The children dashed into the house, very happy the school day had finally come to an end. It'd been a long day for everyone, especially for Jonathan and Barbara. They were still sitting at the dining table when the children performed trjeir usual afternoon raid on the refrigerator. They were still naked as hell and Barbara had cried till she could cry no more. Jonathan had spent the day trying to comfort her, but really needed comforting, himself. They were both very pale and they'd been trying to think things through with a clear mind. However, at the present moment they were becoming more confused. In fact, they'd been so confused this whole goddamned day they didn't even think to slip on their robes. Covering their nakedness never even crossed their minds. Barbara's eyes were now dry, but they were red as fire from the crying she'd done.
The children made their snacks, then raced into the dining room to eat. Their eyebrows raised wonderingly as they crowded around the table, gawking at the nakedness of their mother and granddaddy.
"WOW!" Martha gasped excitedly. "Are we changing our life-style?"
"Yeah!" John exclaimed, just as excited. "It'll be fun to have nudism in our home for a change." For the first time since early this morning Barbara and Jonathan realized they were naked, then their faces became even whiter. Barbara glanced at each of her children, then her eyes came to rest on Judy's young face. She was the oldest girl; if any of her children could possibly understand this predicament, she could.
Judy looked into her mother's eyes, then noticed the glaring redness. Her mother had been crying. She looked deeper, then saw the hurt and despair on Barbara's face. Her heart went out to her mother, just as it had yesterday when she'd discovered her with Jonathan. She figured the same thing had happened, but why had her mother been crying? Why did she look so confused and hurt?
"What happened, Mother?" she asked softly. "You look so hurt, and I can tell you've been crying. I thought you learned yesterday not to worry about things you can enjoy with someone; it's really no one's business but your own."
"It's T-T-Tom's business," she stammered, looking hopefully at her daughter, "but he doesn't understand any of this. He stormed out of the house this morning and I'm afraid he won't be back."
"Oh, my God! He caught you and Granddaddy together," she groaned, reaching out to grasp her mother's hands tenderly, then her little mind whirled and groped for some kind of idea. "Hell be back, Mother, don't worry about that. Hell come back for his clothes if for no other reason. In the meantime we've got to think of something that will make him want to stay with us."
"Nothing will keep him here, darling," Barbara sighed. "You don't know how mad he was this morning. You shouldVe seen him."
The whirring gears of her young brain suddenly locked, then a sinful scene began to form in her mind. She wondered if her daddy had ever seen two females embraced in the art of lovemaking. What would happen if he came home in an angry mood to discover that sensual scene? Would he mellow and lose his anger at the sight of female tongues plunging into the depths of yielding pussies? She smiled at her mother as the idea became more vivid in her mind. She could visualize the look on her daddy's face when he walked in to discover her and her mother together. No! Not her mother! He was too mad at her mother for the scene to do any good-it just wouldn't work. However, it could work with someone else-it could work with Martha. Why not? His daughters making love to each other in his presence! It was surely worth a try; they had nothing to lose.
"Why are you smiling?" Barbara asked. "Have you thought of something to curb your father's anger?"
"I'm not really sure, but I think it's worth a try," she said, helping her mother to her feet. "We’ve got to plan our strategy but I don't want to do it in the boys' presence-they may not understand. Let's go into your bedroom."
Judy and Barbara walked to the door, then looked back at the others.
"Well need you and Martha for the strategy, Granddaddy," she smiled. "John and Mike can wait in here til we're through."
Jonathan and Martha joined Judy and Barbara at the door, then they walked down the hallway and into Barbara's bedroom, leaving John and Mike staring wonderingly at each other.
Judy closed the door behind them, then looked at the bewilderment on their faces. She motioned for them to sit on the edge of the bed, then paced slowly before them.
"My first question will be directed to you, Granddaddy," she said, coming to a stop in front of him, then looked seriously into his eyes. "What would you do if you saw two girls making love to each other?"
"Are you serious?" he asked, staring wonderingly into Judy's eyes. "I don't see what that has to do with this particular problem."
"You will, and I'm very serious," she stated, then winked at him. "I need to find out what Daddy would do if he got that same chance."
Jonathan smiled knowingly as he understood Judy's plan, then he reached out and took her hands in his. She was a very intelligent young lady; he was suddenly proud to claim her for his granddaughter. He thought about her question, then wondered what he'd really do if he saw two girls making love to each other. If Jonathan's son was any kind of man at all Judy's plan would
surely work.
"If your daddy's a human being he'd do the same thing I would," he squeezed her hands tenderly. "Hell, I'd stand there looking at something tike that •all day, just waiting for a chance to get in on the action."
"I hope you're right," she said nervously. "It's the only way I know to keep us together as a family, but daddy may get no pleasure from the scene at all."
"It's got to work; it's the only plan we have," Barbara tried to smile. "Maybe when your daddy sees you and I making love to each other hell forget about being angry with me."
"He's angry with you already, Mother. We're trying to take his mind off you at the moment, and that's why you cannot be involved in this little scheme. It'd be better if none of you were around when Daddy comes home," she suggested, looking at her tittie sister. "Martha and I can perform the necessary scenes, and we can do it better if there's no one around to distract Daddy's attention."
"She's right, Barbara!" Jonathan agreed. "If Tom thought he was being tricked the plan would never work."
"Oh, boy!" Martha sounded excited about everything she'd heard. "Do you suppose hell want to fuck us?"
"Martha! Don't talk tike that," Barbara scolded. "Don't even think it!"
"Oh, but, Mother, that's what I want her to think. That's the idea behind my whole plan," Judy smiled at her mother. "If we can entice Daddy into fucking us he'd be more than glad to forget what he saw today, especially if the rest of you happened to come home at the right time. Once he realizes he's been discovered in such a sinful act by the rest of you hell be so involved he can't back out."
"Yes, I like that," Barbara's eyebrow raised in understanding, "but how will we know when to come back?"
"That's easy, especially if you happen to be visiting with the neighbors across the street. Just make damned sure John or Mike doesn't come out of the house to be seen by Daddy," she said, then looked at them seriously. "John and Mike can be playing with Joe and Sally in one of the front rooms. That way they can keep an eye on our house. The minute Daddy comes into the house they can tip you off in some way, then give us about twenty minutes before coming home. If you slip quietly into the house Daddy will be unsuspecting; you can watch the rest of the action and hell never realize what's happening. I'd really hope you could catch him fucking Martha-that would make his involvement more binding."
"It surely would," Jonathan laughed, winking at Martha. "Just the idea of a man's cock in such a young pussy would be unforgivable."
"Yes, isn't it a dreadful thought?" Martha winked back at him.
"Whatever we're going to do we'd better do fast," Barbara glanced at her watch. "Tom’ll be home in a little while and we’ll still be sitting here talking about it."
"You two get dressed while I tell John and Mike about our plan," she suggested, then walked over to the door and opened it. "And please hurry, Martha and I will need a little time alone before Daddy comes home."
She and Martha explained everything to John and Mike while Jonathan and Barbara slipped on their clothes, especially the importance of not letting their fattier see them.
"The four of you will have to work out some signal when you see Daddy," Judy suggested when her mother and granddaddy joined them in the dining room. "Now you'd better get the hell out of here so Martha and I can get things going."
Martha and Judy stood there for a moment after the others left, then turned to look wonderingly into each other's eyes. The outcome of the family's fate rested on their young shoulders. If their daddy left them it'd be because they couldn't succeed in seducing him. Judy grasped Martha's hand and led her down the hallway to their father and mother's bedroom.
"Jeez, are we going to make love in here?" Martha wondered. "Do you think that's wise?"
"I don't know," Judy answered truthfully as she began to unbutton her blouse, "but all of Daddy's clothes are in here. If he plans on leaving us hell surely come into his bedroom."
"You're right!" Martha smiled, then began to strip. "And he'll find us making love. What do you suppose hell do?"
"I'm not sure," Judy answered, tossing the blouse to the floor and pulling her skirt down her legs, "but I'm hoping for the very best."
In a few moments they were looking mysteriously at each other's nakedness. Judy's gaze fell to her sister's hairless little slit, then shook her head wonderingly.
"What's the matter?" Martha asked. "Is something wrong with my pussy? I know it doesn't have hair but it's fuckable."
"I'm wondering about that-fucking Daddy surely won't be like fucking John's little cock. Hell, Daddy's cock must be at least eight inches long," Judy guessed. "Maybe we'd better call this off before Daddy splits you open."
"Never! Granddaddy's cock is eight and a half inches long and I fucked him last night while you were sleeping," Martha smiled at her older sister, then began to tease at her. "Don't you like my little pussy? I thought you were going to ram your tongue in to it."
"I am, and since you've assured me you can handle Daddy's cock I'm going to love on that pretty little snatch with my whole being," Judy smiled, walking over to Martha and sliding her hand down that naked little belly, then she kneaded the softness of Martha's hairless pussymound between her fingers. "Do you realize our family is depending on that little pussy of yours?"
"It's also depending on yours," Martha corrected, her hand slipping to Judy's naked crotch to caress the delicate crispness of her black-haired brush. "We're in this together."
"Yes," Judy agreed, one of her fingers easing into the puffy slot of Martha's cleft to tease at her swollen little clit, "but that beautiful little hairless cunny of yours will be the one which will trap our daddy."
Martha spread her legs as her cunt began to tingle delightfully. Judy's fingers felt good as her mother's had felt, then she wondered if her fingers would feel good to Judy. She teased at the top of her sister's incision for a moment, then slipped a finger into Judy's warm membranes.
"Ooohhh, mmmm!" Judy moaned, squatting a little as her ass churned in a slow circular motion, letting her swelling clitoris brush upon Martha's finger. "I can't stand much of that. If I had a cock instead of a pussy I'd fuck you right now."
"We've got tongues to fuck each other with and we'd better start doing something right away," Martha's hot breath blew into her sister's ear. "Daddy 11 be home in a little while."
"Yes, and we'd better stop mentioning his name, otherwise he may realize we're doing this to trap him," Judy looked seriously at her smiling sister*. "Everything we do or say from this moment on must look and sound very sensual, and it would appear more realistic if we didn't have to pretend."
"I don't know about you but I'm not pretending anymore," Martha purred as Judy's finger teased her bursting.clitoris. "Your finger feels damned good in my pussy; it makes me want to do crazy wonderful things to you."
"Yes, I know! Your ringer makes me want to do the same things to you," Judy whispered, easing closer and sliding her other arm about her sister's waist, then jiggled her youthful breasts against those pert little nipples of Martha's. "I feel as if I could open that little pussy of yours and kiss it with more passion than if I were kissing you on the lips."
"But you've never kissed me on the lips," she looked into Judy's sinful eyes, then felt somewhat hypnotized by the dazzling sparkle she saw. "Are you… are you going to…? Ooohhhh… Lord… Jeeeezzzz!"
Judy's head slowly lowered itself to her. then she found herself licking at her lips in anticipation of what was to come. She trembled a little as Judy's full lips began to pout. Was Judy really going to kiss her? Her lips puckered and parted slightly, then she began to tremble even more.
The first soft touch was only a slight brushing of lips upon lips, but it was enough to set both their pussies on fire. They pulled their fingers from each other, then fell lovingly into the other's arms. Lips covered lips in sweet moments of passion as tongues caressed and fluttered in search of ecstasy, then black-haired pussy and hairless cunny throbbed for release as they churned frantically against each other before settling down to a slow fucking rhythm. Youthful hands found the softness of very tender asscheeks and kneaded delightfully as vaginal fires soared out of control Even the tips of very young fingers found themselves exploring the mysteries of wrinkled puckers surrounding virgin assholes, then sisters found themselves needing each other desperately. "Mummrnmm… Judy… darling!" Martha moaned as Judy's cunt hair caressed her hairless cunny in a circular motion. "I need your pussy. I… I want to put my mouth all over it. IVe got to do it. Oh… God… I've got to."
"Yes… oooo… yes! I need to feel your mouth on my… my pussy… baby! I need your tongue inside me!" Judy groaned, leading her little sister to the bed and pushing her gently to the covers, then Martha sprawled out on her back in a sort of spread-eagle. "But first I've got to let my tongue explore every wonderful part of that delicious little body of yours."
"Do it… please!" Martha begged wantingly. "Oh… God… don't make me wait! Do it… now!"
Judy crawled into bed beside her sister, then lowered her lips to those little budding breasts. She kissed from one to the other, making both nipples harden to the utmost, then swallowed one of them into the warm wetness of her mouth. The tip of her fluttering tongue danced wildly upon Martha's pert nipple as she sucked the fullness of that pretty little mound.
"Jesus Christ!" Tom muttered to himself. "I thought they were only playing a game. This isn't a goddamned game; this is serious business."
He walked through the door just as they'd embraced each other. He'd started to stop them, but wondered what the hell was happening. He hadn't seen his daughters naked like this in a long time, and never had he seen two girls hold each other in an embrace of passion. By the time he made up his mind to intervene in their little game, Judy had pushed Martha onto the covers. He decided to wait a little longer. Hell, a few more minutes wouldn't matter a damned bit. He could beat their little asses when they finished with whatever they were doing.
He saw Judy lower her head, then he eased around to get a better view. Could she be…? Was she…? Yes! Oh, God! She was sucking her sister's little tittie. He felt nothing but shock at first, then he felt anger. Why did his daughters choose his bedroom to accomplish their sinfulness. Goddamn it, all he wanted out of this house was his clothes. He could be packing right now if it weren't for the fact his naked daughters were using his bed for their lovemaking. However, if they'd chosen another bedroom he'd never know the sensuality of two females locked in the embrace of love.
He eased a little closer as Judy kissed her way over Martha's naked abdomen. He watched as her tongue dipped into that little navel to lap it out, then her tongue slithered farther down Martha's nakedness. It trailed over her quivering belly to tickle at the top of her childish pussy, then eased into the crevice of her puckered pussylips.
How the hell could anyone lick a young cunt? Tom wondered, knowing he could never do such a thing. He was going to put a stop to this right now. He walked up to the bed, preparing to say something when Judy swung her hips around to Martha's shoulders and lifted a leg over her head. Her black-haired pussy gaped sensuously before his eyes as she got into position above her sister's face.
He groaned but he didn't say anything, not at that very moment. Judy's puckered pussy was the most delightful thing he'd ever seen. His prick stirred beneath his pants, then began to harden and come to life. He suddenly remembered he was watching his daughters make love to each other. Jesus Christ, his very own daughters, and he was getting a hard-on because of them, especially because of Judy and that tempting little snatch of hers.
It was too late to say anything now, his cock was throbbing with the biggest hard-on of his life. He'd waited this long to stop them, why not wait a little longer? Hell, he could watch them and they'd never know he was there. He ducked to the side of the bed behind Martha's head, making sure he had a delightful view of Judy's glistening little gash.
He'd ducked quickly but not quickly enough. Martha had seen her daddy squat at the side of the bed. She knew he'd taken a position behind her so he could see Judy's pussy. That was okay with her, especially since she knew he was there. If he wanted to look at Judy's pussy she'd be more than happy to oblige him. Hell, she'd expose her sister's pussy in such a way no one could deny wanting to fuck it, not even their daddy.
She forced Judy's knees apart with her hands, pushing them away from her shoulders so those creamy thighs delightfully opened to expose the fullness of her black-haired pussy mound. She could hear her daddy breathing heavily as her fingers teased through those sparse black curls to touch upon Judy's tender little gash. Her fingers opened her sister's pussy lips, exposing the delicate pinkness of her slippery labia. The inside of her pussy sparkled with glistening pussy juices, then she heard her daddy groan helplessly as something snapped. She couldn't figure what the snap was, but how could she know Tom had loosened his belt and pants before unsnapping his shorts.
He stood up to slide his pants and shorts from his legs as Martha looked up. She gasped when she saw his cock throbbing above her face; it was the hardest cock she'd ever seen. She watched him remove his shirt and grasp his cock, then his hands started working back and forth along his stiff shaft. He was masturbating while he looked at Judy's tempting pussy, then she suddenly wished he'd cum all over her face.
She spread Judy's pussy wide as possible, then covered it with her mouth. She kissed wildly as her tongue explored the fullness of her sister's quivering vulva, then she felt Judy's fluttering tongue push into her tight vagina. She groaned wantingly into Judy's slippery labia, then sucked that puffy pussyflesh into her mouth as her young tongue found its way into Judy's contracting vaginal entrance.
"That's it, baby, eat that pussy," she heard her daddy groan just above a whisper. "Eat the hell out of that pretty little snatch."
She looked up at him as he closed his eyes, then she knew he was reaching an ecstasy with himself as he watched them make love to each other. She couldn't let that happen; he must shove his cock into one of their cunts before shooting his wad, otherwise their plan would be shot to hell and back. She noticed his cock was only a couple of inches from her face, then realized his pisshole could be easily guided into Judy's gaping labia.
She reached up and grasped his hands, then tugged him gently forward, forcing his crown to brush against Judy's pussy mound. She watched his cock jerk slightly back and forth, then she opened her sister's pussy for him.
His pisshole pushed into Judy's parted labia, then he worked it up and down in her slippery crease. She heard him moan with desire as his crown slid deeper into her swollen vulva, then she saw her sister's pussy push wantingly back to him. He moaned again as he pushed forward, then Martha knew he had slipped into Judy's entrance. His cockshaft disappeared before her eyes as Judy's pussy squirmed back to him, then he began to push back and forth into her, going deeper and deeper with each forward motion. His balls finally slammed into her open crevice, then Martha's little cunt burned with desire.
Her tongue slithered upward to touch upon his nut-sac as he shoved into Judy's young belly, then she sucked his huge balls into her mouth. When they tightened in her throat she knew he was on the verge of cumming. Judy's tongue slipped from her seething little pussy, then Martha heard her squeal in passion,
"Ooooooo…Sweet Jesus…Daddy… that's gooood!" she snuggled to him, her sweet juices flooding Martha's slurping little mouth. "Mummmmm…ooohhh… mummmmm hummmm! Doooooo meeeee… Daddy… pleaseeeeeee… doooooo meeeeee… goooood!"
Tom's mind snapped at the sound of his daughter's pleading voice, bringing him back to the reality of this ungodly situation. Oh, God! What the hell was he doing? Why had he allowed himself to become involved in his daughters' sensual little game? How could he push his cock into his girl's cunny?
He felt the heat of her slushy pussy grasping at the shaft of his hard cock, then realized why his cockmeat was buried deep in her young belly. He'd watched that twitching little snatch till he could stand it no longer. Hell, his prick hadn't been in a pussy in over two weeks, and he was used to rucking at least once a day when Barbara wasn't in the saddle.
He thought of his wife, then anger entered his heart as he wondered if she wasn't the real reason he was fucking his daughter's cunny. He'd wanted to get even with Barbara for fucking his daddy; maybe this way was good as any. He'd make Judy tell her mother he'd fucked her, but he'd be out of the house by that time. If it could've been possible to get his cock into Martha he'd even fuck the hell out of her little pussy. Maybe he'd try it anyway! Martha could at least tell her mother he'd tried to fuck her. A sinful smile formed on his lips as he visualized them telling their mother what had happened to them, then he could almost see Barbara's face grimace in shock.
The rest of the family had crowded around the open door to see if Judy's plan was working, then smiled when they saw Tom's hardness crammed deep into her slowly churning twat. They remained extremely quiet, not wanting to expose themselves until exactly the right moment, then they began to wonder if the girls could persuade their father to fuck Martha.
"Okay, Barbara, my dear little wife, I'll finish what you started!" he muttered in anger, then began to slam into Judy's upraised pussy with tremendous force, flattening his pisshole against her young uterus with each forward motion. "I'll play your silly goddamned game. Hell, we'll fuck everybody in the whole motherfucking world."
Barbara shivered a little. She thought he'd seen her for a moment, but he was only speaking out in anger against her.
"Oooohhhh… Daddy… jeeeeezzzz… that's it… that's the way!" Judy writhed beneath his thrusting cock, then clutched at her sister's thighs as she covered Martha's tender pussyflesh with her sucking mouth, her tongue stabbing deep into that tight little channel. "Mumphhhh… ummmm… aaaahhhh… ummmmm hummmmm!"
Delightful orgasm had begun. Tom could feel his daughter's squishy cuntal sheath spasming crazily on his cockmeat, milking and sucking at him as no other cunt had ever done. His shaft suddenly stiffened to the utmost, jerking hard and steady inside her. His testicles could no longer hold onto the hot cum they'd gathered. Jazz gushed into the small channel of his cock, forcing his cockhead to swell and explode in her belly, then he crashed into her womb and held his pisshole there, letting it jerk out of control.
"I'm cuummmiiinnngggg…Goddamn it…Barbara… I'm cuuummmiiinnngggg in your daughter's pussy!" he screamed, his spurting jism mixing with her pussy cum to fill her trembling belly, then their mingled juices squished from her tender pussylips to flood his balls and Martha's thirsty little mouth. "And… oooo…God… it's such a nice little pussy! It's sooooo hot… soooo slushy… sooooo Goddamned gooood!It's the best little snatch in the world!"
"Ooooooo… Daddy… you're wonderful!" Judy cooed, her cuntal sheath quivering delightfully. "Your cum feels soooo goooood shooting into my pussy like that! Jeeeezzzz… I… I love it! I… I love your cock inside me!"
He loved it too, but it was now time to press his tremendous cockhead onto Martha's childish pussymound. He knew he wouldn't get it inside her, but he could push hard enough so she could tell Barbara he'd tried. He pulled his stiff cockshaft from Judy's terrific little snatch as their cum gushed from her grasping pussylips to splash onto Martha's young face.
Martha licked the gooey substance from her lips as Judy crawled off her naked little body, then Tom shoved his cum-covered crown down to her puckered lips, just barely brushing them with his oozing pisshole.
"Do you want my cock,Martha? Do you want to lick the cum from it? Do you want to feel it inside that hairless little cunny of yours?" he asked excitedly, watching her hungry little tongue lap the cum from his throbbing prick. "Do you want your Daddy to make a woman out of you? Does Daddy's little baby want to fuck?
"Yes… oh… yes… Daddy… I want to fuck… but will it hurt?" she asked, trying to sound so innocent he'd feel compelled to shove his tremendous hardness between her very young thighs. "Your cock won't hurt me… will it… Daddy? Don't hurt my pussy… please! Oh… please… don't hurt me!"
The sound of her pleading little voice had done something to him. He'd planned to push his cock at her little cunny a few times, but now he wanted to shove it into her tender depths. Her quivering small voice had done that to him. His cock surged with a stiffness he'd never known as he reached down and swung her around in the bed, then he grasped her tiny ankles and pulled her sweet little asscheeks to the very edge of the mattress. He pushed her knees wide apart, then her hairless little cunny came into full bloom before his astounded eyes. The tiny slit of her pussymound opened a little, exposing the delicate pink petals of her babyish labia, then he saw the glistening wetness of her young pussy juices. Hell, maybe she did want his cock. It suddenly didn't make any difference whether she wanted it or not, she was going to get it if he had to split her open. He'd gone too far to turn back now; that tender little slit looked too damned good to ignore.
He pushed her knees back to her shoulders, bringing her tiny pussy high into the air, then hooked her feet over his shoulders and guided his pisshole into her slushy little gash. He glanced at Judy, then noticed the excitement of anticipated rape in her young eyes. Yes, why not bring her into this sensual little game? There's really no reason she shouldn't help him fuck his daughter.
"Hold her, Judy, she may try to get away. Yes, that's the way, hold her tight. Now shove your pussy onto her mouth to stifle her screams if there are any. Uh-huh, you're doing fine. Yes, spread that pretty little pussy open and cover her mouth with it. Oh, yes, put a lot of pressure on her. Jeez, that's just right. You handled it like an expert, I'm proud of you." he prompted Judy onward, not knowing Martha wouldn't cry out in pain. "Now, little girl, you're going to get what you need to make you a real woman. Daddy's got a present for you and you'll love every bit of it. I'm going to be honest with you, it may hurt like hell for a few minutes but it'll start feeling better after awhile. If it feels as if your pussy's tearing open when I push inside you, try to remain calm and accept it-that is a natural thing with virgins."
Martha smiled as she drank their cum from Judy's squishy depths. Her daddy was in for a big surprise. How the hell could he know she wasn't a virgin at that very moment? How could he know a bigger cock than his had fucked her? She could hardly wait to feel his cock enter what he thought was a virgin cunny, then she wished she could see the surprised look on his face when he realized he wasn't getting a cherry.
"Okay, baby, here it comes," he warned, pushing hard at her tight vagina, then his crown easily slipped three inches past her small entrance. "Well I'll be a motherfucking son of a bitch! You're no goddamned virgin. Hell, you're just a little slut like your mother. So you like to fuck, then goddamn it let's fuck!"
He shoved the rest of the way into her, his huge balls slapping against her upraised asscheeks, then her pussy began to churn wantingly in a slow fucking motion as he crashed back and forth into her. Her tight cuntal sheath seemed extremely hot and squishy on his hard thickness, then he felt somewhat relieved she wasn't a virgin. At least he hadn't split her pussy open trying to get inside her.
He groaned as her little twat grasped at his prick with more firmness than a grown-up pussy ever could, then he reached beneath her churning little asscheeks and pulled her high as possible. He thrust downward into her young belly as he felt her spasm delightfully, then fucked harder as the intensity of her orgasm shattered through her whole body. His testicles were gathering more cum; he wouldn't be able to contain himself much longer.
Martha's tongue fluttered inside Judy's contracting vaginal sheath, bringing forth more warm juices, then Judy shuddered in ecstasy.
Her pussy cum flowed freely into her sister's throat as ecstatic chills of orgasm shot up and down her spine, then she threw her arms about her daddy's neck and pulled him close, pressing the fullness of her heaving breasts against his naked chest.
"Ooohhh… God… Martha… Daddy… I'm cuummminnngggg!" she squealed at the heights of heated orgasm. "Oooooo… Sweet Jesus… this is Heaven! Let's fuck like this… forever… pleaseeee!"
She pulled Tom's quivering lips to hers, then her titties sensuously caressed the nakedness of his chest. Her tongue shot hotly into the depths of his sucking mouth as they lost themselves in passion. His cockshaft suddenly stiffened inside Martha's hot little pussy, then his gathered jazz shot forcefully into her trembling belly. His jerking crown probed at her young uterus as his cum splattered into the depths of her soul. He would've screamed out in ecstasy but Judy's soft lips were sucking hungrily upon his in the heat of their orgasm.
In a few moments it was all over. Their cum had stopped flowing and their groanings had subsided. However, his cock was still throbbing with hardness; he felt as if he could fuck for the rest of his life and still keep that hard-on.
He pulled his engorged stiffness from Martha's tight pussy, then looked lovingly at her. His gooey jazz gushed from her hairless little pussylips, then he smiled at her.
"I didn't mean what I said to you, darling," he tried to apologize. "You're no slut. You have a damned sweet little pussy, and just because you enjoy fucking doesn't make you a slut."
"And what about her Mother?" Barbara demanded as she stormed into the room, followed by the rest of the family. "I GUESS I'LL always be a goddamned slut?"
"B-b-babs!" Tom gasped, the blood draining from his face but not from his cock; his tremendous hard-on pointed straight at her. "Oh, God! Did you see…? Did you hear…? Goddamn it, you did! Holy shit! What do I say to you? What do I say to anyone? It just happened and that's all there is to it."