Adeney, Martin and Lloyd, John. The Miners Strike, 1984-5: Loss Without Limit. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986.

Barnett, Correlli. The Collapse of British Power. Alan Sutton, 1984. Barzini, Luigi. The Europeans. Penguin, 1983.

Bell, David S. The Conservative Government, 1979-84. Croom Helm, 1985.

Blake, Robert. The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher. Methuen, 1985.

Bogdanov, Vernon and Skidelsky, Robert. The Age of Affluence, 1951–1964. Macmillan, 1970.

Bradshaw, Kenneth and Pring, David. Parliament and Congress. Constable, 1972.

Bruce-Gardyne, Jock. Ministers and Mandarins. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1986.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Failure. Scribners, 1989.

Burch, Martin and Moran, Michael. British Politics. Manchester University Press, 1987.

Butler, David and Kavanagh, Dennis. The British General Election of 1979. Macmillan, 1980.

— The British General Election of 1983. Macmillan, 1984.

— The British General Election of 1987. Macmillan, 1988. Carrington, Peter. Reflect on Things Past. Collins, 1988.

Castle, Barbara. The Castle Diaries. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.

Chesshyre, Robert. The Return of a Native Reporter. Viking, 1987; gritty societal look from beyond London.

Childs, David. Britain Since 1945. Methuen, 1979.

Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War 6 vols. Cassell, 1948-54.

Cockerell, Michael. Live from Number 10. Faber, 1988.

Cole, John. The Thatcher years. BBC, 1987.

Coleman, Terry. Thatcher's Britain. Bantam, 1987.

Coleville, John. The Fringes of Power. Hodder and Stoughton, 1985.

Cosgrave, Patrick. Margaret Thatcher: A Tory and Her Party. Hutchinson, 1978.

Crick, Michael. The March of Militant. Faber. 1986.

Daly, Macdonald and George, Alexander. Margaret Thatcher in Her Own Words. Penguin, 1987.

Dimbleby, David and Reynolds, David. An Ocean Apart. Random House, 1988; a superb account, both scholarly and eminently readable, of the twentieth century relationship between Britain and the United States.

Donoughue, Bernard. Prime Minister: The Conduct of Policy Under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan 1974-79. Jonathan Cape, 1987.

Eatwell, John. Whatever Happened to Britain. Duckworth/BBC, 1982.

Foor, Paul. The Politics of Harold Wilson. Penguin, 1968.

Foote, Geoffrey. A Chronology of Postwar British Politics. Croom helm, 1988.

Gardiner, George. Margaret Thatcher. Kimber, 1975.

Gilmour, Ian. Inside Right: A Study of Conservatism. Quartet, 1977.

Haig, Alexander М., Jr. Gaveat. Macmillan, 1984.

Hanson, A. H. and Walles, Malcolm. Governing Britain. Fontana/Collins, 1970.

Harris, Kenneth. Thatcher. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.

Harris, Robert. The Making of Neil Kinnock, Faber, 1984.

Hastings, Max and Jenkins, Simon. The Battle for the Falklands. Michael Joseph, 1986.

Henderson, Nicholas. Channels and Tunnels. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

Honey, John. Does Accent Matter? Faber, 1989.

Howard, Anthony and West, Richard. The Making of the Prime Minister. Jonathan Cape, 1965.

Jenkins, Peter. Mrs. Thatcher's Revolution. Jonathan Cape, 1987; original and insightful writing about postwar British politics from one of that nations preeminent commentators.

Johnson, Paul. Modern Times. Harper & Row, 1983.

Joseph, Keith. Stranded on the Middle Ground. Center for Policy Studies, 1976.

Junor, Penny. Margaret Thatcher. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1983; the most detailed look at Mrs. Thatcher's personal life.

Kaiser, Robert G. Cold Winter, Cold War. Stein and Day, 1974.

Kavanagh, Dennis. Thatcherism and British Politics. Oxford University Press, 1987.

Kellner, Peter and Hitchens, Christopher. Callaghan: The Road to Number 10. Cassell, 1976.

Kleinman, Philip. The Saatchi and Saatchi Story. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

Kogan, David and Kogan, Maurice. The Battle for the Labour Party. Kogan Rage, 1982.

Lacey, Robert. Majesty. Sphere Books, 1977.

Leapman, Michael. Kinnock. Unwin Hyman, 1987.

Lewis, Flora. Europe. Touchstone, 1987.

Longford, Elizabeth. The Queen. Ballantine, 1983.

MacGregor, Ian. The Enemies Within. Collins, 1986.

Manchester, William. The Last Lion, Alone. Little Brown, 1988.

Mayer, Allan J. Madam Prime Minister. Newsweek, 1979.

McFadyean, Melanie and Renn, Margaret. Thatcher's Reign. Chatto and Windus, 1984.

Messenger, Charles. Northern Ireland: The Troubles. Hamlyn, 1985.

Minogue, Kenneth and Biddiss, Michael. Thatcherism: Personality and Politics, Macmillan, 1987.

Murray, Patricia. Margaret Thatcher. W. H. Allen, 1980; good early-in-office Thatcher interviews.

Newhouse, John. "Profile: The Gamefish." New Yorker, February 10,1986.

O'Brien, Maire and Conor Cruise. A Concise History of Ireland. Rev. ed. Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Owen, David. Our N.HS. Pan, 1988.

Pearce, Edvard. Looking down on Mrs. Thatcher. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.

Pointer, Michael and Knapp, Malcolm G. Bygone Grantham. 6 vols. BG Publications, 1977-87.

Prior, James. A Balance of Power. Hamish Hamilton, 1986.

Pym, Francis. The Politics of Consent. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.

Reagan, Ronald. Where's the Rest of Me? Karz, 1981.

Regan, Donald T. For the Record. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988.

Riddell, Peter. The Thatcher Government. Basil Blackwell, 1983.

Rose, Richard and Suleiman, Ezra N. Presidents and Prime Ministers. AEI Studies, 1980.

Sampson, Anthony. The Anatony of Britain. Hodder and Stoughton, 1962.

— The Changing Anatomy of Britain. Hodder and Stoughton, 1982; these two volumes, original and updated, are classics; required, but fascinating reading for anyone wishing to understand how Britain works.

Sked, Alan. Britain's Decline. Basil Blackwell, 1987.

Skidelsky, Robert. Thatcherism. Chatto and Windus, 1988.

Stephenson, Hugh. Mrs. Thatcher's First Year. Jill Norman, 1980.

Talbott, Strobe. The Master of the Game. Knopf, 1988.

Tebbit, Norman. Upwardly Mobile. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.

Thomson, Andrew. Margaret Thatcher, The Woman Within. WH Allen, 1989.

Thorpe, D R. Sclwyn Lloyd. Jonathan Cape. 1989.

Tyler, Rodney. Campaign! The Selling of the Prime Minister. Grafton, 1987.

Urquhart, Brian. A Life in Peace and War. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

Veljanovski, Cento with Mark Bentley. Selling the State. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

Walters, Alan. Britain's Economic Renaissance. Oxford University Press, 1986.

Wapshott, Nicholas and Brock, George. Thatcher. Futura, 1983; well-paced firstterm detail.

Whitelaw, William. The Whitelaw Memoirs. Aurum Press, 1989. Young, Hugo. One of Us, Macmillan, 1989; the most detailed Thatcher biography by one of Britain's most thoughtful journalists.

Young, Hugo and Sloman, Anne. The Thatcher Phenomenon. BBC, 1986.

Глава первая НАСЛЕДИЕ

1. Barnett, The Collapse of British Power, p. 72.

2. Manchester, The Last Lion, Alone, p. 46.

3. Heussler, Yesterday's Rulers: The Making of the British Colonial Service (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1963), p. 76; cited in Barnett, p. 64 n.

4. Barnett, p. 63.

5. Ibid., p. 67.

6. Dimbleby and Reynolds, An Ocean Apart, p. 101.

7. Manchester, p. 85.

8. Ibid.

9. Dimbleby and Reynolds, p. 129.

10. Ibid., p. 135.

11. Sked, Britain's Decline, p. 27.

12. Churchill, The Second World War, 4: 583.

13. Manchester, pp. 48–49.

14. Brzezinski, The Grand Failure, p. 9.

15. Childs, Britain Since 1945, p. 31.

16. Ibid., p. 32.

17. Ibid., p. 33.

18. Kaiser, Cold Winter, Cold War, p. 29.

1 9. Childs, p. 36.

20. Sked, p. 28.

21. Childs, p. 39.

22. Blake, The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher, pp. 262-64

23. Childs, p. 38.


1. Parkhouse, Sunday Express, July 20, 1975.

2. Ibid.

3. Wapshott and Brock, Thatcher, p. 27.

4. Parkhouse.

5. Mayer, Madam Prime Minister, p. 30.

6. Interview with author, January 1989.

7. Ibid.

8. Daily Telegraph, February 5, 1975.

9. Leo Abse, Margaret, Daughter of Beatrice, 1989.

10. Daily Mail, May 25, 1989.

11. Molly Brandreth to Brigid Forster, February 1989.

12. Parkhouse.

13. Junor, Margaret Thatcher, p. 13.

14. Manchester, p. 604.

15. Wapshott and Brock, p. 37.

16. Ibid., p. 47.

17. Ibid., p. 40.

18. Margaret Wickstead to Brigid Forster, February 1989.

19. Wapshott and Brock, p. 40.

20. Ministry of Labor documents, 1943.

21. Parkhouse.

22. Wapshott and Brock, p. 49.

23. Mayer, p. 49.

24. Young and Sloman, The Thatcher Phenomenon, p. 17.

25. Ibid., p. 18

26. Interview with author, November 1988.

27. Young and Sloman, p. 20.

28. Bawden, in My Oxford: Recollections of 12 Oxford Graduates, 18-1971, edited by Ann B. Thwaite, Robson Books, 1977.

29. Junor, p. 20.

30. Dimbleby and Reynolds, p. 170.

31. Murray, Margaret Thatcher, p. 38.

32. Ibid.

33. Ibid.

34. Interview with author, January 1989.

35. Ibid.

36. Junor, p. 26.

37. Mayer, p. 65.

38. Ibid.

39. Junor, p. 26.

40. Interview with author, January 1989.

41. Mayer, p. 66.

42. Murray, p. 43.

43. Wapshott and Brock, p. 56.

44. Ibid., p. 57.

45. Interview with author, January 1989.

Глава третья ЖЕНА И МАТЬ

1. Junor, p. 35.

2. The Times (London), October 5, 1970; cited in McFadyean and Renn, Thatcher's Reign, p. 120.

3. Malcolm Rutherford, Financial Times, March 8, 1986, cited in Young, One of Us, p. 38.

4. The Times (London), October 5, 1970.

5. Gardiner, Margaret Thatcher, p. 46.

6. Interview with author, January 1989.

7. Interview with William Deedes, January 9, 1989.

8. Newhouse, New Yorker, February 10, 1986.

9. Time, August 14, 1989.

10. To Frank Melville, London.

11. Wapshott and Brock, p. 57.

1 2. Junor, p. 34.

13. Mayer, p. 71.

14. Interview with author, January 1989.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid., also Murray, p. 48; Wapshott and Brock, p. 60.

18. Mayer, p. 71.

1 9. Murray, p. 49.

20. Junor, p. 36.

21. Wapshott and Brock, p. 60.

22. Young, pp. 39–40.

23. Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan, The Unnatural History of the Nanny (Dial, 1973), reviewed in Time, August 13, 1973.

24. Junor, p. 40.

25. Interview with author, January 1989.

26. Junor, p. 49.

27. Daily Express, August 13, 1980.

28. Murray, p. 63.

29. Interview with author, January 1989.

Глава четвертая. В ПАРЛАМЕНТ

1. Thomson, Margaret Thatcher, p. 102.

2. Childs, p. 72.

3. Jenkins, New York Times Book Review, March 5, 1989.

4. Childs, p. 95.

5. Jenkins, citing Macmillan biography by Alistair Horne (Macmillan, 1989).

6. Wapshott and Brock, p. 77.

7. Mayer, p. 79.

8. Ibid., p. 80.

9. Interview with author, December 1988.

10. Wapshott and Brock, p. 79.

11. Ibid., p. 80.


1. Interview with author, December 1988; also Young and Sloman, p. 23.

2. Ibid.

3. Interview with author, December 1988.

4. Childs, p. 282.

5. Dimbleby and Reynolds, pp. 222-23.

6. Ibid., p. 223.

7. Ibid., p. 259, citing Charles de Gaulle, War Memoirs: Unity, 1942–1944 (Weidenfeld, 1956), p. 227.

8. Macmillan, At the End of the Day, p. 367, quoted in Dimbleby and Reynolds, p. 260.

9. Mayer, p. 84.

10. Honey, Does Accent Matter? p. 142; also cited in Steve Lohr, New York Times, January 31, 1989.

11. Interview with author, December 1988.

12. Junor, p. 69.

13. Wapshott and Brock, p. 85.

14. Geoffrey Parkhouse, unpublished Thatcher interview, 1970.

15. Ibid.

16. Young and Sloman, p. 33.

17. Thames Television, January 6, 1981, cited in McFadyean and Renn p. 111.

18. Junor, p. 62; Wapshott and Brock, p. 270.

19. Wapshott and Brock, appendix, p. 278.

20. Foote, A Chronology of Postwar British Politics, p. 128.

21. Young and Sloman, p. 24.

22. Sampson, The Changing Anatomy of Britain, p. 114.

23. Young and Sloman, p. 26.

24. Junor, p. 72.

25. Cabinet source to author, December 1988.

26. Junor, p. 73; Wapshott and Brock, p. 97.

27. Parkhouse, unpublished.

28. Cabinet source to author, January 1989.

29. Young and Sloman, p. 22.

Глава шестая ПЕРЕВОРОТ

1. Cabinet source to author, January 1989.

2. Interview with author, January 1989.

3. Keith Joseph to author, January 1989.

4. Party source to author, December 1988.

5. Joseph to author.

6. Time. February 10, 1975.

7. James Prior to author, December 1989.

8. Ian Gow to author, January 1989.

9. William Whitelaw to author, December 1988.

10. Wapshott and Brock, p. 126.

11. Murray, p. 104.

12. Cockerell, Live from Number 10, p. 217.

Глава седьмая В ПРЕДДВЕРИИ

1. Whitelaw, The Whitelaw Memoirs, p. 143.

2. Mayer, p. 127.

3. Whitelaw to author, December 1988.

4. Joseph to author, January 1989.

5. Wapshott and Brock, p. 157.

6. Ronald Millar to author, January 1989

7. Junor, p. 107.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid., p. 109.

10. Mayer, p. 141.

11. Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith (Bantam, 1982), p. 113.

12. Cabinet sources to author, December-January 1988-89.

13. Tim Bell to author, December 1988.

14. Mayer, p. 174.

15. Bell.

16. Time, April 21, 1979.


1. Stephenson. Mrs. Thatchers First Year. p. 12.

2. Time, June 25 1979.

3. Ibid.

4. Geoffrey Howe to author, January 1989.

5. Lord Carrington to author, December 1988.

6. Mayer, p. 203.

7. Carrington.

8. Carrington, Reflect on Things Past, p. 277.

9. Stephenson, p. 89.

10. Interview with author, January 1989.

Глава девятая НА МЕЛИ

1. Time, February 16, 1981.

2. Millar to author, January 1989.

3. Time, February 16, 1981.

4. Interview with author, January 1989.

5. Sampson, p. 96.

6. Sunday Times (London), May 3, 1981.


I have relied heavily in this chapter on the extensive coverage of the ten-week war in the international editions of Time magazine, which, between May 10 and May 31, 1982, ran four consecutive cover stories on the Falklands. I owe special thanks for material and recollections provided by London correspondents Bonnie Angelo and Frank Melville and their counterparts in Argentina: Barry Hillenbrand, Bill McWhirter, and Gavin Scott. George Russell, formerly chief correspondent for South America, wrote many of the stories in New York and afforded unique perspective. Top editor Karsten Prager oversaw the effort with exceptional skill.

1. Sunday Times (London), Robert Harris book review, April 9, 1989, citing Speaking Out, by Michael Bilton and Peter Kosminsky (Deutsch, 1989).

2. Haig, Caveat, p. 266.

3. Chief of Defense Staff Lord Lewin to author, December 1988.

4. Haig, p. 265.

5. Nicholas Henderson to author, December 1988.

6. Whitelaw to author, December 1988.

7. Cecil Parkinson to author, December 1988.

8. Carrington to author, December 1988.

9, Fleet Commander Sir John Woodward to author, December 1988.

10. Cabinet sources to author, December 1988.

11. Henderson.

12. Ibid.

13. Haig, p. 272.

14. Source to author, January 1989.

15. Ministerial source to author, November-December 1989.

16. Cabinet source to author, December 1988.

17. Lewin.

18. Whitelaw.

19. Parkinson.

20. Sunday Times (London), citing The Fight for the Malvinas, by Martin Middlebrook (Viking, 1989).

21. Cabinet sources to author, December-January 1988-89.

22. Harris, Thatcher, p. 138.

23. Washington Post, cited in Wapshott and Brock, p. 255.

24. Haig, p. 297.

Глава одиннадцатая ФОЛКЛЕНДСКИЙ ФАКТОР

1. Cheltenham, July 3, 1982.

2. Jenkins, Mrs. Thatcher's Revolution, p. 165.

3. Bernard Ingham to author, June 1987.

4. Butler and Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1983, p.


5. Junor, p. 190.


1. Рут, The Politics of Consent, intro.

2. Рут, p. 15.

3. Parkinson to author, December 1988.

4. Bell.

5. King to author, January 1989.

6. Cabinet source to author, November 1988.

7. The Times (London), February 9, 1984.

8. Harris, The Making of Neil Kinnock, p. 108.

9. Ian MacGregor to author, December 1988.

10. Time, June 3, 1985.

11. Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class (Pluto Press, 1982), p. 74, cited in Jenkins, p. 236.

Глава тринадцатая ИРЛАНДСКИЙ ВОПРОС

1. Ronald Millar to author, January 1989.

2. Thomson, Margaret Thatcher, p. 187.

3. O'Brien and O'Brien, A. Concise History of Ireland, p. 61.

4. Glenn Frankel, Washington Post, August 14, 1989.

5. Time, November 12, 1979.

6. Ministerial source to author, December 1988.

7. Cabinet and ministerial sources to author, December-January 988-89.

8. Cabinet sources to author, November-January 1988-89.

9. Peter Robinson to author, September 1985.

10. John Hermon to author, September 1988.

11. Time, February 13, 1989, p. 29.

12. Martin McGuinness to author, September 1988.

Глава четырнадцатая РОН И МЭГГИ

1. National Review, May 19, 1989.

2. Cabinet source to author, November 1988.

3. Government sources to author, April 1988.

4. National Review.

5. Interview with author, January 1989.

6. Young, p. 250.

7. Haig, pp. 254-55.

8. Ministerial source to author, November 1988.

9. Cabinet and government sources to author, November-cember 1988.

10. Interview with author, December 1988.

11. Oliver Wright to author, January 1989.

12. Talbott, Master of the Game, p. 207.

13. Participant to author, January 1989.

14. Regan, For the Record, p. 350; Talbott, p. 325.

Глава пятнадцатая В ЭПИЦЕНТРЕ БУРИ

1. Thatcher interview with David Frost, TV-AM, May 7, 1987.

2. Young, p. 447.

3. Sunday Times (London), April 9, 1989.

4. Interview with author, October 1988.

5. News conference with Association of American Correspondents in London, January 17, 1986.

6. Government sources to author, December-January 1988-89.

7. Sources to author, November-January 1988-89.


1. Sampson, Changing Anatomy of Britain, p. 6.

2. Women's Own radio, October 31, 1987.

3. Interview with author, November 1988.

4. Lacey, Majesty, p. 322.

5. Robert Harris, Observer, November 27, 1988.

6. Earl of Gowrie to author, November 1988.

7. Source to author, November 1988.

8. Source to author, December-January 1988-89.

9. Source to author, January 1989.

10. Harris.

11. Source to author.

12. Time, August 18, 1986.

13. Source to author, January 1989.


1. Time, October 13, 1986.

2. Larry Whitty to author, October 1986.

Глава восемнадцатая МЭГГИ И МИХАИЛ

1. Interview with Washington Post, November 28, 1988.

2. Gennady Gerasimov to author. May 1989.

3. Editors of Time, Mikhail S. Gorbachev: An Intimate Biography, 1988. pp. 126-27.

4. Ministerial sources to author, November-January 1988-89.

5. Carol Thatcher. Life, October 1987, p. 32.

6. Time, March 14, 1988.

Глава девятнадцатая КОРОННЫЙ НОМЕР

1. Leapman, Kinnock, p. 79.

2. Ministerial sources to author, 1985-89.

3. Campaign source to author, December 1988.

4. Bell to author, December-January 1988-89.

5. Time, June 1, 1987.


1. John Biffen to author, December 1988.

2. Gerald Lubenow in Newsweek, January 18, 1988.

3. Time, October 12, 1987.

4. Observer, July 19, 1987.

5. Young, p. 402.

6. Donna Foote in Newsweek, July 17, 1989.

7. Andrew Graham Dixon in Vanity Fair, October 1989.

8. Sir Peter Hall, to the Association of American Correspondents in London, September 2, 1986.

9. Peter Ustinov, to the Association of American Correspondents in London, February 18, 1988.

10. The Economist, September 16, 1989.

11. Graig Whitney in the New York Times, May 23, 1989.

12. David Broder in the Washington Post, June 20, 1989.

13. Sunday Telegraph, June 18, 1989.

14. Time, July 24, 1989.

15. R. W. Apple, Jr., in the New York Times, July 17, 1989.

16. Ibid.

17. The Independent. October 27, 1989.

18. The Economist, October 7, 1989.

19. David Broder in the Washington Post, July 16, 1989.


1. Skidelsky, Thatcherism, introduction, p. 14.

2. Barzini, The Europeans, p. 64 (quoting Geoffrey Madan's Notebooks: A Selection).

3. Young and Sloman, p. 39.

4 Anthony King in Skidelsky's Thatcherism, p. 56.

5. Weekend World, June 12, 1988.

6. Tebbit, Upwardly Mobile, p. 268.

7. Quoted in Barzini, p. 51.

8. Business Week, April 6, 1987.

9. Financial Times, October 29, 1987.

10. Time, June 22, 1987.

11. Disraeli, Sybil: The Two Nations, quoted in Time, December 24, 1984.

12. The Times (London), November 24, 1989.



Глава первая


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