Chapter 79

They pulled up in front of the gates of Lineberry’s estate. It was weeks after their return from Idaho. Pine was out of the walking boot and cast, and her assorted other injuries were much better. Blum had healed fully.

Pine was driving the rental, Mercy was in the passenger seat, and Blum sat in the rear.

“Holy shit,” said Mercy. “The guy lives here?”

“You should see his place in Atlanta and the pied-à-terre in New York,” said Blum.

“A peed what?” said Mercy, looking back at her.

“It’s an apartment, a very nice one,” explained Pine.

Pine checked in with the security intercom and the gates swung open. When Mercy saw the extent of the massive building and property, she shook her head and looked at her sister.

“Does he live here by himself?” she asked.

“He has a staff.”

“Yeah, I guess he would have to. I mean, just to make sure he doesn’t get lost going from the bedroom to the kitchen.”

“He’s also our father,” Pine reminded her.

“Not to me. I don’t even remember the guy who I thought was our father.”

They pulled up in front and got out. The door was opened by the maid, and they were led to Lineberry’s office.

“He’s doing much better than when you were here last,” said the maid, an efficient-looking woman in her thirties. She glanced at Mercy. “I understand that you’re Agent Pine’s twin sister. Mr. Lineberry will be very pleased to meet you.”

“Well, it might not cut both ways,” said Mercy.

When the woman looked startled, Pine put a hand on her sister’s shoulder and said to the maid, “I know the way, thanks.”

Pine knocked on the door and Lineberry’s voice told them to come in.

When they entered Lineberry rose from behind his desk. He looked like a totally different person, Pine observed. He was dressed in beige linen slacks, a white collared shirt, and a navy sport jacket with a pocket square. His color was healthy, his white hair was neatly trimmed, and though he was still too thin, he looked nearly recovered from his injury.

And his depression, thought Pine.

He smiled, his eyes riveted on Mercy. He came toward them with his arms outstretched.

“My God, Mercy, I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see you.”

When he moved to embrace her, Mercy stepped back and stuck out her hand for him to shake.

He looked surprised at first, but then glanced at Pine and a look of understanding broke over his features. He shook her hand. “I’m obviously getting way ahead of myself. You don’t even know me. I’m so sorry. Please, sit down.”

He joined them around a coffee table and looked each of them over before settling his gaze on Pine. “I understand that you have been informed the FBI has closed the matter involving Tim.”

“Am I wrong to sense your hand in all that?” asked Pine.

“I had a personal stake in it, too. They were investigating me as well, you know. But I will admit to placing a few phone calls to old comrades, as well as to people on Capitol Hill to whom I have donated liberally over the years. It was beyond clear that Ito Vincenzo came there to kill Tim and Tim merely defended himself. Now, I understand from Agent McAllister that you all had some adventure out in the western U.S., but he didn’t elaborate.”

“It’s classified,” said Pine. “But we all survived to make it here.”

Lineberry’s jaw slackened at this comment, but he snapped it shut and looked at Mercy. “I’m assuming that your sister has filled you in on things?”

Mercy looked him over, glanced around the finely appointed room, the purchased domain of the very rich, and then glanced back at him, unimpressed. “That you slept with our mom and had us? Yeah, got that. So I hear you want to leave us all your stuff. Can I take some of mine now? I got bills to pay and have to get back on my feet. It’ll probably be less than what you spend on haircuts.”

Blum stiffened, but Pine didn’t. She had wondered what her sister’s reaction to this meeting would be. And what had happened did not surprise her.

To his credit, Lineberry didn’t react to this, either. No patronizing smile, no look of anger or disappointment, nothing to show that he felt disrespected in any way by her blunt comments.

But he did glance at Pine and said firmly, “Atlee, would you and Carol mind giving Mercy and me a few minutes alone?”

“You okay with that, Mercy?” said Pine.

She shrugged. “Whatever.”

Pine and Blum rose to leave. Pine anxiously glanced back before closing the door and saw father and daughter staring at each other across a span of about six feet. It might as well have been six million. She closed the door after her.
