Zeno the Prophet
Cleanthes the Apostle
Aristo the Challenger
Chrysippus the Fighter
Zeno the Maintainer
Diogenes the Diplomat
Antipater the Ethicist
Panaetius the Connector
Publius Rutilius Rufus the Last Honest Man
Posidonius the Genius
Diotimus the Vicious
Cicero the Fellow Traveler
Cato the Younger, Rome’s Iron Man
Porcia Cato the Iron Woman
Athenodorus Cananites the Kingmaker
Arius Didymus the Kingmaker II
Agrippinus the Different
Seneca the Striver
Cornutus the Common
Gaius Rubellius Plautus the Man Who Would Not Be King
Thrasea the Fearless
Helvidius Priscus the Senator
Musonius Rufus the Unbreakable
Epictetus the Free Man
Junius Rusticus the Dutiful
Marcus Aurelius the Philosopher King
Timeline of the Stoics and the Graeco-Roman World
Sources Consulted and Further Reading
Index of Stoics