Chapter Seven

Hanging off his arm, nattering nonstop, Mitchell refrained from sighing at Jenny’s annoying presence. In the past, he’d never noticed certain things about her, such as her too slim frame-unlike someone’s plush, curvy one. Ignored her habit of using too much makeup-so different from a certain fresh-faced girl with freckles he knew. Tuned out her stupid attempts at conversation, while recalling the fun he’d had verbally sparring with another.

Even on a date with a girl guaranteed to give him a good time, he couldn’t stop thinking about Francine. Worse, he kept comparing her to Jenny, and poor Jenny, she couldn’t seem to win in any category.

He actually began thinking of ways to ditch his eager date when they came in. Looking ridiculously gorgeous-and nothing like a sister, dammit-Francine wore a short red skirt that flared, a tight top that showed off cleavage deep enough to swallow a hand, oh and a certain cat, whose possessive arm around her staked his claim quite effectively.

Bright eyes only lightly outlined with dark eyeliner skimmed over him, and he didn’t miss the quirk of her lips as she took in his date who chose that moment to hang herself on his neck like a pendant. Before he could disentangle her, Francine tugged at Alejandro, leading him toward the bar, but Alejandro changed her direction, instead leading her onto the dance floor.

It briefly crossed Mitchell’s mind to wonder what she did here, this techno club not her usual hang out. His sister and Francine usually preferred cocktail type bars. Not that how she’d gotten here mattered. Present, and looking entirely too delicious, he couldn’t push her from his mind. An irrational urge came over him. He needed to see her, touch her. Mark her, whispered his wolf. However, instead of doing any of those things, he stayed put, and lost sight of her among the dense bodies. His beast just about lost its mind, pacing and growling that he find her. Surely a peek wouldn’t hurt, a glimpse to ensure nothing untoward happened whilst in the grips of the seducer.

“Let’s dance.” He dragged Jenny, craning to locate a mop of auburn curls, and when he found it, both man and beast let out a low growl. Stopping dead on the dance floor, he watched as Francine danced with Alejandro, her hourglass shape undulating to the music’s fast tempo, the cat’s hands on her hips guiding her. A hypnotic sight if he ignored the other male and imagined himself in his stead.

An arm wrapped around him from behind, a bony frame pressing up to his back. Jenny shouted in his ear, “I thought we were going to dance?”

Pivoting, he tried not to let his annoyance show on his face. Poor Jenny. She’d done nothing to deserve his ire. He moved jerkily to the toe-tapping rhythm, trying not to cringe when his date kept rubbing against him. Harder to fight was his urge to peer back at Francine and see what she did. He lost that battle. Twirling Jenny, he swapped places with her in time to catch the girl that he could no longer consider as a sister, dirty dancing with the cat. Facing away from Alejandro, she gyrated her buttocks against him while the seducer let his hands roam over her stomach, sliding them to a point just under her breasts then down again to clasp her hips.

Unbidden, Mitchell’s cock swelled at the sight, their dance so mesmerizing and sensual that he wanted to join them, press in on her from the front, have her hands wander over his back as he hungrily devoured her mouth.

“Mitchell,” yelled a voice that didn’t sound like a husky promise coated in laughter. “I’m so flattered.” It took a hand cupping his crotch for him to clue in on what Jenny meant. He recoiled from her touch, repulsed and imbued with a sense of guilt. Not at having gotten caught lusting for another woman, but because he didn’t want Francine to see Jenny touching him.

His distaste didn’t go unnoticed. Confusion twisted Jenny’s face, and he could see her opening her mouth to speak. An answer eluded him so he took the cowardly route. He turned on his heel and made a beeline for the bar.

Unfortunately, she followed, not so easily ditched.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jenny asked, her fingers digging into his arm, trying to stop him.

“This was a bad idea.” Such a bad idea, because like a fever, thoughts of Francine consumed him, and his Jenny remedy just wouldn’t do.

“What was a bad idea? Dancing? We can leave anytime you like. My roommate’s gone for the night. We’ve got the place to ourselves,” she said seductively, pressing herself to his side.

God, how he wished he could take her up on the offer. Screw something until this crazy mess in his head sorted itself. But the thought of banging Jenny and not Francine shriveled his dick better than an arctic swim.

Shit, how to get out of this pickle? Honesty seemed like his best option. Wasn’t that what women always clamored for? “The mistake I meant was you and me going on a date. I’m sorry, Jenny, you’re a nice girl and all, but I think we need to just be friends.”

Her jaw dropped and hurt made her eyes glisten. “But, I thought you wanted to be with me? Isn’t that why you called? I mean, everyone knows you and me are going to get together eventually. You just need to sow some oats first before you settle down.”

Feeling like an ass, but needing to make sure she didn’t misunderstand, Mitchell took a deep breath before speaking. “Listen, Jenny. I called you because I was horny. It was wrong of me, I admit it. But I realize now, I can’t do that to you. It wouldn’t be fair.”

“How is it unfair if I’m willing? You don’t have to propose to me tonight. Let’s just go back to my place and I’ll show you why you made the right call.”

She clutched at him, and Mitchell pried her fingers free, trying to refrain from grimacing in distaste. “No. I can’t. I was trying to use you to forget someone else, but it’s not going to work. We aren’t going to work. I’m sorry. I’ll just drive you home.”

“Who is she?”

“No one.” The hottest woman alive. “I’m sorry, Jenny. Come on, I’ll give you a ride.”

Anger twisted Jenny’s features. “Screw you, Mitchell. Don’t do me any fucking favors. I’ll get my own ass home, and it won’t be alone,” she yelled, shoving at his chest before stalking away.

Sighing, he turned back to the bar and ordered a beer. Despite the nastiness of the past moment, relief swept through him, quickly followed by urgency, make that an overwhelming need to keep tabs on Francine. Sweating brown bottle in hand, he sauntered over to the edge of the dance floor, calling himself all kinds of stupid for doing it, but unable to stay away. Sipping his brew, he found himself riveted by the sight of Francine dancing in the arms of her lover. Or is it mate like she implied? Even the thought roused his wolf, which paced in his mind with a snarl. A rumbling sound of discontent slipped from him that increased with each beer he downed, watching as the girl he lusted after, pure and simple, enjoyed herself in the arms of another.

When Alejandro finally left her side, making his way to the men’s room, Mitchell weaved a path to her side where she stood sipping some fluorescent tinted drink.

“Are you and he an item?” His question emerged terse and abrupt.

Brown eyes of the sweetest chocolate perused him. Her lips pursed, their fullness captivating him. “Would you care if we were? Or are you going to feed me that bullshit about me being a sister and all again?”

“I was just trying to look out after you. I care about you, Francine.” And I want to kiss you, dammit.

“But you don’t love me,” she stated baldly.

The answer she wanted eluded him. Did he love her? Yes, but as a lover? He wanted her, with an erotic urgency that surprised him. But, he couldn’t lie and tell her he loved her when he still saw her as little more than a friend-a hot and sexy one. “No. But-”

“Do you love Jenny?”

“No. Of course not.”

A heavy sigh left her. “What do you want from me, Mitchell? You want to fuck? Is that it?”

“Yes. No.” He scrubbed hand through his hair, frustrated but still unsure of what he wanted. Actually, he knew what he wanted. To strip her naked, lick every inch of her, then fuck her with his cock until she screamed in his arms. But, at the same time, doing that would open a huge can of worms that he didn’t think he was prepared for. “I want things to go back the way they were, when it wasn’t so freakn’ complicated.”

“You mean before I forced you to actually pay attention to me. To realize I am a woman with needs. A woman looking for her mate to claim her, or at least put out the fire in her body.”

“A part of me wants to,” he whispered, reaching a hand out to stroke a tendril of hair from her face. “But another part of me keeps screaming it’s wrong.”

“I’m not going to wait forever.”

“Can’t you wait long enough for me to sort through this mess in my head? I don’t want to rush into something that we’ll both regret.”

Disappointment flashed in her eyes, and before she could answer, the cat returned, his arm sliding around her from behind. Jealousy stung Mitchell at the casual way she accepted Alejandro’s embrace and the easy way she leaned back into his body, finding refuge in his touch. I should be the one holding her!

“We were talking,” he growled.

The seducer fixed him with a cold stare. “No, you were making excuses. Again. And I’m tired of it. Some of us aren’t afraid to admit our feelings. To act.” Brazenly, Alejandro, ran a hand up her torso until he cupped a breast. Francine’s breathing hitched, but she did nothing to remove his palm, and an urge to cup her other breast came over Mitchell. He almost had to grab his hand to stop it from actually doing it.

He took a step back in the hopes some space would help him regain control. The cat’s words penetrated. “You’re mates?”

“Not yet, but we will be,” Alejandro said with calm assurance. But Mitchell didn’t miss the surprise in Francine’s eyes when he said it.

“Don’t do it, Francine,” he said, his jealousy winning the battle. “He’s a womanizer. He’ll fuck you then leave you for the first pussy that comes his way. He’ll make you-”

Faster than he would have credited the bastard, Alejandro tucked Francine behind him and threw the first punch, the force of it making Mitchell stagger, his ears ringing. With a roar of rage, and using his turmoil-and blue balls-to fuel it, he attacked back. Fists swinging, he fought the bastard who thought to claim Francine. Who thought to touch the silky skin that he dreamt of. Who kissed the lips that should press against his. Who dared to try and claim his woman.

The screams of bystanders along with the cheers faded into the background as he slugged it out with Alejandro, the satisfying sound of his fist connecting with flesh making him grin savagely. A smile lost when a right hook back loosened some teeth.

The fight lasted only minutes before the bouncers, shapeshifters on steroids who almost rivaled Ethan in size, pried them apart and tossed their asses out of the club. Sprawled on the pavement, Mitchell raised his head, his beast pulsing at the forefront. He snarled, baring his teeth. The damned cat, on all fours, tossed his head back and growled right back, his eyes more animal than human. Their staring match ended up broken by a curvy pair of calves. Letting his gaze travel up the skin, Mitchell swallowed as he saw right up Francine’s short skirt. He couldn’t help but stare at the damp fabric clinging to a cleft whose scent drifted down to him like the sweetest of perfumes.

“Are you done?” she demanded, tapping a foot. “And you can stop looking up my skirt, Mitchell. I am not happy with either of you. I am not some fucking toy that you can use in your testosterone match of tug of war.”

“I’m sorry, Francine.” The cat’s immediate reply came out contrite, and Mitchell sneered.


“Enough,” she yelled. “Did you not just hear me, Mitchell? For a guy who can’t say the words ‘I want you’, you’re acting like a possessive jerk.”

“Fine. I want you,” he bit out with a triumphant look at the cat.

“Bullshit. You only think you do because Alejandro had the balls to say he did first. What if he left right now? Would you still say that?”

Would he? If the cat were gone tomorrow, and he didn’t have to worry about Francine in the arms of another, could he go back to his life the way it was? Turmoil free?

“Time’s up. Wrong answer.”

“But, I didn’t say anything,” he protested.

“Exactly,” she said. “I’m done. Alejandro, take me home.”

Turning, she stalked toward the parking lot, and the cat shot him an exultant smile before springing to his feet and following. A red film descended over his eyes, and Mitchell jumped to his feet, ready to charge the bastard again when Jenny, in a blonde fury, stepped in front of him.

“She’s what you ditched me for?” she screeched. “That tubby orphan Annie wannabe? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I am a hundred times better than that slut. That…”

Mitchell tuned Jenny out as he watched Alejandro open Francine’s car door to seat her then slide into the driver’s seat. He ignored her until the red taillights winked out of view, then came back to himself and actually heard the invectives Jenny kept hurling about Francine.

“Shut the fuck up, you anorexic slut,” he snapped. His rebuke made her recoil, but it did nothing to wipe the rage from her twisted features.

“I will not. Since when do you want that redheaded cow?”

“I don’t want her,” he answered automatically.

“Oh, please. Everyone in the club could see you watching her, staring at her like you wanted to eat her up.” Jenny sneered. “But the great part is it looks to me like she doesn’t want you.”

“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It’s complicated. And none of your damned business.”

She spat at him. “Fuck you, Mitchell. I can do better than you.”

Off she stalked, leaving Mitchell alone finally, and it was then he realized the answer he should have given Francine. Yes, I want you. Worse, he probably should have admitted that to her, and himself, years ago. But he’d waited too long and now the woman who tied him in knots left with another. And I’ve lost my chance.

* * * *

“Are you okay?” Alejandro’s soft question snapped her from her vacant stare out the car window.

“No. I’m now wondering if I should have said or done something different with Mitchell. But, I got so mad when instead of admitting he felt something for me, he pretended the whole asshole act was to protect me.”

“It’s not easy to admit you care about somebody.”

A bitter laugh slipped from her. “So I’m noticing. I think I’m going to forget our plan to make him jealous. It’s worked too well. The only problem is while he’s jealous, he still doesn’t want to do anything about it. Make that, he wants nothing to do with me.”

“Mitchell’s an idiot. So forget the dog. Let’s make the act reality.”

Puzzled, she turned to look at him. “What are you trying to say? You want to keep pretending we’re a couple?”

“Not all of us were faking it,” he said in a wry tone.

“I don’t understand.”

Stopped at a red light, Alejandro banged his head off the steering wheel. “God, for a smart woman, you are so freakn’ clueless sometimes. I’m saying I’m not faking it, baby. I feel things for you. Intense things.”

“You’re horny. I get that. So am I. If you want to fuck, just say so. I could use a bit of stress relief.”

A groan escaped him. “You talk about Mitchell being dense. I. Want. You. Not just your body, all of you, dammit.”

Surprise made her gape at him. “You do?”

“Why do you sound so shocked? Did you really think the whole thing was an act? Mitchell was only our audience for little bits. And I wasn’t exactly subtle.”

“I thought that was what you did with all the ladies. You know, flirting being akin to breathing for you.”

“I am a flirt. I don’t deny that. But I don’t make women dinner, or breakfast. I smile. We fuck. I leave.”

“Ooh, now that sounds fun. So once we fuck,” she repeated crudely, “you’ll leave.”

“No. I’m not going anywhere, baby. It’s not the same with you.”

“And why would I believe that?”

“Because everything about you is different.” They pulled into her driveway, and he turned to her, tugging at her hands until he held them clasped in his warm ones. “It might have started out as a ruse, but the more time we spend together, the more I want to be with you. And not just naked. I want to cook for you and hear that delightful noise you make when you eat something you like. I want you tease me mercilessly and make raunchy innuendos. Waking up beside you, picking you up from work, dancing cheek to cheek, running through the woods. All things I want to share with you, and only you.”

Blinking seemed about the only thing she could do while he spoke. Heck, she couldn’t even breathe while he said the words she’d waited so long to hear someone say. It no longer mattered that it turned out Mitchell wouldn’t say them first or at all. Alejandro, man and cat, drove her wild, and not just with lust. Funny thing was, she wanted to discover all those things about him too, plus some. But could she trust him with her heart? Despite what Naomi, and even he said, could she believe that he’d find contentment with her, and only her? Could she afford to not try?

“That’s a long list. Are we going to have time for screwing? Because I really like to screw. Oh, and suck cock. And-”

He placed his hand over her mouth. “Enough, you evil brat. I swear you’re trying to make my balls explode.”

She mumbled something against his hand. He took it away. “What did you say?”

“No, but I’d like to make your cock explode.” His strangled moan made her giggle. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I want your furry ass too, and not just for a spin atop your cock. You intrigue me. But, I have to say, letting you get close scares me too.” She decided to speak with him honestly.

“You’re afraid of losing Mitchell.”

“No. I’m afraid of losing you. My biggest fear is after a few days or a week, you’ll tire of me and move on. I don’t know if I could handle that, Alejandro.” Heck, she lacked the ability to make her own parents stick around, and they were supposed to love her. How could she manage to intrigue a man like Alejandro for a life time?

“If I make a promise to you, I will keep it. If say forever, it will be for an eternity.”

How I want to believe. She reached up a hand and placed it on his cheek. “Can we start with just tonight?”

“So you don’t want me to mark you?” He seemed saddened by it.

“Not yet. I’ve known you what now, thirty-six hours? That’s pretty quick to make a decision that lasts a lifetime.”

“It happened to my brother and Ethan.”

“And yet it still took them a week to convince Naomi. Don’t I deserve the same? I promise to not try and rip your balls off like she tried with Javier.”

“Ah, but I’d love for you to get rough with them,” he said with a leer and a chuckle.

“Pig.” It came out as a term of endearment, and finally, he leaned forward to touch his mouth to hers. It started out as a slow, sensual kiss, but Francine wanted, make that needed, more.

She curled her arms around his neck and yanked him tight to her, grinding her mouth against his, sucking his lower lip before biting it, not hard enough to break skin, but with enough pressure to excite them both.

The horn honked and they sprang apart, him with a curse, her with a giggle.

“Shall me adjourn somewhere more comfortable?” he asked.

“Think we can make it to a bed?” she challenged, hopping out of the car. In a flash, he’d come around to her side and swooped her into his arms.

“A bed? Where’s your sense of spirit?” he chided as he juggled her and the keys up her front walk. She latched onto his neck, sucking the tanned skin, loving the slightly salty flavor and inhaling his rich scent. Her antics caused the usually graceful cat to fumble, the keys clinking against the lock. He growled, his impatience clear-and so arousing.

Chuckling against his skin, she let her hand travel the breadth of his upper chest, stroking him while he fitted the key into the lock and managed to get the door open.

Kicking it closed, the door swung back, not entirely latching shut, not that she cared given he’d let her slide down the length of his hard frame. She kept her arms wound around his neck, stretching on tiptoe to reach his lips. Bending, he gave her his mouth, the passion of their embrace stealing her breath.

“I want you, Jag,” she moaned against his lips. “Hurry.”

“Impatient brat,” he murmured against her mouth as his hands pulled up her top and slid over the skin of her back. Returning the favor, she tugged at his shirt, but pressed tightly together, they made little progress. They split apart long enough to tear them off, leaving her clad in a bra and him bare-chested.

Good lord, talk about scrumptious. She reverently ran her fingers over the taut, tanned skin of his torso, loving the way he sucked in his breath as her hands slid over the ripples of his abs following the vee of ridged flesh that disappeared into his jeans.

She unsnapped his pants and tugged them down over his hips, dropping to her knees as she did. Eye level with his cock, she licked her lips in impatience as she struggled to denude him.

“What are you doing?” he growled.

“I am going to suck that big cock of yours just like I’ve wanted to since I saw you shafting it last night.”

“Oh fuck me, you’re trying to kill me,” he moaned as she freed his long and curved prick. The velvety skin fairly scorched her palm as she wrapped her hand around it, the veins in it pulsing at her touch. Peering up, she saw him gazing down at her, his dark eyes blazing with passion. Holding his stare, she stuck her tongue out and lapped at his rounded head, tasting the pre-cum on the tip before swirling it down the ridge that ran the length of it. He swallowed hard, the cords on his neck standing out as she lapped at him, learning every inch of his cock before she took him into her mouth in one wet gulp.

“Oh god, baby, that feels so freakn’ good,” he groaned as his fingers tangled themselves in her hair, his grip on her head exciting, especially when he helped her bob his dick in and out of her wet orifice.

Pulsing in her mouth, his prick gliding in and out, she inhaled hard, wanting to see him lose control.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He panted the word like a mantra, his body taut as he held back from giving her what she wanted.

She mewled in disappointment when he pulled her off of his cock. He lifted her right off her feet and caught her lips in a fiery kiss that stole her breath. As he slammed her up against a wall, she welcomed his savage need, his loss of control for her. His hands tore at the closure for her skirt. With a curse, he ripped the waistband and pushed it down over her hips. The loose material slid down her legs and she stepped out of it, never losing her contact with his lips. Big hands cupped her almost nude cheeks, squeezing them even as he yanked her against him, grinding himself, all hot and hard, against her lower stomach.

“Stop playing,” she growled. “And fuck me.”

“As my lady commands.” Hoisting her up by the cheeks, automatically her legs wrapped around his waist, her damp panties pressing against his lower stomach while his shaft nudged against the crease of her ass. He pressed her back against the wall to brace her as one of his hands slid under her, rubbing against the moist fabric.

“So wet, baby,” he whispered. “Wet for me. Do you want me? Do you want this?”

The hard length of his cock see-sawed across her covered cleft and she whimpered, lust stealing her ability to speak actual words.

Ripping fabric barely registered over the sound of their panting, but she noticed immediately the scorching difference when he rubbed himself against her, the silken skin of his dick slick with her juices.

“Fuck me,” she begged.

“Until you come hard and scream,” he promised then he slammed his cock home. A yell emerged from her, a savage cry of satisfaction as he pumped her, his curved length filling her, satisfying her in a way she’d never known. Clenching tight around him, she plastered him with passionate kisses, sucking his tongue into her mouth and swallowing his groans of pleasure.

Inside her head, her wolf spun, making demands that Francine wasn’t ready for yet. Ordering her to claim this man. It revived her enough to say in a breathless voice, “No marking.” Even if all she wanted to do was bite him all over and show the world he belonged to her.

“Not tonight. But you will be mine,” he growled, pistoning her faster. Gripping her ass cheeks, he thrust even harder into her, the rough friction making her squeeze tight as her pleasure coiled tighter and tighter.

Something, a sound that didn’t involve fucking, a smell out of place, made her open her eyes, eyes blurred with passion. Framed in her doorway stood Mitchell and he watched their frantic coupling with feverish eyes. He caught her staring at him, but instead of leaving or interrupting, he cupped himself, squeezing his hard bulge.

It proved too much. Her head went back and she screamed as her orgasm swept her over the edge. And still Alejandro pumped her, his slick prick slamming home, again and again, triggering a second orgasm that made her body arch in a taut bow, so intensely did it race through her. Her channel spasmed tight around him and he yelled as he came, his cream spurting into her hotly.

Spent, she could only lie in his arms limply, their harsh breathing mixing. When he shifted to improve his grip and carry her upstairs, she peered at her front door and saw it closed. Mitchell gone. Or never here to begin with. But she didn’t have time to analyze reality from imagination as Alejandro began kissing her again, murmuring, “My sweet Francine.”

The awe and affection in his voice humbled her. But not as much as the fact his semi-hard cock still buried inside her began to thicken again. A man with stamina. How perfect because Francine was far from done with her big cat. And if this is to be our only time together, I better make it count. Because despite his pretty words, she still couldn’t quite believe he wouldn’t leave and move on to greener pastures.

* * * *

Mitchell panted, his head bowed over the steering column of his car. Inside his pants, his cock throbbed, aching and ready to forget his misgivings and take what Francine had offered him for so long. What he’d now lost in his stubborn refusal to recognize the prize before his very eyes. The woman who made no bones that she wanted him, and when rejected, turned to another.

He’d not meant to walk in on their lovemaking. Although, a part of him knew what he’d see when he approached her partially ajar front door, the soft sounds of her moans and the fleshy slap of bodies fucking too blatant for him to not decipher. It didn’t stop him from entering. Coming across her, pinned against the wall, her legs wrapped around Alejandro’s flanks, his taut buttocks pumping while she clung to him, her fingers digging into his skin, should have sent him into a rage. Embarrassed him at the very least. Instead, it made him rock hard. Unable to tear himself away, he’d watched as the cat gave the woman he couldn’t erase anymore from his mind what he didn’t dare. Alejandro made love to her, fucked her with sensual intensity, and she enjoyed every hard thrust of it.

When she opened her eyes and saw him, her lids heavy with passion, he expected her to yell at him to get out or to tell Alejandro. She did neither. Instead, she held his gaze, the invitation to join them so damned clear.

He almost did. His hand even reached down to cup himself, stroke his turgid member through his pants. As if the sight of his excitement were too much, she’d come with a long scream that made his balls tighten and almost shoot their load.

In those seconds, he almost forgot his aversion to the cat, his trepidation over being with his sister’s best friend, and even the fear of the commitment she offered. For more than a fleeting moment, he wanted, with an intensity that shocked him, to belong to her, whether as part of a threesome or not. He could even so easily imagine taking turns with the seducer, pleasuring her lusty body, muffling her cries with his cock as Alejandro took her from behind. Erotic images that stunned him and sent him fleeing.

Not ready. Frightened.

His emotions swirled inside him, a cacophony of sensations that made him sit in his car, unable to move while he fought to regain control. It didn’t help that his wolf nipped at the edges of his mind, demanding to know why they didn’t go back to mark the female, to stake their claim.

But mating with Francine had taken on a whole new dimension. Claiming her also meant accepting the cat. It meant sharing a woman, a home, possibly even a bed. Could he handle that? Probably not given each time he saw the bastard, he wanted to wipe the smug look off his face with his fist.

He needed advice, but who could he turn to? His mother, who clawed the face of the last female bitch who thought to grab her mate’s ass? His brothers, whose solution would probably rhyme with beat the crap out of? He did know one person, make that two actually, who would possibly understand what he went through. Who could maybe explain how they managed to share without turning his sister’s house into a war zone. But given the late hour, it would have to wait until morning.

Amped up on emotion, and hornier than a fucking bunny in heat, Mitchell made it home, but sat in his car instead of going inside. Indoors, he’d just wander restlessly or toss and turn. If he woke his mother, she’d pry the uncomfortable truth from him, or cuff him upside the head. Neither scenario appealed.

The serenity of the forest called him along with the mindless peace he knew he’d find in letting his beast free for a run. Stripping, he placed his clothes on the passenger seat of his car and got out. Naked, he stretched, enjoying the cool night air on his body. Then clenching his teeth, he shifted, letting the animal mind that resided within him bound forth and take control.

As his wolf emerged, which involved a painful cracking and re-shaping of limbs, his senses grew even sharper. The myriad scents of the outside filtered themselves into identifiable things like grass, rubber, a wandering coon…and a female bear?

Cocking his head, he sniffed, sucking in a deep lungful, trying to figure out why the scent appeared so odd. He could tell right off that the scent didn’t belong to a shapeshifter, the human overtone that melded with a shifter’s animal odor a distinctive marker. And yet, he knew for a fact no bears roamed these parts. No large predators did given they’d claimed the forested tract behind the strip of houses as shapeshifter land. Natural creatures smartly stayed away, or had in the past, which made the odd-smelling bear’s presence beyond strange.

Putting his nose to the ground, Mitchell followed the trail, growing more baffled as it led to the base of a tree across from his sister’s house. Sure, bears climbed them, but not big sows, and not without leaving marks. The bark didn’t show any of the deep gouges from claws he’d expect to see. A glimpse up showed him nothing but shadows.

Circling the base of the large oak, sniffing to see if he’d tracked wrong, he froze as he heard a whisper of sound from above him. Peering up, he dove sideways as he caught a glint of metal. Bang!

The shot grazed past his shoulder, taking hair and a sliver of skin with it, the gouge burning like hell. Fuck. Not a bear, but something worse. A hunter.

Snarling, and unable to shift because the human might see, Mitchell began to howl in warning, knowing either his brother’s or Naomi’s mates would come running. Lights flicked on and as doors opened. A second shot went whizzing past, burying itself in the dirt in front of his paw. Mitchell darted sideways, barking to draw help to him, not stupid enough to think he was a match for a gun shot at close range by an asshole in a tree. A third shot buried itself in his side, and he yipped at the fiery pain, almost missing the sound of feet hitting the ground. Agony or not, he whipped around with a snarl in time to see a shadow running away. He limped after the hunter, but the pain proved excruciating, and inexplicable. He’d suffered worse before.

As he slumped to the ground, he heard the sound of animals baying and running footsteps. Then, the more disturbing sound of an engine starting and tires spinning.

But he found it hard to care that his prey escaped as he passed out.
