By the time we got back to the Sands, Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested and charged with the murders of a police officer, and the President of the United States. The images of Oswald in handcuffs were played over and over on the screen.
We went to Jerry’s suite. He let me in and then said he was going to look for his cousin, Billy. First, I asked him to stash the five grand for me because I didn’t want to carry it around, then I used the phone to call Abby Dalton’s room.
‘Isn’t it horrible?’ she asked me. ‘I’ve been watching all day.’
‘Yes, I know,’ I said. ‘It’s hard to believe. Listen, Abby, I’ve been workin’ on your problem and I think I’m gonna get those photos tomorrow.’
‘From Irwin?’
‘Yes, apparently he has them in a safe deposit box.’
She hesitated, then said, ‘Maybe I should be flattered.’
‘I’ll come back here right away when I have the photos,’ I said. ‘You’re probably anxious to leave Vegas and get home.’
‘I do have to get back to work.’
‘OK,’ I said, ‘just be patient one more day.’
‘I’d be more patient if I had some company.’
‘I’ll come by in an hour and take you to dinner.’
‘Wonderful! That will be so much better than sitting here watching the television.’
‘I’m gonna bring a friend who’s helpin’ us,’ I added. I figured Jerry would like to meet Abby.
‘The private detective?’
‘No, another friend. I think you’ll find him. . interesting.’
I hung up and dialed Entratter’s office.
‘Any word on Frank?’ I asked when he answered.
‘He was on the Warner Brothers lot shooting Robin and the 7 Hoods with the rest of the guys. I talked to Dean. He said Frank went directly to church, then called the White House.’
‘Did the Kennedys talk to him?’
‘He spoke with Pat Lawford.’
‘Not Peter?’
‘No. Pat told Frank she’d pass his condolences on to the family.’
‘That must not have sat very well with him.’
‘They closed down the set for the day. I don’t know where Frank is now. Maybe with Dean. He seems to be the only one who can talk to Frank.’
‘Frank’s gonna want to go to the funeral.’
‘Then he’ll be disappointed,’ Jack said. ‘There’s no way they’ll let him go.’
‘I guess we’ll all just have to wait and see.’
‘How are you doin’ with that problem for Abby Dalton?’ he asked.
‘Should wrap it up tomorrow.’
‘Well, at least that’s good news. Let me know when it’s all over.’
‘I will. I should be in the building the rest of the night. I’m taking Abby to dinner, and then I’ll go down to the floor for a while.’
‘OK,’ Jack said. ‘See ya there.’
As I hung up, the door slammed open and Billy came stumbling into the room, followed by Jerry, who was about as livid as I’d ever seen him.
‘Take it easy, Uncle Jerry!’
‘What’s going on?’ I asked.
‘This idiot,’ Jerry said, pointing, ‘is in to the casino for seventy grand!’
‘Seventy?’ I asked. ‘Who okayed him for seventy grand?’
We both looked at Billy.
‘I dunno,’ he said, with a shrug. ‘I asked for ten grand credit, then ten more-’
‘And kept askin’,’ Jerry said. ‘And he woulda still been askin’ if I hadn’t stopped him.’
‘I’m close, Uncle Jerry,’ Billy said. ‘My system is gonna work.’ He looked at me. ‘I just need ten thousand more.’
‘Shut up!’ Jerry shouted, his face almost cherry red. ‘You’re done gambling.’
‘But that’s what we came here to do,’ Billy complained.
‘Yeah, with the money you brought with you. Nobody said you could run up a tab.’
‘The guy downstairs said it was OK.’
‘Who?’ I asked.
‘I don’t know his name.’
Jerry gave me a look.
‘I’ll find out,’ I said. ‘Just keep him here.’
‘Don’t worry,’ Jerry said. ‘He ain’t goin’ nowhere.’
I left the suite and went down to see what idiot had given a twenty-one year old seventy grand worth of credit.