DATE EVENT May 5, 1789 The Estates-General meets at Versailles, bringing together all three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners June 17, 1789 The Third Estate, made up of commoners, declares itself the National Assembly July 14, 1789 Fall of the Bastille August 27, 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is adopted October 5–6, 1789 Parisian women march on Versailles and force the royal family to move to Paris October 1, 1791 Meeting of the Legislative Assembly April 20, 1792 France declares war on Austria August 10, 1792 After the storming of the Tuileries Palace, the royal family takes refuge with the Legislative Assembly September 2–6, 1792 The September Massacres September 21, 1792 The monarchy is abolished January 21, 1793 Louis XVI is executed February 1, 1793 France declares war on Great Britain April 6, 1793 The Committee of Public Safety is created with the intent of rooting out all “traitors” and anyone deemed a threat to the Revolution October 5, 1793 The Revolutionary Calendar is adopted, with Year One beginning on September 22, 1792 October 16, 1793 Queen Marie Antoinette is executed May 7, 1794 Cult of the Supreme Being proclaimed by Robespierre June 8, 1794 Robespierre leads the celebration of the Festival of the Supreme Being June 10, 1794 The Law of 22 Prairial is adopted, encouraging citizens to denounce anyone who might be a counterrevolutionary