This might be the part of the book I’ve enjoyed writing the most, because I finally get a chance to thank the many, many people who’ve helped me bring this story into the world. I am not exaggerating when I say that I could not have done it without them.

To my incredible agent, Laura Rennert, thank you for taking a chance on the extremely nervous blond girl at the conference, and for bearing with me through all my rambling emails, incessant questions, and shenanigans. I could not have found a better source of wisdom, encouragement, or support to guide me through this journey.

I also must thank Lara Perkins for her brilliant insights into my story, and everyone at Andrea Brown Literary, who’ve proven to me that I’m with the best literary agency around. My deepest thanks also go to Taryn Fagerness for being a tremendous champion for this series, and for helping me share it with the world.

To my amazing editor, Liesa Abrams Mignogna, it is both an honor and a joy to work with you. I look forward to every email, every text, and every editorial note written on Batman notepaper. Thank you for giving me the chance to work with my Wonder Twin, and for helping me turn my draft into the book I always wanted it to be.

I also have to thank everyone at Simon & Schuster for believing in this project and giving it their time, love, and enthusiasm, including Alyson Heller, Lauren Forte, Bethany Buck, Mara Anastas, Anna McKean, Carolyn Swerdloff, Julie Christopher, and Lucille Rettino. Huge thanks also go to the entire sales team for their hard work and support, to Karin Paprocki for designing my gorgeous cover, and to Jason Chan who absolutely blew me away with his stunning artwork. Plus a special thank you to Venessa Carson for proving herself the best matchmaker ever.

To Faith Hochhalter, you didn’t know me when I attended Project Book Babe, but I am so incredibly lucky to now call you my friend. Thank you for inspiring me, for your invaluable insights into my writing, and, of course, for the copious amounts of hugs and ponies.

I also must thank all of the authors who supported Project Book Babe. That event truly was a turning point for me, and I’m not sure any of this would have happened without it. Thank you for helping me realize what I wanted and giving me the motivation to get started.

To C.J. Redwine, thank you for telling me I was “the real deal” when I most needed to hear it. I could not have gotten this far without your constant pep talks, your #hitsend campaigns, and your hilarious and honest notes that pushed me to be a better writer. These . . . ellipses . . . are . . . for . . . you. . . .

To Sara McClung, thank you for reading this book as many times as I have, for wading through all the emails titled: “No—use THESE pages!” (especially since I tend to forget the attachment), and for enduring all of our countless (and infamous) brainstorming sessions. I would seriously be lost without you.

To Sarah Wylie, founding member of Team Keefe, thank you for always being there to dispense industry advice, spot-on critiques, and in-depth discussion of boy bands, Friends, or American Idol—whichever I needed most. You have definitely earned each and every, “I told you so” that you owe me.

To Elana Johnson, thank you for all the brilliant things you come up with—and for letting me be a part of them. And thank you for your fantastic notes, which helped me find my path back after I’d lost my way in the sea of revisions.

I also have to thank Emma Eisler and Laura Wiseman for a lifesaving brainstorming session that finally led us to the perfect title (after months of trying). You both are welcome to name my books any time!

To the entire WriteOnCon team, thank you for letting me be part of such a special project. My deepest thanks also go to all the agents, editors, authors, and attendees who share their time and make WriteOnCon what it is.

I will also never be able to properly express my gratitude to all of the authors who have tolerated my cyber-stalking and answered my questions and generally treated me like an equal. I’m sure I’m probably forgetting some of you (SORRY!), but I have to thank Jay Asher, Robin Brande, Michael Buckley, Kimberly Derting, Bree Despain, Carrie Harris, Karen Amanda Hooper, P.J. Hoover, Jon S. Lewis, Barry Lyga, Lisa Mantchev, Myra McEntire, Lisa McMann, Stephanie Perkins, Beth Revis, Lisa and Laura Roecker, Veronica Rossi, Lisa Schroeder, Andrew Smith, Natalie Whipple, and Kiersten White. And to the fabulous Bookanistas, thank you for being a source of knowledge, laughter, and the most incredible cheerleaders a girl could ask for.

The online writing community has also been a tremendous support group for me, especially Myrna Foster, Jamie Harrington, Casey McCormick, Shannon O’Donnell, Courtney Stallings Barr, Carolina Valdez Miller, and Heather Zundel. And to all of my awesome blog followers, thank you for clicking the follow button and leaving comments, and generally making me feel far more special and important than I am. I appreciate each and every one of you, and am constantly grateful that you share a small bit of your time with me.

To my parents, thank you for believing in every crazy dream I’ve pursued, and never doubting that I could do it. I could say more, but I think the dedication says it all.

And, I’ve saved the best for last, ending with the person who truly makes everything else possible. To my best friend, and husband, Miles, thank you for each and every sacrifice you’ve made so I could chase this difficult dream. You have cheered me on, held my hand through all the highs and lows, and even managed not to laugh (too much) the first time you caught me talking to my characters (and the many times thereafter). I know you used to tell me that you couldn’t give me the book deal I so desperately wanted. But really, you did. I could not have done this without you. Thank you for believing I could do it, and giving me the chance to try.
