Waiting for her sister to get home from work that evening, Penny could think of nothing but the wonderful things that had happened to her this afternoon. Sucking on Mr. Danford's big thick cock had been so exciting, and her first fuck had been the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. Closing her eyes, she could see and feel Jimmy Ford's hard cock ripping in and out of her pink slit. Just thinking about it, she was creaming her panties. Fucking was the most wonderful thing in the world, and she was going to do it every chance she could got.

Penny couldn't understand her older sister, Kim.

The girl had often heard Kim and Lance Conway arguing about sex when they didn't know Penny was around. She couldn't understand why Kim was so dumb when fuckin' and suckin' were so damn much fun. Every time she saw Lance reach for her boobs, Kim would push his hands away. Penny had seen him reaching up under Kim's shirt, and her dumb sister would always slap at him. The girl thought that her big sister was pretty stupid not to let Lance fool around with her when it felt so fuckin' good. Penny thought Lance was a real dream, and she sure as hell wouldn't push him away, but of course Lance had never tried to make a pass at her. Lance considered Penny the pesky sister that was always hanging around when he wanted to be alone with Kim.

When Kim got home from the drive-in, she threw some leftovers together for their dinner, and when the girls finished eating, Penny washed up the few dishes that had been used. While the girl was cleaning up, Kim went into her bedroom and changed into a skirt and blouse.

"Is Lance coming over tonight?" Penny asked when her sister returned.

"He said he was," answered Kim, running a comb through her long blonde hair.

"Gee," sighed Penny, looking at her older sister, "I sure wish I had big boobs like you."

"Don't worry," Kim laughed. "They'll be bigger than mine.

"Boys like big boobs, don't they," asked Penny. "That's the trouble," she answered. "Boys are always trying to maul them."

"That's not trouble," giggled Penny. "I'd like boys to play with mine."

"Oh Penny!" Kim gasped. "That's a terrible way to talk!"


"Because it's naughty to let a boy touch your breasts," was Kim's reply.

Their conversation was interrupted by Lance's knock on the door.

"Hi, honey," beamed Kim, opening the door. "Hi, doll," he grinned, kissing her on the forehead. "How's my frigid little baby tonight?"

"Don't start that again," smiled Kim, taking his hand and leading him over to the couch.

"Hi, Lance," grinned Penny from the kitchen door.

"Wet if it isn't my favorite pest," he smiled at her.

Lance Conway was a handsome young man of twenty with dark hair and soft brown eyes. He had a strong physique that he'd developed as an unskilled laborer. The boy had dropped out of school at the age of sixteen to help support the family, and the manual work had made his muscular body as hard a steel.

The three of them sat around watching the black and white portable TV for a couple of hours before Penny yawned and stood up.

"I'm tired," she sighed. "Guess I'll go to bed so you can do your dumb neckin'."

"Oh, Penny," Kim giggled. "You don't have to go to bed."

"Yes I do," teased the girl as she walked out of the room. "If I want to keep Lance as my friend."

As soon as the girl disappeared, Lance put his arm around Kim and drew her lovely face up to his eager lips. He loved the way Kim's warm tongue darted around in his mouth.

"I love you," she whispered when their mouths parted.

"And I love you," he sighed, once more kissing her.

Kim loved the way he kissed her, but it made her feel all warm and soft inside, and this frightened the girl. Her pussy always turned hot and creamy when she was in his arms, and it took all her mental courage to keep from surrendering to her desires.

When she felt his strong hand moving up under her blouse, Kim remembered that she hadn't put a bra on when she changed, something she rarely went without.

"Please," she whispered when she felt his thumb and forefinger tweaking her quivering nipple.

To silence her, he covered her lips with his mouth, his fingers still strumming a delicious tune on her hard titty. Kim knew that she should remove his hand, but it felt so damned good that she decided to wait a minute. She could feel the hot juice oozing out of her itching cunt as the boy kneaded and squeezed her big soft jugs. God, how good his strong fingers felt against her sensitive naked flesh.

"Hmmmmmmmm," she whispered, tonguing his earlobe. "I love you so much."

Kim was so excited that she didn't realize the boy had unbuttoned the front of her blouse until he lowered his face and covered her hard nipple with his mouth.

"No," she whispered when she realized what was happening and tried to push him away.

She tried, but was unable to remove his mouth from her nipple. With his lips cupped tightly over her tit, the young man was sucking and slurping, as his tongue flicked deliciously around the trembling tit.

"Please don't," she whispered, not really wanting him to stop, but knowing she must end it. "Please don't Lance, please."

Her pleas were failing on deaf ears, and her own body was succumbing to the forbidden pleasure she was enjoying. Her erect nipples were tingling with a delicious fire that made it almost hard for the excited girl to breathe. Giving up the struggle, she leaned her head on the back of the sofa, thoroughly enjoying the waves of ecstasy that were washing trough her trembling body. She was unconsciously clutching at his head, pressing his face and mouth tighter against her luscious jugs.

"Oh, Lance," she whispered. "It's so good, honey. It feels so good."

Why, oh, why hadn't she let him do this before? The lovely blonde was writhing back against the sofa, enjoying every delicious moment of this wonderful assault on her tingling titties.

Kim was so consumed by her intense ecstasy that she was unaware of Lance's hand creeping up between her thighs until his finger slipped under her soaked panties and into her hot, juicy slit.

"Don't!" she screamed, bolting upright on the sofa, jerking her nipple out of his startled mouth. "Stop that, damn you, stop it!"

The sex-crazed youth didn't answer, but kept his finger imbedded in the slippery warmth of her cunt.

"Stop!" she screamed, trying without success to pull his head away.

"For Christ's sake," the boy gasped, "nobody's hurting you."

"I can't help it," she hissed. "Get your filthy finger out of me."


"Goddamn you," shouted Kim. "Stop it!"


"You rotten son-of-a-bitch, stop it!" she continued screaming.

Not answering, Lance gripped her lightly around the shoulders with one arm, still keeping his finger lodged in her squirming cunt.

"I'll kill you, you bastard," she hissed, trying to get out of his grasp to bite him.

"Take it easy," panted Lance. "Nobody's trying to hurt you."

"Bullshit," she shouted. "That hurts!"

"Try relaxing," he gasped, struggling to hold the squirming girl. "You might enjoy it."

"No I won't you bastard!"

Securely holding the girl, Lance began plunging his finger in and out of her slippery cunt-hole. "You pig!" she screamed, throwing her head against the back of the sofa, realizing there was no way to stop his vile actions. Closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she prayed to herself that Lance would soon stop. She knew that her fighting him would only make the boy even more determined to get his own way.

Her tense body gave a wild lurch when his finger grazed across her clitoris, sparking a wild new sensation she'd never before experienced. She couldn't believe the wild feeling that flashed like electricity through her body. Again his finger touched her clitty, and again that glorious sensation pierced through her body.

Aware of what was happening, Lance began gently managing the girl's trembling clit and from the way her cunt began creaming all over his hand, he knew he'd won the struggle. He could feel her unconsciously writhing her foaming slit up around his middle finger.

Kim had never known such delicious ecstasy in her life. The intense sensations that were streaking through her entire body were the most wonderful thing she'd ever experienced.

"Oh, Lance," she sobbed, "that's so good, so good!"

Releasing his tight grip on the subdued girl, hr began plunging his finger in her gash deeper and deeper, making certain that it rubbed across her chit with every stroke.

Almost out of her mind with excitement, and feeling his body pressing against hers as he finger-fucked her cunt, Kim was suddenly aware of his cock pushing against her hand through the material of his pants. Kim had never touched his or any other cock in her life, but in her excited state tonight, the feel of the big hot bulge really turned her on. Not fully realizing what she was doing, she began rubbing and squeezing it.

Feeling what she was doing to him, Lance quickly lowered his fly and whipped his cock out and into her hand. Kim's first reaction was to withdraw her hand, but Lance grabbed it and firmly wrapped her fingers around his hard fleshy dick.

Kim almost went wild with excitement when she felt the hot, silky smooth hardness of his cock throbbing violently in her hand. She could feel his hot blood pulsing through its distended veins. Almost unable to breathe, Kim frantically clung to the throbbing beauty as if afraid it might disappear. She could almost feel it throbbing in her belly. Christ, how good it would feel to have this wonderful shaft plunging in and out of her flaming hot cunt.

Reaching down, Lance gently took her wrist and guided her clenched fingers up and down his trembling pole. The feel of his soft thick foreskin sliding up and down his gnarly shaft almost blew Kim's mind. She couldn't believe that a man's hot hard cock felt so good to touch.

Hearing the gasping and moaning in the flying room, Penny got out of bed to see what was happening. Wearing her nighty, she quietly opened the door and moved silently into the room. When she saw what was going on, she dipped over by the kitchen door where she could conceal herself and have a better view.

She could hardly believe her eyes as she stand at Lance's finger slithering in and out of her big sister's snatch. The pinkness of Kim's slippery wet cunt-lips and her soft golden pussy hairs around it really fascinated the girl. Because her own hair was almost black, Penny had assumed that all cunts had black hair. It scented strange to see the silky golden beaver around her sister's dripping slit, but the thing that excited her the most was the way Kim was stroking Lance's cock. God, how Penny would like to suck that big beauty off. She could almost taste his thick in squirting into her mouth. The girl was so turned on by the sight that her hot cunt-juice was dripping down her inner thighs.

"Oh, Lance," Kim sobbed, pumping frantically on the boy's dong. "Your cock feels so good."

"Faster, honey, faster," he gasped. "I'm almost ready to come."

Kim suddenly realized what she was doing. He was going to come! She was actually jacking him off, something that perverts did. Shaken back into the world of reality, she quickly released his cock.

"Don't stop!" he shouted. "For Christ's sake don't stop! I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"Then come by yourself!" she screamed, jumping to her feet. "I'm no fuckin' whore that jacks you or anyone else off!"

"Please!" he shouted. "Please, Kim!"

"No! No! No!"

Frightened by their screaming and afraid of being discovered, Penny scampered out the back door.

"Please," Lance begged, shaking with frustration.

"No!" Kim screamed, running towards her bedroom. "I'M no whore! Take that filthy cock and get out of here! I never want to see you or any other man again!"
