck it, but she knew that would be wrong. She must only give him the minimum amount of attention, just enough to get him off and relieve his horniness. Sighing, she curled her fingers around his prick and began to jack him off.

"Ahhhhh, yeah, Mom, that's terrific," he sighed.

Of course he'd much rather be jerking his stiff boner in her hot little cunt, but he figured he was damned lucky to get as far as he had. He really hadn't expected his mother to do this for him. She was blushing a little as she pumped his cock, but he was sure he saw hot lust in her eyes. She couldn't look away from his dick. She seemed fascinated with it.

Mark would have been even more excited if he'd known what she was thinking. As she stared helplessly at his stiff cock, Brenda was imagining how big and hard and nice it would feel in her famished little cunt. True, Gil had been gone less than a day, and he'd fucked her this morning, but already she was urgently horny again. Playing with herself didn't get it. The only thing that could satisfy her would be a good hard fucking – and the only stiff cock available belonged to her own teenage son.

Forget it, she told herself sternly, that's crazy.

But was it really so crazy to have the hots for this good-looking kid with the engorged boner? Wasn't it only natural for a woman as sex-starved as she was? Brenda desperately tried to explain and excuse her incestuous longings as she pumped her son's cock. It was Gil's fault that she felt hot and horny for their little boy, Gil's fault for not doing his job in bed.

Or so she told herself. It was hard to think straight. Mark's prick was fiery-hot and violently throbbing against her fingers, and she was getting excited out of her mind as she pumped the smooth hard slab of meat. Molten cream dribbled from his piss hole and ran down to wet her fingers, making her pumping very slick and fast. No matter how she tried, she couldn't help wanting to feel that engorged cock in her cunt.

Just a few stiff thrusts from that rigid boner, and she'd be coming like crazy, she was sure of that. And it would be so easy to do it. She was positive Mark wanted to fuck her. All she'd have to do was slip off her shorts and panties, open her legs, and let her eager son cram his rock-hard cock into her juice-slick cunt. It would be just a matter of seconds before she got the relief she craved.

Brenda realized how close she was to losing control of herself and begging Mark to fuck her. She let go of his drooling prick like it was a hot potato and cried, "Oh, my God, Mark, this is all wrong. I shouldn't be doing this."

"Please don't stop, Mom," Mark begged hoarsely, "I'm almost there."

Again the urgent need in his voice brought out her maternal instincts, and all she could think of was making him feel better, taking away his misery. She grasped his throbbing cock again and went on pumping it, and Mark breathed a big sigh of relief. At least he'd persaded her to jack him off. But of course he wanted to go a lot farther with her than that, if he could only think of a way.

However right now all he could think of was his engorged and nearly exploding cock. Brenda's hot little fist zipped faster and faster up and down his engorged shaft, and he closed his eyes and hurtled to the brink of climax. Her fist tightened around his meat as she watched his face twist into a lusty grimace. She knew he was on the verge of coming, and she pumped his cock with firm quick strokes, taking him over the edge. He fucked hard at her fist as he began to come.

"Awwwwwww, fuck, awwwwww!" he yelled.

That was when Brenda realized that she'd forgotten to have some tissue handy. As the first thick wad of come jetted from his cock, the housewife in her took over, and all she could think of was preventing a big mess.

Desperately she opened her mouth wide and brought it within range of his squirting prick. She managed to catch all the globs of steaming jizz.

She gurgled and drooled as she tasted her son's delicious salty come. She realized she was doing a very kinky thing, but the alternative was to let him spurt his come all over the room. And she had to admit that she didn't mind eating it – not at all. She caught the last few spurts, and then she licked her lips clean. Luckily Mark hadn't noticed a thing. He was just now opening his eyes after that body wracking orgasm.

"Gee, thanks a million, Mom," he sighed, "I-I really needed that."

"All right, dear, you go to sleep now," Brenda said. She wanted to get out of that room before she completely lost control of herself.

But Mark grasped her wrist and wouldn't let her go. "Wait, Mom," he said, "don't you want me to help you feel better, too?"

Brenda blushed furiously. "Mark, that wouldn't be right," she said, even as her pussy burned with need.

"But, Mom, that doesn't make sense," he said, pulling her down beside him. "You just helped me out, so why shouldn't I do the same for you?"

As he spoke he was unzipping her shorts, and Brenda gasped as he slid his hand down inside shorts and panties and touched the scorching wet flesh of her pussy. He began to rub her there, just as he'd seen her rub herself when he was spying on her, desperately hoping to get her aroused. He succeeded. His stroking felt so good on her lust-inflamed slit that Brenda just couldn't resist.

"Ohhhhhh, God," she moaned.

"Just relax, Mom, and I'll get you off," Mark said soothingly. "There's nothing wrong with me just touching you."

Brenda convinced herself that he was right. She'd jacked him off, and now he'd just return the favor. There'd be nothing more serious than that, just mother and son helping each other out in an unusual way. She started to relax, and Mark zeroed in on her clit, rimming it with the tip of his finger, just as he'd seen her do it to herself. She gurgled with pleasure and soaked his finger with a hot spurt of juice.

"Mmmmnun, yesss, honey, just do that a little while longer," she sighed.

"I'll do whatever you want, Mom," he promised.

He just wished she'd want his cock inside her. He was sure as hell ready to provide that service, any time of day or night. But he knew he was lucky to have gotten as fat as he had. It seemed fantastic to be working his finger in all that hot juicy flesh between her legs and making her gurgle and sigh with pleasure. Soon his finger was dripping with her hot cream, and she was breathing very heavily.

Mark rimmed her clit faster, and she whimpered in bliss. Somehow it was a lot more exciting to have a male masturbating her than to do it herself. She closed her eyes and shut out all other thoughts and sensations as he rimmed her clit and gave her hot jolts of pleasure that made her cream, steadily and helplessly. It wasn't long before she was approaching orgasm, the pleasure building in her pussy till she could hardly contain it.

"Ooooooo, honey, just a little more," she moaned.

Mark wanted to give her a really powerful come. He recalled all the things she'd done to herself when she was beating off, and he remembered that she'd saved the most arousing thing till last, when she plunged her three bunched fingers into her cunt and used them like a cock. He decided to use that technique to bring her off. He just wished it was going to be his cock instead of his fingers that did the job.

His prick was steadily stiffening as he played with his mother's clit, and it went stiff as a board when he glided his three fingers into the scorching slippery tunnel of her twat. It was so damned hot and juicy in there, and he just knew it would feel terrific around his swollen boner. He imagined thrusting into her, sheathing his prick in that satiny hot flesh, and he damned near came. Brenda was moaning in ecstasy as he crammed her with his fingers.

"Unnnhhhh, baby, yes," she cried, "keep doing that to me, make me come."

That wasn't very hard to do. Mark started positioning his bunched fingers in her cunt, and she shot to the brink of orgasm, creaming heavily and helplessly. She arched her body to take his plowing fingers as deep as she could get them. She felt the pleasure building in her pussy and reaching the point of explosion. That was when Mark felt her cunt clamp like a vise around his fingers and drench them with steaming liquid.

"Ooooooo, baby, you did it, I'm coming!" his mother howled.

Mark's cock twitched and drooled as he felt that steady hard clamping action around his fingers. It sure would be great to have his cock massaged like that, then sizzle his load into his mom's gulping cunt. He just had to try it. He was dying to be rid of his damned virginity, dying to make it with his gorgeous mother. As Brenda started coming down from her body rocking climax, Mark whipped his soaked fingers out of her box and threw himself onto her.

"Mark, noooo," she squealed.

"Please, Mom, let me do it," he groaned.

It was obvious that he was urgently horny, but Brenda wasn't ready for fucking her own son. He stabbed around with his steel-hard tock, trying to get into her cunt, but all he did was jab her belly. It was easy to divert the inexperienced kid. Brenda grabbed for his prick, curled her fingers around it, and started pumping.

"Ahhhhhhh, Jesus," Mark moaned.

"I'll get you off, honey," Brenda said soothingly.

Mark was just too horny to fight it. He wanted so much to plunge his achingly stiff cock into his mom's juicy little pussy hole, but her pumping fist felt damned good, too. He just let it happen. He began fucking at her fist as his urgency overtook him. All that mattered to him was shooting his load, and he didn't care how it happened.

Brenda felt that violently throbbing cock jerking in her fist, and she almost groaned with need. Once again she thought how easy and wonderful it would be just to open her legs and let Mark cram his cock into her. She needed to be fucked so badly. But she couldn't handle incest. Not yet, at least. This was something she really had to think about. So for the time being it was best just to jack the boy off. That would give them both time to think.

Using one hand to pump his nearly exploding prick, she grabbed some tissues from the besides table. Not a moment too soon, either – Mark was moaning steadily and hoarsely, fucking her fist, and it was clear that he was just about to come. Brenda tightened her grip around his cock and pumped it very fast, and that took him over the edge. She felt his cock spasm hard, and she clapped the tissue over the squirting purple head to catch his boiling jizz.

"Awwwwww, fuck, shit, awwwwwwww!" the boy roared.

Brenda shivered lustily, wishing that boiling come was flooding her cunt. She still had a week to go before Gil returned, and every hour of every day would be spent in Mark's company. She wondered if she'd be able to resist her handsome horny son if he came on to her again. That was a question she just couldn't answer. As Mark started coming down from his climax, she hastily moved off the bed.

"You go to sleep now, Mark," she said firmly, then hurried from the room before he could say a word.
