
Östergötland, Tuesday, 31 January

In the darkness

Don’t hit me. Do you hear me? Leave me alone.

No, no, let me in. Apples, the scent of apples. I can almost taste them.

Don’t leave me standing here, in the cold and wet. The wind feels like nails that tear at my hands, my face, until there is no frosted skin, no flesh, no fat left on my bones, my skull.

Haven’t you noticed I’m gone? You couldn’t care less, really, could you?

The worms crawl on the earthen floor. I hear them. The mice too, how they make love, going mad in the heat, tearing each other to pieces. We ought to be dead now, they whisper, but you have lit your stove and are keeping us alive, we are your only company in the cold. But what company? Was I ever alive, or did I die long ago, in a room so cramped that there was never any space for love?

I pull a damp blanket over my body, see the flames burn through the opening of the stove, feel the smoke spread through my black hovel and seep out to the sleeping pines, the fir-trees, the rocks, the ice on the lake.

Where is the heat? Only in the boiling water.

If I fall asleep, will I wake up?

Don’t hit me. Don’t leave me in the snow. Outside. There I’ll turn blue, then white, like everything else.

Here I can be alone.

I am sleeping now, and in my dreams the words return: fucking runt, bastard brat, you’re not real, you don’t exist.

But what did I ever do to you? Just tell me: what have I done? What happened?

And where did the scent of apples first come from? The apples are round, but they explode, disappear in my hands, and there are biscuit crumbs on the floor beneath me.

I don’t know who she is, but a naked woman is drifting above my body. She says, I’m going to look after you, you exist for me, we are human beings, we belong together. Then she is dragged away and the ceiling of my hovel is ripped open by a black wind. Out there I hear something slithering towards her legs. She screams and there is silence. Then she’s back, but she is someone else now, the faceless person I have missed all my life. Who is she really?

I can wipe out the longing. I can give up breathing.

But if longing and breathing disappear, you are left with belonging. Aren’t you?

I have woken up. I am many years older, but my hovel, the cold, the winter night and the forest are the same. I have to do something. But I’ve done it already; something has happened.

Where does the blood on my hands come from? And the noises.

The worms and mice are inaudible over all the commotion.

I hear your voice. I hear you banging on the nailed-together planks that make up the door of my hovel. You’re here, you’ve finally come.

But is it really you? Or is it the dead?

Whoever is out there, tell me that you mean me no harm. Tell me that you have come in love.

Promise me that.

Promise me that much.

