
Major thanks to Deb Werksman, Dominique Raccah, Danielle Jackson, Sarah Ryan, and Susie Benton for continuing to believe in me and being so awesome at what they do. For everyone else at Sourcebooks who does a brilliant job of bringing my books to gorgeous, perfect life: You folks rock!

I can never thank my faithful readers enough for their kindness and support. I hope that each of you knows how incredible you are and how inspiring it is to have satisfied, vocal fans. To my TSBO devotees. Vee, Simone, Esther Ann, Seli, Julie C., Jen, May, Kathy SF, Jeane, Susanne, and Elly, you ladies have been there since the beginning: I love you all.

Huge hugs to my Casablanca sisters for welcoming me in, supporting and encouraging, sharing their wisdom, and for just being totally awesome! Identical warm fuzzies for my local RWA chapter, the Yosemite Romance Writers. You ladies are terrific and darned fun to hang out with.

A special, broad sweeping thank you to the people who individually or collectively provide online resources to writers of history. I certainly would have been lost without you. In that same vein: Thanks to blog/website owners who share their knowledge and time to assist and promote authors. Personally, I can’t imagine doing any of this without the Internet. The plethora of sites out there in cyber-land is invaluable.

I can never pass up a chance to thank my wonderful family. My husband Steve, daughter Emily, and son Kyle are amazing and so supportive. They make it happen for me! Lastly, to my Lord who is faithfully and lovingly continuing to teach me life lessons through all of this, even when I am kicking and screaming! He is forever merciful and gracious, thank goodness.
