List of Illustrations

(All illustrations, except those otherwise acknowledged, courtesy of the Russian State Archive of Cinema, Photography and Sound, Moscow.)

1 A soldier’s farewell to his wife and children, Don Front, 1941

2 Local people talking to Red Army soldiers, September 1943

3 Soldiers at the banya, September 1941

4 A senior sergeant teaches a young recruit to wrap footcloths

5 A political officer reads to the troops, 1944

6 Red Army soldiers receiving their supply of shells before battle, 1941

7 Artillery moving into firing position, Southern Front, 1942

8 Soldiers near Leningrad receiving a consignment of books and paper, 1942

9 Soviet infantry in their trenches, winter 1941

10 The massacre of Jews at Kovno (photograph found in the pocket of a German NCO captured later in the war, courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

11 German soldiers with the bodies of their Russian victims (another photograph that its German owner had cherished, courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

12 Artillerymen dining beside their weapons, 1941

13 Humorous portrayal of the ‘Winter Fritz’, from a Red Army theatrical review called ‘The Thieving Army’, February 1942

14 Red Army troops repair their boots, 1943

15 Women launder soldiers’ clothes on the 1st Ukrainian Front, 1943

16 Sappers from the 193 Dnepr rifle division building a shelter, 10 December 1943

17 A soldiers’ choir on the Kalinin Front, May 1942

18 Soviet refugees, a mother and son, rest on their journey, April 1942 (courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

19 A medical orderly loads a soldier’s body on to a horse-drawn stretcher, 1943

20 Dog teams transporting the injured, August 1943

21 Infantry and tanks near Kharkov, 1943

22 A scene of destruction (village of Kuyani; courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

23 Field post arriving for soldiers in the Kaluga region, 1942

24 The cook arrives with soldiers’ soup

25 Tank drivers pose with their mascot, 1944

26 Red Army soldiers on the Central Front sleeping after battle, 1943

27 Machine-gunners of the 2nd Baltic Front fording a river, 1944

28 Russian POW with his prisoner number (courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

29 Bonfire of logs and corpses photographed as evidence of German war crimes, Klooga, Estonia (courtesy of the State Archive of the Russian Federation)

30 A column of Soviet troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front arriving in an East Prussian city, 24 January 1945

31 Infantrymen of a guards regiment stowing their bicycles for shipment, May 1945

32 The Soviets in Berlin, May 1945

33 A train carrying demobilized soldiers arrives in Moscow, 1945

34 Demobilized troops arrive in the town of Ivanovo, 1945
