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«Эпос о Гильгамеше». Пер. И. Дьяконова.


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Geoff Emberling and Leah Minc, ‘Ceramics and Long-Distance Trade in Early Mesopotamian States, Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports: 7, (March 2016); Giacomo Benati, ‘The Construction of Large-scale Networks in Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia: emergent political institutions and their strategies’, in Davide Domenici and Nicolò Marchetti, Urbanized Landscapes in Early Syro-Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mesoamerica (Wiesbaden, 2018).


В русском переводе «Эпоса», доступном в Сети, аналогичного отрывка не найдено.


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