Chapter Five

Coward, I’m a bloody coward. Francine couldn’t deny the truth when she found herself unable to leave her bedroom the next morning, her brazenness of the night before melted with daylight and the knowledge Alejandro waited below.

When she came down the night before for a glass of milk, she never expected to find her guest fisting himself on the couch. Even more shocking, she found herself riveted by his display.

A proper young lady would have run back up the stairs and slammed her door shut to show him what she thought of his dirty act on her couch. Of course, Francine missed getting the handbook on how a lady should behave, so instead, she stood and watched. Stared actually, panting softly as he stroked a thick, hard cock that would have looked so much better buried inside her pussy.

Dammit all, it made her horny, enough that she forgot the milk and scurried back to her room. She no sooner closed her door than she ripped off her jammies and rubbed her clit. Lubed and excited already, she came quick, gasping and arching on her bed to the mental vision of Alejandro sucking her tits while he fucked her. Such a bad girl-and an unexpectedly erotic visual-but damn, did she enjoy it.

As her breathing calmed, she’d heard Alejandro arrive to spy on her. Pig. Funny thing was, had he arrived a minute before, she might have flung the door open and dragged him in, so overcome was she with lust. Instead, feeling more in control now that she’d climaxed, she taunted the man who’d thrown her carefully-sometimes crazy-ordered plan to claim Mitchell in disarray. How dare he make her desire him? How dare he make her so hot, she pumped her hand like a wild bitch in heat?

She could almost see his shock as she told him what she’d done then giggled. God, she enjoyed that. But that was last night. Day arrived along with a need to get up, dress, and go to work. She used her ensuite to shower and dress, hoping he’d leave while she got ready, but judging by the music and movement she heard from below, he didn’t get the hint.

Sighing, she mentally slapped herself for acting like a ninny and opened the door. This is my house, and he’s just a guy, albeit a hot fucking one. If he says anything to embarrass me, I’ll sic Naomi on him. Decided, she marched downstairs, her nose twitching as she caught the smell of pancakes and bacon. He cooked?

Incredulous, she went into the kitchen and saw two plates heaped with pancakes and bacon waiting on her breakfast counter.

“About time you showed up, sleepy head,” Alejandro said, turning from the stove with a grin that made her heart lurch. He expertly flipped another pancake onto a plate. “I would hate to make a pig of myself and eat this all alone.”

“Morning. And thanks.”

“For breakfast? My pleasure, baby.”

“No, although that’s nice, I meant for helping me relax so I could get a good night’s sleep.” Why she brought it up after agonizing upstairs over what to say, she’d never know. Cheeks heating, she took a seat at a stool. She grabbed her fork and dug in, keeping a wary eye on him as she waited for him to reply and make a comment of his own about the previous night. Actually, looking forward to it so she could get indignant-or saucy. However, he ate in silence, only his eyes occasionally paying her attention, the mischievous light in them the only indication that he’d guessed her thoughts.

“So, what are your plans for the day?” she asked in between bites, breaking the silence.

“After I take you to work, I’m going to go by my brother’s place and grab my bags. I’d already offloaded them from the bike when you invited me to stay.”

A decision she now wondered about. Should she tell him she’d changed her mind? That he had to leave because she didn’t trust herself alone with him? Glancing at his smirk, she could tell he waited for her to do just that. Ha, like he’d win that easily.

“Perfect. Don’t forget to grab some groceries too while you’re out then. I’d hate for us to go hungry. I wouldn’t mind some sausage, long and thick for me sink my teeth in. A nice juicy hunk of meat, the kind that you can slap between some toasted, yet soft in the middle buns. Ooh and some popsicles. I do so love to suck on them when I’m hot. And cream, lots of cream.” She managed not to grin as his eyes went slightly out of focus at her innuendos.

Alejandro groaned and banged his head off the counter muttering, “And my brother was worried about me taking advantage of you. You’re a cruel, cruel woman.”

“What? What did I say?” she exclaimed, pretending innocence. She couldn’t hold onto her placid demeanor, and burst into giggles that made his lips twitch.

“I’ll get you back,” he warned, clearing the breakfast dishes. “And when I do, you won’t be laughing, screaming maybe, and soaking wet, but definitely not giggling.”

“I’m taken,” she gasped between snorts, unable to stop her body from reacting to his promise.

“Oh, you’ll be taken all right,” he leered.



They grinned at each other and burst into laughter, sharing a strange rapport similar to the one she owned with Naomi. Except I’ve never wanted to give my BFF a blow job followed by a good fuck.

“So you giving me a ride to work?” she asked, arching a brow.

“You are going to kill me, I swear,” he grumbled good-naturedly as he stalked off to grab his jacket.

“Does that mean you don’t intend to help with the plan to make Mitchell jealous?” she called after him, wondering if she’d pushed him too far. She liked his idea of making Mitchell take note of her, and if she admitted it to herself, she liked Alejandro. He made her laugh, and for a lighthearted person like herself, that rocked. If the plan to get Mitchell failed, perhaps Alejandro would make a good backup. Then she mentally slapped herself.

Alejandro chased anything in a skirt. Sure, she posed a challenge since she’d not fallen onto his prick with the first smile, but once she let him conquer her pussy, he’d move on. It was what men like him did. So setting her sights on him as some type of second place prize seemed foolish. Although, using him to console her bruised heart, and aching cleft, would maybe work.

Great, I’ve got one man who doesn’t want me, and another who wants me until he gets me.

As if he read her mind, Alejandro came back and said, “You won’t get rid of me that easily, baby. Now get that hot ass of yours outside and on that bike before I decide we should practice playing the happy couple on your couch-naked.”

The smoldering look in his eyes had her scurrying even as interest moistened her pussy. Damn, but the man tore at her defenses. If only he’d come along before her plan to finally win Mitchell over. She’d have had him naked and feasting between her thighs. Yum.

This plan better work because I’m going to need some sexual relief soon in a bad way. And somehow, she doubted there were enough batteries in the world to keep her vibrator going long enough to put out the fire in her sex.

* * * *

Driving with the sexy wolf on the back of his bike was pure torture. It didn’t help he had to stuff his hard-on into his leather pants of the day before. And unfortunately for him, jerking off in the shower that morning before she came down hadn’t made the situation any better, not when he kept replaying her words of the night before. So much for thinking of her as a sweet, delicate thing. She still appeared it, but owned a delightful potty mouth that could drop a man to his knees. And she knew it too. Brat.

Much as he ached from wanting to have her-naked in a variety of positions-he couldn’t deny how much he also enjoyed her presence and quick wit. He rarely came across women who could resist him when he poured on the charm. More intriguing, he could tell she desired him. She couldn’t completely hide the scent of her lust or the bright hunger in her eyes. And yet, she seemed to have no problem keeping him at bay, and her hands to herself. Such a shame, which of course was why he didn’t tell her that her car was returned that morning in perfect working condition. He parked it around the corner on purpose because he wanted her wrapped around his body on the bike, her squeals of excitement a cheap thrill. He also kept hoping she’d let her hands stray south to the juncture of his thighs so she could see how she affected him, but while she clutched him tight, her hands never strayed from his chest. A pity.

When they arrived at her workplace, she hopped off and removed his helmet, handing it to him. He ignored it and snagged her with one hand before she could walk away.

“Did you want something?” she asked, laughter dancing in her eyes, her lips curving into a sensual smile that did crazy things to his heart.

A need to taste those lips made him think fast. “Well, if I’m not mistaken, you work with shifters, and some of them might know Mitchell. We wouldn’t want them to report back that we parted without a single kiss. We are, after all, supposed to be playing the part of the happy couple.”

“I think you’re just looking for an excuse to grope me,” she replied, seeing right through his ruse, but she didn’t attempt to pull away.

“Who, me?” He widened his eyes in false innocence and grinned as he reeled her in until his thigh slid between her legs. “Now would I take advantage of the situation to kiss a gorgeous woman?”

“No. You’re much too chivalrous for that,” she sighed in mock resignation. “But I’m not.”

She leaned in and pressed her mouth to his, a soft, fleeting touch that sent tingles through him, and made him crave more. When she would have pulled away, though, attempting to keep their embrace fleeting, he tightened his arm around her body, anchoring her in place. Then he kissed her back, allowing some of his restrained passion to break free.

Lightning struck, leaving him dazed, but even in his befuddled state, which had his cat yowling, he remembered how to move his mouth against hers. To grasp her lower lip between his and suck on it until she panted. A sane man would have broken off the kiss at that point, but unfortunately all reason seemed to have fled him. He didn’t stop, instead, he pressed his hard thigh against her core, which straddled him, and licked the seam of her mouth, tasting her.

Need her. Need to claim her. Fuck her. Mark her. Oh shit.

Before he could bend her over and take her, damn anybody watching, he released her, and she stumbled back. God, she looked so beautiful with her face flushed, lips swollen, and he could hear her heart pounding even over her huffing breath. He wanted to drag her back to him. Kiss her again. Take her somewhere and make love to her until her nails raked his back and she begged him to mark her. To keep her forever.

I am in so much fucking trouble. “See you in a little while,” he managed to say through his growing panic. It killed him to ignore the disappointment that clouded her expression along with the confusion-and lust, lust for him, not Mitchell.

Straightening her spine, she threw him a feeble smile. “Well, that wasn’t so bad. At least I don’t want to throw up like I did with Ken a few years back. Of course, in his defense, I’d downed a lot of Sex On The Beach shooters. But next time, mind groping me a little more? No one’s ever going to believe we’re madly passionate about each other with your hands not even grabbing my ass. I mean, seriously. You’ll have to do better.”

And before he could drag his fiery brat back to prove he’d restrained himself, she sauntered off, that pert, rounded backside of hers swaying hypnotically.

Yup, so completely and utterly fucked. And yet, despite the dawning realization that Francine might end up being more than a quick screw, he couldn’t help smiling. Because, after all, she kissed him…and liked it despite her words. The damp spot on his leather pants said so.

* * * *

Mitchell stalked over to his sister’s bright and early the next morning, having prepared his speech to Javier’s brother a good part of the night. When he entered Naomi’s bright kitchen and saw her sitting, having breakfast with only her two mates, he didn’t immediately clue in that Alejandro never returned the night before. Never mind the fact he’d heard Francine’s invitation for the cat to sleep on her couch. As a good girl, he knew she’d come to her senses and send the Casanova on his way.

Addressing Javier, he said in his man of the family voice, “I need to speak to your brother about Francine.”

Naomi arched a brow. “Excuse me, but what happened to hello, how are you feeling today? Or how about the basics, like knocking? Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed today? Because I somehow doubt Alejandro did.” Then she snickered, and her meaning filtered up to his brain, making a red haze drop over his gaze.

“You mean that little pervert actually spent the night at Francine’s?” he roared. “How you could you let him defile her? She’s your best friend.”

He no sooner spoke than a bristling Javier stood before him. “Watch your tone. The pervert you are speaking of is my brother. And Francine is the one who invited him to stay on her couch.”

“I thought she said that last night just to piss me off. You mean he actually stayed?”

“Yes. Is that a problem, Mitchell?” his sister asked, calmly buttering some toast. “After all, it’s not like you own her or anything. Francine is free to see anyone she likes. And I like Alejandro. He’s cute.” A growl sounded and she added, “Although not as cute as my mates, who apparently still need reminding after last night.”

Ethan dropped his head and blushed, Javier grinned, and Mitchell groaned. “Oh gross, Naomi. I so don’t need that kind of mental image.”

“Fine, then picture Francine and Alejandro instead. Personally, I think they’d make pretty babies and since you’re not going to give them to her, she might as well go for cute.”

“But he’s a-a-”

“What? Seducer of women? Lover with excellent technique? Good-looking bastard?” Alejandro wandered in and grinned at them all, looking entirely too smug. “Yes to all of the above. Morning, everyone. Isn’t it a glorious morning? Much as I’d like to stay and discuss how beautiful any babies Francine and I make would be, I just came to grab my saddlebags. I’m going to need some changes of clothing while I’m staying with Francine.”

“How dare you take advantage of her? You need to go to a motel or something,” Mitchell blurted.

“Why, when the accommodation I have is so…what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yes, sumptuous.” Alejandro leered, and Mitchell’s traitorous sister giggled.

“Keep your hands off her.” He almost ground his teeth to dust so tightly did he clench his jaw.

“Why should I? She’s unclaimed, beautiful and best of all, has a wonderful mind and quick wit.”

“Are you trying to tell me you’re her mate?” Mitchell almost choked on the question as his wolf snarled in his mind, not at all enthralled with the idea of another touching Francine.

“Let me see,” Alejandro said, tapping his chin. “She makes my cat meow, which I admit is quite distracting. She makes my cock harder than a bar of steel. Oh, and I could listen to her for hours, screaming that is, as I fuck her.”

As red flags went, that one was a doozy. Mitchell dove at him as Naomi shouted, “Not in my house. Ethan, do something!”

One good swing was all he managed, and it missed, before Ethan grabbed him, pinning his arms back as Alejandro regarded him smugly until Javier cuffed him in the back of the head.

“Hey,” the seducer exclaimed.

“Stop baiting him. Mitchell, ignore my brother. He’s got no interest in Francine. He’s just trying to piss you off. It’s what he excels at.”

“I resent that,” said the dead man walking indignantly.

“But it’s true.”

“Oh, I don’t mean the pissing off part. I don’t deny it. But I’ll have you know, I am very interested in Francine. Enough, that I am going to do something I’ve never done before,” Alejandro announced. “I am taking her on a date.”

Shocked silence met his words. Javier whispered, “Oh my God. He’s serious. Naomi, you have to stop him. If he gets with Francine then that means he’ll never leave, and I’ll have to put up with him-” Javier gulped. “Almost daily.”

His sister, who’d crossed over to the enemy’s side, clapped her hands. “Ooh, that would be awesome. I’ve always thought Alejandro was the most fun of your brothers. And it means, even though Mitchell wouldn’t step up to the plate, she’ll still end up my sister-in-law.”

“Thanks, Naomi,” beamed the interloper. “Your blessing means a lot to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab my stuff and change so I can meet with up with Francine for lunch. It’s a surprise date.” Whistling, Alejandro wandered off, and Ethan released Mitchell.

Scowling, Mitchell said, “You’re not seriously going to condone this, are you?”

“Why Mitchell, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re jealous. Are you?” All three of them stared at him as they awaited his answer.

The word “Yes!” almost slipped past his lips. He bit his tongue. Growling, he turned on his heel and left without answering. I’m not jealous, just watching out for Francine since no one else seems willing to. He kept repeating that lie to himself as he grabbed a quick shower and change of clothes of his own before he jumped in his car and headed to Francine’s work, not even coming close to obeying speed limits. The location of her employment, which he’d previously not given a damn about, he pried out of his mother. His mama gave him a hard look when he asked, along with a terse, “Why?”

His reply to something he couldn’t even explain to himself? “Because.” And that was all he’d said. His mother snorted at his one word reply, but gave him the address to Francine’s work anyway and said she hoped he’d come to his senses.

Actually, Mitchell felt like he’d lost part of his mind, but he didn’t care. Only one thing drove him at this point, keeping Francine from making a colossal mistake. Not because he planned to date or claim her. She was still his honorary sister, but as her honorary older brother, it behooved him to keep her from suave kitties out to get in her pants and break her heart.

I’m doing her a favor. She’ll thank me for it later. It made him almost groan aloud when his mind flashed a picture of her on her knees thanking him orally. I so need to get laid. Tonight, after I deal with this mess, I’ll call Jenny, his on-and-off-again girlfriend. Problem was, he couldn’t even picture the blonde woman he’d known intimately for years. Francine’s face kept superimposing itself over it. He didn’t quite understand what drove him to imagine the forbidden, what madness currently controlled him. An urge to protect Francine he understood, but the rest, the rage when thinking of her with Alejandro, the strange lust when he recalled her grown up appearance, it didn’t make sense.

The reaction of his wolf he especially found baffling because it snarled and paced in his mind, urging him to do something, but Mitchell ignored it. I mean, biting Francine just to keep her from that seducer? That’s just crazy. I’ll deal with this like I always do, by ordering her away, and if that fails, my fists getting up close and personal with that bastard’s face. He kind of hoped he’d have to indulge in the latter.

Bringing his car to a stop in front of the office building his mother directed him to, he angled into a metered spot. He parked and grinned, possibly a little like a maniac, when he didn’t notice a bike, which meant he beat the cat here.

But he had to hurry if he planned to get her out of there for their talk before the seducer arrived. Of course, when he saw her, sitting, looking so prim and proper at her desk, wild red hair tamed into a bun, typing away, his first thought wasn’t his prepared for-your-own-good speech. No, instead, he wondered if she’d wear that intent look while he fucked her, spread out on that desk, papers flying.

He almost slapped himself. Wrong. So wrong. Remember, she’s like a sister. Not cute and delicious-looking at all.

Forcing himself to remember that, and his purpose for coming, he bore down on her, using angry thoughts to distract him from naked ones.

* * * *

It was her wolf that sensed him first, yipping in her head that she had company. Francine looked up from her desk to see a grim-faced Mitchell bearing down on her. Despite his unpleasant expression, a flutter of anticipation made her heart beat faster.

“We’re going to lunch,” he announced, not sounding at all pleased by the prospect.

“Gee, thanks for asking,” she replied dryly. “Did you turn into a caveman overnight? Or do simple manners elude you?” She couldn’t help the sarcasm even if he’d finally asked her out. For some reason, when she’d imagined their first date, he’d looked a lot happier about it.

Ruddy color rose in his cheeks. “Sorry. I’m, uh, hungry. That’s it, hungry, and I was in the area and thought I’d ask if you’d like to join me.”

Something didn’t seem right. She peered out of the window, examining the sky, and didn’t answer.

Her lack of response made him fidget. “Um, Francine, what are you doing?”

“I don’t have a direct line to hell to see if it’s frozen over so I’m looking for flying pigs.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’ve ignored me like I had some contagious disease for the last five years and now all of a sudden, in the last twenty-four hours, you’re constantly in my face. Mind telling me what’s up?” She turned back to stare at him, trying not to grin at how uncomfortable he seemed.

“Can’t a man ask an old friend to lunch?” he grumbled, looking so adorably flustered that she wanted to jump up and kiss him silly. Then slap him for being such an ass.

“I guess,” she said, still wondering what prompted his impromptu visit. She and Alejandro hadn’t even put their plan in motion. Was it working already? Maybe someone did report the kiss. Talk about news traveling quick.

“Good, then get your purse so we can go.”

Standing, she went to the filing cabinet to grab it from the drawer where she kept it stashed. “What’s the hurry? You on your lunch break too?”

“Not exactly. I’ve actually got the week off. The office is getting repainted.” Working as a sales rep, of all things, for a human corporation specializing in heating and cooling services, Mitchell made a decent living even if his choice of careers seemed odd. “Can you move a little faster? Please.”

Biting her lip, Francine fought not to laugh at this frantic Mitchell who’d gone out of his way to invite her to lunch. Perhaps the tides had turned and the mating fever had finally snagged him. Talk about wishful thinking.

Mitchell didn’t say another word as she followed him to the elevator and down to the lobby. Actually, he actively avoided meeting her gaze, which allowed her to drink in the sight of his body, a hot bod that she had only caught brief glimpses in the past few years.

His worn t-shirt hugged his wiry frame, the soft material stretching across his broad shoulders. Well-washed jeans clung to his thighs, the waist of them hanging low on lean hips. His hair stood in untamed tufts as if he’d run his fingers through it. As for his face, he still sported the same sharp-angled features, piercing eyes, and square chin. Ruggedly handsome as ever.

While she let herself drink in the sight of him, he kept his gaze pointed squarely at her feet clad in low heels that she kept stashed at the office. She’d also thankfully had a spare set of clothes because Alejandro had left the crotch in her first pair of pants ridiculously wet after his kiss. The pig. Speaking of whom, she wondered what he did while Mitchell escorted her to lunch.

It was as they exited through the glass doors at the front that she saw the object of her thoughts and caught Mitchell’s triumphant grin. Oh, how nice. She’d gotten caught in the middle of a male pissing contest. Good thing she learned to aim years ago from the numerous times she went camping, because she couldn’t wait to join in.

“Jag,” she cried out, waving.

“Jag?” Mitchell growled.

At Mitchell’s pointed glare, she smiled. “His name is so long to pronounce, especially in the heat of the moment, that I gave him a shorter one that went well, I thought, with his great, big, powerful beast. Don’t worry, Mitchy,” she said, using the nickname he’d hated as a kid, which she’d not thought about in years. “I won’t ditch you for lunch. You did, after all, ask me first. You don’t mind if Jag joins us, do you? He did, after all, go out of his way just to see me. Besides, I’m sure if you give each other a chance, you’ll find you have loads in common.”

She didn’t have time to enjoy Mitchell’s open mouthed incredulity for long because she found herself spun and a pair of lips plastered to hers. Oh, how nice that felt. Like that morning, when he’d insisted on a kiss, tingles shot through her body and she lost her breath at the excitement his simple touch ignited. She didn’t want to analyze her reaction to him too closely, but she began to fear that despite her affection and longing for Mitch, Alejandro might also play a part in her future mating plans. I’ll have to kiss Mitch too, though, to be sure. I wonder if I can convince him to let me?

She didn’t get to enjoy the embrace for long as Jag, in full fake boyfriend mode, lifted his head and smiled down at her with all the lazy grace of a cat who’d caught the canary. “Hey, baby. I wanted to surprise you and take you out to for something meaty to eat.”

“Mmm, sounds delicious,” she purred back. “You don’t mind if Mitchy comes along, do you? He was in the area and asked me first. And he’s awfully grumpy, apparently, when he’s hungry.”

“Not a problem. My mama always did teach me to share.” And then, he winked at Mitchell.

For a moment, she thought for sure Mitchell would either blow his top or die of embarrassment at Alejandro’s sly innuendo.

Instead, he tightened his lips and said through gritted teeth, “Let’s go.”

It was a good thing Alejandro had a good grip on her hand to guide her along because she’d completely gone blank at Alejandro’s mention of sharing. It made her instantly picture both of them with her, pleasing her. What a shame Mitchell would never go for it, especially since the more time she spent with them both, her wolf spinning, her heart racing, and her cleft soaking, the more she wondered what she would do if she had to choose. Would she pick the man she’d known and loved forever who kept denying her, or the Casanova she’d just met who said all the right things and made no bones about the fact he desired her, but who would likely leave once the novelty wore off?

From no men to too many. Fate truly liked messing with people.

Sitting between them in a u-shaped booth at a nearby sports bar, she glanced back and forth at them, not that they noticed, too intent were they on glaring at each other. Actually, Mitchell glared, Alejandro smirked. Apparently, she’d have to get the conversational ball rolling while trying avoid a bar fight. What fun.

“So, Mitchell, why exactly did you seek me out for lunch?”

“Yeah, Mitchy,” Alejandro teased, grasping her hand to lace his fingers through it. “I have to say, if I’d known we were going to have a third wheel, I’d have brought the lube.”

A tic formed in Mitchell’s temple and he gritted his teeth. “First off, I’m not here to have sex with Francine. Or with you, you disgusting pervert.”

Alejandro laughed. “Oh, the lube wasn’t for you, but my sweet wolf here. Nothing like a sandwich to get a woman screaming, in pleasure, of course. Don’t worry, I have no designs on your scrawny body. Francine's though…” He turned to look at her, and shot her a sultry smile as he stroked his thumb over the skin of her hand.

A shiver went through her and heat pooled in her cleft. It didn’t help that now she couldn’t help imagining herself naked between two male bodies. So not happening despite her curiosity. Mitchell would cut off his dick to spite them first. Besides, she couldn’t even convince Mitch to do her, so forget convincing him to share her with another. At the rate this conversation went, she’d probably end up humping her hand alone again because they’d both end up in the hospital, victims of male arrogance and testosterone.

Despite knowing Alejandro’s suggestion would never bear fruit, she played along anyways. The entertainment value was just too good to pass up. “Jag!” she squealed. “You naughty, naughty man. What a fun idea, but Mitchy isn’t into doing wild and kinky stuff, though. He’s more of a missionary man, so I hear. Aren’t you, Mitchell?” She smiled at him serenely, biting the inside of her cheek so as to not laugh at his red-faced, glowering expression. I am so bad for teasing him. But then again, she wasn’t about to change her nature for anyone, not even Mitchell. Raunchiness and outrageous comments were her forte.

“I’m not a prude,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

Patting his hand, she cajoled him. “Sure you aren’t. It’s okay, not everyone is into sexual experimentation.”

“Or extreme pleasure, apparently,” Alejandro said, tilting her chin so she gazed his way. And oh, if she didn’t know he played a part, she would have swooned at the heat in his eyes. The promise in his sensual lips…

A growl startled her from her eye contact with Alejandro, and she turned to glance at Mitchell. Still ruddy-cheeked, his eyes blazed while his hands on the table were clenched into white-knuckled fists. “Enough. Francine. You can’t seriously tell me you’re actually dating this guy? Not only is he a pervert, he’s a womanizing pig.”


“Whatever, asshole. Anyone can see he’s just going to break your heart.”

“Like you haven’t?” she replied tartly.

That made him squirm and drop his gaze. “I never made any promises to you. You were the one chasing me. I tried to let you down easy.”

For some reason, that pissed her off. Yes, she’d chased him, but how dare he make her sound like some desperate bitch. She’d only gone after him because her instincts said he belonged to her. “I see. Well, consider me let down, Mitchell. You were right. I can’t force you to love me. Or care for me or even want me. Alejandro, on the other hand, does. So congrats, you’re free. I’m done letting a foolish girlhood fantasy dictate my life.”

Opening and shutting his mouth a few times, Mitchell seemed at a loss for words. “So that’s it? You don’t think we’re meant to be mates anymore?”

Actually, she knew the exact opposite, and her inner wolf howled in frustration that he didn’t see it too. “Oh, I know you’re supposed to be mine. Even now my wolf is telling me to pounce on you and sink my teeth in. But don’t worry,” she said, shaking her head sadly when he leaned away from her. “It’s obvious you don’t feel the same way. And besides, it looks like fate’s found you a replacement.” She turned away from Mitchell, her heart heavy that she’d bared it all and he still insisted they weren’t meant to be. Alejandro slid on the bench until he could curl his arm around her. She welcomed his warmth and turned into him, nuzzling the skin of his neck.

“I’m sorry, Francine,” Mitch whispered. “I-um-that is, you’re like a-”

She tensed. “I know. I know. I’m like a sister to you. Bye, Mitchell. You don’t need to hide anymore. I’m done.”

Forcing herself to not look at him as he left, she instead inhaled Alejandro’s scent, its muskiness exciting and soothing at the same time. Her wolf paced in her mind, confused. On the one paw, it wanted her to not let Mitchell, who stood with a rustle, walk away. But at the same time, her inner bitch wanted her to open her mouth wide and put her mark on the tanned column before her. Claim this man who’d made her no promises and simply played a convincing role, one that fooled even her human side so sincere did he appear.

“He’s gone,” murmured Alejandro. “He’s a fucking idiot, you know.”

Trying to move away from temptation, she found herself unable to, Alejandro’s arm anchoring her at his side.

“He’s not an idiot, just too honorable. Kind of like you, I think.”

“Me?” Incredulous eyes peered down at her. “I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, baby, but honorable? Not even close.”

“Perhaps because you’ve never had an opportunity. I think you’re a lot more chivalrous than you give yourself credit for.”

He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “And you are lucky we are in a public place or I’d show you just how non principled I am.”

“Mmm, public sex. That’s not a threat,” she purred. “That’s foreplay.” Down went his head onto the table with a thump while Francine laughed. “Was it something I said?”

“When I agreed to this ruse,” he mumbled, his face still buried. “I didn’t expect you to try and kill me by making my blue balls explode.”

“Poor Jag. Am I too much for you to handle? It wouldn’t be the first time a man’s had that problem. Hell, the prime example just walked away. Speaking of which, our target’s gone so you don’t need to pretend anymore.”

Turning his head sideways, Alejandro’s dark eyes regarded her with a seriousness she found disturbing. “And what if it weren’t an act for his benefit? What if I did feel something for you? What would you say?”

His words took her by surprise, especially since she’d thought them herself. Did she want Alejandro as a lover? Yes. Did she want him forever? Too soon to know. Did she still want Mitchell? Damn me, I still do.

An answer to his question didn’t arrive before their waitress did with drinks, and seeing the way she smiled coyly and flirted with Alejandro reminded Francine of one important fact. He’s a lady’s man. Even if he finds me intriguing now, how can I throw away a possibility with Mitchell, knowing full well Alejandro will probably walk once I give in to his charm?

Sliding away from him, trying to regain some sense of equilibrium, they ordered. As they waited for their food, she analyzed the Mitchell thing while skipping the whole feeling thing she’d discovered for Alejandro. She didn’t want to get into the fact that everything she’d said about him was true and not a script for their plot.

Alejandro abruptly broke the silence. “Jag, huh? Nice spur of the minute thinking. Is it short for my cat? The mighty black jaguar, feared by all.”

She giggled. “Nope. For some reason, you make me think of a cocky air force pilot, which in turn, made me think of the military, and that show Jag. But, I guess it does work both ways.”

He clasped his chest. “Ooh, take a man down a notch why don’t you.”

“My grandmas taught me well.”

“You’re close to them?”

“Very,” she said, stirring her drink. “They both pretty much raised me.”

“What about your parents, or is that topic off limits?”

“I’ve got nothing to hide.” Other than the fact Mitchell wasn’t the first to walk away from her, tearing her heart in the process. “My mom got pregnant in her teens with another shifter. Neither was ready to settle down or deal with the responsibility of a child. So I spent my time going back and forth between my grandparents’ houses. Heck, even now my mom can’t be bothered to remember she has a child. She’s off on some cruise somewhere with her newest boyfriend. As for my dad, I haven’t seen him in years. Last I heard, he was living in the Bahamas with his latest girlfriend.”

Eyes of melted chocolate peered at her with a hint of sadness. “That sucks.”

She shrugged. It had, but she’d gotten over it-mostly. “I met Naomi while staying at my maternal grandmother’s place. My grandma would go over for coffee with Meredith, Naomi’s mom, and even though we were babies, we hit it off.”

“I bet the pair of you caused all kinds of havoc.”

A giggle worked its way past her lips. “Oh my God, did we ever. I don’t think Chris ever forgave us for pinning him down and dressing him in a diaper so we could use him as a real baby to play house.”

Alejandro winced. “Okay, now you’re making me glad I never had sisters.”

“You missed out then,” she said with a grin. “What about your family? Javier’s never talked about it much other than to say his brothers are pains in the asses and that your mother is a saint.”

A twinkle appeared in his eyes. “Who, us? And he’s right, my mother is a saint. She had to be. There’s five of us boys in total. We just about drove her insane with our antics.”

“What about your dad?”

“Who knows? He flits around, leaving behind half brothers and sisters that we’ve never met.”

“Oh. Your parents split up?”

“Not exactly. My father is not a believer in monogamy, and my mother foolishly allows him to get away with it. He goes and plays, then when he tires of it, he comes home to my mother’s open arms.” Alejandro’s gaze dropped, but not before she saw the anger and hurt in his eyes. It seemed her Jag didn’t agree with his father’s philosophy. A point in his favor.

Francine’s lips tightened. “I’d never tolerate that.”

“And yet you see no problem with Naomi’s situation?” He teased her, but she defended her words anyway.

“There’s a difference in several people choosing to live in a polyamorous relationship, who are committed to each other only. It’s a whole other thing for someone to go chasing after other people to have sex while hurting the family they have.” It came out a little more vehemently than she meant, but she hated the obvious pain he felt at the way his father treated their mother.

“I agree with you one hundred percent.”

She blinked. “You do?”

“You don’t hurt the people you love, ever. Sex, after all, is only a fleeting pleasure.”

“And yet you seem to engage in lots of it,” she replied dryly.

“Only because none of my partners ever truly made it past my body to see the man. If the right lady were to come along…”

“You’d fall hard like Javier did. I hope you find her one day,” she said softly, even as a part of her screamed-and her wolf howled-that he already had.

“Maybe I have.”

Not daring to look at him, scared of what she’d see, or not, she needed to change the direction of the conversation. “Well, even if your dad is a wanderer, at least you still have your mom and siblings. I’d love to belong to a big family. Not that my grandmas weren’t great. But, by the time I came along, they were old, and didn’t quite know what to do with me. Having Naomi and her family take me in and make me feel like one of them helped.” It made her feel like she mattered.

“And thus did your crush on Mitchell begin. It makes sense.”

A frown creased her brow. “It’s more than a crush. He’s my mate. Just ask my freakn’ wolf.”

He lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I believe you.”

Her shoulders slumped. “He doesn’t. What do you think? He walked away pretty easy. Maybe he’s right and I’m wrong. After all, how would I know what the mating fever feels like?”

“You’d know.”

“You’ve felt it?” Strangely, knowing that roused a green jealousy in her and made her wolf’s hackles rise.

“Maybe.” He quirked his lips. “Or I’ve heard my brother describe it enough to know the signs.”

A wrinkle of her nose made him chuckle. “Yeah, since she caved to her jocks, Naomi’s turned into a right gusher about it, the bitch. I never thought she’d claim those two, not given her attitude on the whole mating matter. Then wham, she opened her eyes, had a few orgasms, and realized she couldn’t live without them.”

“It’s funny how even the smartest people can refuse to see what’s right in front of them.”

Again, he stared at her with that intent, yet puzzled look. It almost seemed like he spoke to himself rather than her.

“Maybe I should just give up,” she said with a sigh as she stirred the ice in her water glass with her straw.

“Coward. I thought you were a fighter?”

“I am, but- ”

“But nothing. The battle is not over yet, baby.”

The battle to win what, however? Mitchell or Alejandro? Why couldn’t she have Naomi’s luck and snag both? God, the fun she’d have.

She almost slammed her head down on the table herself at the thought. How she’d gone from wanting one impossible thing to two, she’d never understand. Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment.
