Thanks to Laura Bradford, who lets me lead with my heart. I can be impulsive, but she never tries to turn me away from whatever direction I’m running in. That’s why we work so well together, because I need that freedom, or else I lose the joy.

Next, I must express my utmost appreciation for my amazing editor, Liz Szabla, for not asking me to pull my punches. Sometimes my books hurt, but they’re supposed to. She’s also great at making sure the complicated worlds in my head translate clearly for readers on the page. I love everyone at Feiwel and Friends; the whole team does an amazing job from cover art to interior design, marketing, sales, and event planning. Jon, Jean, Rich, Elizabeth, Anna, Molly, Mary, Courtney, Allison, Kathryn, Ksenia, Ashley, Dave, Nicole … there are more incredible people pushing me toward greater success and I’d like to hug each and every one of them. Your work makes mine possible, so thank you so much.

Kudos to my lovely copyeditor, Anne Heausler, and my proofreader, Fedora Chen. Because of their talents, my books are beautifully polished, a feat I could never achieve on my own. Thank you both!

Now I roll out the star-studded list of those who helped with Mortal Danger, encouraged me, or answered questions: Rachel Caine, Lish McBride, Donna J. Herren, Leigh Bardugo, Bree Bridges, Yasmine Galenorn, Marie Rutkoski, Lauren Dane, Robin LaFevers, Megan Hart, and Vivian Arend. There’s also the two invaluable writer loops that keep me sane, and I can’t forget Karen Alderman and Majda Čolak, my two beta readers. You’ve all contributed to my success, and I adore you for it.

My husband and children—they listen to me rant, then offer hugs, hot tea, and solutions to plot problems. I couldn’t do this without them. Hear that, beloved family? You’re the best.

Readers, it’s just you and me now. I think of you savoring my stories and kick my feet in glee. This is everything I’ve ever wanted, and each time you put your faith in me by opening one of my books, you’re making my dreams come true. And with all my heart, I thank you.
