A few weeks later, Paul Drew was slowly driving his rented car down the street, looking for Betty Carter's address. After that wild afternoon in the hotel with Betty and Frank, Paul had asked the woman if he might see her the next time he was in town. Betty had told him that he could always contact her at the restaurant where she worked and that she'd love to see him again.

Now in town for a week, he had driven over to the cafe only to find that Betty was off for a few days. The waitress tie spoke to had given him Betty's address, and he was quite surprised to find himself in such a run down neighborhood. He was even more surprised when he located the house. It was an old frame building that was direly in need of paint, surrounded by a rickety fence that encompassed a yard filled with weeds.

He was just starting to walk up to the door when it opened and a beautiful blonde girl stepped out. She was wearing what appeared to be a uniform of some kind. It consisted of an extremely short black shirt that barely covered the top of her thighs and ass obviously designed to discreetly expose the pleated white panties beneath it. She was wearing a white blouse that was having a hell of a time containing her luscious big boobs. The lovely girl had long blonde hair that fell softly over her shoulders, setting off the blueness of her expressive eyes.

"Hi," she said, flashing him a big warm smile. "May I help you?"

"I'm looking for Betty Carter," he said hesitantly, completely overwhelmed by the girl's fresh beauty.

"She's my mother," smiled Kim, "but she's away for a few days."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "I'm Paul Drew, a friend of hers from out of town and I wanted to ask her out for dinner tonight."

"I'll certainly tell her you were here," she smiled. "You said your name is Paul Drew."

"That's right."

Kim had never met one of her mother's gentleman friends, but this was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. She was completely intrigued with his piercing blue eyes and thick grey-flecked hair.

"That's a… a cute outfit," he stammered, not wanting her to leave.

"It's kinda daring," she blushed. "It's the uniform we wear at the drive-in where I work."

"It's very attractive on you," the man smiled. "Are you a carhop?"

"Yes," she giggled. "And I'm late for work."

"May I drive you?" Paul asked.

"Gee," Kim smiled, "I'd like that if it isn't too much trouble."

It was just a short ride to the drive-in, and like the rest of the neighborhood, it was a run-down place that was so small they only had room to handle eight or ten cars at a time. There were no customers on the lot when they drove up.

"How's the food here?" he asked. "Being from out of town I'm not very well acquainted with places to eat."

"Awful," she giggled. "But the service is good."

"I might drip by for the service," he smiled, opening the door for her.

"I'd like that," she smiled over her shoulder as she walked away, "but if I don't see you again, I'll tell Mom you stopped."

Paul could feel his heart pounding in his throat as he watched her lovely legs and cute ass swinging across the lot. This was the prettiest fucking girl he'd ever seen in his life. The thought of balling her made his cock start throbbing in his pants.

About seven o'clock that evening, Kim was pleased and flattered to see him come into the drive-in.

"Hi, Mr. Drew," she smiled, walking up to his car.

"Hello, Kim," he replied, noting her name tag. "What do you recommend?"

"Like I said," the girl giggled, "nothing but the service.

"What did you have for dinner?" asked Paul. "Nothing, thank God," was her reply. "I get off in ten minutes."

"That's great," he beamed. "Will you have dinner with me?"

"Like this?" Kim laughed, pointing at her skimpy costume.

"I can drive you home to change," he suggested. "Gee, I don't know," she hesitated. "Heck," he smiled, "if your mother isn't able to dine with me, her daughter should."

Kim smiled to herself, wondering if he expected the same from her as she was suit he got from her mother, and for a fleeting instant she thought how nice his cock might feel in her hands.

"Okay," she smiled. "It's a date."

He took her to a quiet little restaurant and later to a movie. It was one of the most pleasant evenings that Kim could remember. Paul had been so charming and attentive, but when they drove up in front of her house, she was just a bit disappointed that he hadn't made any passes at her. She wondered if he considered her only as a kid.

"Tomorrow's Saturday," he suddenly said as they sat in the car. "Do you have to work?"

"Not on weekends," she answered.

"Fine," he smiled. "Let's grab our swim suits and drive down to the beach."

"I'd love that, Mr. Drew," Kim answered with a happy grin.

"Please call me Paul."

"Okay, Paul," she whispered, taking his face in her hands and drawing his lips down to hers.

When their mouths parted, Kim instinctively did something she had never dreamed of doing in her life. She reached down, brushing her fingers aver his crotch, and when she felt hot stiff and hard his cock was, she gave it a little squeeze and jumped out of the car.

Alone in her bed that night, Kim fingered herself off for the second time in her life.

Driving along the coast highway the next day, Paul couldn't keep his eyes away from Kim's soft smooth legs stretching out from her shorts. His thoughts kept drifting back to that gentle caress she'd bestowed on his lurching cock last night. Looking down at her, he had a mad desire to bury his face in the soft flesh between her naked thighs.

Strange thoughts were running through Kim's mind as well. Ever since the night she'd watched Lance's cock slurping in and out of her sister's hot sucking cunt, she had been wondering how a cock would really feel in her own juicy slit. Sitting beside Paul Drew, she wondered what kind of a sex partner the older man would make. If she were finally going to enter the sex scene, she wanted to do it with a considerate, compassionate man, not a grasping, pawing idiot like Lance.

Rounding a sweeping curve, they saw a small expanse of beach between that formed a beautiful cove among the rocks.

"Oh, look!" Kim pointed. "Isn't that beautiful?"

"Shall we walk down?" Paul suggested, pulling the car off to the side of the road.

"I'd love to," she smiled.

Taking a large beach blanket from the beck of the car, Paul followed Kim down the steep, rocky trail. He couldn't keep his eyes away from her sweet as that was swinging saucily back and forth in her white shorts. Her long blonde hair was shining like gold in the bright sunlight. The girl's smooth soft legs seemed to be twinkling along the trail as she skipped and jumped around the rocks.

Arriving at the deserted cove, they spread the blanket on the warm sand. It was so peaceful. The only sound was the hum of distant traffic on the highway, the steady breaking of the surf and the raucous cries of the ever-circling gulls.

"How old are you, Kim?" he suddenly asked as they sat gazing out over the water.


"What do you do other than work at the drive-in?" he inquired, anxious to know as much as possible about the beautiful girl.

"I go to high school," she answered. "I only work part time during the summer."

Hearing the lovely girl say that she went to high school made Paul feel ancient.

"Got a steady boy friend?" asked the man.

"Sorta," she giggled. "But not really."

"What kind of an answer is that?" Paul continued.

"Well," Kim replied in a serious voice. "We were, but I think we're breaking up."


"He's always trying to grab or feel me," she blurted before she realized what she was saying.

"You can't blame him for that," he laughed. "If you were my girl, I'd never keep my hands off you.

"That's different," she blushed.

"Why?" Paul asked, remembering how the girl had briefly caressed his cock last night.

"Oh, I don't know," she said, realizing that she'd said the wrong thing again.

"Don't you like to be touched?" he continued.

"Sometimes, I guess," the girl stumbled, "but I really don't know."

She could feel him looking at her, but she kept her head turned away. There was something about this man that disturbed her and Kim couldn't understand what it was.

"Let's take a dip," she said, wanting to change the subject.

"We left our suits in the car," he answered, looking up the steep trail that led to the highway.

"I'm not going to climb those damned rocks twice," she giggled.

"We could go skinny-dipping," suggested Paul. Kim didn't answer immediately as the idea had momentarily stunned her. She couldn't possibly imagine the two of them facing each other completely naked, yet the idea of seeing his cock strangely excited her. Looking at each other's naked bodies wasn't the same as touching or screwing around. There wasn't really anything wrong with looking at a nude art form.

"Do you want to?" he repeated when she didn't answer.

"Gee, I don't know," she hesitated. "Would it be decent?"

"I don't know how decent it would be," he laughed. "But it would be a hell of a lot of fun."

"Okay," she smiled when she saw him unbuttoning his shirt. "Let's do it!"

Turning partially away from him, Kim began nervously untying her halter. She couldn't believe that she was actually snipping in front of a man, an older man that she'd known for less than twenty-four hours.

When her trembling fingers finally removed the halter, Paul could hardly believe his eyes when her luscious creamy white boots spilled out. They were huge, but firm and young with big cherry-hard nipples thrusting out from them. She turned farther around as she slipped her shorts down over her soft smooth butt. Finally she wriggled out of her flimsy little panties and stood completely naked on the warm sand.

It took all her courage to turn around and face the man, and she kept her eyes averted from his lower body, being too embarrassed to look down at his cock and balls. Facing him, she saw Paul's eyes go directly down to her snatch.

The man stared intently at her soft pink pussy-lips nestled within her golden cunt hairs. Her deliciously sweet slit glistened with little droplets of moisture that shimmered like dew in the warm sunlight. Then was no doubt about it, the girl was real eatin' stuff.

When Kim realized that Paul's attention was completely on her snatch, she let her eyes wander down to his crotch. Except for her brief encounter with Lance the other night, this was the only cock she'd ever seen. It was smooth and round as it hung between his legs. She stared with fascination at the big purple dome on the end of it, but the thing that really amazed her was his big crinkly balls, all covered with thick, curly black hairs.

As she stared at his shaft it seemed to lurch a bit, and slowly began to thicken and grow. It was no longer hanging down but was gradually starting to rise out in front of him. Unable to believe what she was seeing, she glanced up at Paul's face but his gazed eyes were staring excitedly at her slit. When she looked down again, his cock had doubled in size and was pointing straight out in front of him and still climbing in little jerking jumps. Within seconds his thick hard shaft was throbbing violently as it pointed towards the sky. It was the most beautiful sight the girl had ever seen. Looking at it made her pussy all itchy and wet. She had a wild desire to hold his cock, to kiss it, press it between her tits or anything else. Unable to control herself any longer, she was reaching out for it when Paul suddenly grabbed her arm.

"We'd better get in that fuckin' water," he gaped, dragging her towards the surf.

She was a bit shocked when she heard him use that foul word, but in her state of excitement she ignored it. Running hand and hand down the beach, Kim couldn't keep her eyes away from that gorgeous big cock that was thrusting up from between his legs.

The sight of the hot cream that Paul had seen dripping out of Kim's slit had alerted him to the fact that they both needed a cold shower.

Kim let out a wild squeal as they splashed through the first cold wave. The nude couple played and frolicked in the light surf for about fifteen minutes before the returned to their spot on the beach.

As they spread themselves out on the blanket to dry, Kim could hardly believe what had happened to Paul's genitals. His big lusty balls had shrunk up into a little wrinkled lump and his gorgeous cock had almost withered away.

"What's the matter with him?" she giggled, reaching and touching his limp cock without realizing what she was doing.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she gasped, quickly drawing her finger back. "I'm sorry, Paul. I didn't mean to do this."

"Don't worry," he smiled, taking her hand and placing it back on his cock. "It felt good."

Kim knew she should draw her hand away, but she didn't want to. His limp prick felt so soft and warm that she began gently squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger.

"That feels so good," he sighed.

"Does it, Paul?" she whispered. "What does it feel like?"

"It makes my whole body tingle," he smiled.

"I'm glad," she whispered, kissing him on the cheek. "I think you're the most wonderful man I've ever met."

"And I think you're the sweetest and prettiest girl I've ever met," he said with complete honesty.

"Good," she sighed, nestling her head in his arm.

The warm sun felt so good on her naked body as she lay there toying with his lovely soft prick. Kim wished that this wonderful day would never end. This man was more than old enough to be her father, but she had never felt so close to anyone else in her life. He was so ruggedly handsome, yet so gentle and considerate with her.

A delicious little tremor rippled through her body when she felt his soft cock beginning to throb and swell in her hand.

"He's waking up," she giggled, kissing Paul lightly on the neck. "My naughty fingers are waking him up!"

"Your fingers could wake up the dead," he smiled.

"I like playing with your thing," she whispered. "Does it still feel good?"

"God, yes it feels good," he gasped, feeling his rod beginning to throb. "But it's called a cock, not a 'thing'."

"Okay," she giggled, "that sounds like a bad word, but it sure sounds sexy."

Leaning on her elbow, Kim looked down at the massive hunk of male meat that she was grasping in her hand. It was as big and exciting as it had felt before they went swimming. The way it was lurching and throbbing in her hand really felt to the girl. There was something about the spongy hardness and heat of it that really turned Kim on.

Her cunt was creaming all over her leg as she slid the thick, rubbery foreskin up and down his luscious shaft. Wanting to feel it burning against her flesh, Kim bent her head down and pressed his hard hot cock against her face. The texture and warmth of it felt fantastic on her cheek. Twenty-four hours ago, the thought of touching a prick had been repugnant to the girl and now she was practically drooling over one.

Kim could never remember why she did it, but instinctively she brushed her soft parted lips over his big sensitive knob. She would never forget that pungent male aroma or the strange, exciting taste of his cock on her lips. Holding his shaft in her hand, her tongue darted out and as it swirled around the end of his swollen cock-head, she could feel Paul's big muscular body trembling beneath her.

Smiling up at the excited man, she began twining her tongue up and down the entire length of his big beautiful shaft. She could feel it swelling and throbbing as she teased her wet tongue up and around the base of his knob. Then slowly lowering her lips, she took all of his big glans into her hot mouth. She felt Paul lurch as her soft slippery lips slid over the big swollen knob. She tightened her lips around the ridge of his cock-head, locking it securely inside her hot sucking mouth. As inexperienced a cock-sucker as Kim was, she was fully aware that if she kept this up, Paul would eventually squirt his load into her mouth and that's exactly what the girl wanted him to do.

"Oh, Jesus," Paul gasped, looking down at his throbbing cock, buried in the beautiful blonde's hot sucking mouth.

"Does this feel good?" she whispered up to him, temporarily removing his cock from between her lips.

"Shit, yes," he moaned.

"Are you gonna come in my mouth?" she asked.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes, please."

"Then I will," he smiled, closing his eyes in ecstasy.

With his wonderful cock thrusting up from between his legs, Kim could feel it throbbing in her hand as she lowered her mouth to continue sucking him off.

The stillness of the warm day was broken only by the cries of the circling gulls and Kim's greedy mouth sucking noisily on Paul's lurching prick. With his eyes closed, Paul was faintly aware of the erotic, smacking sound of Kim's slavering lips slurping on his quivering cock.

Feeling his thick sinewy pole sliding over the sensitive buds on the back of her tongue, Kim prayed that she was doing it right. She wanted this wonderful man to really enjoy the blow-job.

With her hot slippery lips locked around his shaft, she took his prick deeper and deeper into her mouth until she felt his big swollen cock-head nudge against the back of her throat. Then she slowly raised her mouth with a deep sucking action that made Paul moan with ecstasy. Repeating this ritual, she could feel him thrusting his hips to meet every downward stroke of her frantically sucking mouth.

"Suck, honey, suck!" moaned Paul, half-crazed with the feel of her wildly sucking mouth working over his bursting hard shaft. His hands grasping at her long blonde hair, Paul was frantically pumping her head up and down over his raging prick.

"Suck it, baby, suck!" he panted wildly pumping his cock into her slurping mouth.

With his breath coming in short hot gasps, his hands were curled in her tousled hair, pushing her mouth down tighter over his violently twitching cock.

"Suck, for Christ's sake, suck!" he screamed. "I'm almost there! Jesus, what a mouthful you're gonna get!"

Eagerly waiting for him to shoot his load into her excited mouth, Kim sucked deeper and harder on his big lurching cock.

"Oh, shit!" he roared, tearing at her flailing blonde hair and slamming her mouth down tighter around his jerking cock. "I'm coming, baby, coming!"

For the first time in her life, Kim tasted white hot semen gushing into the back of her throat. She frantically sucked and swallowed as spurt after spurt of delicious slippery jizz shot out of his cock.

When she'd sucked the last drop from his slowly shrinking cock, she removed her mouth and smiled up at him.

"Did I do it right?" she smiled, a little trickle of cum dripping out from the corner of her lips.

"You were just perfect," he smiled, gently wiping a gob of jizz from her face with the back of his hand.

"Good," she beamed.

"Kim," he asked softly. "As long as your mother is out of town, would you spend the rest of the weekend with me down here?"

"Would I get to suck you off again?" she teased.

"As often as you wish."

"Then it's a deal," she giggled.
