Chapter Six Catharsis

It was two damp, cold, and exhausted men who finally rode into the stable courtyard the following afternoon. The ride from Derby was miserable, despite the abated storm and rays of sunlight that now succeeded in piercing the scattering clouds. Stomping muddy boots and shaking snow-drenched cloaks in the north entrance foyer, servants dashing to assist, the men breathed deep sighs of relief.

Richard made a beeline for his room while Darcy inquired as to the whereabouts of Mrs. Darcy, informed that she and everyone else were in the court room cheering a tennis tournament. This was certainly the truth as far as it went. Georgiana and Kitty were currently engaged in a fierce competition, George playing referee from the net line, and the remainder of Pemberley’s guests applauding, whistling, and shouting encouragement. However, a rapid sweep of the room revealed that Lizzy and Jane were absent.

Darcy’s heart fell, but he had no time to deal with the disappointment before George spotted him. “William! It is about time! We thought you had gotten buried in a snow bank.” The lanky physician crossed the room in long strides, enfolding his nephew in a bone-cracking embrace and bestowing a stunning blow to his shoulder. “It is good to have you back, son. We have all missed your serious face, but none more so than your lovely wife and precious son.”

“Thank you, Uncle. Where might I find them?”

“In the conservatory. Your son decided it was mealtime and disrupted the entire game. Quite threw Georgie off and she completely missed the ball, match point to Miss Kitty.” He grinned.

Darcy grinned in return. “Extend my apologies to my sister. I am sure she will overcome. Now, if you will excuse me?” George nodded and Darcy waved a general greeting toward the crowd, hastily retreating before anyone else felt the urgent need to accost him.

The conservatory was an enormous room, easy to become lost in, but there were only three alcoves sheltering enough for Mrs. Darcy’s purpose. The nearest to the entrance was the wisteria arbor, so there Darcy headed. His choice was correct, the murmur of voices reaching his ears as he approached. Lizzy’s tinkling laugh at some quip of Jane’s sent his heart soaring.

A gentle rap on the trellis edge to alert to his presence was followed with a declaration, “Pardon me, ladies, but may I interrupt your pleasant interlude?” He peeked around the frame just as Lizzy released a gasp, meeting her instantly shining eyes with his own radiant smile. The sisters sat and gently rocked on the wide swing, Alexander nuzzled against Lizzy’s shoulder, apparently finished with his meal and currently staring raptly at the brilliant purple blooms draped behind his mother.

Jane stood, approaching her brother-in-law with a dimpled smile. “William, how delightful to have you home. We have missed you and Colonel Fitzwilliam most profoundly. Far too many females languishing about without male attitude to sustain a balance.”

Darcy took her hand, kissing fingers with a courtly bow. “Dear Jane. You look beautiful and in excellent health. I pray all is well?”

“Excellent, sir. I have little to complain about. Thank you for asking, but I am quite certain you do not wish for a protracted conversation about my health. If you will excuse me, I do believe I shall see how the tennis match is proceeding.” And with a smile toward Lizzy, she departed.

Lizzy already had one arm extended toward her husband, fingers beckoning and instantly entangling into his damp hair when he sat. She drew him close, Darcy offering no resistance as he met her lips for a hungry kiss. He encircled her with one arm, palm cool on her face as fingers stroked, the other hand joining hers on Alexander’s back.

The kiss lasted for a long time. Only the burning need to taste her flesh moved him away from her intoxicating mouth to trail moist kisses over jaw and neck.

“Oh, William, I missed you so! I know it has only been five days, but it feels like an eternity. And then this horrid blizzard! I so feared you would be stranded in Derby for longer. I could not bear it!”

He had reached her ear, scattering kisses and nibbles amid gentle flicks of his tongue and hot breath. “I promised I would be home for the christening, my heart. Nothing would keep me from you and our son.” He returned to her mouth vehemently for another extensive kiss, both panting heavily when he finally withdrew to rest his forehead onto hers.

“You must tell me everything.”

He pulled away with a smile, needing to gaze into her stunning eyes. “I will, naturally, but not yet. I simply require your voice and touch to comfort me. Your beauty soothes me. Are you well, my dearest wife? All has passed quietly in my absence? You weathered the storm safely?”

Lizzy laughed, kissing him tenderly. “Listen to you! You are the one off having adventures and you ask what we have been doing? I can assure you, it was much as you have already seen. Constant entertaining larks. The men were devastated to have their target practice cancelled. Be prepared for an urgent need to brave the ice and cold for a chance to fire your new rifle.”

Darcy laughed as she continued, fingers ruffling through his hair as she spoke, “George regaled us with stories of past Derbyshire storms, although he recalls none as violent as this one. The lightning was an entertaining treat if frightening. Noses were pressed to available windows facing west as the bolts were spectacular. Mr. Keith was relieved to report no damage done. A billiard tournament was attempted, and although George was thrilled to win for a change, they all agreed it was a dismal failure without you.”

“I am touched.”

“So, as you can see, it was uneventful. Lazy, endless hours of lying about with the only interruptions of import being your son’s appetite, which shows no imminent signs of waning.”

Alexander had finally recognized his father’s voice, head bobbing in a determined attempt to turn away from the wisteria but not having great success. Darcy laughed, removing his arm from about Lizzy’s shoulders and pulling the babe into his lap with broad hands supporting.

“Let me look at you, little one. Have you been a good boy? Taking care of your mother? Yes? That is papa’s bright boy. Give me a kiss, sweet love.” And he proceeded to shower tiny kisses all over Alexander’s face and chubby neck, the infant fidgeting irritably at the cold skin and fabric. Darcy hugged him close to his chest and reached a hand to cup Lizzy’s face. “I am happy to be home.”

“There you are!” Lizzy laid her embroidery hoop aside and smiled up at her weary but handsome husband, who had entered their sitting room with a contented sigh.

“Yes, finally. Forgive me for ignoring you. I wanted to settle a few matters with Mr. Keith before they escaped my tired brain.” He crossed to his wife, sitting on the ottoman before her chair and leaning for a kiss, hands warm and soothing on her knees. “Thank you for waiting so patiently.”

“I cannot claim any great patience, as I was near to storming into your study and evicting you forcefully.” She smiled but reached up to stroke his cheek with concern evident in her eyes. “You have had a grueling few days, my heart. I can see it in your eyes without knowing the specifics. I should scold you for insisting we retire early only to spend the past hour with your steward, but I shall not. I am just happy you are here. Shall I call for tea?”

Darcy shook negative, hands clasping hers and stroking gently. “No thank you. I had some tea in my study. All I wish for now is to disrobe and relax with you.” He kissed her cheek, nuzzling against her soft skin and inhaling deeply. “Alexander is asleep?” He inquired, following with a gentle suck to her earlobe.

“Hmmm. For the present. He will require a snack in two hours or so before satiated enough for a long sleep.” She withdrew to gaze into his beautiful eyes. “We have time to enjoy each other before the other man in my life demands my attention.”

Darcy chuckled, initiating a long and lazy kiss while Lizzy began working the various buttons and knots necessary to accomplish her spouse’s desire to be unclothed.

The afternoon and early evening after the two snow-encrusted, frozen men finally arrived home had been filled with greetings and conversation, neither man elucidating their adventures. They barely managed to bath and change clothing before being accosted joyously and distracted with refreshing cuisine and glittering entertainment. Richard, generally the hardy soul square in the thick of any revelry offered until late in the night, had pleaded weariness, retiring immediately after dinner. Darcy politely requested the same, only to then retreat to his study for a “brief” interview with Mr. Keith.

Now that he was here, Lizzy’s heart and soul were complete, yet she was worried. That he was physically exhausted was clear; but it was also glaringly evident, at least to her, that the trip had taken an emotional toll that transcended the physical. Never in their time together thus far had she sensed this degree of disquietude in his soul. That he would share all the recent events was not an issue for contemplation, as she knew absolutely that he would. Her uncertainty was in how best to comfort him.

However, within seconds of entering, his wishes were abundantly clarified. Lizzy smiled as she pulled the choking cravat free and tossed it aside. Her William may have been a complex person, but in the end he was simply a man, and she estimated, even in her ignorance on the subject, that the male species were all the same. Sexual pleasure would always be preferable, offering a release unique and cleansing under any circumstance. Knowing her husband’s rampant amorousness and considerable virility, she rather doubted any amount of weariness or distress could staunch his desire for her. If making love was the foremost urging of his heart, then she would happily acquiesce.

She slithered from his tight grip, kneeling between his knees to remove boots and stockings. Darcy took advantage of the position to unclasp the jeweled combs from her hair and thrilled in the vibrancy of her fragrant tresses flowing through his fingers.

“I missed you, my beautiful wife. More than I have the words to convey. My bed was lonely and cold, my sleep troubled with the want of your body in my arms. I even missed our son waking me at ungodly hours of the night.”

Lizzy rose, clasping arms about his waist while Darcy dexterously attacked the row of buttons down her back. “I missed you as well, love, although I had the advantage of nestling Alexander against my chest. It is not nearly as glorious as your nakedness surrounding me, but it soothed me to a degree.”

“He slept with you?”

Lizzy nodded. “I could not bear to sleep alone. I hate it so! Besides, it was terribly cold and I worried for him. At least that was the excuse I used.” She smiled, leaning into his body to bestow sucking kisses to his exposed neck. Darcy shivered and moaned, hands tightening on her waist as he succumbed to the exhilarating sensations.

“Oh, Lizzy! How desperately I need you.” He whispered faintly, vocal cords overwhelmed, and fingers trembling against the thin chemise covering her exposed back. His eyes were closed, ardor rising rapidly as she unbuttoned his shirt, with lips as warm and soft as finest velvet trailing down the midline of his chest. Delicate hands moved gracefully over his torso, grazing puckered nipples before stripping the linen off broad shoulders and reaching to trace the strong bones of his back.

Halting and pulling away after an electrifying dip of her tongue into his navel, Darcy jerking and gasping in delight, she stood and peeled the gown off her shoulders. The corset joined the puddle of fabric at her feet. Darcy groaned, reaching instantly to encircle her hips and draw her toward his aching mouth, but she chuckled softly and clasped his hands. Tugging gently, she stepped backward and drew him to his feet, Darcy swaying slightly.

“Come, lover. Follow me and hold tight to my hands. I would not wish you to faint from the sudden lack of proper blood circulation to other muscles of your body!” The last uttered with a playfully arch glance to his groin and wide grin.

“You minx! Seducing me to achieve such a state and then teasing mercilessly! Do not fear, my beloved vixen, I am quite capable of standing, walking, and doing a great deal more. Lead on and I shall follow happily, but hasten, my sweet, or I will be convincing you of my capabilities on this chair!”

Lizzy laughed, turning and steering the few feet to their bedchamber with her enchanted and extremely aroused spouse inches behind. His breath brushed over her bare shoulder, lips grazing, the rising heat of his body felt deep into her bones, and his free hand roamed insistently over hip and thigh as she walked. The second they entered their favored sanctuary, he flattened his palm over her lower abdomen, hauling her backward onto the hard surfaces of his chest.

With intimately probing fingers rendering her breathless and incoherent, she listened as whispering lips brushed her ear, “I do pray you have slept well over the past days, Elizabeth, as I intend to keep you awake most of the night. Loving you once will not satiate me, I can assure you. I require the glorious sounds of your ecstasy and erotic writhing of your body numerous times to quench my thirst even partially. The hunger to feel your warmth encasing me as we love cannot be satisfied until a banquet course has been served. I need to feast on every inch of you to be truly satisfied. Lord, my precious wife, how beautiful you are and how deeply I love you!” The latter breathless exclamation was uttered as he tenderly rotated her now naked form to face him, eyes afire as he inspected head to toe while fingertips breezily traced her curves.

Lizzy groaned, moving decisively and clasping his face in her palms, lifting on tiptoes to passionately claim his mouth. His poetic words, always so spontaneously expressed from the heart, never failed to stir her tremendously.

Over the course of their marriage, they had learned the blissful happiness achieved in intuitively seeking to discover the innermost yearnings of their partner. A mere glance, fleeting touch, whispered word, or barest kiss was enough to sense the internal necessity. In the main, they discovered that their individual cravings at any given interlude were inevitably hungry for the same level of intensity, be it slow and languorous or fast and furious.

Yet there were those occasions of altered synchronicity. One would wish for a crazy, scorching assignation with rapture attained in a swift, blinding crescendo, while the other preferred gradually building to a prolonged, soothing climatic wave. One would wish for the comfort and intimate familiarity of their bed with bodies pressed together naturally, while the other longed for an exotic locale or position. It was at those times when the full nature of their love for each other was called forth, as the ability to sense the emotional reasoning behind their lover’s wishes and then cheerfully granting that wish brought the highest pleasure and joy.

Such was the case now. Lizzy was in a sudden fever of desire, yet she knew that this was one of those times when Darcy’s deepest needs transcended her own. Instinctively, she recognized that her husband ached to be tenderly loved. His arousal was swift and marked, but his softly spoken words and gentle caresses as well as something indefinable alerted her to his unspoken plea.

With a coarse groan, she softened her kiss, hands loosening their crushing grip to his face and traveling to tangle in his hair. The sensation of firm muscles and the rigid length of him brought shudders to her flesh, but she forced each sinew to relax, pliantly melting into his embrace. Eventually their eyes met. Darcy smiled gently as he stroked over her back, the knowledge of her sacrifice and his gratefulness clear in the glittering blue of his gaze.

“Elizabeth Darcy,” he murmured reverently. “My wife.”

While nibbling kisses to swollen, ruddy lips, he clutched her upper thighs and hoisted her up. She instinctively wrapped legs about his waist while he walked sedately toward their bed. Within minutes, Lizzy would forget her prior salacious insanity. They nestled under a blanket, bodies entwined as they commenced a languid exploration with Darcy fulfilling each spoken phrase as he feasted. Hands and mouths were everywhere; Darcy leading and Lizzy responding as sensations blazed and ebbed only to blaze anew at some fresh sensory assault.

It was cathartic. All the moans and sighs of his beloved purging; each stroke within her purifying; every successive level of passion attained supplanting the sorrow until there was no room for anything but happiness. It was then and only then that he fully surrendered to the pure, absolving pleasure to be found only with his wife.

Mutual cries reverberated. Darcy’s guttural shouts rose to the rafters; Lizzy’s release paling under the intensity of her husband’s unleashed climax. “I love you, Fitzwilliam,” she gasped hoarsely, Darcy far too caught up to be more than peripherally aware of her declaration.

But he felt the sentiment emanating, and embraced her even tighter if that was possible. They lay on their sides with limbs tangled and flesh connected on multiple planes, clasping and caressing as hearts gradually returned to a normal pace. The tenderness and vulnerability of being so rawly exposed aided their ever increasing melding as one soul and, in this particular situation, assisted the final dissipation of Darcy’s dolor.

He pulled her head gently onto his shoulder, kissed the top of her head, and sighed. “I do not think I have ever needed to love you more, my heart. Thank you. I am unsure if I can express how urgently I required your love, but I will try. Be patient with me.”

“You have all the time in the world. I am not going anywhere.”

“Hmmm… Yes, I know this to be true and it fills me with bliss. My good fortune staggers me, but I accept it nonetheless.”

“And so you should. How deficient of you to not accept the Almighty’s wondrous blessing… me!” And she leaned her head back to meet his sparkling eyes with her own, both chuckling.

He stroked her cheek, happiness radiating. “Guess who else is in love?”


“The confirmed bachelor himself. Our wayward cousin Richard.”

“You jest!”

“God’s truth. Behind that flippant exterior beats a heart as sappy as my own. He confessed over dinner one night to harboring a years-long affection that I had no clue about whatsoever.” He paused, running the back of his hand along her clavicle and neck. “You remember our attending Lord Ivers’s ball in London?”

Lizzy blinked, eyebrows rising in a surprised expression much as Darcy had worn when Richard seemed to abruptly change the subject. “I… do, yes.”

“You recall Lord and Lady Fotherby? I believe you conversed with Lady Fotherby, did you not?”

She nodded, still puzzled. “I spoke with them both briefly and Lady Fotherby sat near me for a spell at one point. They are lovely people, or rather I suppose I should say Lord Fotherby was. He rather intimidated me I confess. I do not know if I will ever accustom myself to actually speaking with people who are so noteworthy, the legendary famous who are names read about in newspapers. I think I stammered a bit, but his wife was unassuming, and we shared a time of stimulating conversation.”

“You never stammered, beloved. Were always charming and witty, my perfect Mistress of Pemberley, exceeding all my expectations and swelling my ego outrageously.”

“Pride, Mr. Darcy. Tsk, tsk.”

“Indubitably. But also merely the truth.”

He bestowed several kisses, Lizzy finally murmuring against his lips, “We were discussing Richard’s love life.”

“Hmmm… Were we?” He captured her lower lip, sucking gently.

Lizzy giggled, pulling away, but he only followed, her giggles increasing and voice mumbling without the ability to articulate properly. “William, finish your tale. Curiosity is killing me!”

He let go of her lip with a laugh. “A rumormonger you are, Mrs. Darcy.”

“You started it! And quit changing the subject. One minute Richard in love, the next a ball attended months ago. Focus, my dear, and tell me… Wait!” Her eyes opened wide as comprehension dawned, Darcy observing her with a broad grin. “You mean Lady Fotherby?” Nod. “Richard is in love with Lady Fotherby?” Nod. “How? When? I do not see…”

“Allow me to enlighten you, and rest assured, I was as flabbergasted and I have known the man all my life.” He proceeded to tell her the entire woeful tale as recounted to him, leaving nothing out, and adding his own commentaries from recollected incidents of ages past. “I remember the two flirting a bit, but it is standard practice amongst most of the society seekers, as you witnessed yourself. A time or two he mentioned Lady Simone’s beauty or grace, repeated a handful of witty ripostes or clever stories with a gleam in his eye. The gents teased him a bit, but that too was standard practice so I thought little of it.”

He chuckled, closing his eyes in humored remembrance. “It was dangerous, Elizabeth. Merely glancing at a lady was fodder for merciless teasing, let alone speaking of one. Luckily, it was an equal opportunity mocking torment so no one took it seriously.”

“How about you? I know how you despise being teased.”

He smiled. “I avoided looking at or talking to any women as much as possible, which was not too difficult since they all frightened me half to death.”

Lizzy burst out laughing, Darcy rolling to his back with her in his arms and laughing as well. “There! You now know all of my secrets. You were not the first woman to leave me hopelessly tongue-tied, although the reasons were quite different. Social skills were never my forte, especially when in my teens. Thankfully, I was ridiculous and boring so the young ladies ignored me as well, saving me from the worst of my friends’ innuendos and taunting.”

“I rather doubt they ignored you, after all I have seen your portrait from the year you left for Cambridge and you were entirely too dashing to be ignored. So what is Richard to do?”

Darcy shrugged, eyes on the breasts so gloriously displayed resting on his chest as Lizzy was propped on her elbows above him. Reaching to trace an index finger over the softness, dipping into the welcoming cleavage, he answered absently, “Not much he can do at this juncture. Lady Fotherby is in mourning and will be for a few more months. Eventually, however, she will return to society functions. Richard should have no trouble encountering her from time to time, especially if he is proactive as I suggested he be. His greatest obstacle will be the other men placing themselves in her path. A wealthy widow of her beauty will be sought after. I encouraged him to press his suit forthwith. If she holds any affection for him, which seems at least possible, given the clues extended, he should have no trouble.”

“Who would have thought you would ever be giving another advice on romance?”

He glanced up at her teasing face with a grin. “My arts worked on you, did they not? Found me irresistible, charming, dashing? Had to have me as yours immediately? Wanted me desperately?” He accented the huskily uttered words with firm strokes down her sides and a tight squeeze into his pelvis.

Lizzy squirmed and laughed. “Live with your delusions if you must, Mr. Darcy, although rewriting history is considered a sin in some quarters.”

He merely grinned and returned to the delightful contemplation of her bosom. “You no longer leak milk and feel softer, not so… lumpy.”

“Lumpy? Yes, I suppose they did at times.” She shook her head in amusement. “My body seems to have adjusted.” She smiled at Darcy’s rapt attention, running fingers through his thick, messy hair while she observed the play of expressions crossing his elegant features. His thoughts were transparent, thus she was not even slightly surprised when he gently rolled her onto her back and buried his face into her chest with a happy sigh.

His playful delight did not last long, however, as the bell above the right side of the bed rang. With a final kiss to each pert nipple, Darcy rose, kissing her lips before exiting the bed.

They had come to refer to this final nursing as Alexander’s bedtime snack, as he inevitably ate voraciously prior and needed merely to fill the tiny void before succumbing to a deep Darcy-style sleep that lasted for six to sometimes eight hours. Naturally, he was not always so predictable, often waking in the darkest hours of the night for nourishment or comforting. Mrs. Hanford assured them this was typical and to be expected for months to come. Generally, the nanny attempted to calm the baby herself, not wishing to disturb her Mistress unless essential; however, she was under orders to alert the Darcys the moment Alexander was inconsolable. Neither regarded it as a burden to attend to their son’s needs.

They were fortunate in that Alexander was a temperate infant. He had only suffered two episodes of severe infantile colic, probably as a result of something Lizzy had eaten, Mrs. Hanford informed. Those two nights of pacing and rocking with a disconsolate, screaming baby were hideously memorable. The three had taken turns attempting to placate the suffering and irritated babe, only Lizzy managing limited success at her breast. The frantic parents were distraught, doubly so by the increasing hoarseness of their son’s voice and purple cast to his face. The first night, Darcy was so worried that he woke George, insisting he examine Alexander, which the good doctor was more than happy to do. He and Mrs. Hanford exchanged understanding glances, George assuring the new parents that it was normal albeit distressful. He personally brewed a concoction of herbals, including fennel, chamomile, anise, and dill that did seem to help, or maybe Alexander just wore himself out. Whatever the case, they kept a bottle of the extract in the nursery just in case.

Darcy particularly enjoyed this late night snack, as Alexander was not so ravenous and more apt to willingly play with his father. He walked slowly into the bedchamber, Alexander placated for the moment with his father’s little finger. “Have you been a good boy while I was gone, my sweet? I believe you have gained another half a pound, you gorger. You nearly have two chins!” He laughed, Alexander pausing his steady sucking to gaze into Darcy’s eyes. He had a firm grip to the index finger, chubby fist curled tight, and his legs kept a regular rhythm of strong kicks. He was always moving, Darcy had discovered. Unless asleep or completely satiated with mother’s milk, his body was in action. The day before Christmas he had kicked so hard that he flipped from his side to back, limbs flailing wildly and eyes wide in amazement at the abrupt change.

Darcy sat on the bed beside a reclining Lizzy, not ready to relinquish the lively bundle cuddled in his arms. With eyes locked onto his son’s face, he asked of his wife, “Has he had any bouts of colic while I was away?”

“No. He was a bit fussy two nights ago and slow to suckle contentedly. I gave him a few drops of tonic and we rocked. I discovered that gazing into the flames soothes him. Finally he nursed and slept well. I was relieved it did not ripen into a serious episode, as you were not here to sing to him.” She chuckled at Darcy’s wry smile. “I would not count on him being musically inclined, as he seems to prefer your singing voice to mine.”

“Have no fear, love. Georgie adored my singing and she is incredibly talented. Maybe you will be the Darcy male to break the mold, my darling.” He brought the baby to his lips for a number of tender kisses, Alexander patiently enduring. Darcy ran a hand all over his son’s round body, marveling anew at the combination of vulnerable softness and solid strength. Developing rolls of fat could be felt on his arms and legs, his entire body dominated by an enormous abdomen, and his head hard was still covered with a mass of brown curls. Darcy removed one thick knitted bootie to nibble kisses to a plump, pink foot.

“Praise be to God for keeping you so healthy and perfect,” Darcy whispered, kissing the baby’s brow. “I love you, my son, my precious, precious son.”

“We received a few more gifts before the storm struck. I piled them with the others in the parlor.” She reached up to tickle over Alexander’s exposed toes, dropping her hand to caress lightly over Darcy’s bare knee emerged from an open robe. “We received a package from Lady Catherine and Anne, including an envelope addressed to us which I assume is a wedding invitation.”

“You did not open it?”

“I wished to wait for you. I heard from Charlotte as well, a brief note as they likely all will be for a time to come. She says that the girls are in excellent health; the youngest, Rachel if you recall, has nearly caught up to her sister Leah. What a relief it must be for them.”

“Rachel and Leah. Lovely names, although I find myself thankful they were not male children or they may have been christened Cain and Abel.”

Lizzy laughed. “Or Jacob and Esau, neither option boding well for future sibling tranquility. Anyway, Charlotte says the wedding plans are consuming life at Rosings. I gather it is to be an extravaganza. Apparently, Mr. Collins was disappointed that the ceremony would be taking place in the Ashford Cathedral with the Bishop presiding.”

“Foolish man! What did he think?”

“You know the answer to that question! The date is officially set as February twenty-seven, a week after Mary and Mr. Daniels. That is fortunate if we decide to travel.”

Darcy patted the hand lying on his knee, smiling sympathetically. “Do not worry over it, love. I will do all in my power to ensure you are present at your sister’s wedding and that Alexander is safe. The carriage is solid and we possess a plethora of thick quilts and down comforters. Alexander is healthy and a temperate infant who will travel well, I judge, especially cuddled by us. We can journey in short stages over several days. Of course, all this depends on you, my wee love,” he paused for fresh kisses, Alexander wiggling. “Stay strong and grow stout so we can proudly show you to the rest of your relatives.”

Lizzy smiled joyously at her husband’s antics, nodding in agreement. “Let me see, what else happened while you were gone? Reverend Bertram visited to say he cleared and cleaned the balcony and opened the side rooms to allot more space.”

Darcy laughed. “I have told him at least three times not to fret over it. He seems to imagine half of Derbyshire showing up for the affair, which I deem unlikely. We may esteem our son’s christening as a premiere event, but I assured him that a baby’s naming in general is not a cause of major enthusiasm.”

“It has been many years since a Darcy heir was christened, so to the good Reverend, it is an event of momentous importance. Allow him his moment of glory. By the way, I took the liberty of planning a luncheon party of sorts for that afternoon. Mrs. Langton was instructed to keep it simple and not lavish too much attention on the meal or christening cake, orders that I am sure she will ignore. I trust this meets with your approval?”

He looked at her with a humorous smile and twinkling eyes. “Yes, it meets with my approval, Mistress Darcy. Another occasion to swell with pride at the blessings gifted me in you and our son is always welcomed. Although you, my little ball of energy, will not be attending I am afraid. We have been fortunate thus far to avoid any illness and I will not press our luck.” Alexander erupted in fresh squirms at his father’s tickling fingers under his chunky arms.

“Care to hazard a guess as to who else is in love or a reasonable facsimile thereof?” Darcy lifted the left brow inquiringly. “You will never guess.”

“If you say my baby sister I may have to cry.”

“No, silly. I am speaking of Miss Bingley.”

“You are not serious? Who is the unfortunate gentleman?”

“Fitzwilliam Darcy! Shame.” But she was laughing and he was unrepentant. Lizzy shook her head, slapping him playfully on the knee. “His name is Sir Wallace Dandridge of Chelmsford, Essex.”

“Ah, that mystery is solved.”


He shrugged, telling her of Bingley’s frustration regarding endless references to Essex. “I do not believe she has thus far confided in her brother. How did you discover this piece of stunning news?”

“Girl talk, my love.” She replied sweetly with a flutter of her lashes.

Darcy grunted. “Female blathering is the germane phrase, but I am thankful you were not bored in my absence.”

She raised her chin at his lopsided grin, pouting adorably. “I see. And you and Colonel Fitzwilliam swapping romantic advice qualify as professional consultation?”

“Precisely! So when shall Miss Bingley become Lady Dandridge?”

“We gather that it is not official as yet. She hints strongly to an ‘understanding’ of some nature, reveling in the secrecy of it all. Perhaps Sir Wallace is waiting on an opportune moment to speak with Charles.”

“Do you judge her truly in love?” His inflection clearly indicating his dubiousness.

“Difficult to say. Charles is right. Every other sentence is ‘Sir Wallace this’ or ‘Sir Wallace that’ and once she even called him ‘Wally,’ then blushed crimson. It was hysterical. Still, I speculate that she is as enamored by the gentleman’s title as the gentleman himself. Perhaps I am being uncivil, but she does seem particularly smug over the fact that he bears a title and none of our husbands do.”

“I am positive I could buy myself a title if it would please you.” Lizzy snorted and pinched his knee. “Ouch!”

“You deserved that, ridiculous man.”

“All flippancy aside, I do pray she has found true emotion and happiness. I am acquainted with Sir Wallace and he strikes me as a kind man. If they are blessed with a fourth our joy, they will be content. Of course, no child could possibly surpass my Alexander for sheer cuteness and sweetness, is that not correct, my pudgy lamb?” He clutched the baby under his arms, bringing the round abdomen to his mouth for blowing tickles.

Alexander released a short squeal, fingers instantly grasping fistfuls of Darcy’s hair with legs kicking crazily.

Shortly, Alexander’s tolerance gave out, and his tiny face lost all serenity. “My turn,” Lizzy said with a laugh, pulling the blanket away as Darcy positioned a now seriously hungry baby at his mother’s breast. After adding three more logs to the fire, Darcy stripped off his robe and joined his family on the comfortable bed.

There was something incredibly intimate and peaceful about these interludes with their son nestled between their bodies. Watching him suckle from Elizabeth, the most basic of maternal acts, was joyous. Darcy could not quite explain it, but it brought a level of tranquility and pride to his soul that was immeasurable.

He snuggled close, nose pressed to Alexander’s curls and fingertips caressing lightly. “I missed his birthday.”

Lizzy frowned in puzzlement. “I beg your pardon? William, you were only gone five days.”

He smiled into Alexander’s hair. “His one-month birthday, and do not pretend you did not note the day, my heart.”

“I bestowed an extra dose of kisses, told him he was a month old, and confirmed the all consuming love his parents hold for him. Otherwise it was just another day. Do not fret so.” She stroked over his cheek. “You were merely melancholy about the mill catastrophe and being away.”

“I suppose.” He sighed, rolling away slightly and meeting her eyes. “I missed you both terribly, but I confess having Richard as companion eased the pain. I am afraid I was not initially too pleased, quite rude to him actually. I thought you had sent him, which irritated me, but now that I think on it I would have appreciated the gesture.”

“Thank you, but I had nothing to do with it. We were informed of his departure by a hastily penned note found on his breakfast setting. I wished I had thought of it, in fact, and was grateful that he chose to insinuate himself. It eased my mind to know you would have him there to cheer your gloominess.”

“That he did, to a degree, as well as rolling up his sleeves and working alongside the others.” He paused, collecting his thoughts, and launched into the details of the fire and its repercussion.

Lizzy had turned to the other side to nurse Alexander on the opposite breast, Darcy spooning wholly head to toe and continuing his account with chin resting into the bend of her neck.

“The poor boy,” she said, speaking of the Hendle youth, “so tragic to lose your father so young. I am sure your words encouraged him to dwell on his father in a positive light.”

He ran a finger down Alexander’s downy cheek, voice thick and low, “I thought of Alexander and remembered your chastisement before I departed…”

“William, don’t…”

“No, it is all right, beloved. You were correct, completely. Life is uncertain, naturally, and I do not plan on leaving this earth anytime near soon, but I would like to hope that my death, when it comes, will be later rather than sooner.” He paused yet again, Lizzy waiting. She did not need to see his face to know that he was struggling with how to express a painful sentiment. “I never imagined that I would be able to consider my father’s death as it occurred a… positive, so to speak, from a certain point of view. I have such full memories of him, joyous times, years of mentorship and friendship. The years we shared taught me how to be a man, a husband, a father, a Master, and so many other qualities that I cannot fathom them all. Now I have been gifted the opportunity to pass on this knowledge to Alexander and any other children we are blessed with. God, what a fortunate man I am!”

He reflexively clutched her tighter into his body, face pressed into the tender flesh of her neck with eyes on their sleeping son. “Forgive me, Elizabeth, for momentarily forgetting to prioritize my responsibilities. If this time away has taught me anything, it is how important family is above all. And how fragile life is,” he finished quietly.

Lizzy rubbed the thigh lying on top of hers then removed the slack mouthed infant from her breast, nestling him away before turning in Darcy’s arms to gaze into his face. She embraced him, palms soothing over his back, and kissed tenderly. “You are the best man in the entire world, Fitzwilliam, and need never apologize to me for being human and vulnerable. But I do appreciate it.” She smiled with that humorous lilt to her lips that he so adored. “I never thought I would be saying this to that stoic, reserved man I met in Meryton, but you need to learn to suppress your reckless impetuousness to a degree. And listen to the superior wisdom of your wife.”

She grinned sunnily, Darcy grinning and laughing in return. “Agreed.”

“Do you truly predict no financial deficits from the fire?”

He was stretched above her, propped on one elbow with head resting in his hand, the other breezily running over her body. He shook his head negative. “We spent hours over the figures. I am confident that our capital is abundantly sufficient to cover the cost of repairs and buying new machines. I trust Mr. Shultz to handle those aspects efficiently.”

“So what still worries you?” She asked, fingering the tiny creases between his brows.

“Until we have everything restored, there is no way we can fulfill our current contracts. Fortunately, it is the slow time of year, but there are nonetheless stacks of waiting cotton that needs to be processed and more constantly arriving from warehouses. That is one of the issues I discussed with Mr. Keith. I will be writing several letters over the following days to placate our clients.”

“Surely they will understand and sympathize with your plight.”

“Undoubtedly they will. But business is business. Their livelihood depends on us processing the raw cotton and providing cloth. Our livelihood depends on a finished product, with orders needing to be filled on the other end to keep contacts happy; and so if necessary, our buyers will go elsewhere. I do not blame them, as I would do the same. Financially, it is not the here and now that concerns me, but the future five, six, eight months down the line. It is imperative that we not lose clients for the future profits and function of our company.”

“So… will you give incentives? Offer discounts if they stay with you? Process some bales for free or half cost, that sort of thing?”

Darcy smiled and cupped her cheek. “Very wise, Mrs. Darcy. You have learned from my rambling orations after all.”

“I always listen and attempt to understand.”

“We have considered all options. The mill will be running for longer hours than usual, although we are limited there as well, since I refuse to allow the women and children to work for more than ten hours a day. Mr. Shultz plans to hire additional workers on a temporary basis to keep the mill operating as long as possible.”

He bent for a kiss and then resumed his pose with a serious cast to his face. “I warn you now, Elizabeth, I will be busy for a time and will need to travel over the next several weeks. Day trips, for the most part, to those clients in the vicinity, and I will avoid traveling if possible. Mr. Keith will make the trip to London in my stead.”

“Will you need to return to Derby anytime soon?”

A shadow flickered over his features and he averted his eyes. His jaw clenched briefly and lips pressed together for only a moment, but Lizzy frowned. “I will, yes, but on another matter.”

“What other matter? William?”

He looked into her eyes, shaking his head slightly and forcing a smile. “Later, my love, later. Do you trust me?”

Her eyebrows rose. “Absolutely! Do not be ridiculous!”

He smiled again, a true smile from the heart. “Then put it aside for now and just let me love you.” And without further ado, he rolled his body onto hers, fitting naturally within clasping limbs as flawlessly as lock and key. He pressed firmly and insistently but with the utmost tenderness, and captured her mouth for a prolonged kiss. He ran both palms gradually up her sides, under her arms, pressing with firm fingers the entire length of each round arm, stretching over her head until reaching her flattened palms, and holding tight with fingers laced between hers.

He left her mouth finally, traversing the expanse of her neck to an ear for teasing licks and nibbles. Lizzy was breathless with desire but managed to choke out a few words, “William, we should… the baby is… Oh God! I… that is, we should put him in his cradle.”

“I want him to stay with us tonight,” he murmured huskily, hot breath waving over her ear and sending shivers cascading through her body.

“But, we should not do…” Gasp! “…this with him…” Moan. “…here.”

“He is soundly asleep and likes to be rocked anyway.” He lifted slightly to meet her eyes, both of them smoldering with dark passion, but his additionally sparkled with humor. He clasped both wrists in one strong hand, keeping her arms extended, and leisurely rubbed back down her side, firm strokes and squeezes to a round buttock, then drawing the knee up and over his waist. “He will be unaffected, my lover. You will not be.”

And with that grating declaration, he dove in, hard and all at once. He groaned deeply in his throat, eyes closing in exalting pleasure. “Oh my Lizzy! I love you!”

He was correct; Alexander never flinched. The antics of his loving, impassioned parents registered not at all unless it was to be soothed into an even deeper sleep by the rhythmic swaying and cadenced gasps. Lizzy was granted her earlier wish in experiencing a lovemaking session of highly intense enthusiasm. There was little in the way of gentleness in their uninhibited passion, but much in the way of furious innervations. Before the need was comfort and cleansing, now the need was a celebration of life and vitality. The emotion was ferocious, the energy spent exorbitant, the excitement fervent, and the release euphoric.

Darcy rolled away, shuddering and inhaling vigorous lungfuls of air. Rarely did they break intimate contact immediately, but the basic need for oxygen called for it. He clasped Lizzy’s hand tightly, silence descending except for their rasping respirations.

Lizzy recovered her faculties first, reaching to brush her knuckles over Alexander’s rosy cheek, and then turning to her husband’s side. She kissed his shoulder, sighing in utter contentment. He kissed the crown of her head, rubbing against the soft tresses, his voice rough and low, “I fear I may need to rescind my earlier promise.”

“Which promise is that?”

“That I keep you awake all night with constant loving. I believe you have unhinged me and depleted me wholly. Not that I am complaining, mind you.”

She could feel the smile and giggled, kissing the sweaty muscular shoulder again. “I can live with the disappointment. Until some time tomorrow, that is.” She lifted, running a hand down the damp hairs on his chest while peering into sparkling blue eyes. “I love you, Fitzwilliam Darcy, with all my being.”

Darcy cupped her chin, feathering fingertips along her skin. He stared, simply stared, for several minutes, only then pulling in for a soft kiss. Lizzy brushed the hair away from his noble brow, bestowing a tiny nibble to his upper lip. She tried to withdraw, but he held her close, airily skimming pecks and nuzzles about her face.

“Elizabeth,” he whispered. “My beautiful Elizabeth. You heal me with your devotion. You infuse me with your life and verve and goodness. I now have the strength to share the remainder of my trip with you.”

She shook her head. “You are tired, my love. I can see the circles under your eyes and hear the weariness in your voice. Your adventures can wait until you have slept.”

Darcy, however, was shaking his head negative. “I appreciate your concern, dearest, and I do need to sleep. First, though, I want to tell you all. It is important to me.”

“You are frightening me, William. Are you sure you are well?”

“Forgive me! I do not mean to imply anything ill with my health. Have I not proven my vigor?” He grinned and Lizzy chuckled despite her unease.

“You are incorrigible! And you should not jest with my worries. I have sensed from the moment I saw you in the arbor that something serious was amiss, but convinced myself it was merely weariness or thought it related to the fire. Now I am truly alarmed.”

He pulled her closer and kissed tenderly. “I accept your chastisement, love, and beg your pardon. I have a story to tell, it is true, but I desire to keep it from you completely. I abhor the very idea of causing you pain.”

“William, sharing your life means sharing everyth—”

He halted her with another kiss. “Do not say it, Elizabeth. Trust me, I have learned the lesson of hiding anything from you or making an attempt to shield. I cannot say it is easy, as I always endeavor to bring you only joy and contentment, but I promised to be forthright at all times and I will. This is why I want to reveal all, so I can sleep with you in my arms knowing there are no lingering secrets to disturb my blissful dreams.”

She was staring intently into his eyes, frowning. “Thank you. I could not bear it if there was turmoil in your soul or some actual circumstance transpiring that I was not aware of and given the opportunity to alleviate. I love you, William, far too much to allow you to suffer if there is anything I can do to help.”

He smiled and nodded, bringing her hands to lie against his chest, and with a sigh, began.

“Richard and I left Derby the day before yesterday.”

“Two days ago? During the blizzard?” She blurted, biting her lip instantly. “Sorry.”

He chuckled faintly. “Yes, it was appallingly foolish. I allowed my impetuosity to rule, as you recently scolded me. We barely made it unfrozen to Belper, finding shelter at the inn. I was in a foul mood, Elizabeth, I admit with shame. I wanted to be home so dreadfully, missed you and Alexander, and wholly ignored my normal wisdom and temperance.”

He closed his eyes and, in a muted tone, told her the entire tale, leaving only the most gruesome details out. Lizzy gasped a time or two but remained silent until he reached the part where he almost left against the Sheriff’s command.

“I am ashamed to admit that I nearly slugged Richard. Thankfully, he spoke sensible words that penetrated my thick skull, or I probably would have acted rashly and still be clapped in irons as he predicted.”

Surprisingly, Lizzy was giggling, her smothered chuckling breaking Darcy from his narrative. “You find this amusing, Mrs. Darcy?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“I suddenly had a mental picture of you and Richard grappling about on the floor, pummeling each other as unruly boys.”

She continued to giggle, Darcy chuckling as well. “Nearly, but I finally called upon the restraint and forbearance generally a chief character trait. I saw reason, or more aptly accepted the futility of my situation.”

“So, did they catch the villain? He is not still running loose, is he?” Her voice unconsciously raised an octave, eyes wide with fright.

Darcy draped her with one arm and a leg, drawing her closer and kissing her forehead before tucking under his chin. “We caught him. A young man just eighteen on a pleasure tour with his brother. Fancied himself in love with Miss Hazeldon and thought she returned his affection, and…”

He fell silent, trembles and pounding heart felt by Lizzy. He did not speak for several minutes, and when he did, his voice was agonized. “I thought of Georgiana, Elizabeth. I have never seen anything quite this horrible, but I know what unscrupulous men are capable of, what they believe is their right, what is somehow owed them as the natural conclusion to a flirtation and roused desire. How some regard women as property and worthy of only what pleasure can be taken from them, forcefully or willingly it matters naught. Wickham was such a person, as I knew so well. When I arrived at Ramsgate, unexpectedly discovering his plot, my greatest fear was that he had violated Georgie. I knew it to be a real possibility. Praise God, I was in time, as I am absolutely convinced he would have taken her virtue either to secure her or wound me without the slightest consideration to her fragility or sensibilities. Yet never did it occur to me that she could have died. Some say rape is a fate worse then death. As a man I cannot judge whether this is true or not, but I believe I am sensitive enough to fathom the horror of it. However, nothing could be worse then what happened in Belper,” he finished in a bare whisper.

“You were correct to scold me for being foolhardy,” he continued, “for forgetting my responsibilities to you and my family. I will not forget it again. My place is here, protecting you and our son, and all the others dependent on me. I cannot allow myself to brainlessly or selfishly bring harm to my person because I must be diligent in my duties! I will not fail you, Elizabeth.”

“I know—”

“I promise to safeguard you, my wife, and you must promise to be wise, wary, sensible, and aware. Elizabeth, I cannot survive without you. I know this to be true as a mere five days drives me insane!”

Darcy trailed his fingers and lips airily over her face. Exhaustion washed over him in waves as the final vestiges of the tragedies were illuminated and scattered. He ached deep into his bones with sleep clawing at the edges of his consciousness, yet he could not halt hands and mouth which urgently required the final cathartic sensation of touching his wife’s vibrant flesh.

Lizzy, by the same token, experienced a similar abrupt weariness of heart and body. Her husband’s troubles had shaken her, and she felt his sorrow. Yet, with each unifying act of lovemaking, with each cleansing conversation, and with each current kiss and caress, she knew he was healed. Although weary, her heart nonetheless leapt for joy in the knowledge that their unique bond had worked another miracle.

Considering the expended energy and emotions of the evening thus far, it was a marvel that either would respond sensually. Then again, never could Darcy touch his wife without desiring to arouse her. He was well down the luscious curves of her body before fully comprehending her rising ardor, the lush swell of her breasts his personal undoing.

“I love you immeasurably, Elizabeth,” he whispered between tender licks and kisses, fingering through the tousled curls cascading wildly over their pillows. “Always and for all eternity you are mine. Only mine.”

Darcy was quite certain he could fall asleep in seconds and not budge for hours, but the titillation of his wife was irresistible. While his increasingly foggy brain fought succumbing to the oblivion of sleep, his potent manliness responded to her enchantment and touch.

Lizzy took charge. Rolling him onto his back, she rapidly straddled his hips. Darcy groaned weakly, hands slack on her thighs, misty eyes shining with profound contentment at the electrifying feel of her surrounding him and the captivating vision of her feminine figure with luxuriant tresses tumbling rising above him.

“I love you eternally, Fitzwilliam. Only for you, my life and breath. Always and forever, you are mine.”

It did not take long. A few minutes of tender motions and he yielded to the comforting surge of pleasure procured only with her. His satiated, stuporous brain was only vaguely aware of her moving away afterwards to add a log to the fire. He opened his eyes briefly, ponderously scooting closer to Alexander and laying one broad hand onto the baby’s back before falling into a daze. A brief rush of air over his back was quickly supplanted by the radiant warmth of Elizabeth nuzzling between his shoulder blades. Her arm snaked over his waist and her breath soothingly wafted across the nape of his neck.

“Good night, my darling. Sleep well.” A tender kiss planted at the top of his spine was his last memory. His final thought was a reciprocated wish for refreshing sleep, but the sentiment would remain unspoken as consuming, blissful, therapeutic, and revitalizing sleep overwhelmed.
