THE HEARING WAS IN ETERNALIA, IN TRIBUNAL Hall. A blue banner flew from the dome, just like it had the first time Fitz took Sophie there. But this time it was for her.

Sophie sat next to Alden on a raised platform facing the twelve empty thrones of the Councillors. Behind her sat Grady and Edaline, Dex, Sir Astin, Dame Alina, and Elwin—everyone remotely involved with the Quintessence incident. The rest of the enormous room was empty. The proceedings had been closed to the public, a rare procedure for a tribunal. But Alden explained that anything involving Quintessence had to be kept top secret.

Each throne had a name carved across the top. Oralie’s had velvet cushions and a heart-shaped back covered in pink tourmaline. Kenric’s was sturdy and simple, made of polished wood encrusted with large pieces of amber. Bronte’s was plain silver dotted with onyx. The rest were names she’d never heard: Clarette, Velia, Terik, Liora, Emery, Ramira, Darek, Noland, Zarina. Their names alone were intimidating. She tugged out an eyelash and flicked it away.

A mere two hours had passed since the moment Sophie showed Sir Astin the glowing bottle, but it felt like everything had changed. Foxfire was evacuated—a first in its three-thousand-year history. A special task force moved the Quintessence to an undisclosed location. Now she sat in the capital city—on trial for violating a major law. Bronte was probably salivating over the chance to convict her.

Sophie sat up straighter as a dozen goblins marched into the room and stationed themselves in front of the thrones. She remembered them from Lumenaria, but she’d forgotten how huge they were.

“Bodyguards for the Councillors,” Alden explained.

Her eyes focused on the strange swordlike weapons slung through their belts, and she couldn’t help wondering what the Councillors needed protection from. Alden was always saying how safe their world was.

A loud fanfare blasted through the room, and everyone rose as the Councillors appeared in front of their thrones. Dripping in jewels, draped in gleaming silver capes, and crowned with circlets, they made human royalty look like amateurs. Sophie’s lunch churned in her stomach.

“Please be seated,” announced a Councillor with shoulder-length black hair and eyes that matched the sapphires in his crown. His throne said Emery across the top. “Thank you for coming on such short notice. We shall begin with you, Miss Foster.”

She stood and gave the world’s most ungraceful curtsy. Oralie moved to Sophie’s side, placing one hand on her shoulder and holding her hand with the other.

“Answer my questions honestly and there will be no problems,” Emery warned.

Sophie nodded, the fear so consuming she wondered if she would be sick. She kept her eyes away from Bronte, knowing if she caught his cold gaze, she might lose it.

“Where did you learn of the existence and location of Elementine?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice trembled.

Emery glanced at Oralie. She nodded.

“What made you look for it?”

“My Universe homework.”

Sir Astin coughed behind her, like he was unhappy with her answer.

“What was it about your homework that made you think of it?” Emery asked.

“Honestly? It just sounded right.”

Oralie nodded again and Sophie finally understood. Oralie was reading her emotions—a living, breathing lie detector.

“Have you any idea what to use Quintessence for?” Emery asked. “Consider your answer carefully, Miss Foster—this is crucial.”

She racked her brain. There was something there—an idea so fuzzy she couldn’t make sense of it. “I don’t know.”

“Oralie?” Emery asked when Oralie frowned.

“She’s confused,” she said in her fragile voice. “But not lying.”

Emery nodded and closed his eyes, placing his hands against his temples.

The silence stretched endlessly, and Sophie wondered if she’d said something wrong. Finally, Emery opened his eyes. “Thank you, Miss Foster. You may be seated.”

Her legs felt like Jell-O, but somehow she hobbled back to her seat beside Alden.

“Sir Astin,” Emery said, and Sir Astin jumped out of his chair. Oralie returned to her throne. A Telepath could monitor Sir Astin’s thoughts for honesty. His mind wasn’t impenetrable, like Sophie’s. “What stars was she assigned?”

“They were, uh . . .” Sir Astin cleared his throat and fidgeted. “I believe they were . . .”

Emery’s sigh echoed off the walls. “Do you remember, Miss Foster?”

She leaped to her feet and gave another awkward curtsy. “Yes. It was Argento, Auriferria, Pennisi, Merkariron, Styggis, and Achromian.”

Emery closed his eyes. “Can you repeat those one more time, slower?”

She did, noticing that Kenric was plotting the stars on a map. He sucked in a breath.

“Who created this list?” Emery demanded, glancing at Kenric.

“I’m not certain,” Sir Astin admitted, cowering. “All the Universe Mentors submit them, and it wasn’t one of the lists I made.”

“That’s convenient,” Bronte scoffed, and Sophie’s gaze followed his voice, against her better judgment. She shivered. He looked even more frightening seated at his jeweled throne.

Emery held up his hand and Bronte fell silent. “Who assigned her that list?” The velvet folds of his voice hardened, but his face remained expressionless.

“The lists are assigned at random,” Sir Astin stammered. “It was pure chance.”

Emery closed his eyes, rubbing his temples. “Are you aware of any connection between those stars and Elementine?”

Sir Astin shook his head. “I know nothing about Elementine except its name.”

“Thank you.” Emery motioned for everyone to sit. The room fell silent again.

“What’s going on?” Sophie whispered to Alden.

“Emery mediates their discussion telepathically. He’ll only speak once they’ve reached a consensus, so that the Council always presents a united front.”

She supposed that made sense, but she felt sorry for Emery. He looked like he would need some strong aspirin after this.

“Enough!” Emery ordered, holding his hands out like stop signs after what felt like an eternity. “We have reached a decision. It’s not unanimous”—he glared at Bronte—“but in this situation it does not need to be. Please rise, Miss Foster.”

She leaned on Alden for support.

“What you did was very dangerous—and violates one of our most fundamental laws. But we do not believe your actions were intentional, and because of that, you will not be held accountable. You will return to Foxfire tomorrow, and no mention will be made of this tribunal.”

Sophie released the breath she’d been holding. Alden squeezed her hand.

She was safe. It was over.

“No one will know the details of this incident, or of Miss Foster’s involvement,” Emery continued, addressing the others in the room. “The official story will be that a suspicious substance was found, removed, and destroyed. No further details will be given. Is that understood?”

Everyone murmured agreement.

“Good. And, Lord Alden?”

Alden held Emery’s gaze and nodded.

“Thank you for your assistance with this matter.” Emery motioned for everyone to rise. “That concludes the tribunal.”

“I’M SO SORRY,” SOPHIE SAID for the millionth time to Grady, Edaline, and Dex as they met her and Alden outside Tribunal Hall. She wished she’d never have to set foot in the terrifying building again. But she knew she’d be back at the end of the year. Her knees shook at the thought.

Dex grinned. “Are you kidding? This has been the coolest day ever! I finally got to see Eternalia. Foxfire was evacuated! I missed the Great Gulon Incident three years ago, but I bet it had nothing on this.”

“What was the Great Gulon Incident?” she asked.

Alden cleared his throat. “Perhaps we can discuss this another time? There’s still a few things Sophie and I need to do.”

Grady and Alden exchanged a quick look, and Grady nodded. “We’ll take Dex home. Where should I tell his family he’s been all afternoon?”

The adults got their stories straight, and Dex leaned toward Sophie, a huge smile dimpling his cheeks. “Will Fitz get to know what really happened today?”

“I doubt it.”

“Excellent. I finally know something Wonderboy doesn’t.”

She couldn’t help laughing.

“Come on, Dex, time to go,” Grady interrupted. He looked at Sophie and smiled. “See you at home, kiddo.”

Everyone flashed away, leaving Sophie alone with Alden.

“Come on, Sophie. Let’s take a walk.”
