Also Vladislav Yurievich Surkov conjures the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda: “We all have to realize that the enemy is at the gates. The front passes through every city, every street, and every house. We need vigilance, solidarity, mutual aid and union of efforts of the citizens and the State

While Vladislav Yurievich was lying in raptures on September 29th, just now on August 2nd the State Duma adopted the law about the monetization of benefits. What solidarity, what mutual aid is this?


39 nazbols could not accuse Putin of creating a criminal association. 39 nazbols were already in prison when the State criminal association Nashi was created. Putin has met the Nashi and thus encouraged the thugs with his authority; gave them his permission. How did it happen? Surkov’s program interview appeared, I remind, in Komsomolskaya Pravda on September 29th 2004. And on August 2nd the portrait of president Vladimir Putin was flying out of the window of minister Zurabov’s office, taken in flight by TV and photo cameras, both Russian and foreign ones. Maxim Gromov, a National-Bolshevik, is now paying for this portrait by his uninterrupted presence in the punitive isolation ward of a prison near Ufa. And the power made its conclusions, counted the “lemons” and some “apples” as its enemies, its own enemies of course, but since it is megalomaniac, they are Russia’s enemies too. In response to the action of half a hundred nazbols who “made a run” over the Health ministry they have put forward the concept “kill the enemy!” in that article – “Putin strengthens the State and not himself” in fall. And although the definition of the enemies was pattered out, as it was not important, the public understood everything; they all got it.

If the National-Bolsheviks were afraid and had disappeared, melted into the background, the Nashi would not exist. But the National-Bolsheviks were not scared, and on December 14th they “made a run” over the reception room of the president’s administration, forty of them. They had to be arrested although they only demanded to meet Putin and were ready to meet him with his advisers, with Illarionov even.

It is then, in the last days of December and the beginning of January, when the commoner is buying up everything he needs to meet the New Year, that the project of creating the anti-NBP-organization Nashi was born in the Kremlin, in Vladislav Yurievich Surkov’s head. In other words, apparently everything was like in the series of jokes of the writer Kononenko: “One day in the beginning of August Vladimir Vladimirovich was examining the fresh newspapers and journals. And in most of them he saw his own portrait, thrown out of a window. Vladimir Vladimirovich composed the number of his Administration’s head, Vladislav Yurievich Surkov:

Did you see the portraits? – Vladimir Vladimirovich sternly asked.

I did, – Vladislav Yurievich sternly answered.

So what are we gonna do, bro?

We’ll create the Nashi organization, – Vladislav Yurievich sternly said.

Who are these Nashi?

Oh, some scum, hoodlums. RUBOP will teach them how to beat up the Limonovists and Yakemenko will head them. These days he keeps wasting his time; he fights with Rosental near the Bolshoy Theater.

So they did as they said, they started the project.

But this isn’t how it really was. One day in December Vladimir Vladimirovich was sitting in his Kremlin’s office and was bored as usual. The phone rang. The voice of the deputy head of the Administration Vladislav Yurievich Surkov said:

Listen, bro, there’s some Limonovists in the reception room of your Administration; they’re waiting for you.

Really?Vladimir Vladimirovich was surprised, – And how many are they?

Forty, one is not even fifteen years old. They demand your dismissal; they say that you don’t have the talent to rule a country. What are we gonna do?

I have to think, bro, - Vladimir Vladimirovich thoughtfully said.

And while you’re thinking, what am I gonna do with them? – Vladislav Yurievich asked.

Vladimir Vladimirovich remained silent.

I understand that its hard for you, – Vladislav Yurievich said.

– Here is what I propose. Let’s send them to different prisons; we will judge them for an attempt to capture the power and meanwhile we will create the Nashi organization.

Who are these Nashi? - Vladimir Vladimirovich asked.

Oh, some scum, hoodlums. RUBOP will teach them how to beat up the Limonovists and Yakemenko will head them. These days he keeps wasting his time; he fights with Rosental near the Bolshoy Theater. Agree?

All right, - Vladimir Vladimirovich sighed, – we’ll do like you said. These Limonovists have really gotten out of hand. One day they drop a portrait; the other they capture a reception room… And Vladimir Vladimirovich put down the Kremlin phone.

Despite the anecdotal character of the version of the Nashi organization’s creation, I suppose that this is how it was, in this spirit. Russia was informed about the Nashi organization for the first time by Kommersant on 02.21.05, by Peterburgskie Novosti on 02.21.05. and by Moskovski Komsomoletz on February 24th in the article “The hyperboloid of engineer Yakemenko”. Further I will linger in detail about these articles and will cite them. Now I want to say that the first actions of the Nashi organization have already taken place on January 29th and February 12th, they were directed against the National-Bolsheviks and were openly criminal actions. The students will join later, but the thugs were already formed into a military wing already in January. On January 29th was made the first attack on the office of the General Line newspaper situated on Maria Ulianova Street, 17, 1, Moscow. The NBP central office was situated at the same address then. There were about forty attackers; they arrived in cars and a microbus and were armed with baseball bats. In the result of skillful actions the nazbols were able to block five attackers and give them to the police. There were five injured among the nazbols.

The second attack was made in a subway wagon where about ten nazbols with CPRF members were returning from a meeting on February 12th. A crowd of thugs broke into the wagon and started to beat up the nazbols. Two attackers were arrested. There were two injured among the nazbols.

On March 5th another attack was made on the General Line office, which was also the NBP office. The attackers managed to capture the office with the exception of some rooms. A TV camera of the ORT channel “accidentally happened to be” there and the attackers were giving interviews from the NBP office, feeling they were totally safe. The police had to arrest nine of them. There were nine injured nazbols; Yakov Gorbunov, veteran of the war in Chechnya was particularly severely injured.

And finally on August 29th the same numbers of a few dozens of people arrived in a bus and attacked the National-Bolsheviks who were having a meeting in the CPRF municipal committee on Avtozavodskaya Street. Armed with baseball bats, fire crackers and traumatic weapons, hiding their faces behind masks and wearing white construction gloves the thugs attacked seven nazbols who were guarding the entrance. Five nazbols were hospitalized. Thanks to the vigilance of a police officer the bus with the attackers was arrested. 25 people were protocoled by the police.

Here I will cite the declaration made by the injured National-Bolsheviks and given to the Prosecutor General right after the third attack in March 2005.

Declaration about the opening of a criminal case. The production of the investigation department of Moscow’s Lomonosovksy police station has two criminal cases on the facts of an attack on the office of the joint-stock company Honest Businessmen, the office of the General Line newspaper published by the inter-regional public association “National-Bolshevik Party” (NBP) and NBP members situated on Maria Ulianova Street, 17, 1, Moscow. We are the victims in these cases.

1. Attack (01.29.05.) Criminal case 39068, opened on 01.29.05. on part 2 article 213 of the RF Criminal Code (under investigation, investigator G. A. Fomicheva), the victims (names follow).

2. Attack (03.05.05.) Criminal case 39194, opened on 03.15.05. on part 2 article 167 and part 2 article 213 of the RF Criminal Code (under investigation, investigator Y. B. Delivron), the victims: NBP members (names follow).

In both cases the attackers belonged to a single organized group, they acted according to a single plan, they were similarly armed with baseball bats, they were equipped with means of communication, they used automobile transportation and pursued the same goals of capturing the office of the General Line newspaper published by the NBP, taking NBP members in hostages and discrediting the NBP as a political public organization.

Besides, Moscow’s police investigation department is investigating the criminal case 118177, opened on 02.12.05. on part 2 article 213 of the RF Criminal Code about an attack on the participants of a united meeting of the NBP and CPRF that occurred right after the end of that activity (investigated by D. A. Chepasov), the victims: NBP member (name) and CPRF member (name).

The same individuals are under accusation in the criminal cases 39068 and 118177 (names).

On March 1st 2005 the Internet site published a statement made by the leader of the Walking Together public movement Vasily Yakemenko about the creation of “the Nashi anti-fascist youth movement” whose mission is to prevent the activities of “the political youth corrupter Limonov and his wannabe nazis” This statement was spread by the Interfax news agency.

Based on the information above we ask you to verify if these facts contain criminal actions on the part of the defendants as stipulated by article 282 part 1 of the RF Criminal Code (the organization of a criminal association).

Signatures (eleven victims in total).

In the beginning of November 2005 all the four criminal cases were united into one (and the investigation is coming to its end) in the Main investigation department of Moscow’s Prosecutor General’s office. We hope that the case will finally reach the court, although it is clear that many forces would not like a trial to happen.

But let us return to February 2005. On February 21st Kommersant writes in the article “Plain fascism”: “The Kremlin prepares a new youth project to replace the Walking together pro-Putin movement. The organization doesn’t have a name yet, but the functionaries call it Nashi between themselves. Departments of the movement have to be created in all Russia’s big cities under the direct patronage of Kremlin’s administration. The deputy head of the president’s Administration Vladislav Surkov met Saint Petersburg’s Nashi members last Thursday and promised to create a new political force based on the movement and that, by 2008, will possibly become the new party in power. The meeting was not publicized anywhere. As Kommersant managed to learn, the meeting took place in a normal rented apartment reequipped as headquarters. Over two hours Surkov talked with 35-40 young men who were entrusted with the role of the new movement’s “commissars”. Vasily Yakemenko, the ideologist of the Walking Together has also taken part in the meeting. /…/ The organizers are planning to reach a membership of 200-250 thousand people. /…/ Concerning the new project, Yakemenko first appeared in Saint Petersburg in the middle of January and in a few weeks he succeeded in ‘recruiting’ a few dozens of people. Preference is given to young people aged 18-22, mainly students. Already now the signs of a clear internal organization appear in the movement. Thus, all the members are divided by sectors: some will hold mass actions; other will do the analysis and the journalistic work. The ‘combat sector’ was also foreseen, on its base they plan to create the ‘youth forces of order’. In the beginning of February in a hotel near the city the first conference was held, where the future ‘commissars’ underwent testing, participated in geopolitics seminars and psychological training. Subsequently they were promised summer camps and from September 1st - a certain Leadership Institute. /…/ Yakemenko demonstrated Kremlin’s support to his supporters on the same meeting, on which Vladislav Surkov arrived to everybody’s surprise accompanied by only one guard. In the conversation that lasted for over two hours he mainly spoke about the general situation in the country, international and domestic politics, Russia’s history in the 1990s. Surkov made a special emphasize on the fact that the participants of the movement need ‘to go till the end’. Surkov who largely used citations from classical authors in his speech made an impression on the youth, as the participants confessed. After they have negatively spoken about all the existing parties (not only the SPS and Yabloko but also Rodina and United Russia were criticized), Surkov and Yakemenko said that by 2008 a new party will be possibly created on the base of the Nashi and it will have the task of replacing the party in power.” The text of the article in Saint Petersburg’s newspaper coincides with the Kommersant publication, so there is no need to cite it.

Let us now turn to Moskovsky Komsomoletz of February 24th 2005. The material is “The hyperboloid of Engineer Yakemenko”. The subtitle: “How we’ll be saved from an American putsch”. The first page contains a resume of the text: “Spring 2008. Before the elections of Russia’s president 50 thousand people organized and paid by US emissaries block Manezhnaya, Red Square and Vasilievsky Slope as well as the Central Electoral Commission. Their mission is to put a candidate favored by the States on the presidential seat and to turn our country into a colony at any cost.

But here a secret association enters the arena. It is not in vain that 300 million dollars were spent on its creation: 200 000 members of the super powerful organization gather in Moscow. Armed with blue plastic chairs they disperse America’s minions. The fatherland is saved. The victors are awarded with the right to cleanse the staff and occupy the liberated posts.


However MK obtained documents that confirm the recently spread rumors: a grandiose plan to create a new youth movement was sent to the regions. It will be called Nashi. The mission is to save the Fatherland. To save it in the way described above. It has been several months now that a personage famous in the political circles has been traveling around Russia’s cities. His name is Vasily Yakemenko. He has already created a movement – the infamous Walking Together. After Yakemenko got the idea to create the Walking he was invited to work in the president’s administration – he became the chief of the section of public relations of the Department of internal policy. (According to another version Vasily was given the idea of a pro-Putin youth organization on Old Square and he has developed it at his best). And now Mr. Yakemenko is in a new role…

February 10th 2005. A small hall in Kursk’s college of economy and law. There are a few dozens of students from Kursk and Orlov in the hall.

Yakemenko is on the platform. ‘Turn off your cellphones. Listen carefully. Don’t ask me to repeat. My name is Vasily. I am 33 years old and my function is very simple.” Let us stop. Moskovsky Komsomoletz has banally registered Yakemenko’s speech on tape. And published the transcription with its comments. “I travel in different cities, Yakemenko goes on, – in twenty regions and I invite people from the street to these meetings. I don’t know anybody among you. And the only thing I want from these meetings is that I want to find people who think like me, who share my point of view and I propose to look for a solution in this situation.” Then Yakemenko describes the horrors of American expansion into Russia: “We learned that they have fixed the date when they will introduce an external government to 2008. And this is still an optimistic date because now we have information that this could happen earlier, in other words Russia will be turned into a colony. /…/ Many people, from the old times, from the times of the USSR, think that Russia is a great country. /…/ In reality we have nothing in Russia. We have no nuclear missiles and those we have are old and rusty… /…/

Meanwhile in Russia there are growing organizations, based on which the Americans will create an analogue of the Serbian Otpor, the Georgian Kmara or the Ukrainian Pora. This is Limonov’s NBP and the Vanguard of Red Youth. We need to give an adequate response to them. To create our own organization. Now we don’t really have the name of the organization yet; more or less all the cities agreed on the word Nashi, but there is no clear monitoring of this situation. We didn’t even found the name yet; we could change it.

Then what? We hang the city’s map on the wall and there we mark all the places where usually over 200 people gather. Accordingly if this is an institute, there has to be several such places (campus, faculty). In other words we have to control each of these places. And we have to mark each of these places with a red flag. In my opinion there has to be not less than 150 such flags for a city like Orel or Kursk. And then the person who stays after this meeting and considers that he can work in this organization for now, he removes the red flag and puts a blue one instead and writes his name. And this means that we have a sympathizer in this place. Now these people in the not-yet-created organization are called commissars. And the very first task we have before us is to gather commissars not later than by the end of February 2005.

Yakemenko was expatiating on this for a long time, showing a suspiciously gloomy sense of humor. Here for example: “It’s very simple: we can catch nine drug addicts in Kursk, hang them at night along the road on a birch with the inscription ‘Drug addict. Was hung by the Nashi for using drugs’. On the following day people will know that we did it. But this is an extreme nonsense that does not suit us. There has to be a group that seriously works on these issues. /…/ Three times a week, on a facultative basis for now, for three hours you will have courses that will teach you: public relations, creation, the bases of leadership, rhetoric, technologies of directing mass actions… /…/ And now I’m talking with those of you who will be a potential commissar. You have to go to a training camp in Seliger. Two weeks in the summer, in July. You will be 150 people from different cities.” Then the anti-fascist Yakemenko exposes one-hundred-percent fascist ideas and desires: “I have made such a camp, for only 400 people though, on Seliger and there was an obligatory activity called ‘morning jogging’. /…/ Since Seliger is a beautiful place a lot of fat people go there. In cars, for fishing or for something else and naturally, when young boys, these 400 people, start to run on the road, the cars nervously hunk to them so that they leave the road and unfortunately they leave. But I hope that when you will be 3 000 people and maybe wearing t-shirts with ‘Yield’ written on the back, nobody will hunk you; they are no fools. I think everybody will stop and wait while you run on one side, then on the other, for two hours and there will already be forty cars standing, but they’ll have to wait.

And this is how Yakemenko depicted their future to the students on February 10th 2005: “You have learned the technologies of leading the masses, you can lead people, in 2-3 years you have created the most powerful organization, in comparison to which Komsomol is a child’s play and sucks. Let’s suppose that you have received a significant quantity of harshly led people – 200 or 300 thousand – this is a huge number and 10 thousand are enough for each city, there were 6 thousand in Georgia in the Kmara organization, which removed the legally elected president Shevarnadze.” Then Yakemenko depicts the situation of a Russian Maydan. Spring 2008.

Let’s suppose America supposes that they will gather about 50 thousand people who will be able to block some squares in Moscow and decide of the outcome of the elections in their favor. It means that we have to show them 200 thousand. We have to convince them that there won’t be a civil war.” Then Yakemenko transfers his thoughts to the Ukrainian Maydan. And says very frank things, considering that he says them on February 10th and on January 29th there was an attack on the NBP headquarters, in which soccer fans recruited by the Nashi took part: “ If I had to solve the question on Maydan, considering the general lack of will, I would have solved it very simply- I would have contacted my colleagues from Spartak’s fans movement (notice “my colleagues”, Yakemenko is not a soccer fan but he speaks about the fans – Nashi’s comrades-in-arms. - E. L.), they would have gathered 5 000 sympathizers with these blue plastic chairs that they use to fight in the stadium and we would have brought them to Kiev and with these blue chairs they would have driven out those 100 thousand who came to Maydan to the Dnieper River and they would have jumped on these blocks of ice on the Dnieper in their white trousers like polar bears.” Yakemenko told this in front of his people not expecting that journalists would record him; otherwise he would have abstained from racist and fascist statements. Moskovsky Komsomoletz is a yellow newspaper and although sometimes it executes the orders of the special services, however it can’t refuse a sensation.

Yakemenko continues to seduce the students with Dolce Vita pictures of their future life: “ Then in 2008 the Russian president will negotiate with you. You will receive the right to elect anyone you want. You will receive a mandate for power; you will be able to have any post you want. Instead of the 450 idiots who siege in the State Duma, 450 young people, poorly educated, 23-25 years old, so what.” Such a statement can be clearly defined as fascist, the young and uneducated against the old, the rich and the wealthy is the favorite subject of the early revolutionary German National Socialism and of the Italian fascism. Was Vladislav Surkov realizing this when he started to execute his project? Yakemenko was realizing how it could end. I cite the same article in MK: “ It will have an interesting end: I will be in The Hague next to Slobodan Milosevich, obviously as a theoretician, Kursk and Orel leaders will be in prison.” In other words Yakemenko, realizing the magnitude of the project, also realizes its illegality. An international tribunal – this is what he sees in perspective and not only a mandate for power as an alternative to the future. “In 2012 you will have to elect your president. Here is a plan I’m proposing to you.” Then he promises the students will be protected by the president, in the following expressions: “I make sure, while you’re still weak and disorganized, that the local power doesn’t harm you. If you will get in trouble we will solve these problems. The president knows about the creation of this organization. I’m telling you, the country lays its hopes on you. The president is ready to risk in order to give this to you. You are given millions of dollars for this!

In other words already on February 24th the country received important information from Vasily Yakemenko about the fact that the president approved the creation of a youth organization proposing to use methods punishable by the tribunal in The Hague for the leaders and by detention for the participants, i.e. a criminal organization.

On March 1st 2005 Yakemenko sent a statement about the creation of the Nashi youth movement to the media. It makes sense to reproduce it here in its totality: “On the eve of the 60th anniversary of Russia’s Victory in the Great Patriotic War several regional youth organizations decided to create a political movement. The Walking Together and I personally supported this healthy reaction to the growing popularity in the pseudo-intellectual circles of the political corrupter of youth Limonov and his wannabe nazis. Khakamada and her Committee-2008, the youth Yabloko, Berezovsky, Makashov and other amoral individuals have gathered under the Hitlerian flags of social-nationalism that the National-Bolsheviks wave. For us, the open statements and the impunity of the carriers of the XX century’s plague, which killed 20 millions of Russians, Tatars, Belarusians and Jews, is a personal offense. We will put an end to the union of oligarchs and anti-Semites, Nazis and liberals. In order to solve this problem we are starting a new project – the Nashi youth movement. No pasaran! Victory will be ours!

Vasily Yakemenko.”

Once again, now as stated by the agency, let us turn to the raid on the NBP headquarters.

On January 29th at 10 o’clock the NBP headquarters were attacked. There were about 40 attackers. They arrived in a microbus and two cars with tainted windows that have never parked here before (and that disappeared right after the attack) were also present near the house. The attackers were yelling Nazi (!) slogans and were armed with wooden bats – sawed handles from shovels with the price tags still on them. Two nazbols were beaten but the attackers did not manage to get inside thanks to a well-organized defense. The nazbols managed to detain five attackers. The police officers that arrived after some time brought the five to Lomonosov’s police station. A criminal case was opened on the arrested on article 213 (delinquency).

On March 5th an unidentified group of young people sawed open the door to the NBP office on Maria Ulianova Street. The National-Bolsheviks barricaded themselves inside. The attackers were attacking them with gas. According to the NBP an operator from the First Channel was present with the attackers. The police was informed about the attack however the police arrived only two hours after the call was made. The law enforcing bodies arrested nine participants of the attack on the NBP headquarters. They confiscated six baseball bats, two crowbars and gas. As people in the NBP affirm the thugs were thoroughly videotaping a dozen of syringes and twenty vodka bottles they have brought with them.” (Here we feel the RUBOP at work, they teach the Nashists: a typically RUBOP discrediting trick: syringes and vodka. Only heroin bags are missing. I also remember the FSB that cleaned up the Theater Center on Dubrovka in such a way that Barayev who was shot in flight holds an intact cognac bottle in his hand. The special services’ gloomy humor. - E. L.) “Besides, goes on, - they have beaten a nazbol who was on duty in the headquarters with a baseball bat. This is Yakov Gorbunov, a veteran of the Chechnya war. His jaw was broken and an eye was injured. NBP members affirm that members of the Nashi new pro-Kremlin movement created under the aegis of the president’s Administration are behind these incidents. In particular, as was told in the NBP office the attack was made by soccer hooligans from the Moscow Gladiators group hired by the Nashi movement.

We remind that on one of his press conferences Vasily Yakemenko stated that the principal task of the Nashi was the fight with ‘Nazis’ to whom he related the NBP. /…/ On April 10th in Moscow the NBP member Yakov Gorbunov who suffered during the raid on the NBP headquarters on March 5th was attacked. He was attacked by unidentified people on Maria Ulianova Street and was beaten with iron bars on the head. After this the criminals got into a car and drove away. The NBP consider that this was an act of vengeance from the Nashi because the veteran of the Chechen war Yakov Gorbunov testified against them about the recent attack on the nazbols’ headquarters. These testimonies on the participants of the March 5th attack on the NBP headquarters resulted in the opening of criminal cases. Earlier the Kommersant journalist Oleg Kashin and the leader of Moscow’s youth Yabloko Ilya Yashin who was beaten on a Nashi’s event in Solnechnogorsk have affirmed that the Nashi movement has attracted soccer hooligans as its combat detachments. Komsomolskaya Pravda also wrote that one of today’s leaders of the Nashi is Alexey Mitryushin, a former soccer fan.

From the announcements of the media on March 9th 2005: “The initiator of the Nashi youth movement who directed the constitutive conference of the movement in Podmoskovie on February 26-27th Vasily Yakemenko has refuted the declarations of the NBP that the individuals who raided the headquarters of the National-Bolshevik Party on March 5th “were fulfilling the functions of a group of physical defense”. V. Yakemenko emphasized that the Nashi have nothing in common with radicals and extremists: “This contradicts the principles of our organization – nonviolence and antifascism.” It was the same Yakemenko who, in Kursk on February 10th, was explaining how he would have solved the Maydan problem by brining 5 thousand “colleagues”, soccer fans, with plastic chairs. And they would have chased down 100 thousand people with these chairs.

On 03.15.05. Pravda-Info publishes on its site the results of an investigation by the Atington group called “The Secret Mission of Vasya the Killer”. The subtitle: “We received information about the individuals who made a pogrom in the NBP headquarters”. “The power is trying to create a new ‘black hundred’ from the most destructive elements among youth movements – soccer fans. For the first time ‘the new recruits’ of the power have announced about themselves by a pogrom in the NBP headquarters, where dozens of young people have broken the metal door and harshly beaten two young people who were there as well as the journalist of an Internet publication. Simultaneously with this act of deterrence similar events took place in Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, etc.

These same young people were identified on photos by NBP and SKM members who suffered from their actions in the Moscow subway when they were returning from a CPRF meeting on February 12th.

The Atington group has investigated the issue, using its own sources of information in various structures.

The young man who has called himself ‘Vseslav’ during the deterrence action in the NBP headquarters is well-known in the circles of soccer fans like Vasya the Killer, is a Spartak fan, is a member of the Gladiators fan group. He is well prepared physically, knows man-to-man fighting, and is aggressive; as people say he possesses a knockout punch.

He was approached by the corresponding services in summer 2004 when the Moscow police videotaped a mass fight in a MacDonald’s near the Prospekt Mira subway station between Spartak and Dinamo fans. During the fight a close friend of Vasya the Killer nicknamed Lastik was severely injured at the head with a baseball bat. He became handicapped. The victim’s mother brought charges but the case is not investigated although the police know the person who made the fatal blow – one of well-known Dinamo fans, a certain M. Many people, including bystanders were severely injured that day.

For some time Vasya the Killer was hiding and left his home but later he returned to a legal life. Moreover together with a small group of Spartak fans he openly cooperated with the authorities. This caused a negative reaction among other Spartak fans who are either apolitical or have a negative attitude towards the power. Even his friends from the Gladiators group once emitted a written condemnation of his transfer to the service of the power.

Nonetheless Spartak fans started to be sued for pro-governmental actions recently. For example during a Chelsea match in London a banner in Russian appeared on the tribune, stating a claim to Akhmed Zakayev in vulgar form. There is unconfirmed information about the participation of this group of fans in the pogrom on the Tsaritsin Market.

Presently the described group is used to cover the actions of the Nashi organization. There is no information as to whether their interaction with some special structure was registered.

The unwillingness of Vasya the Killer to hide his face during the action in the NBP headquarters is understandable: the law enforcing bodies have enough material on him even without this videotape that does not add much to the charges that can be brought against him.

Also there is information that in case of a serious publicity this man who does not represent a great value for his bosses will be easily given away.

Atington group, Pravda-Info, 03.15.05.

On February 26th in the Sinezh hotel near Moscow the Nashi movement held a conference. The leader of the youth Yabloko Ilya Yashin and the Kommersant correspondent Oleg Kashin who went to the conference were recognized by the security service of the Nashi and beaten up.

In the middle of March Kaluga’s department of the Nashi affirmed that on March 15th some people broke into the Nashi headquarters in Kaluga and beat up a certain Andrey Maltsev, a Nashist. Maria Kislitsina, the Nashi leader in Kaluga affirmed that the people who broke in raised their hand in a fascist salute and chanted “Glory to the NBP!” On the following day, on March 16th according to Kislitsina 20 nazbols put fire to the door of the headquarters and broke the windows. And the senior police officer Alexander Ulyashin did not only reject the statement but according to Kislitsina, insulted and beat her up. On the following day an unsanctioned meeting of the Nashi movement gathering 800 participants, some of them from Nizhni Novgorod, Tver, Ryazan, Moscow and other regions took place near Lenin’s police station. The meeting ended with a public reading of the order given by the chief of Kaluga’s police about Ulyashin’s dismissal from the police.

The National-Bolsheviks affirmed, “Everything that happened in Kaluga was a carefully prepared provocation” and demanded to examine the activities of the Nashi movement and to return the lieutenant colonel Ulyashin to his functions. Their arguments were: 1) The absence of witnesses and evidence about the identity of the attackers; 2) The senior police officer Ulyashin is characterized positively by his colleagues and residents; it is not clear how he could be accused of such a shameful action; 3) The nazbols proved that the meeting at the police station was thoroughly prepared. How could have such a mass of Nashi activists from cities situated far from Kaluga, such as Nizhni Novgorod and Tver been brought together in less than a day? Also the banners directed against Uliyashin were clearly produced in a factory and it is hard if not impossible to make them in one night. Nobody was accused of anything because of lack of evidence.

After these events even “the speaker of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov compared the Nashi with the Chinese Red Guards of the 60s and called this movement “a masquerade” and “too dangerous”, Izvestia wrote.

Most probably either Surkov or the president himself have reprimanded the Nashi for their crude job on March 5th – beatings, syringes, vodka, ORT interview with Vasya the Killer, baseball bats. So the Nashi prepared a set up of a nazbols’ attack in Kaluga. There is no other explanation to this incident.

Approximately at the same time in Moscow and in the regions a wave of attacks on nazbols and NBP headquarters began. The attacks continue to this day with a frequency of two-three per week. Usually the nazbols are attacked where they live or near the NBP headquarters, they are hit from behind with a baseball bat or a pipe and beaten up.

Being a fascist organization by its methods (how else could we call the attacks on political opponents with pipes and baseball bats?), the Nashi perfidiously and mockingly call themselves “antifascists”. On April 13th on a press conference dedicated to the congress of the movement Vasily Yakemenko said that the Nashi movement considers the fascists and their sympathizers as its enemies. When asked what movements in particular he considers fascist Yakemenko answered: NBP. As fascists’ sympathizers he named the leaders of the democratic movement. “Rizhkov, Khakamada, Kasparov are obviously sympathizing to the fascists,” the Nashi leader declared. Yakemenko added that today a perverted alliance between the liberals and the fascists, the westernizers and the ultra-nationalists, the international funds and the terrorists is formed. “Only one thing holds it together – hate to Putin,” he affirmed. “In this situation we will support Putin. We don’t care about someone’s personal attitude to Putin but we consider that those who don’t share his political views are our enemies.”

Yakemenko read out the movement’s manifesto. It says that the generation that rules the country from the 80s has lost faith in Russia and in its perspectives. “Ruling the country in the conditions of economical recession and Russia’s ousting on the roadside of world’s history they grew used to retreat and they are scared to give the order “Forward!” the document says. “The issue of Russia’s unity is the issue of changing the generation of leaders. Our generation has to replace the defeatists at the helm.

The main tasks of the movement as stated in the manifesto are to preserve Russia’s sovereignty and integrity, to modernize the country and to form a functioning civil society. “Our movement has to become a model for a functioning civil society. Enough of words about human rights. The phrase-mongering of today’s’ liberals is democracy’s worst publicity,” Yakemenko declared. “The phrase-mongering of the liberals” is a typical fascist expression just as the criticism of human rights is their subject.

On April 15th the Nashi held their constitutive conference in Moscow. 750 delegates from 20 regions of Russia took part in it. But the most interesting is that the minister Fursenko and the governor of the Tver region Zelenin, i.e. official representatives of the power were present on the congress. And both made speeches, greeting the creation of an organization that fights political enemies attacking them with baseball bats.

On April 17th during a meeting with youth organizations one of the participants of the meeting approached Kasparov, supposedly for an autograph, and hit him on the head with a chessboard. On the Echo of Moscow radio station the Nashi press secretary Ivan Mostovich has mockingly accused… the NBP. “This looks very much like the NBP, Mostovich affirmed. “/…/ Such methods are typical of the fascist Limonov and his assistants. /…/ What else should happen in order for the State to intervene and stop the revelry of delinquency and fascism spread by the NBP? The Nashi movement has nothing to do with this incident,” he emphasized. Clearly this is a mocking lie; the NBP has never used violent methods, first. And second – why should we attack a person whom Yakemenko himself has counted among the comrades-in-arms of the “NBP fascists”?

In the night of April 27th in Moscow near the NBP headquarters on Maria Ulianova Street, 17, a nazbol from Arzamas, Evgeny Logovsky was beaten. He was hit with a heavy object on the head, and then he was put a plastic bag on the head and was stabbed in the neck with a knife. In the night of April 28th a garage belonging to the National-Bolshevik Yuri Valiev was put on fire. Flags and banners, all NBP attributes, were kept in the garage. Two neighboring garages were burnt together with Valiev’s garage. In the beginning of the fire Valiev heard a small explosion and the garage burst into flames. When later the bookstores Phalanster and Bilingva were put on fire in Moscow, witnesses have also heard similar explosions.

On April 29th at about 10 o’clock PM Sergey Udaltsov, leader of the Vanguard of Red Youth organization was beaten near his home on Zatonnaya Street.

On May 15th the Nashi held a grandiose demonstration on Leninsky Street in Moscow. Over 2 thousand buses lined up on the sides of the street. Columns of Nashists marched to a stage near the Gradskaya hospital on specially marked asphalt. On May 16th Kommersant writes: “At noon the police has counted the participants of the action: they were 60 thousand. The crowd seemed to never end and the TV operators were cursing, not knowing how to film such a quantity of people. ‘We need Leni Riefenstahl over here,joked an operator. The image of columns with flags disappearing in the horizon really reminded scenes from Triumph of the Will (The triumph of the will cost the Kremlin from 1200 thousand dollars to one million and a half.) After the speeches followed the culmination of the action – an oath of allegiance beginning with the words: ‘I, citizen of a free Russia, today accept my homeland from the hands of the old generation.’ A thousand of veterans lined up among the side of Leninsky Street. Each veteran had to take the oath from 60 Nashis. After a young man or woman pronounced the text the veteran hung a cartridge-case on a ribbon around the neck of the newly converted. /…/ After the oath the Nashi were left to take a walk in the city, which rejoiced most of the students from the regions. ‘In school they told us that we could have a free trip to Moscow, a student from Kovrov told Kommersant. ‘I want to go to the Red Square before the bus leaves.’
