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Abbey, Lloyd, The Last Whales (Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1989).

Amory, Cleveland, Mankind? (Harper and Row, New York, 1974).

Bliss, E.L., Multiple Personality, Allied Disorders, and Hypnosis (Oxford Press, New York and Oxford, 1986).

Buell, R., and Zimmer, N., Aspects of Love: The Doctor/Patient Relationship (Cityscape Press, Buffalo, NY, 1991).

Calder, Nigel, Einstein's Universe (Viking Press, New York, 1979).

Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring (Houghton MifHin, Boston, 1962).

Cavalieri, Paola, and Singer, Peter, The Great Ape Project (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1993).

Confer, W.N., and Abies, B.S., Multiple Personality (Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York, 1983).

Croswell, Ken, The Universe at Midnight (The Free Prees, New York, 2001).

Davison, Gerald C., and Neale, John M., Abnormal Psychology (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994).

Dressier, Alan, Voyage to the Great Attractor (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1994).

Ehrlich, Paul, The Population Bomb (Ballantine Books, New York, 1968).

Eisenberg, Evan, The Ecology of Eden (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1998).

Ferris, Timothy, The Whole Shebang (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997).

Friedman, C.T.H., and Gaguet, R.A. (eds.), Extraordinary Disorders of Human Behavior (Plenum Press, New York, 1982).

Garrett, Laura, The Coming Plague (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1994).

Griffin, Giselle, An Alien among Us? (Scientific Publications, Inc., Montpelier, VT, 1996).

Havens, L., A Safe Place (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989).

Hawking, Stephen, A Brief History of Time (Bantam Books, New York, 1988).

Jamison, K.R., Touched With Fire (The Free Press, New York, 1992).

Lear, Jonathan, The Fifty Minute Hour (The Other Press, New York, 1982).

Mason, Jim, An Unnatural Order (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1993).

Masson, Jeffrey M., & McCarthy, S., When Elephants, Weep (Delacorte Press, New York, 1995).

McKibben, Bill, The End of Nature (Random House, New York, 1989).

Melville, Herman, Moby Dick (Harper & Bros, New York, 1851).

Neale, J.M. et al, Case Studies of Abnormal Psychology (]. Wiley, New York, 1982).

Payne, K., Silent Thunder (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998).

Putnam, F., Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder (Guildford Press, New York, 1989).

Quammen, David, The Song of the Dodo (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996).

Rapoport, J.L., The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing (E. P. Dutton, New York, 1989).

Rees, Martin, Our Final Hour (Basic Books, New York, 2003). Restak, R.M., The Mind (Bantam Books, New York, 1988).

Robbins, J., Diet for a New America (Stillpoint Publications, Walpole, NH, 1987).

Sacks, Oliver, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1985).

Sacks, Oliver, An Anthropologist on Mars (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1995).

Sagan, Carl, The Dragons of Eden (Random House, New-York, 1977).

Sagan, Carl, Cosmos (Random House, New York, 1980).

Sagan, Carl, The Demon-Haunted World (Random House, New York, 1995).

Schell, Jonathan, The Fate of the Earth (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1982).

Scully, Matthew, Dominion (St. Martin's Press, New York, 2002).

Singer, P., Animal Liberation (Avon Books, New York, 1975).

Sizemore, C.C., A Mind of My Own (W. Morrow, New York, 1989).

Stone, I., The Passions of the Mind (Doubleday, New York, 1971).

Taylor, Gordon R., The Biological Time Bomb (New American Library, Cleveland, 1968).

Treen, A., and Treen, S., The Dalmatian (Howell Book House, New York, 1980).

TrefFert, D.A., Extraordinary People (Harper & Row, New York, 1989).

Wise, S., Rattling the Cage (Perseus Books, Cambridge, MA, 2000).

Wolman, B. (ed.), The Therapist's Handbook (van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1983).

Yalom, Irvin D., Love's Executioner (Basic Books, New York, 1989).
