Thanks to my agent, Laura Langlie, for all her support in this project. Thanks to my editor, Kate Sullivan, for her spot-on comments and brilliant advice on how to make this book work. Thanks to everyone at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for bringing Adaptation and Inheritance into the world, including library marketing mavens Zoe Luderitz and Victoria Stapleton; eagle-eyed production editor Barbara Bakowski; and designer Alison Impey for the fantastic covers. Thanks to my good friend and critique partner, Cindy Pon, who pushed me to answer every single question (at least in my head). Thanks to Casa Mexico Retreat for helping me hammer out the shape of this book: Paolo Bacigalupi, Holly Black, Cassandra Clare, and Sarah Rees Brennan. Thanks once again to my friend Dr. Vincent Smith for providing me with fancy medical jargon. Though I’m sure Antonio Damasio did not intend for his book to be used this way, I must acknowledge how useful his Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain was to me in thinking about consciousness. All errors, science or plot-related, are mine. And thanks to my partner, Amy Lovell, for supporting me through another crazy writing year.