Tom had already left for work when Barbara rammed the third finger into her seething tunnel. She was desperate and there seemed to be nothing else she could do. Tom had left her wanting pussy burning and itching for the past two weeks. She'd frigged herself with her fingers a few times but it hadn't really satisfied her. If it were possible to ram her whole goddamned hand into her snatch it wouldn't satisfy her. She needed a hard cock and she knew it. Any cock! Any size! It didn't really make any difference as long as it was hard.
The fourth finger was slipping into her overflowing sheath when she heard the knob of her door jiggle a little. Her fingers very quickly slurped from her hot snatch as she turned to her side. She didn't even have time to cover herself before her
Redheaded son barged into the room.
Her mind went blank. What could she do? Sleep? That's it! She'd pretend to be asleep.
"Mama, are you awake?" he sobbed as he walked up to the bed. "Please be awake! I need you… Mama!"
She couldn't pretend, not with her son on the verge of tears. Besides, he'd probably seen her turn onto her side.
"What's the matter, darling?" she looked tenderly at him. "Why are you whimpering?"
"I had a bad dream," he whimpered as a tear trickled down his cheek. "I can't go back to sleep."
Her hands reached out to his as she tried to keep her breasts covered with her arms. It was shameful enough her young son had discovered her naked like this. She surely couldn't allow him to view her private parts. She was suddenly glad John was her
youngest child-it would've been more than shameful if she'd been discovered by one of the older ones. It would've been downright disgraceful. Even '. Martha would've been smart enough to figure she'd been playing with herself.
She shivered a little. What if Tom's had walked in on her? Worse yet, what if her own Mike had seen her like this?
She suddenly wondered why she was thinking of Judy belonging to Tom and Mike belonging to her. Maybe it was because they were older than the other two and she didn't want either of them seeing her naked. They loved all the children as if they were full brothers and sisters. They'd always been mother and daddy to all of them. Judy was two and Mike was three when she and Tom married. Hell, they'd never known another mother or daddy.
She squeezed John's hands tenderly as she hid her breasts from his view.
"Was your dream really that bad, darling?" she tried to comfort him. "What did you dream about?"
"Oh, M-m-mama!" he sobbed jerkingly as he fell into bed beside her. "I dreamed you… you died! It was terrible!"
"Oh, baby, it's all right! I'm not dead! I'm right here beside you!" she comforted him as her arms surrounded his jerking body and pulled him to her warm naked breasts. Keeping herself hid from his view was no longer important. Trying to comfort her weeping son was the only thing that mattered right now. "I'm alive, John. I'm holding you close to me. It was only a dream, a bad dream. Don't cry, please!"
His mother was warm and alive, He snuggled to her as his whimpering subsided, his arms sliding around her naked waist as he tried to pull her closer to him.
"Please, Mama, don't make me leave you!" he pleaded. "Don't make me sleep with Mike. I'm scared."
What could she do? She was completely naked and she was holding her son's body close *to her. John was almost naked. There was nothing covering him but his shorts. She felt the warmth of his young body on her as she shivered again.
"You'll be all right in a minute, then you can go back to bed," she suggested, wondering what she'd do if he insisted on staying with her. "Everything is all right now. I'm alive and that's all that matters."
"But I'm so scared, Mama!" he trembled in her arms. "Let me sleep with you, please!"
She didn't answer him for a moment. She was so hot and bothered she couldn't stand it, and that warm crotch of his pushing at the lower section of her belly didn't help matters. At any-minute one of the other children could walk into the room. What the hell would happen then? There'd be no way to explain holding John close to her naked body. There'd really be no way to explain her nakedness in the first place, even without the presence of her young son.
The inside of her thighs were sticky with juices of passion. Her quivering pussy was tingling and itching with a desire she'd never felt. Tom had left her in this predicament many times, but she'd never felt such a desperate need for a cock after he-went work. What could she do? She needed to ram something into her frothing depths. How could she do that? John was pleading to sleep with her,
"You never answered me, Mama," he shivered a little, "Are you going to let me sleep with you? Please!"
"Y-y-yes!" she heard her voice tremble, not knowing how else to answer him. "You can stay with me."
"Thank you. Mama," he sighed as he kissed her on the cheek. "I'm not scared anymore."
Barbara was now the scared one. She was scared to death John would feel the wetness between her legs. She must do something. The itching and tingling in her pussy was growing worse. She'd never get any sleep holding his warm body next to her, not without first satisfying her throbbing membranes. She couldn't frig herself with him lying beside her. She must use the privacy of the bathroom.
"Will you be all right by yourself for awhile?" she asked anxiously. "I need to use the bathroom."
"Yes. But please hurry," he pleaded hopefully. "I don't want to be by myself."
"I'll hurry, darling," she promised, not knowing how the hell she was going to get to her robe without him seeing her naked pussy.
She wouldn't dare ask him to close his eyes. He'd know she was ashamed of being naked with him and he'd suspect something was wrong. She suddenly shivered a little. He'd also suspect something was wrong if she got up and put on her robe. He'd know she felt guilt about something and she couldn't allow that. The only thing she could do is slip out of bed and go to the bathroom just as she was, naked as hell. It would surely appear less conspicuous to her son if she pretended this was a normal thing for her.
She got out of bed, trying to appear cool and calm about her nakedness. Her heart pounded in her chest as his young eyes moved over her body, then she trembled mysteriously as his gaze came to rest on her red haired pussymound. She was certain he could see the glistening wetness between her thighs. What would she do? What could she do? He was looking anxiously at her sex-starved pussy and his very young eyebrows were raised in a sinful arch. He licked at his lips as her cuntal sheath contracted crazily. A sudden thrilling chill shot up and down her spine as she realized a certain pleasure from her young son's exploring eyes. Jesus, what the hell was happening to her? Was she losing her goddamned mind?
"What's the matter, darling?" she asked, her body trembling with unknown anticipation at the tender caress of his youthful stare. "Is something wrong?"
"No. Nothing's wrong." He smiled sheepishly at her. "I just couldn't help looking at you like that and I'm sorry I did it. I hope you'll forgive me."
"There's nothing to forgive. What could possibly be wrong when a young boy wants to look at his mother's naked body?" she heard a strange, trembling voice emerge from the depths of her throat, then she realized she'd better get the hell out of there before she lost control of herself. "I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Don't be gone long, Mama," he said as she turned and walked to the door. "Since it's not wrong for me to look at you I want to do it some more when you get back,"
"Oh, my God!" Barbara gasped under her breath as she closed the door behind her. "What the hell am I doing? I've led my son to believe it's all right to look at my naked pussy. Worse yet, I was beginning to enjoy letting him look at me. My pussy is on fire for a cock and his young eyes made me feel somewhat sinful. I dread to thin what 11 happen if he wants to look at me when I go back to my room. What's happening to me? I know he'll want to look at me. What can I do?"
There's only one thing she could do at this point-take care of her frothing snatch in the privacy of the bathroom and deny her son the pleasure of looking at her naked pussy.
A smile crossed John's face as his little prick began to stir. He couldn't understand why his mother said it wasn't wrong for him to look at her. He knew it was wrong. He also knew it was wrong on her part to stand there and let him look. He didn't know what had come over her but he was glad of the sudden change in his mother. He'd never seen a red haired pussy and he couldn't seem to wait for her return. His three inch cock soared to complete hardness as an idea crossed his mind. He slipped his shorts off his legs and dropped them beside the bed. He didn't know what it'd prove, but if it was all right for his mother to be naked it was surely all right for him to be naked.
John knew he was too young to fuck but he wasn't too young to think about it. He'd spied on his sisters a couple of times while they were taking a bath, then he went into his bedroom and played with himself while he thought about their naked pussies. It would be more than wonderful if he could play with himself while looking at his mother's beautiful red haired pussy. It'd almost be as if he were fucking her. Maybe he could play with himself without letting her know what he was doing. Hurry, Mama. He prayed. I want to look at you some more.
Barbara locked the bathroom door behind her, then she lowered the lid on the commode seat. She sat down and opened her legs as her hands caressed the inside of her sticky thighs, then she leaned against the tank. She raised her knees a little as her pussylips gaped for the pleasure she hoped to give herself. The fingers of one hand opened her labia while two fingers of the other hand eased into the warm slipperiness of her swollen membranes.
She teased at the contracting entrance of her seething vagina for only a brief moment before ramming her fingers into the very depths of her wanting belly. She worked them around inside her tunnel for a minute, then she slipped another finger into her cuntal sheath and gasped at the pleasure she felt. She quickly eased the fourth finger beneath her grasping pussylips and thrust it alongside the other three. Her breath quickened as her asscheeks undualted on the commode lid, forcing her frothing, cunny up and down in a fucking motion at her demanding hand.
She was on the verge of orgasm but she just couldn't seem to bring herself off. All four fingers were rammed into her up to the third knuckle but it wasn't enough. She needed a cock. That's the only thing which would do her any good. She'd give almost anything to feel a hard cock inside her right now.
"What's the use?" she groaned as her fingers slurped from the heat of her wanting snatch. "This is no good. It just won't do the job."
She suddenly thought of John as she reached for a towel. She couldn't let her son see juices of desire bubbling from her pussy. Maybe he'd forget about wanting to look at her but she doubted it. She wiped the wetness from her legs and pussy as she stood up. She looked at the reflection of her reddened face in the small mirror. It looked sinful and guilty, then she shivered from fright. What would she do if he still wanted to look at her? Could she just stand there and let him look without desiring more attention from him? Her swollen dit suddenly throbbed and ached with desire. Would she dare ask him to touch it with his finger and caress it? She trembled as she remembered the thrill of his young eyes on her nakedness, then a tear slithered down the cheek of the image in the mirror.
What in the goddamned hell was she thinking? What was happening to her moral standards? She wanted a cock and she couldn't help it. Another tear suddenly trickled down the other cheek of the image. She couldn't help needing a cock so. badly, but she could stop thinking about her son this way. Jesus, even her thoughts seemed disgraceful and sinful. She smiled at her image as she told herself she could never stoop low enough to do anything other than let her son look at her. And she'd do that only because she'd led him to believe it was all right.
She walked back to her bedroom with more confidence in herself, then she found herself bolting the door behind her. She gasped as her eyes fell to the bed, then her face turned white with shock. John was completely naked and he was lying on his back. Her knees almost buckled as her eyes locked upon the engorged hardness at his crotch. His little cock was pointed straight at the ceiling, standing at attention in proudness.
"Oh, my God!" she moaned as her cuntal sheath contracted mysteriously, causing the inside of her thighs to become wet with oozing fluids of desire. It'd done no good to wipe herself off; her pussy was just as damp as it'd been in the bathroom. "John, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Nothing, Mama. I just got naked like you," he tried to smile innocently at her. "It's all right, isn't it?"
What could she say? He'd assumed if it was right for her to be naked it was right for him to be naked. She wanted to cover his naked body and get that hard prick out of her sight. It was literally tearing at her insides sticking up like that, and what it was doing to her mind was even worse. She was already trying to figure a way to get it into her quivering depths. She felt faint and feverish as she looked lustily at his gorgeous little cock. She couldn't allow this. Oh, God, she just couldn't. Her body began to jerk a little, then she began to sob. The sobbing was more for her son's sake than for her own.
John's expression changed. His mother was crying uncontrollably and knew it was somehow his fault. He jumped out of bed and ran to her, throwing his arms around her and pulling her close as his hard cock pressed upward between her creamy thighs.
"I'm sorry, Mama, I didn't mean to make you cry," he whimpered, beginning to sob a little. "What did I do wrong? Why are you crying?"
Her voice choked up. She couldn't say a thing as her son pulled her to his warm nakedness. She felt that glorious little cock of his penetrating the soft valley between the upper section of her thighs, wishing it were penetrating the crease of her pussy. Sweet Jesus, this was her son's young cock between her legs and her pussy juices were flooding her thighs because of the delightful feeling. She knew she should push him away and run back into the bathroom but it was already too late for that. Her sinful, selfish need for a cock had driven her into her son's arms. Maybe it had driven him into her arms. It didn't really matter, his hard cock was between her legs and it felt good. She couldn't seem to keep her legs from opening a little, permitting his cock to push deeper and settle higher between her creamy thighs, then she caressed at his hardness with the warm softness of her skin as her arms surrounded him.
They stood there holding each other close as her hands soothed her son's naked back, pulling him even closer to her. He wondered why she was still crying. Hell, she was sobbing worse than before. Her heart must be breaking. She's the one who should be soothed. His hands slowly moved up and down the silky smoothness of her back, caressing her naked skin tenderly. He liked her close to him like this and he liked the feel of his cock between her warm legs, but he surely didn't like to hear her cry.
"Don't cry, Mama, please!" he begged as tears began to stream down his cheeks. "I just wanted to look at you. I didn't know you would get upset if I got naked like you."
Barbara found herself smiling a little at her son's concerned voice, then she somehow managed to control her sobbing and jerking. The choked up feeling in her throat was gone. Maybe she could finally talk to her son. She backed away from him and looked into his tearstained face, her eyes coming to rest on his puckered little lips.
"You're the one who shouldn't cry; you've done nothing wrong." She smiled down at him, then she kissed him on the cheek. "You're a little too young to understand what I felt when I saw you naked awhile ago. When you're older you'll know what I'm talking about. And don't worry about me; I'll get over this in a few minutes."
"I don't think I want you to get over it," his lips puckered even more. "I like to look at you and I like to hold you close to me. It feels good."
"It feels good to me too, darling. That's why we shouldn't do it," she whispered as tears came back to her eyes. "You see, it's wrong for us to do such things. I led you on, forcing you to do something you didn't want to. I'm sorry, John. Can you forgive me?"
"There's nothing to forgive," he smiled as he threw her own words back at her. "What could possibly be wrong when a young boy wants to look at his mother's naked body? And what could possibly be wrong when he wants to hold her close to him? Especially when it feels so good?"
"You're making this very difficult, John," she moaned, trying to smile a little. "It's wrong, don't you understand that?"
"I don't care," he looked hopefully at her. "It felt good, especially when my… my thing was between your legs. Can't we hold each other like that some more?"
She moaned as her body trembled a little, then her gaze again fell to his crotch. His cock was still hard as a rock. She licked at her lips as she looked down between their bodies. Her heart began to pound in her chest as she thought about holding his hardness between her legs. It did feel good. She couldn't deny that. Her breath began to come in short fast spasms as her eyebrows raised into that sinful arch. She felt that incestuous demon enter her heart, causing her pussy to throb with a desire she'd never known. If only this wasn't her son. She could overlook the fact that John was only ten years old, but could she overlook the fact that he was her son. The demon in her heart suddenly screamed out for passion, then she knew she could overlook anything.
"Can't we, Mama?" he repeated his question. "Can't we hold each other some more?"
"Do you really want to, my little darling?" she heard the strange demon in her throat again. "Do you want to stick your… your cock between your mama's legs and hold her close?'5
"Yes! Oh, yes!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Can we do it right now?"
"Yes! The sooner the better," she groaned as she eased closer and opened her legs. "Do it right now! Oh, God! Pleaseee!"
John slid his hardness between her warm thighs and scrambled close as possible. His arms surrounded her as he pushed high into her soft creaminess, then her legs closed on him.
"That feels good, Mama," he groaned as the warmness of her thighs caressed tenderly at his cock. "Does it feel good to you?"
"Ooohhh! Yes! It's just what I need!" she gurgled as his cock throbbed a little, then she could contain herself no longer. Her asscheeks began to churn slightly, forcing his cock back and forth between her thighs in a slow fucking rhythm.
"That's what feels good," he moaned as her arms surrounded him. "I like to feel myself sliding back and forth between your legs like this."
She groaned as her legs parted, then she squatted onto him as her hands slid to his youthful asscheeks. She grasped them firmly and worked his hard shaft back and forth on her frothing cleft, then she clamped her legs shut and pulled him to her. He wasn't inside her, but that little knob of his was caressing the slushy membranes of her labia as his shaft teased at her bursting clit. Her breath was hot on his neck as her asscheeks churned faster and faster. The gurgling in her throat became something sensual as he began to push back at her.
"You're wet down there, Mama," he sighed as his fingers touched the roundness of her buttocks. "It feels good, but what does it mean? Do you have to go to the bathroom?"
"No, darling, I don't have to go to the bathroom," she cooed sinfully at him. "It only means I want you so much. Your mama needs that little cock of yours."
"I don't know exactly what you mean, Mama," he looked at her wonderingly. "What do you mean when you say you need my cock?"
She looked into his innocent face, then she brushed his young lips with hers. The tip of her tongue teased at the crease of his lips, then slithered deep into the wetness of his channel as she kissed him passionately. It was more than she could stand, especially when his youthful tongue started searching the depths of her mouth. She suddenly released him and dropped to her knees.
"I'll show you what I mean, darling," the demon gurgled in her throat as her fingers reached for his cock, then she rolled it between her fingertips. "Remember when you said you liked looking at me? Well, I like to look at you just as much. In fact, I like to look at you so much I feel the need to play with you. I feel the need to kiss that little cock of yours. I feel the need to… to do things you can't understand."
"You can kiss my cock if you want," he smiled down at her blushing face. "You can do anything. I know all about sex if that's what you're worried about."
She was shocked at her son's words, but delighted as hell to hear them. She couldn't have stopped the demon in her right now if her life depended on it. It was somewhat comforting to know her son wouldn't be taken by surprise. There's no telling how far she'd go before she was through with that little cock. One thing she knew for sure-she must somehow reach an orgasm.