Part Nine

Jeff walked over to where Paige still lay on her side on the rug, knees drawn up against her chest.

"Will you get up you dumb slut," he said exasperatedly.

She slowly unfurled her legs and tried to raise herself upwards. Jeff grabbed her right arm and hauled her to her feet, helping her balance as she stumbled slightly.

"Why did you let him in anyway?" he demanded.

"I… He kept ringing." she gasped.

"That's a good reason. That why you fucked him too?"

"He found the tape when I was doing my homework." she said, meekly.

"So knew what a whore you were and decided to strip and fuck you." Jeff finished with a sigh.

"I never should have left that tape lying around like that. He could probably call the police or somebody and have Mom arrested."

"He wouldn't do that, would he?" she asked, fearfully.

"I don't know. He was always kind of a prick though. I wish I knew what he was doing up there."

"He's probably fucking Mom." she sniffed.

He frowned. "Do you think so?"

"Of course I think so."

He glared up at the stairs.

"Maybe I should go up and stop him."

"You didn't try and stop him from fucking me."

"Who cares about you, you little brat?"

She muttered something.


"Could you… um… untie me?"

He sighed, and glared at her.

Peter closed the door behind them and then looked around the room appreciatively.

"Nice place here, real nice." he smiled.

He went over to the big double bed.

"Tell, me, does Jeff sleep here, or Paige, or do you just fuck them here?"

She looked down at the floor and said nothing.

"You always were a hot little slut Allyson." he grinned.

"What do you want Peter?"

"Oh, nothing much." he stood before her, then his hands suddenly gripped her shirt and tore it open, popping buttons all over the room. She drew back momentarily at the show of violence but he merely grinned at her, holding her shirt and gazing down at her breasts.

"Real nice titties Allyson. I always liked them."

She frowned crossly but didn't try to cover her chest. He pushed her shirt off, then pulled down her pants and stood back to look at her nakedness.

"You're just as gorgeous as when I married you." he sighed. He looked down at her shaved slit, then palmed it easily. "I like this. Was it Jeff's idea?"

She nodded.

"He's got good taste, that boy." he grinned.

He pushed her back so she fell on the bed, then grabbed her legs easily, pulling them up and apart.

"That's nice. That's real nice." he leered.

He dropped her legs, then slowly got undressed. He carefully folded his shirt and pants across a chair, then dropped his underwear on top. His cock was big and hard, and stood out proudly from the thick growth of pubic hair at his crotch.

He grinned malevolently, then knelt between her legs. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs up, up, up, and then shoved them way back, making her wince as she was folded in two. He pushed her ankles back so they touched the side of her ears and her ass was raised off the bed. He rubbed her feet against her head, grinning nastily.

He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head upward, then jammed her feet behind her head, holding the ankles together in one big hand.

"Now that looks nice." he purred.

"I wish I could get a picture of you like this, keep one in my wallet to show my friends." he laughed.

He rubbed his rough hand back and forth over her bare pussy, then stiffened a finger and thrust it down into her asshole, wiggling it around inside her.

"Nice and tight, you always had the tightest little asshole." he sighed.

He held his cock and knelt over her, positioning it at her little round hole, then he pushed forward, pressing the bulbous cockhead against her rectal opening and slowly forcing it inside.

"Yeah!" he sighed. "Oh, yeahhhhh!"

He pushed down harder, moving his cock deeper into her tight anus. He watched the round cock pole move into the tight round hole, watched the skin clasped against it as the rod moved forward.

He didn't give her time to accommodate his thick girth, too eager to embed his prick in her body. He kept jamming himself down, forcing his cock into her until his balls were resting against her buttocks. She could feel his fat cockhead deep inside her and shuddered against the pain.

"I know you like it slut." he gasped, pushing against her.

His body covered hers, squeezing her even tighter together. He let all his weight come down on her as he sought to force every last centimetre of cock into her asshole.

Then he started to pull back. Her asshole hurt as much when he pulled back as when he pulled forward. He didn't care though. He jerked his cock a full six inches back out of her anal tube, then grunted with effort as he thrust forward again.

"Oh Jesus!" she gasped.

"Take it bitch! Take My cock!" he hissed.

He started thrusting up and down against the woman, jamming and tearing his prick up and down her anal chute. Her asshole clutched and sucked at his prick as he rutted into her. His cock felt the heat and slick, velvety heat of her body around it as it slid in and out of her.

"His ass rose and fell furiously, his hips smacking and cracking down into the tiny, forlorn woman with furious savagery. He drove his cock down into her asshole with terrible glee, watching her face wince and cringe from the pain he was inflicting on her.

"Maybe I should fuck you in the cunt instead." he gasped.

"I should fuck a baby into you, a girl this time so I could fuck her in the asshole when you're too old!"

He crashed down into her again and again, moaning in pleasure as her anus gripped him tight.

Then he felt his sperm bubble upward. His head boiled with furious lust and excitement as his cock exploded, spraying white gunk down into her asshole.

"Ohhhhh babbbbyyyyyyy!" he groaned.

"Swallow it, swallow it! Take my seed!"

He crammed his dick far down her ass tube and held it there, squashing her to the bed with his body as his penis emptied out it's load.

After a few moments, he pulled back, his semi flaccid tool popping out of her slick anal mouth. He rolled away and staggered across to the dresser, then combed his hair with one of her combs as he grinned at her in the mirror.

"Not a bad ride." he commented.

Allyson slowly pulled her feet out from behind her head and lowered them one by one onto the bed. Her back ached from being bent up so tight and subjected to such abuse. Her anus didn't feel very good either.

He put his pants on and then winked at her as he walked out the door.

"Maybe I'll find that daughter of yours and fuck her instead." he grinned.

"Maybe I'll make myself a grandfather."

She glared resentfully after him as the door closed, then slowly got up and got dressed. She wished he'd just go away and not come back. She couldn't think of anyone she hated more. She was too afraid to say so though.

When she got downstairs, she found Peter rooting through the cupboards in the dining room.

"What are you looking for?" she demanded.

He started in surprise, then looked nonchalant as he turned to face her.

"You've got a nice body Allyson." he grinned.


"Do you really think I'd come all the way here just to see it though?"

"You didn't come here to see me?"

"Actually I didn't come here to see you for your body, or even your delightful daughter's body." he grinned.

"Oh?" she said, warily.

"You see, I'm in a little trouble. I need ten thousand dollars."

"Where are you going to get that kind of money?"

"Off you, you silly little bitch."

"Me? I can't give you ten thousand dollars!"

"You can if you want to stay out of jail." he leered.

"What do you think the cops would think if they found out you were screwing your kids?"

"But… I… I."

"Just write me out a check and I'll take off." he said.

"I don't have that kind of money, and anyway Jeff has the checkbooks now." she protested.

"You can get them back."

"No I can't. You'd have to ask him, and I don't think he'd agree."

Peter glared at her and stormed out the doors to the living room. He was sure he could make money out of this somehow. Paige was lying on the couch watching TV. He eyed the blonde girl greedily, imagining just how much money could be made off her in New York. She looked back sullenly as he walked over to her.

"You and me are gonna take a little trip to the big apple." he grinned.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." she said. He grabbed her arm tightly, making her wince.

"You're gonna be my meal ticket, slut. You're gonna spread those pretty little legs of yours for a few friends of mine and get me out of hock."

"Mom!" she cried.

"Just shut up and do what you're told or I'll have the cops come down and put your Mother in jail." he glared. Just then Allyson came through the kitchen doors. She looked at the two in surprise and consternation.

"Where are you going with Paige?" she demanded.

"She's coming with me to New York. I'm gonna show her the town." he looked down at Paige and leered. "and show her to the town."

"But… but…"

"Don't worry Allyson, she'll be back in a few months." he smirked. He opened the door, still holding Paige by the arm.

"What's going on here?" Jeff demanded.

Peter looked back in surprise.

"Oh, uh… hi there Jeff."

"Where are you going with her?"

"Well… you see…" He looked from Paige to Jeff and then back again. Finally he grinned and moved over to Jeff.

"Look son, you see, well, you know how I said I needed money real bad?" Jeff nodded.

"Well, you wouldn't want me to take your Mother's money would you?"


"Well, Paige here is going to help me out of my money problems."

Jeff looked at him suspiciously.

"How is she going to do that?"

Peter grinned. It turned his unshaven face even more devious looking.

"I'm gonna take her to New York with me… kind of… show her the town."

"How is that going to help you with your money troubles?"

"Look, kid. Don't be so dumb. There's a lot of guys who'll pay big bucks for a few minutes with a hot little job like her."

Paige looked down at the floor.

"You mean you want to turn her into a whore?"

"She's already a whore. I just want to make a profit out of it."

"Forget it."

"Look kid."

Jeff grabbed him by the jacket and twisted him around sideways, slamming him into the wall.

"You get your ass out of here now and don't come back!" he hissed.

"I… I'll tell the cops about…"

"Who'd believe you anyway?" Jeff snarled. "You can tell them all you want, and you know something? We'll tell them some things too, like how you raped Paige."

"I didn't…"

"Who cares? They'll believe her. You can spend the next couple of years in prison if you like." Peter swallowed nervously, looking from Jeff to Allyson to Paige.

Jeff dragged him over to the front door and flung him out, then slammed the door behind him.

"Thanks." Paige said in a small voice.

"Hey, don't thank me. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." he kissed her on the forehead.

She opened her eyes in surprise, then giggled as she felt his hand slither down the back of her pants and cup her buttocks. They walked back towards the couch, Jeff nuzzling at the side of her throat.
