Edward Limonov
Limonov vs. Putin

Table of content

Foreword of the author…3

First bloc

“My son is like a tsar!”… 7

“Children were always a bit afraid of him”…11

In the “otstoynik”…16

The spouse…20

In the “otstoynik” (II)…22

With Sobchak…25

You can’t spoil porridge with butter…38

A solid manager…42

Lubyanka’s boss…46

The premier-heir to the throne…54

Second block…61

Indifference and lies…65

Pack of swindlers…85

Khabarovsk’s Kuril Islands on the Amur…93

“There is no ‘international terrorism’, there is a war in Chechnya”…105

The killing…118

Massacre of the innocents…141

The robbing of the people…171

“You seem to think you’re a tsar…”…191

The passage from the election to the appointment of governors…203

How NTV and other free mass media were killed…216

The staff of the ruling regime…233

The creation of the Nashi criminal association…246

“By his nature Putin is not a politician”…277

The dictatorship of law…289

Third block


The president’s appearance…318

A wicked father…321
