Readers Respond to journey of Souls

Journey of Souls is a masterpiece which will be long remembered after other books in this field are forgotten. Congratulations.

-Frank Boston, MA

Your book has made me aware of my inner self and given me a sense of purpose in life. It was spiritual without religious dogma. How can I thank you?

-Vicki Amsterdam, Netherlands

After I purchased Journey of Souls I carried it with me wherever I went because I could not put it down. Your book touched me as no other has.

-Viola Toronto, Canada

I believe your spiritually gifted book has no comparison with any existing literature on the Spirit World, its laws and processes.

-Doti Istanbul, Turkey

You have given the world a great gift with your book Journey of Souls which rings with such truth that it is overwhelming.

-Madole Kona, Hawaii

I must tell you that Journey of Souls is the most serious and interesting book I know describing the period of life between incarnations. No other book has such detail. Its power comes from your critical manner in questioning your patients.

Zeljko Tubingen, Germany

Journey of Souls is a classic that should be in every library. I wonder if you have any idea of the hearts it has touched?

-J.C. Dublin, Ireland

To Peggy, beloved wife and soulmate.

Besides the enormous contributions of my wife, special acknowledgements to Norah Mayper, John Fahey, and those associates who gave me time out of their lives for editing, advice, and encouragement. And to all my subjects, whose fortitude made this research possible by allowing me to travel the pathways of their minds alongside them.
