
Acknowledgment is due to the following publications, where stories from this collection originally appeared, some differently titled or in slightly different form: AGNI, Black Renaissance Noire, Eclectica, Guernica, Happano-no-Kofu, Internazionale, Kwani? Kweli Journal, the Drum, and TQR.

I’m grateful to the Chinua Achebe Center for African Writers and Artists, the Ebedi International Writers Residency, the Norman Mailer Center and Writers Colony, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Storymoja Publishers, and Farafina Trust for their support.

To many I owe enormous thanks, especially Anwuli Ojogwu for friendship, and Doreen Baingana for reading, never pulling punches, always challenging. Michela Wrong, Binyavanga Wainaina, David Kaiza, Eghosa Imasuen, Jeffery Renard Allen, my editors Fiona McCrae and Parisa Ebrahimi, all the good folks at the Wylie Agency, and not least my family, Barretts and Oruwaris — appreciations.
